mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 03:32:24 +00:00
localized: convert zh_TW.dt-eucTW to zh_TW.UTF-8.
This commit is contained in:
81 changed files with 10721 additions and 10721 deletions
@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ $ NOTE: These messages used to be in sys.resources.tmsg message 5-8.
$ Messages 14-17 are labels for the file selection box. They need to be
$ set globally for Cde. Don't translate the ':'.
14 瑨카焰藍辜寀轢<EFBFBD>해隕:
15 澗餓
16 瑨카寀轢해隕:
17 寀轢<EFBFBD>
14 藣蘋聤梏迖麔淰扢ボ磝:
15 彶隞
16 藣蘋麔淰ボ磝:
17 麔淰扢
$ Message 21 and 23 can be translated. These are shown on the menu.
$ Message 22 and 24 should not be changed unless accelerator keys need to
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ $
$ Messages 52 and 53 are programable date formats
$ 52 %B %Y
52 %Yȡ %b
52 %Y龰 %b
53 %B
$ Messages 54 through 59 are location specific pixmaps. These could
@ -131,4 +131,4 @@ $
$ Message 23 is a window title of root directory.
23 淂槉嵺
@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ $ * Message 1 is not used
$ *
$ * Specify the user-visible titles of workspaces
$ *
2 ġ
3 Ĩ
4 ĵ
5 ƾ
2 纂
3 蘑
4 警
5 ⅹ
$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ Do not translate message 6 - 10.
@ -217,35 +217,35 @@ $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
200 C -------- POSIX
$ LANG=de
201 de ------- 藺탬
201 de ------- 憼齪
$ LANG=fr
202 fr ------- 鑛탬
202 fr ------- 恄齪
$ LANG=it
203 it ------- 予켄<EFBFBD>탬
203 it ------- 氂騰伈齪
$ LANG=sv
204 sv ------- 野憩탬
204 sv ------- 撖怢齪
$ LANG=es
205 es ------- 哭친흗鹵템탬
205 es ------- 邳耀⻆笣蠱齪
$ LANG=en_US
206 en_US ---- 潭탬
206 en_US ---- 蚆齪
$ LANG=ja
207 ja ------- 탱퍼탬
207 ja ------- 戀ヾ齪
$ LANG=japanese
208 japanese - 탱퍼탬
208 japanese - 戀ヾ齪
$ LANG=ko
209 ko ------- 炊탬
209 ko ------- 鬺齪
$ LANG=korean
210 korean --- 炊탬
210 korean --- 鬺齪
$ LANG=zh
211 zh ------- 콱탬/琢皇
211 zh ------- 斕齪/籙忟
$ LANG=chinese
212 chinese -- 콱탬/琢皇
212 chinese -- 斕齪/籙忟
$ LANG=zh_TW
213 zh_TW ---- 콱탬/鯖皇
213 zh_TW ---- 斕齪/鏾忟
$ LANG=tchinese
214 tchinese - 콱탬/鯖皇
214 tchinese - 斕齪/鏾忟
$ LANG=ca
215 ca ------- 툿岺脣판鉅
215 ca ------- 蠹砦碭⼖呯
$ "NEW-"
216 en_AU ---- Australia
$ "NEW-"
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ $ Sun Desktop Names
$ Names are used on the dtlogin Options->Session menu
290 치鯉聯캡亐碧腔匐 (CDE)
290 纂郫痐譫磣隉侇嗄 (CDE)
$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ Login screen language list translations for HP-UX (HP)
@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ $ * \ (at end of line) continue on same line
$ *
$ *****************************************************************************
1 辺変 AFS ACL ...
2 隆日狒聚蒄聶 ...
3 涼笏: 篤冫帖垓 Andrew File System (AFS) 隷乃.\\n粕冥歛陶薰椿買 AFS Access Control List (ACL) 低嚴民.
1 彶庍 AFS ACL ...
2 䬷ざ鉡箹髱緷 ...
3 恞蜑: ⼓旂纂堈 Andrew File System (AFS) 昡ス.\\nБ抻暐⑴ḷ儸ョ AFS Access Control List (ACL) 斕迻戔.
