mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 03:11:50 +00:00
1039 lines
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1039 lines
32 KiB
package yggdrasil
import (
// TODO: Add authentication
type admin struct {
core *Core
reconfigure chan chan error
listenaddr string
listener net.Listener
handlers []admin_handlerInfo
type admin_info map[string]interface{}
type admin_handlerInfo struct {
name string // Checked against the first word of the api call
args []string // List of human-readable argument names
handler func(admin_info) (admin_info, error) // First is input map, second is output
// admin_pair maps things like "IP", "port", "bucket", or "coords" onto values.
type admin_pair struct {
key string
val interface{}
// admin_nodeInfo represents the information we know about a node for an admin response.
type admin_nodeInfo []admin_pair
// addHandler is called for each admin function to add the handler and help documentation to the API.
func (a *admin) addHandler(name string, args []string, handler func(admin_info) (admin_info, error)) {
a.handlers = append(a.handlers, admin_handlerInfo{name, args, handler})
// init runs the initial admin setup.
func (a *admin) init(c *Core) {
a.core = c
a.reconfigure = make(chan chan error, 1)
go func() {
for {
e := <-a.reconfigure
current, previous := a.core.config.Get()
if current.AdminListen != previous.AdminListen {
a.listenaddr = current.AdminListen
e <- nil
current, _ := a.core.config.Get()
a.listenaddr = current.AdminListen
a.addHandler("list", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
handlers := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, handler := range a.handlers {
handlers[handler.name] = admin_info{"fields": handler.args}
return admin_info{"list": handlers}, nil
a.addHandler("dot", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
return admin_info{"dot": string(a.getResponse_dot())}, nil
a.addHandler("getSelf", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
self := a.getData_getSelf().asMap()
ip := fmt.Sprint(self["ip"])
delete(self, "ip")
return admin_info{"self": admin_info{ip: self}}, nil
a.addHandler("getPeers", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
sort := "ip"
peers := make(admin_info)
for _, peerdata := range a.getData_getPeers() {
p := peerdata.asMap()
so := fmt.Sprint(p[sort])
peers[so] = p
delete(peers[so].(map[string]interface{}), sort)
return admin_info{"peers": peers}, nil
a.addHandler("getSwitchPeers", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
sort := "port"
switchpeers := make(admin_info)
for _, s := range a.getData_getSwitchPeers() {
p := s.asMap()
so := fmt.Sprint(p[sort])
switchpeers[so] = p
delete(switchpeers[so].(map[string]interface{}), sort)
return admin_info{"switchpeers": switchpeers}, nil
a.addHandler("getSwitchQueues", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
queues := a.getData_getSwitchQueues()
return admin_info{"switchqueues": queues.asMap()}, nil
a.addHandler("getDHT", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
sort := "ip"
dht := make(admin_info)
for _, d := range a.getData_getDHT() {
p := d.asMap()
so := fmt.Sprint(p[sort])
dht[so] = p
delete(dht[so].(map[string]interface{}), sort)
return admin_info{"dht": dht}, nil
a.addHandler("getSessions", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
sort := "ip"
sessions := make(admin_info)
for _, s := range a.getData_getSessions() {
p := s.asMap()
so := fmt.Sprint(p[sort])
sessions[so] = p
delete(sessions[so].(map[string]interface{}), sort)
return admin_info{"sessions": sessions}, nil
a.addHandler("addPeer", []string{"uri", "[interface]"}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
// Set sane defaults
intf := ""
// Has interface been specified?
if itf, ok := in["interface"]; ok {
intf = itf.(string)
if a.addPeer(in["uri"].(string), intf) == nil {
return admin_info{
"added": []string{
}, nil
} else {
return admin_info{
"not_added": []string{
}, errors.New("Failed to add peer")
a.addHandler("removePeer", []string{"port"}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
if a.removePeer(fmt.Sprint(in["port"])) == nil {
return admin_info{
"removed": []string{
}, nil
} else {
return admin_info{
"not_removed": []string{
}, errors.New("Failed to remove peer")
/* a.addHandler("getTunTap", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (r admin_info, e error) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
r = admin_info{"none": admin_info{}}
e = nil
return admin_info{
a.core.router.tun.iface.Name(): admin_info{
"tap_mode": a.core.router.tun.iface.IsTAP(),
"mtu": a.core.router.tun.mtu,
}, nil
a.addHandler("setTunTap", []string{"name", "[tap_mode]", "[mtu]"}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
// Set sane defaults
iftapmode := defaults.GetDefaults().DefaultIfTAPMode
ifmtu := defaults.GetDefaults().DefaultIfMTU
// Has TAP mode been specified?
