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synced 2025-02-15 03:11:50 +00:00
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package yggdrasil
// TODO cleanup, this file is kind of a mess
// Commented code should be removed
// Live code should be better commented
// FIXME (!) this part may be at least sligtly vulnerable to replay attacks
// The switch message part should catch / drop old tstamps
// So the damage is limited
// But you could still mess up msgAnc / msgHops and break some things there
// It needs to ignore messages with a lower seq
// Probably best to start setting seq to a timestamp in that case...
// FIXME (!?) if it takes too long to communicate all the msgHops, then things hit a horizon
// That could happen with a peer over a high-latency link, with many msgHops
// Possible workarounds:
// 1. Pre-emptively send all hops when one is requested, or after any change
// Maybe requires changing how the throttle works and msgHops are saved
// In case some arrive out of order or are dropped
// This is relatively easy to implement, but could be wasteful
// 2. Save your old locator, sigs, etc, so you can respond to older ancs
// And finish requesting an old anc before updating to a new one
// But that may lead to other issues if not done carefully...
import "time"
import "sync"
import "sync/atomic"
//import "fmt"
type peers struct {
core *Core
mutex sync.Mutex // Synchronize writes to atomic
ports atomic.Value //map[Port]*peer, use CoW semantics
//ports map[Port]*peer
authMutex sync.RWMutex
allowedEncryptionPublicKeys map[boxPubKey]struct{}
func (ps *peers) init(c *Core) {
defer ps.mutex.Unlock()
ps.core = c
ps.allowedEncryptionPublicKeys = make(map[boxPubKey]struct{})
func (ps *peers) isAllowedEncryptionPublicKey(box *boxPubKey) bool {
defer ps.authMutex.RUnlock()
_, isIn := ps.allowedEncryptionPublicKeys[*box]
return isIn || len(ps.allowedEncryptionPublicKeys) == 0
func (ps *peers) addAllowedEncryptionPublicKey(box *boxPubKey) {
defer ps.authMutex.Unlock()
ps.allowedEncryptionPublicKeys[*box] = struct{}{}
func (ps *peers) removeAllowedEncryptionPublicKey(box *boxPubKey) {
defer ps.authMutex.Unlock()
delete(ps.allowedEncryptionPublicKeys, *box)
func (ps *peers) getAllowedEncryptionPublicKeys() []boxPubKey {
defer ps.authMutex.RUnlock()
keys := make([]boxPubKey, 0, len(ps.allowedEncryptionPublicKeys))
for key := range ps.allowedEncryptionPublicKeys {
keys = append(keys, key)
return keys
func (ps *peers) getPorts() map[switchPort]*peer {
return ps.ports.Load().(map[switchPort]*peer)
func (ps *peers) putPorts(ports map[switchPort]*peer) {
type peer struct {
// Rolling approximation of bandwidth, in bps, used by switch, updated by packet sends
// use get/update methods only! (atomic accessors as float64)
queueSize int64
bytesSent uint64 // To track bandwidth usage for getPeers
bytesRecvd uint64 // To track bandwidth usage for getPeers
// BUG: sync/atomic, 32 bit platforms need the above to be the first element
firstSeen time.Time // To track uptime for getPeers
box boxPubKey
sig sigPubKey
shared boxSharedKey
//in <-chan []byte
//out chan<- []byte
//in func([]byte)
out func([]byte)
core *Core
port switchPort
// This is used to limit how often we perform expensive operations
throttle uint8 // TODO apply this sanely
// Called when a peer is removed, to close the underlying connection, or via admin api
close func()
// To allow the peer to call close if idle for too long
lastAnc time.Time // TODO? rename and use this
// used for protocol traffic (to bypass queues)
linkIn (chan []byte) // handlePacket sends, linkLoop recvs
linkOut (chan []byte)
const peer_Throttle = 1
func (p *peer) getQueueSize() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&p.queueSize)
func (p *peer) updateQueueSize(delta int64) {
atomic.AddInt64(&p.queueSize, delta)
func (ps *peers) newPeer(box *boxPubKey, sig *sigPubKey) *peer {
now := time.Now()
p := peer{box: *box,
sig: *sig,
shared: *getSharedKey(&ps.core.boxPriv, box),
lastAnc: now,
firstSeen: now,
core: ps.core}
defer ps.mutex.Unlock()
oldPorts := ps.getPorts()
newPorts := make(map[switchPort]*peer)
for k, v := range oldPorts {
newPorts[k] = v
for idx := switchPort(0); true; idx++ {
if _, isIn := newPorts[idx]; !isIn {
p.port = switchPort(idx)
newPorts[p.port] = &p
return &p
func (ps *peers) removePeer(port switchPort) {
if port == 0 {
} // Can't remove self peer
ps.core.router.doAdmin(func() {
oldPorts := ps.getPorts()
p, isIn := oldPorts[port]
newPorts := make(map[switchPort]*peer)
for k, v := range oldPorts {
newPorts[k] = v
delete(newPorts, port)
if isIn {
if p.close != nil {
func (p *peer) linkLoop() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case packet, ok := <-p.linkIn:
if !ok {
case <-ticker.C:
if time.Since(p.lastAnc) > 16*time.Second && p.close != nil {
// Seems to have timed out, try to trigger a close
// FIXME this depends on lastAnc or something equivalent being updated
p.throttle = 0
if p.port == 0 {
} // Don't send announces on selfInterface
// TODO change update logic, the new switchMsg works differently, we only need to send if something changes
func (p *peer) handlePacket(packet []byte) {
// TODO See comment in sendPacket about atomics technically being done wrong
atomic.AddUint64(&p.bytesRecvd, uint64(len(packet)))
pType, pTypeLen := wire_decode_uint64(packet)
if pTypeLen == 0 {
switch pType {
case wire_Traffic:
p.handleTraffic(packet, pTypeLen)
case wire_ProtocolTraffic:
p.handleTraffic(packet, pTypeLen)
case wire_LinkProtocolTraffic:
p.linkIn <- packet
default: /*panic(pType) ;*/
func (p *peer) handleTraffic(packet []byte, pTypeLen int) {
//if p.port != 0 && p.msgAnc == nil {
// // Drop traffic until the peer manages to send us at least one anc
// // TODO equivalent for new switch format, maybe add some bool flag?
