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package yggdrasil
// These are functions that should not exist
// They are (or were) used during development, to work around missing features
// They're also used to configure things from the outside
// It would be better to define and export a few config functions elsewhere
// Or define some remote API and call it to send/request configuration info
import _ "golang.org/x/net/ipv6" // TODO put this somewhere better
import "golang.org/x/net/proxy"
import "fmt"
import "net"
import "log"
import "regexp"
// Core
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getSigPub() sigPubKey {
return (sigPubKey)(c.sigPub)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getBoxPub() boxPubKey {
return (boxPubKey)(c.boxPub)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getSend() chan<- []byte {
return c.tun.send
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getRecv() <-chan []byte {
return c.tun.recv
// Peer
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getPeers() *peers {
return &c.peers
func (ps *peers) DEBUG_newPeer(box boxPubKey,
sig sigPubKey) *peer {
//in <-chan []byte,
//out chan<- []byte) *peer {
return ps.newPeer(&box, &sig) //, in, out)
func (ps *peers) DEBUG_startPeers() {
defer ps.mutex.RUnlock()
for _, p := range ps.ports {
if p == nil { continue }
go p.MainLoop()
func (ps *peers) DEBUG_hasPeer(key sigPubKey) bool {
ports := ps.ports.Load().(map[switchPort]*peer)
for _, p := range ports {
if p == nil {
if p.sig == key {
return true
return false
func (ps *peers) DEBUG_getPorts() map[switchPort]*peer {
ports := ps.ports.Load().(map[switchPort]*peer)
newPeers := make(map[switchPort]*peer)
for port, p := range ports {
newPeers[port] = p
return newPeers
func (p *peer) DEBUG_getSigKey() sigPubKey {
return p.sig
func (p *peer) DEEBUG_getPort() switchPort {
return p.port
// Router
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getSwitchTable() *switchTable {
return &c.switchTable
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getLocator() switchLocator {
return c.switchTable.getLocator()
func (l *switchLocator) DEBUG_getCoords() []byte {
return l.getCoords()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_switchLookup(dest []byte, ttl uint64) (switchPort, uint64) {
return c.switchTable.lookup(dest, ttl)
func (t *switchTable) DEBUG_isDirty() bool {
//data := t.data.Load().(*tabledata)
defer t.mutex.RUnlock()
data := t.data
return data.dirty
func (t *switchTable) DEBUG_dumpTable() {
//data := t.data.Load().(*tabledata)
defer t.mutex.RUnlock()
data := t.data
for _, peer := range data.peers {
//fmt.Println("DUMPTABLE:", t.treeID, peer.treeID, peer.port,
// peer.locator.Root, peer.coords,
// peer.reverse.Root, peer.reverse.Coords, peer.forward)
fmt.Println("DUMPTABLE:", t.key, peer.key, peer.locator.coords, peer.port /*, peer.forward*/)
func (t *switchTable) DEBUG_getReversePort(port switchPort) switchPort {
// Returns Port(0) if it cannot get the reverse peer for any reason
//data := t.data.Load().(*tabledata)
defer t.mutex.RUnlock()
data := t.data
if port >= switchPort(len(data.peers)) {
return switchPort(0)
pinfo := data.peers[port]
if len(pinfo.locator.coords) < 1 {
return switchPort(0)
return pinfo.locator.coords[len(pinfo.locator.coords)-1]
// Wire
func DEBUG_wire_encode_coords(coords []byte) []byte {
return wire_encode_coords(coords)
// DHT, via core
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getDHTSize() int {
total := 0
for bidx := 0; bidx < c.dht.nBuckets(); bidx++ {
b := c.dht.getBucket(bidx)
total += len(b.peers)
total += len(b.other)
return total
// TUN defaults
func (c *Core) DEBUG_GetTUNDefaultIfName() string {
return getDefaults().defaultIfName
func (c *Core) DEBUG_GetTUNDefaultIfMTU() int {
return getDefaults().defaultIfMTU
func (c *Core) DEBUG_GetTUNDefaultIfTAPMode() bool {
return getDefaults().defaultIfTAPMode
// udpInterface
// FIXME udpInterface isn't exported
// So debug functions need to work differently...