if tap, ok := in["tap_mode"]; ok {
iftapmode = tap.(bool)
// Check we have enough params for MTU
if mtu, ok := in["mtu"]; ok {
if mtu.(float64) >= 1280 && ifmtu <= defaults.GetDefaults().MaximumIfMTU {
ifmtu = int(in["mtu"].(float64))
// Start the TUN adapter
if err := a.startTunWithMTU(in["name"].(string), iftapmode, ifmtu); err != nil {
return admin_info{}, errors.New("Failed to configure adapter")
} else {
return admin_info{
a.core.router.tun.iface.Name(): admin_info{
"tap_mode": a.core.router.tun.iface.IsTAP(),
"mtu": ifmtu,
}, nil
/*a.addHandler("getMulticastInterfaces", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
var intfs []string
for _, v := range a.core.multicast.interfaces() {
intfs = append(intfs, v.Name)
return admin_info{"multicast_interfaces": intfs}, nil
a.addHandler("getAllowedEncryptionPublicKeys", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
return admin_info{"allowed_box_pubs": a.getAllowedEncryptionPublicKeys()}, nil
a.addHandler("addAllowedEncryptionPublicKey", []string{"box_pub_key"}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
if a.addAllowedEncryptionPublicKey(in["box_pub_key"].(string)) == nil {
return admin_info{
"added": []string{
}, nil
} else {
return admin_info{
"not_added": []string{
}, errors.New("Failed to add allowed key")
a.addHandler("removeAllowedEncryptionPublicKey", []string{"box_pub_key"}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
if a.removeAllowedEncryptionPublicKey(in["box_pub_key"].(string)) == nil {
return admin_info{
"removed": []string{
}, nil
} else {
return admin_info{
"not_removed": []string{
}, errors.New("Failed to remove allowed key")
/*a.addHandler("getTunnelRouting", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
enabled := false
a.core.router.doAdmin(func() {
enabled = a.core.router.cryptokey.isEnabled()
return admin_info{"enabled": enabled}, nil
a.addHandler("setTunnelRouting", []string{"enabled"}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
enabled := false
if e, ok := in["enabled"].(bool); ok {
enabled = e
a.core.router.doAdmin(func() {
return admin_info{"enabled": enabled}, nil
a.addHandler("addSourceSubnet", []string{"subnet"}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
var err error
a.core.router.doAdmin(func() {
err = a.core.router.cryptokey.addSourceSubnet(in["subnet"].(string))
if err == nil {
return admin_info{"added": []string{in["subnet"].(string)}}, nil
} else {
return admin_info{"not_added": []string{in["subnet"].(string)}}, errors.New("Failed to add source subnet")
a.addHandler("addRoute", []string{"subnet", "box_pub_key"}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
var err error
a.core.router.doAdmin(func() {
err = a.core.router.cryptokey.addRoute(in["subnet"].(string), in["box_pub_key"].(string))
if err == nil {
return admin_info{"added": []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s via %s", in["subnet"].(string), in["box_pub_key"].(string))}}, nil
} else {
return admin_info{"not_added": []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s via %s", in["subnet"].(string), in["box_pub_key"].(string))}}, errors.New("Failed to add route")
a.addHandler("getSourceSubnets", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
var subnets []string
a.core.router.doAdmin(func() {
getSourceSubnets := func(snets []net.IPNet) {
for _, subnet := range snets {
subnets = append(subnets, subnet.String())
return admin_info{"source_subnets": subnets}, nil
a.addHandler("getRoutes", []string{}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
routes := make(admin_info)
a.core.router.doAdmin(func() {
getRoutes := func(ckrs []cryptokey_route) {
for _, ckr := range ckrs {
routes[ckr.subnet.String()] = hex.EncodeToString(ckr.destination[:])
return admin_info{"routes": routes}, nil
a.addHandler("removeSourceSubnet", []string{"subnet"}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
var err error
a.core.router.doAdmin(func() {
err = a.core.router.cryptokey.removeSourceSubnet(in["subnet"].(string))
if err == nil {
return admin_info{"removed": []string{in["subnet"].(string)}}, nil
} else {
return admin_info{"not_removed": []string{in["subnet"].(string)}}, errors.New("Failed to remove source subnet")
a.addHandler("removeRoute", []string{"subnet", "box_pub_key"}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