// return
ttl, ttlLen := wire_decode_uint64(packet[pTypeLen:])
ttlBegin := pTypeLen
ttlEnd := pTypeLen + ttlLen
coords, coordLen := wire_decode_coords(packet[ttlEnd:])
coordEnd := ttlEnd + coordLen
if coordEnd == len(packet) {
} // No payload
toPort, newTTL := p.core.switchTable.lookup(coords, ttl)
if toPort == p.port {
to := p.core.peers.getPorts()[toPort]
if to == nil {
// This mutates the packet in-place if the length of the TTL changes!
ttlSlice := wire_encode_uint64(newTTL)
newTTLLen := len(ttlSlice)
shift := ttlLen - newTTLLen
copy(packet[shift:], packet[:pTypeLen])
copy(packet[ttlBegin+shift:], ttlSlice)
packet = packet[shift:]
func (p *peer) sendPacket(packet []byte) {
// Is there ever a case where something more complicated is needed?
// What if p.out blocks?
// TODO this should really happen at the interface, to account for LIFO packet drops and additional per-packet/per-message overhead, but this should be pretty close... better to move it to the tcp/udp stuff *after* rewriting both to give a common interface
atomic.AddUint64(&p.bytesSent, uint64(len(packet)))
func (p *peer) sendLinkPacket(packet []byte) {
bs, nonce := boxSeal(&p.shared, packet, nil)
linkPacket := wire_linkProtoTrafficPacket{
Nonce: *nonce,
Payload: bs,
packet = linkPacket.encode()
p.linkOut <- packet
func (p *peer) handleLinkTraffic(bs []byte) {
packet := wire_linkProtoTrafficPacket{}
if !packet.decode(bs) {
payload, isOK := boxOpen(&p.shared, packet.Payload, &packet.Nonce)
if !isOK {
pType, pTypeLen := wire_decode_uint64(payload)
if pTypeLen == 0 {
switch pType {
case wire_SwitchMsg:
default: // TODO?...
func (p *peer) sendSwitchMsg() {
info, sigs := p.core.switchTable.createMessage(p.port)
var msg switchMsg
msg.Root, msg.TStamp = info.locator.root, info.locator.tstamp
for idx, sig := range sigs {
hop := switchMsgHop{
Port: info.locator.coords[idx],
Next: sig.next,
Sig: sig.sig,
msg.Hops = append(msg.Hops, hop)
bs := getBytesForSig(&p.sig, &info.locator)
msg.Hops = append(msg.Hops, switchMsgHop{
Port: p.port,
Next: p.sig,
Sig: *sign(&p.core.sigPriv, bs),
packet := msg.encode()
//p.core.log.Println("Encoded msg:", msg, "; bytes:", packet)
func (p *peer) handleSwitchMsg(packet []byte) {
var msg switchMsg
//p.core.log.Println("Decoded msg:", msg, "; bytes:", packet)
if len(msg.Hops) < 1 {
panic("FIXME testing")
var info switchMessage
var sigs []sigInfo
info.locator.root = msg.Root
info.locator.tstamp = msg.TStamp
prevKey := msg.Root
for _, hop := range msg.Hops {
// Build locator and signatures
var sig sigInfo
sig.next = hop.Next
sig.sig = hop.Sig
sigs = append(sigs, sig)
info.locator.coords = append(info.locator.coords, hop.Port)
// Check signature
bs := getBytesForSig(&sig.next, &info.locator)
if !p.core.sigs.check(&prevKey, &sig.sig, bs) {
panic("FIXME testing")
prevKey = sig.next
info.from = p.sig
info.seq = uint64(time.Now().Unix())
p.core.switchTable.handleMessage(&info, p.port, sigs)
// Pass a mesage to the dht informing it that this peer (still) exists
l := info.locator
l.coords = l.coords[:len(l.coords)-1]
dinfo := dhtInfo{
key: p.box,
coords: l.getCoords(),
p.core.dht.peers <- &dinfo
func getBytesForSig(next *sigPubKey, loc *switchLocator) []byte {
bs := append([]byte(nil), next[:]...)
bs = append(bs, loc.root[:]...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_uint64(wire_intToUint(loc.tstamp))...)
bs = append(bs, wire_encode_coords(loc.getCoords())...)
return bs