Warning dialog about missing Javascript removed from subscription dialog. The warning would flash in any case (even when Javascript is activated)
283 lines
9.5 KiB
283 lines
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'use strict';
const log = require('./log');
const config = require('config');
const Handlebars = require('handlebars');
const util = require('util');
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const aws = require('aws-sdk');
const openpgpEncrypt = require('nodemailer-openpgp').openpgpEncrypt;
const sendConfigurations = require('../models/send-configurations');
const { ZoneMTAType, MailerType } = require('../../shared/send-configurations');
const builtinZoneMta = require('./builtin-zone-mta');
const contextHelpers = require('./context-helpers');
const settings = require('../models/settings');
const tools = require('./tools');
const htmlToText = require('html-to-text');
const bluebird = require('bluebird');
const transports = new Map();
async function getOrCreateMailer(sendConfigurationId) {
let sendConfiguration;
if (!sendConfigurationId) {
sendConfiguration = await sendConfigurations.getSystemSendConfiguration();
} else {
sendConfiguration = await sendConfigurations.getById(contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), sendConfigurationId, false, true);
const transport = transports.get(sendConfiguration.id) || await _createTransport(sendConfiguration);
return transport.mailer;
function invalidateMailer(sendConfigurationId) {
function _addDkimKeys(transport, mail) {
const sendConfiguration = transport.mailer.sendConfiguration;
if (sendConfiguration.mailer_type === MailerType.ZONE_MTA) {
const mailerSettings = sendConfiguration.mailer_settings;
if (mailerSettings.zoneMtaType === ZoneMTAType.WITH_MAILTRAIN_HEADER_CONF || mailerSettings.zoneMtaType === ZoneMTAType.BUILTIN) {
if (!mail.headers) {
mail.headers = {};
const dkimDomain = mailerSettings.dkimDomain;
const dkimSelector = (mailerSettings.dkimSelector || '').trim();
const dkimPrivateKey = (mailerSettings.dkimPrivateKey || '').trim();
if (dkimSelector && dkimPrivateKey) {
const from = (mail.from.address || '').trim();
const domain = from.split('@').pop().toLowerCase().trim();
mail.headers['x-mailtrain-dkim'] = JSON.stringify({
domainName: dkimDomain || domain,
keySelector: dkimSelector,
privateKey: dkimPrivateKey
async function _sendMail(transport, mail, template) {
_addDkimKeys(transport, mail);
let tryCount = 0;
const trySend = (callback) => {
transport.sendMail(mail, (err, info) => {
if (err) {
log.error('Mail', err);
if (err.responseCode && err.responseCode >= 400 && err.responseCode < 500 && tryCount <= 5) {
// temporary error, try again
log.verbose('Mail', 'Retrying after %s sec. ...', tryCount);
return setTimeout(trySend, tryCount * 1000);
return callback(err);
return callback(null, info);
const trySendAsync = bluebird.promisify(trySend);
return await trySendAsync();
async function _sendTransactionalMail(transport, mail, template) {
const sendConfiguration = transport.mailer.sendConfiguration;
if (!mail.headers) {
mail.headers = {};
mail.headers['X-Sending-Zone'] = 'transactional';
mail.from = {
name: sendConfiguration.from_name,
address: sendConfiguration.from_email
const htmlRenderer = await tools.getTemplate(template.html, template.locale);
if (htmlRenderer) {
mail.html = htmlRenderer(template.data || {});
const preparedHtml = await tools.prepareHtml(mail.html);
if (preparedHtml) {
mail.html = preparedHtml;
const textRenderer = await tools.getTemplate(template.text, template.locale);
if (textRenderer) {
mail.text = textRenderer(template.data || {});
} else if (mail.html) {
mail.text = htmlToText.fromString(mail.html, {
wordwrap: 130
return await _sendMail(transport, mail);
async function _createTransport(sendConfiguration) {
const mailerSettings = sendConfiguration.mailer_settings;