var err error
a.core.router.doAdmin(func() {
err = a.core.router.cryptokey.removeRoute(in["subnet"].(string), in["box_pub_key"].(string))
if err == nil {
return admin_info{"removed": []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s via %s", in["subnet"].(string), in["box_pub_key"].(string))}}, nil
} else {
return admin_info{"not_removed": []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s via %s", in["subnet"].(string), in["box_pub_key"].(string))}}, errors.New("Failed to remove route")
a.addHandler("dhtPing", []string{"box_pub_key", "coords", "[target]"}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
if in["target"] == nil {
in["target"] = "none"
result, err := a.admin_dhtPing(in["box_pub_key"].(string), in["coords"].(string), in["target"].(string))
if err == nil {
infos := make(map[string]map[string]string, len(result.Infos))
for _, dinfo := range result.Infos {
info := map[string]string{
"box_pub_key": hex.EncodeToString(dinfo.key[:]),
"coords": fmt.Sprintf("%v", dinfo.coords),
addr := net.IP(address.AddrForNodeID(crypto.GetNodeID(&dinfo.key))[:]).String()
infos[addr] = info
return admin_info{"nodes": infos}, nil
} else {
return admin_info{}, err
a.addHandler("getNodeInfo", []string{"[box_pub_key]", "[coords]", "[nocache]"}, func(in admin_info) (admin_info, error) {
var nocache bool
if in["nocache"] != nil {
nocache = in["nocache"].(string) == "true"
var box_pub_key, coords string
if in["box_pub_key"] == nil && in["coords"] == nil {
var nodeinfo []byte
a.core.router.doAdmin(func() {
nodeinfo = []byte(a.core.router.nodeinfo.getNodeInfo())
var jsoninfo interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(nodeinfo, &jsoninfo); err != nil {
return admin_info{}, err
} else {
return admin_info{"nodeinfo": jsoninfo}, nil
} else if in["box_pub_key"] == nil || in["coords"] == nil {
return admin_info{}, errors.New("Expecting both box_pub_key and coords")
} else {
box_pub_key = in["box_pub_key"].(string)
coords = in["coords"].(string)
result, err := a.admin_getNodeInfo(box_pub_key, coords, nocache)
if err == nil {
var m map[string]interface{}
if err = json.Unmarshal(result, &m); err == nil {
return admin_info{"nodeinfo": m}, nil
} else {
return admin_info{}, err
} else {
return admin_info{}, err
// start runs the admin API socket to listen for / respond to admin API calls.
func (a *admin) start() error {
if a.listenaddr != "none" && a.listenaddr != "" {
go a.listen()
return nil
// cleans up when stopping
func (a *admin) close() error {
if a.listener != nil {
return a.listener.Close()
} else {
return nil
// listen is run by start and manages API connections.
func (a *admin) listen() {
u, err := url.Parse(a.listenaddr)
if err == nil {
switch strings.ToLower(u.Scheme) {
case "unix":
if _, err := os.Stat(a.listenaddr[7:]); err == nil {
a.core.log.Debugln("Admin socket", a.listenaddr[7:], "already exists, trying to clean up")
if _, err := net.DialTimeout("unix", a.listenaddr[7:], time.Second*2); err == nil || err.(net.Error).Timeout() {
a.core.log.Errorln("Admin socket", a.listenaddr[7:], "already exists and is in use by another process")
} else {
if err := os.Remove(a.listenaddr[7:]); err == nil {
a.core.log.Debugln(a.listenaddr[7:], "was cleaned up")
} else {
a.core.log.Errorln(a.listenaddr[7:], "already exists and was not cleaned up:", err)
a.listener, err = net.Listen("unix", a.listenaddr[7:])
if err == nil {
switch a.listenaddr[7:8] {
case "@": // maybe abstract namespace
if err := os.Chmod(a.listenaddr[7:], 0660); err != nil {
a.core.log.Warnln("WARNING:", a.listenaddr[:7], "may have unsafe permissions!")
case "tcp":
a.listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", u.Host)
// err = errors.New(fmt.Sprint("protocol not supported: ", u.Scheme))
a.listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", a.listenaddr)
} else {
a.listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", a.listenaddr)
if err != nil {
a.core.log.Errorf("Admin socket failed to listen: %v", err)
a.core.log.Infof("%s admin socket listening on %s",
defer a.listener.Close()
for {
conn, err := a.listener.Accept()
if err == nil {
go a.handleRequest(conn)
// handleRequest calls the request handler for each request sent to the admin API.