@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ $ * Translate all labels (first column) except no-label. Do not remove ". *
$ * Functions (second column) should not be changed unless it is required in *
$ * your language. *
$ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
6 "ÄÖɢϨâæÅü×äÏÐ" f.title\n\
"Ç×ĸïÇßÐ" f.circle_up\n\
"Ç×ĶïÇßÐ" f.circle_down\n\
"Ìä»" f.refresh\n\
"ôãÈÝÞ²ÄÑ/ÇßߦЩÅÉÓòβ" f.toggle_frontpanel\n\
6 "齡汃洠睮衢逑玿" f.title\n\
"ホ譫懘葎" f.circle_up\n\
"ホ譯懘葎" f.circle_down\n\
"怑隞" f.refresh\n\
"醷⺍瑊麵/ャ艀虳巖郖帣" f.toggle_frontpanel\n\
no-label f.separator\n\
"Óìä»ÚöÙ¯ÄÖɢϨâæê§Ü¡Ï¯..." f.restart\n\
"适隞絒棬齡汃洠睮磣隉炟..." f.restart\n\
no-label f.separator\n\
"àôÅø..." f.action ExitSession
"僳罐..." f.action ExitSession
$ *
$ * #DtPanelMenu#
$ *
@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ $ * Translate all labels (first column) except no-label. *
$ * Functions (second column) should not be changed unless it is required in *
$ * your language. *
$ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
7 Çßߦ _R f.normalize\n\
ÜÃÙ¯ _M f.move\n\
ôãÈÝÞ²ÄÑ _n f.minimize\n\
ÜÃÈÝ͵ìÒ _L f.lower\n\
Ìä» _f f.refresh\n\
7 ャ艀 _R f.normalize\n\
傶棬 _M f.move\n\
醷⺍瑊麵 _n f.minimize\n\
傶⺍芚嬬 _L f.lower\n\
怑隞 _f f.refresh\n\
no-label f.separator\n\
"àôÅø..." _o f.action ExitSession
"僳罐..." _o f.action ExitSession
$ *
$ * #SampleWindowMenu#
$ *
@ -87,18 +87,18 @@ $ * no-label. Do not remove ". *
$ * Accelerator (third column) and functions (forth column) should not be *
$ * changed unless it is required in your language. *
$ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
8 "Çßߦ" _R f.normalize\n\
"ÜÃÙ¯" _M f.move\n\
"ÄËÄÑ" _S f.resize\n\
"ôãÈÝÞ²ÄÑ" _n f.minimize\n\
"ÍóÈÝÞ²ÄË" _x f.maximize\n\
"ÜÃÈÝ͵ìÒ" _L f.lower\n\
8 "ャ艀" _R f.normalize\n\
"傶棬" _M f.move\n\
"騰麵" _S f.resize\n\
"醷⺍瑊麵" _n f.minimize\n\
"勂⺍瑊騰" _x f.maximize\n\
"傶⺍芚嬬" _L f.lower\n\
no-label f.separator\n\
"ÈüðãÄÖɢϨâæ..." _O f.workspace_presence\n\
"ÈüðãÍÔÈ´ÄÖɢϨâæ" _A f.occupy_all\n\
"ּ̽ÈüðãÄÖɢϨâæ" _U f.remove\n\
"ŋ謾齡汃洠睮..." _O f.workspace_presence\n\
"ŋ謾邴齡汃洠睮" _A f.occupy_all\n\
"抻祤ŋ謾齡汃洠睮" _U f.remove\n\
no-label f.separator\n\
"ùÃÝð" _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
"驨椲" _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
$ *
$ * #NoAcceleratorWindowMenu#
$ *
@ -108,18 +108,18 @@ $ * no-label. Do not remove ". *
$ * Functionns (third column) should not be changed unless it is required in *
$ * your language. *
$ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
9 "Çßߦ" _R f.normalize\n\
"ÜÃÙ¯" _M f.move\n\
"ÄËÄÑ" _S f.resize\n\
"ôãÈÝÞ²ÄÑ" _n f.minimize\n\
"ÍóÈÝÞ²ÄË" _x f.maximize\n\
"ÜÃÈÝ͵ìÒ" _L f.lower\n\
9 "ャ艀" _R f.normalize\n\
"傶棬" _M f.move\n\
"騰麵" _S f.resize\n\
"醷⺍瑊麵" _n f.minimize\n\
"勂⺍瑊騰" _x f.maximize\n\
"傶⺍芚嬬" _L f.lower\n\
no-label f.separator\n\
"ÈüðãÄÖɢϨâæ..." _O f.workspace_presence\n\
"ÈüðãÄÖɢϨâæ" _A f.occupy_all\n\
"ּ̽ÈüðãÄÖɢϨâæ" _U f.remove\n\
"ŋ謾齡汃洠睮..." _O f.workspace_presence\n\
"ŋ謾齡汃洠睮" _A f.occupy_all\n\