const mailerType = sendConfiguration.mailer_type;
const configItems = await settings.get(contextHelpers.getAdminContext(), ['pgpPrivateKey', 'pgpPassphrase']);
const existingTransport = transports.get(sendConfiguration.id);
let existingListeners = [];
if (existingTransport) {
existingListeners = existingTransport.listeners('idle');
existingTransport.throttleWait = null;
const logFunc = (...args) => {
const level = args.shift();
let transportOptions;
if (mailerType === MailerType.GENERIC_SMTP || mailerType === MailerType.ZONE_MTA) {
transportOptions = {
pool: true,
debug: mailerSettings.logTransactions,
logger: mailerSettings.logTransactions ? {
debug: logFunc.bind(null, 'verbose'),
info: logFunc.bind(null, 'info'),
error: logFunc.bind(null, 'error')
} : false,
maxConnections: mailerSettings.maxConnections,
maxMessages: mailerSettings.maxMessages,
tls: {
rejectUnauthorized: !mailerSettings.allowSelfSigned
if (mailerType === MailerType.ZONE_MTA && mailerSettings.zoneMTAType === ZoneMTAType.BUILTIN) {
transportOptions.host = config.builtinZoneMTA.host;
transportOptions.port = config.builtinZoneMTA.port;
transportOptions.secure = false;
transportOptions.ignoreTLS = true;
transportOptions.auth = {
user: builtinZoneMta.getUsername(),
pass: builtinZoneMta.getPassword()
} else {
transportOptions.host = mailerSettings.hostname;
transportOptions.port = mailerSettings.port || false;
transportOptions.secure = mailerSettings.encryption === 'TLS';
transportOptions.ignoreTLS = mailerSettings.encryption === 'NONE';
transportOptions.auth = mailerSettings.useAuth ? {
user: mailerSettings.user,
pass: mailerSettings.password
} : false;
} else if (mailerType === MailerType.AWS_SES) {
const sendingRate = mailerSettings.throttling / 3600; // convert to messages/second
transportOptions = {
SES: new aws.SES({
apiVersion: '2010-12-01',
accessKeyId: mailerSettings.key,
secretAccessKey: mailerSettings.secret,
region: mailerSettings.region
debug: mailerSettings.logTransactions,
logger: mailerSettings.logTransactions ? {
debug: logFunc.bind(null, 'verbose'),
info: logFunc.bind(null, 'info'),
error: logFunc.bind(null, 'error')
} : false,
maxConnections: mailerSettings.maxConnections,
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid mail transport');
const transport = nodemailer.createTransport(transportOptions, config.nodemailer);
transport.use('stream', openpgpEncrypt({
signingKey: configItems.pgpPrivateKey,
passphrase: configItems.pgpPassphrase
if (existingListeners.length) {
log.info('Mail', 'Reattaching %s idle listeners', existingListeners.length);
existingListeners.forEach(listener => transport.on('idle', listener));
let throttleWait;
if (mailerType === MailerType.GENERIC_SMTP || mailerType === MailerType.ZONE_MTA) {
let throttling = mailerSettings.throttling;
if (throttling) {
throttling = 1 / (throttling / (3600 * 1000));
let lastCheck = Date.now();
throttleWait = function (next) {
if (!throttling) {
return next();
let nextCheck = Date.now();
let checkDiff = (nextCheck - lastCheck);
if (checkDiff < throttling) {
log.verbose('Mail', 'Throttling next message in %s sec.', (throttling - checkDiff) / 1000);
setTimeout(() => {
lastCheck = Date.now();
}, throttling - checkDiff);
} else {
lastCheck = nextCheck;
} else {
throttleWait = next => next();
transport.mailer = {
throttleWait: bluebird.promisify(throttleWait),
sendTransactionalMail: async (mail, template) => await _sendTransactionalMail(transport, mail, template),
sendMassMail: async (mail, template) => await _sendMail(transport, mail)
transports.set(sendConfiguration.id, transport);
return transport;
class MailerError extends Error {
constructor(msg, responseCode) {
this.responseCode = responseCode;
module.exports.getOrCreateMailer = getOrCreateMailer;
module.exports.invalidateMailer = invalidateMailer;
module.exports.MailerError = MailerError;