func (a *admin) handleRequest(conn net.Conn) {
decoder := json.NewDecoder(conn)
encoder := json.NewEncoder(conn)
encoder.SetIndent("", " ")
recv := make(admin_info)
send := make(admin_info)
defer func() {
r := recover()
if r != nil {
send = admin_info{
"status": "error",
"error": "Unrecoverable error, possibly as a result of invalid input types or malformed syntax",
a.core.log.Errorln("Admin socket error:", r)
if err := encoder.Encode(&send); err != nil {
a.core.log.Errorln("Admin socket JSON encode error:", err)
for {
// Start with a clean slate on each request
recv = admin_info{}
send = admin_info{}
// Decode the input
if err := decoder.Decode(&recv); err != nil {
// fmt.Println("Admin socket JSON decode error:", err)
// Send the request back with the response, and default to "error"
// unless the status is changed below by one of the handlers
send["request"] = recv
send["status"] = "error"
for _, handler := range a.handlers {
// We've found the handler that matches the request
if strings.ToLower(recv["request"].(string)) == strings.ToLower(handler.name) {
// Check that we have all the required arguments
for _, arg := range handler.args {
// An argument in [square brackets] is optional and not required,
// so we can safely ignore those
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "[") && strings.HasSuffix(arg, "]") {
// Check if the field is missing
if _, ok := recv[arg]; !ok {
send = admin_info{
"status": "error",
"error": "Expected field missing: " + arg,
"expecting": arg,
break handlers
// By this point we should have all the fields we need, so call
// the handler
response, err := handler.handler(recv)
if err != nil {
send["error"] = err.Error()
if response != nil {
send["response"] = response
} else {
send["status"] = "success"
if response != nil {
send["response"] = response
// Send the response back
if err := encoder.Encode(&send); err != nil {
// If "keepalive" isn't true then close the connection
if keepalive, ok := recv["keepalive"]; !ok || !keepalive.(bool) {
// asMap converts an admin_nodeInfo into a map of key/value pairs.
func (n *admin_nodeInfo) asMap() map[string]interface{} {
m := make(map[string]interface{}, len(*n))
for _, p := range *n {
m[p.key] = p.val
return m
// toString creates a printable string representation of an admin_nodeInfo.
func (n *admin_nodeInfo) toString() string {
// TODO return something nicer looking than this
var out []string
for _, p := range *n {
out = append(out, fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", p.key, p.val))
return strings.Join(out, ", ")
// printInfos returns a newline separated list of strings from admin_nodeInfos, e.g. a printable string of info about all peers.
func (a *admin) printInfos(infos []admin_nodeInfo) string {
var out []string
for _, info := range infos {
out = append(out, info.toString())
out = append(out, "") // To add a trailing "\n" in the join
return strings.Join(out, "\n")
// addPeer triggers a connection attempt to a node.
func (a *admin) addPeer(addr string, sintf string) error {
err := a.core.link.call(addr, sintf)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// removePeer disconnects an existing node (given by the node's port number).
func (a *admin) removePeer(p string) error {
iport, err := strconv.Atoi(p)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// startTunWithMTU creates the tun/tap device, sets its address, and sets the MTU to the provided value.
func (a *admin) startTunWithMTU(ifname string, iftapmode bool, ifmtu int) error {
// Close the TUN first if open
_ = a.core.router.tun.close()
// Then reconfigure and start it
addr := a.core.router.addr
straddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%v", net.IP(addr[:]).String(), 8*len(address.GetPrefix())-1)
if ifname != "none" {
err := a.core.router.tun.setup(ifname, iftapmode, straddr, ifmtu)
if err != nil {
return err
// If we have open sessions then we need to notify them
// that our MTU has now changed
for _, sinfo := range a.core.sessions.sinfos {
if ifname == "none" {
sinfo.myMTU = 0
} else {
sinfo.myMTU = uint16(ifmtu)
a.core.sessions.sendPingPong(sinfo, false)
// Aaaaand... go!
go a.core.router.tun.read()
go a.core.router.tun.write()
return nil
// getData_getSelf returns the self node's info for admin responses.