"抻祤ŋ謾齡汃洠睮" _U f.remove\n\
no-label f.separator\n\
"ùÃÝð" _C f.kill
"驨椲" _C f.kill
$ *
$ * #DefaultWindowMenu#
$ *
@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ $ * no-label. Do not remove ". *
$ * Accelerator (third column) and functions (forth column) should not be *
$ * changed unless it is required in your language. *
$ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
10 "Çßߦ" _R Alt<Key>F5 f.normalize\n\
"ÜÃÙ¯" _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move\n\
"ÄËÄÑ" _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize\n\
"ôãÈÝÞ²ÄÑ" _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize\n\
"ÍóÈÝÞ²ÄË" _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize\n\
"ÜÃÈÝ͵ìÒ" _L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower\n\
10 "ャ艀" _R Alt<Key>F5 f.normalize\n\
"傶棬" _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move\n\
"騰麵" _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize\n\
"醷⺍瑊麵" _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize\n\
"勂⺍瑊騰" _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize\n\
"傶⺍芚嬬" _L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower\n\
no-label f.separator\n\
"ùÃÝð" _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
"驨椲" _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
$ *
$ * Key And Button Bindings Descriptions
$ *
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ $
$ Messages 5-9 are labels for the file selection box. They need to be
$ set globally for CDE. Don't translate the ':'.
5 瑨카焰藍辜寀轢<EFBFBD>해隕:
6 澗餓
7 瑨카寀轢해隕:
8 寀轢<EFBFBD>
5 藣蘋聤梏迖麔淰扢ボ磝:
6 彶隞
7 藣蘋麔淰ボ磝:
8 麔淰扢
$ *XmFileSelectionBox*XmLabelGadget.fontList
$ This is not a message, but locale dependent values. See sys.font.tmsg...
@ -48,50 +48,50 @@ $ They come in pairs where the first is the menu name (e.g. 1 Print...) and the
$ second is the mnemonic (e.g. 2 P).
$ Messages 1 through 6 are the pulldown menus for the File menu.
1 悄峭(P)...
1 トパ(P)...
2 P
3 <EFBFBD>蒺(C)
3 驨椲(C)
4 C
5 怃浠狺岌(W)...
5 瞅隞槉嵺(W)...
6 W
$ Messages 7 through 8 are the pulldown menus for the Edit menu.
7 铒犒(C)
7 闀蕍(C)
8 C
$ Messages 9 through 10 are the pulldown menus for the Search menu.
9 啄趴(I)...
9 袎鰱(I)...
10 I
$ Messages 11 through 16 are the pulldown menus for the Navigate menu.
11 啬填配黝(T)
11 媊沓饜纕(T)
12 T
13 虐亲洳掾(B)
13 酈ホ銌硻(B)
14 B
15 卮蜱(H)...
15 奡蠊(H)...
16 H
$ Messages 17 through 28 are the pulldown menus for the Help menu.
17 渫<EFBFBD>(v) - 损祁牒煞氅忘
17 颮羏(v) - 囷え赮伢諰咭
18 v
19 气蜱(C)
19 げ蠊(C)
20 C
21 闹散(T)
21 齡汃(T)
22 T
23 俣澌(R)
23 棤嘵(R)
24 R
25 潇珩滔躏眭(M)
25 僶趡昑耰薏(M)
26 M
27 <EFBFBD>王牒煞氅忘(A)
27 驨卼赮伢諰咭(A)
28 A
$ Messages 29 through 36 are the menu labels and mnemonics for for the
$ Help Dialog.
29 篁争(F)
29 麔淰(F)
30 F
31 洳掾(S)
31 銌硻(S)
32 S
33 掾嘴(N)
33 硻郲(N)
34 N
35 牒煞氅忘(H)
35 赮伢諰咭(H)
36 H
37 罹蛞(E)
37 蹌藟(E)
38 E
@ -100,92 +100,92 @@ $
$ Messages 50 through 55 are used to display formatting errors within the
$ helps dialog and quick help dialog widgets.