func (c *Core) DEBUG_setupLoopbackUDPInterface() {
iface := udpInterface{}
iface.init(c, "[::1]:0")
c.ifaces = append(c.ifaces[:0], &iface)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getLoopbackAddr() net.Addr {
iface := c.ifaces[0]
return iface.sock.LocalAddr()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_addLoopbackPeer(addr *net.UDPAddr,
in (chan<- []byte),
out (<-chan []byte)) {
iface := c.ifaces[0]
iface.addPeer(addr, in, out)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_startLoopbackUDPInterface() {
iface := c.ifaces[0]
go iface.reader()
for addr, chs := range iface.peers {
udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp6", addr)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
go iface.writer(udpAddr, chs.out)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getAddr() *address {
return address_addrForNodeID(&c.dht.nodeID)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_startTun(ifname string, iftapmode bool) {
c.DEBUG_startTunWithMTU(ifname, iftapmode, 1280)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_startTunWithMTU(ifname string, iftapmode bool, mtu int) {
addr := c.DEBUG_getAddr()
straddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%v", net.IP(addr[:]).String(), 8*len(address_prefix))
if ifname != "none" {
err := c.tun.setup(ifname, iftapmode, straddr, mtu)
if err != nil {
c.log.Println("Setup TUN/TAP:", c.tun.iface.Name(), straddr)
go func() { panic(c.tun.read()) }()
go func() { panic(c.tun.write()) }()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_stopTun() {
func (c *Core) DEBUG_newBoxKeys() (*boxPubKey, *boxPrivKey) {
return newBoxKeys()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_newSigKeys() (*sigPubKey, *sigPrivKey) {
return newSigKeys()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getNodeID(pub *boxPubKey) *NodeID {
return getNodeID(pub)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getTreeID(pub *sigPubKey) *TreeID {
return getTreeID(pub)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_addrForNodeID(nodeID *NodeID) string {
return net.IP(address_addrForNodeID(nodeID)[:]).String()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_init(bpub []byte,
bpriv []byte,
spub []byte,
spriv []byte) {
var boxPub boxPubKey
var boxPriv boxPrivKey
var sigPub sigPubKey
var sigPriv sigPrivKey
copy(boxPub[:], bpub)
copy(boxPriv[:], bpriv)
copy(sigPub[:], spub)
copy(sigPriv[:], spriv)
c.init(&boxPub, &boxPriv, &sigPub, &sigPriv)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_setupAndStartGlobalUDPInterface(addrport string) {
iface := udpInterface{}
iface.init(c, addrport)
c.udp = &iface
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getGlobalUDPAddr() *net.UDPAddr {
return c.udp.sock.LocalAddr().(*net.UDPAddr)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_maybeSendUDPKeys(saddr string) {
udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", saddr)
if err != nil {
var addr connAddr
_, isIn := c.udp.conns[addr]
if !isIn {
func (c *Core) DEBUG_addPeer(addr string) {
err := c.admin.addPeer(addr)
if err != nil {
func (c *Core) DEBUG_addSOCKSConn(socksaddr, peeraddr string) {
go func() {
dialer, err := proxy.SOCKS5("tcp", socksaddr, nil, proxy.Direct)
if err == nil {
conn, err := dialer.Dial("tcp", peeraddr)
if err == nil {
c: conn,
raddr: &wrappedAddr{
network: "tcp",
addr: peeraddr,
func (c *Core) DEBUG_setupAndStartGlobalTCPInterface(addrport string) {
iface := tcpInterface{}
iface.init(c, addrport)
c.tcp = &iface
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getGlobalTCPAddr() *net.TCPAddr {
return c.tcp.serv.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_addTCPConn(saddr string) {
func (c *Core) DEBUG_startSelfPeer() {
defer c.Peers.mutex.RUnlock()
p := c.Peers.ports[0]
go p.MainLoop()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_setupAndStartGlobalKCPInterface(addrport string) {
iface := kcpInterface{}
iface.init(c, addrport)
c.kcp = &iface
func (c *Core) DEBUG_getGlobalKCPAddr() net.Addr {
return c.kcp.serv.Addr()
func (c *Core) DEBUG_addKCPConn(saddr string) {
func (c *Core) DEBUG_setupAndStartAdminInterface(addrport string) {
a := admin{}
a.init(c, addrport)
c.admin = a
func (c *Core) DEBUG_setLogger(log *log.Logger) {
c.log = log
func (c *Core) DEBUG_setIfceExpr(expr *regexp.Regexp) {
c.ifceExpr = expr
func (c *Core) DEBUG_addAllowedBoxPub(boxStr string) {
err := c.admin.addAllowedBoxPub(boxStr)
if err != nil {
func DEBUG_simLinkPeers(p, q *peer) {
// Sets q.out() to point to p and starts p.linkLoop()
plinkIn := make(chan []byte, 1)
qlinkIn := make(chan []byte, 1)
p.out = func(bs []byte) {
go q.handlePacket(bs, qlinkIn)
q.out = func(bs []byte) {
go p.handlePacket(bs, plinkIn)
go p.linkLoop(plinkIn)
go q.linkLoop(qlinkIn)
func (c *Core) DEBUG_simFixMTU() {
c.tun.mtu = 65535