func (a *admin) getData_getSelf() *admin_nodeInfo {
table := a.core.switchTable.table.Load().(lookupTable)
coords := table.self.getCoords()
nodeid := *crypto.GetNodeID(&a.core.boxPub)
self := admin_nodeInfo{
{"node_id", hex.EncodeToString(nodeid[:])},
{"box_pub_key", hex.EncodeToString(a.core.boxPub[:])},
{"ip", a.core.Address().String()},
{"subnet", a.core.Subnet().String()},
{"coords", fmt.Sprint(coords)},
if name := BuildName(); name != "unknown" {
self = append(self, admin_pair{"build_name", name})
if version := BuildVersion(); version != "unknown" {
self = append(self, admin_pair{"build_version", version})
return &self
// getData_getPeers returns info from Core.peers for an admin response.
func (a *admin) getData_getPeers() []admin_nodeInfo {
ports := a.core.peers.ports.Load().(map[switchPort]*peer)
var peerInfos []admin_nodeInfo
var ps []switchPort
for port := range ports {
ps = append(ps, port)
sort.Slice(ps, func(i, j int) bool { return ps[i] < ps[j] })
for _, port := range ps {
p := ports[port]
addr := *address.AddrForNodeID(crypto.GetNodeID(&p.box))
info := admin_nodeInfo{
{"ip", net.IP(addr[:]).String()},
{"port", port},
{"uptime", int(time.Since(p.firstSeen).Seconds())},
{"bytes_sent", atomic.LoadUint64(&p.bytesSent)},
{"bytes_recvd", atomic.LoadUint64(&p.bytesRecvd)},
{"proto", p.intf.info.linkType},
{"endpoint", p.intf.name},
{"box_pub_key", hex.EncodeToString(p.box[:])},
peerInfos = append(peerInfos, info)
return peerInfos
// getData_getSwitchPeers returns info from Core.switchTable for an admin response.
func (a *admin) getData_getSwitchPeers() []admin_nodeInfo {
var peerInfos []admin_nodeInfo
table := a.core.switchTable.table.Load().(lookupTable)
peers := a.core.peers.ports.Load().(map[switchPort]*peer)
for _, elem := range table.elems {
peer, isIn := peers[elem.port]
if !isIn {
addr := *address.AddrForNodeID(crypto.GetNodeID(&peer.box))
coords := elem.locator.getCoords()
info := admin_nodeInfo{
{"ip", net.IP(addr[:]).String()},
{"coords", fmt.Sprint(coords)},
{"port", elem.port},
{"bytes_sent", atomic.LoadUint64(&peer.bytesSent)},
{"bytes_recvd", atomic.LoadUint64(&peer.bytesRecvd)},
{"proto", peer.intf.info.linkType},
{"endpoint", peer.intf.info.remote},
{"box_pub_key", hex.EncodeToString(peer.box[:])},
peerInfos = append(peerInfos, info)
return peerInfos
// getData_getSwitchQueues returns info from Core.switchTable for an queue data.
func (a *admin) getData_getSwitchQueues() admin_nodeInfo {
var peerInfos admin_nodeInfo
switchTable := &a.core.switchTable
getSwitchQueues := func() {
queues := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
for k, v := range switchTable.queues.bufs {
nexthop := switchTable.bestPortForCoords([]byte(k))
queue := map[string]interface{}{
"queue_id": k,
"queue_size": v.size,
"queue_packets": len(v.packets),
"queue_port": nexthop,
queues = append(queues, queue)
peerInfos = admin_nodeInfo{
{"queues", queues},
{"queues_count", len(switchTable.queues.bufs)},
{"queues_size", switchTable.queues.size},
{"highest_queues_count", switchTable.queues.maxbufs},
{"highest_queues_size", switchTable.queues.maxsize},
{"maximum_queues_size", switchTable.queueTotalMaxSize},
return peerInfos
// getData_getDHT returns info from Core.dht for an admin response.
func (a *admin) getData_getDHT() []admin_nodeInfo {
var infos []admin_nodeInfo
getDHT := func() {
now := time.Now()
var dhtInfos []*dhtInfo
for _, v := range a.core.dht.table {
dhtInfos = append(dhtInfos, v)
sort.SliceStable(dhtInfos, func(i, j int) bool {
return dht_ordered(&a.core.dht.nodeID, dhtInfos[i].getNodeID(), dhtInfos[j].getNodeID())
for _, v := range dhtInfos {
addr := *address.AddrForNodeID(v.getNodeID())
info := admin_nodeInfo{
{"ip", net.IP(addr[:]).String()},
{"coords", fmt.Sprint(v.coords)},
{"last_seen", int(now.Sub(v.recv).Seconds())},
{"box_pub_key", hex.EncodeToString(v.key[:])},
infos = append(infos, info)
return infos
// getData_getSessions returns info from Core.sessions for an admin response.
func (a *admin) getData_getSessions() []admin_nodeInfo {
var infos []admin_nodeInfo
getSessions := func() {
for _, sinfo := range a.core.sessions.sinfos {
// TODO? skipped known but timed out sessions?
info := admin_nodeInfo{
{"ip", net.IP(sinfo.theirAddr[:]).String()},
{"coords", fmt.Sprint(sinfo.coords)},
{"mtu", sinfo.getMTU()},
{"was_mtu_fixed", sinfo.wasMTUFixed},
{"bytes_sent", sinfo.bytesSent},
{"bytes_recvd", sinfo.bytesRecvd},
{"box_pub_key", hex.EncodeToString(sinfo.theirPermPub[:])},
infos = append(infos, info)
return infos
// getAllowedEncryptionPublicKeys returns the public keys permitted for incoming peer connections.
func (a *admin) getAllowedEncryptionPublicKeys() []string {
return a.core.peers.getAllowedEncryptionPublicKeys()
// addAllowedEncryptionPublicKey whitelists a key for incoming peer connections.
func (a *admin) addAllowedEncryptionPublicKey(bstr string) (err error) {
return nil
// removeAllowedEncryptionPublicKey removes a key from the whitelist for incoming peer connections.
// If none are set, an empty list permits all incoming connections.
func (a *admin) removeAllowedEncryptionPublicKey(bstr string) (err error) {
return nil
// Send a DHT ping to the node with the provided key and coords, optionally looking up the specified target NodeID.
func (a *admin) admin_dhtPing(keyString, coordString, targetString string) (dhtRes, error) {
var key crypto.BoxPubKey
if keyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(keyString); err != nil {
return dhtRes{}, err
} else {
copy(key[:], keyBytes)
var coords []byte
for _, cstr := range strings.Split(strings.Trim(coordString, "[]"), " ") {
if cstr == "" {
// Special case, happens if trimmed is the empty string, e.g. this is the root
if u64, err := strconv.ParseUint(cstr, 10, 8); err != nil {
return dhtRes{}, err
} else {
coords = append(coords, uint8(u64))
resCh := make(chan *dhtRes, 1)
info := dhtInfo{
key: key,
coords: coords,
target := *info.getNodeID()
if targetString == "none" {
// Leave the default target in place
} else if targetBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(targetString); err != nil {
return dhtRes{}, err
} else if len(targetBytes) != len(target) {
return dhtRes{}, errors.New("Incorrect target NodeID length")
} else {
var target crypto.NodeID
copy(target[:], targetBytes)
rq := dhtReqKey{info.key, target}
sendPing := func() {
a.core.dht.addCallback(&rq, func(res *dhtRes) {
defer func() { recover() }()
select {
case resCh <- res:
a.core.dht.ping(&info, &target)
go func() {
time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)
for res := range resCh {
return *res, nil
return dhtRes{}, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("DHT ping timeout: %s", keyString))
func (a *admin) admin_getNodeInfo(keyString, coordString string, nocache bool) (nodeinfoPayload, error) {
var key crypto.BoxPubKey
if keyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(keyString); err != nil {
return nodeinfoPayload{}, err
} else {
copy(key[:], keyBytes)
if !nocache {
if response, err := a.core.router.nodeinfo.getCachedNodeInfo(key); err == nil {
return response, nil
var coords []byte
for _, cstr := range strings.Split(strings.Trim(coordString, "[]"), " ") {
if cstr == "" {
// Special case, happens if trimmed is the empty string, e.g. this is the root
if u64, err := strconv.ParseUint(cstr, 10, 8); err != nil {
return nodeinfoPayload{}, err
} else {
coords = append(coords, uint8(u64))
response := make(chan *nodeinfoPayload, 1)
sendNodeInfoRequest := func() {
a.core.router.nodeinfo.addCallback(key, func(nodeinfo *nodeinfoPayload) {
defer func() { recover() }()
select {
case response <- nodeinfo:
a.core.router.nodeinfo.sendNodeInfo(key, coords, false)
go func() {
time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)
for res := range response {
return *res, nil
return nodeinfoPayload{}, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("getNodeInfo timeout: %s", keyString))
// getResponse_dot returns a response for a graphviz dot formatted representation of the known parts of the network.
// This is color-coded and labeled, and includes the self node, switch peers, nodes known to the DHT, and nodes with open sessions.
// The graph is structured as a tree with directed links leading away from the root.
func (a *admin) getResponse_dot() []byte {
self := a.getData_getSelf()
peers := a.getData_getSwitchPeers()
dht := a.getData_getDHT()
sessions := a.getData_getSessions()
// Start building a tree from all known nodes
type nodeInfo struct {
name string
key string
parent string
port switchPort
options string
infos := make(map[string]nodeInfo)
// Get coords as a slice of strings, FIXME? this looks very fragile
coordSlice := func(coords string) []string {
tmp := strings.Replace(coords, "[", "", -1)
tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "]", "", -1)
return strings.Split(tmp, " ")
// First fill the tree with all known nodes, no parents
addInfo := func(nodes []admin_nodeInfo, options string, tag string) {
for _, node := range nodes {
n := node.asMap()
info := nodeInfo{
key: n["coords"].(string),
options: options,
if len(tag) > 0 {
info.name = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", n["ip"].(string), tag)
} else {
info.name = n["ip"].(string)
coordsSplit := coordSlice(info.key)
if len(coordsSplit) != 0 {
portStr := coordsSplit[len(coordsSplit)-1]
portUint, err := strconv.ParseUint(portStr, 10, 64)
if err == nil {
info.port = switchPort(portUint)
infos[info.key] = info
addInfo(dht, "fillcolor=\"#ffffff\" style=filled fontname=\"sans serif\"", "Known in DHT") // white
addInfo(sessions, "fillcolor=\"#acf3fd\" style=filled fontname=\"sans serif\"", "Open session") // blue
addInfo(peers, "fillcolor=\"#ffffb5\" style=filled fontname=\"sans serif\"", "Connected peer") // yellow
addInfo(append([]admin_nodeInfo(nil), *self), "fillcolor=\"#a5ff8a\" style=filled fontname=\"sans serif\"", "This node") // green
// Now go through and create placeholders for any missing nodes
for _, info := range infos {
// This is ugly string manipulation
coordsSplit := coordSlice(info.key)
for idx := range coordsSplit {
key := fmt.Sprintf("[%v]", strings.Join(coordsSplit[:idx], " "))
newInfo, isIn := infos[key]
if isIn {
newInfo.name = "?"
newInfo.key = key
newInfo.options = "fontname=\"sans serif\" style=dashed color=\"#999999\" fontcolor=\"#999999\""
coordsSplit := coordSlice(newInfo.key)
if len(coordsSplit) != 0 {
portStr := coordsSplit[len(coordsSplit)-1]
portUint, err := strconv.ParseUint(portStr, 10, 64)
if err == nil {
newInfo.port = switchPort(portUint)
infos[key] = newInfo
// Now go through and attach parents
for _, info := range infos {
pSplit := coordSlice(info.key)
if len(pSplit) > 0 {
pSplit = pSplit[:len(pSplit)-1]
info.parent = fmt.Sprintf("[%v]", strings.Join(pSplit, " "))
infos[info.key] = info
// Finally, get a sorted list of keys, which we use to organize the output
var keys []string
for _, info := range infos {
keys = append(keys, info.key)
// sort
sort.SliceStable(keys, func(i, j int) bool {
return keys[i] < keys[j]
sort.SliceStable(keys, func(i, j int) bool {
return infos[keys[i]].port < infos[keys[j]].port
// Now print it all out
var out []byte
put := func(s string) {
out = append(out, []byte(s)...)
put("digraph {\n")
// First set the labels
for _, key := range keys {
info := infos[key]
put(fmt.Sprintf("\"%v\" [ label = \"%v\" %v ];\n", info.key, info.name, info.options))
// Then print the tree structure
for _, key := range keys {
info := infos[key]
if info.key == info.parent {
} // happens for the root, skip it
port := fmt.Sprint(info.port)
style := "fontname=\"sans serif\""
if infos[info.parent].name == "?" || infos[info.key].name == "?" {
style = "fontname=\"sans serif\" style=dashed color=\"#999999\" fontcolor=\"#999999\""
put(fmt.Sprintf(" \"%+v\" -> \"%+v\" [ label = \"%v\" %s ];\n", info.parent, info.key, port, style))
return out