50 求入骜砧嘁挝知娶脓·
51 侬梃溶入骜砧嘁挝知娶脓·
52 罾母呶煞喻嘁挝知娶脓·诶驮腈友嘻罾母呶煞喻偏卒拟囚倾、托岩\
53 牌求篁争骜砧嘁挝知娶脓·诶驮腈友嘻罾母呶煞喻偏卒拟囚倾、托\
54 牒煞氅忘配黝嘁挝知娶脓·
55 骗悄 ID 软弭拟囚倾〃
50 А⻌罶涷隓恄眭冈襲﹞
51 棬鳷⺌⻌罶涷隓恄眭冈襲﹞
52 轃譫葰伢郟隓恄眭冈襲﹞睎邴錛衭柁轃譫葰伢郟⑴逑攜Бョ﹜迖旂\
53 齪А麔淰罶涷隓恄眭冈襲﹞睎邴錛衭柁轃譫葰伢郟⑴逑攜Бョ﹜迖\
54 赮伢諰咭饜纕隓恄眭冈襲﹞
55 ⑶ト ID ⻏殦攜Бョ”
$ Messages 56 and 67 are displayed when a hypertext link type is selected but
$ not supported within the current application.
56 菡远筌祁幔娶拟排呶诶驮蛸探嘻饩牌求葙岣·
57 菡远筌祁幔娶拟排呶葙岣罾母呶煞喻劈卒·
56 楙堈鶈え嶂冈攜齬葰睎邴藞抻柁熅齪А椵廎﹞
57 楙堈鶈え嶂冈攜齬葰椵廎轃譫葰伢郟衢逑﹞
$ Messages 58 through 62 are used when bad or null help volumes or
$ locationId's are used.
58 诶腈友嘻罾母牒煞氅忘偏卒属却区嬉、托栖软王锼宓嘻洳掾纣绽母·却<EFBFBD>区嬉罾母牒煞氅忘嘻骜毓、铢俣扔塄新嘻氅忘牌堑·\n
59 栖牙贴 ID 软弭·
60 栖牙贴牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>·
61 牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>〃
62 ID 软弭〃
58 睎錛衭柁轃譫赮伢諰咭⑴逑扽Е稹﹜迖ゝ⻏卼懱撋柁銌硻聤梏譫﹞驨Е稹轃譫赮伢諰咭柁罶媢﹜霘棤℡雰陔柁諰咭齪ス﹞\n
59 ゝ挴泂 ID ⻏殦﹞
60 ゝ挴泂赮伢諰咭晥忟﹞
61 赮伢諰咭晥忟”
62 ID ⻏殦”
$ >>>>> Skip #63 through #69
$ Message 70 is used when a null value for DtNtopicTitle is used.
70 群配黝砗黝拟囚倾·
70 饜纕簅纕攜Бョ﹞
$ $ New messages added after early msg cat freeze; not in order
80 牙贴嘻牒煞氅忘<EFBFBD>形嘁真·
80 挴泂柁赮伢諰咭麷倛隓淩﹞
$set 3
$ **** Module: History.c ****
$ These messages are used as labels for the History Dialog.
1 牒煞氅忘 - 卮蜱鲞<E89CB1>幔娶
2 鲞<EFBFBD>绱嘻牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>〃
4 牒煞氅忘
5 牒煞氅忘篁争
6 罾母呶煞喻
7 牒煞氅忘毓丈
8 鲞<EFBFBD>绱嘻牒煞氅忘配黝〃
9 鲞<EFBFBD>绱嘻牒煞氅忘篁争〃
10 鲞<EFBFBD>绱嘻罾母呶煞喻〃
11 鲞<EFBFBD>绱嘻牒煞氅忘毓丈配黝〃
1 赮伢諰咭 - 奡蠊廲ៜ嶂冈
2 廲ៜ蝝柁赮伢諰咭晥忟”
3 驨椲
4 赮伢諰咭
5 赮伢諰咭麔淰
6 轃譫葰伢郟
7 赮伢諰咭媢桾
8 廲ៜ蝝柁赮伢諰咭饜纕”
9 廲ៜ蝝柁赮伢諰咭麔淰”
10 廲ៜ蝝柁轃譫葰伢郟”
11 廲ៜ蝝柁赮伢諰咭媢桾饜纕”
$set 4
$ ***** Module: Print.c *****
$ These messages are used as labels for the Print Dialog.
$ 1: dialog title
1 牒煞氅忘 - 悄峭
1 赮伢諰咭 - トパ
$ 10-12: standard printer dialog labels
10 峭闲瘼〃
11 枪戆〃
12 闲螭砗黝喻砗黝〃
10 パ玿鞥”
11 ソ禨”
12 玿韝簅纕郟簅纕”
$ 20-25: paper size label and sizes
20 姿诏乃难〃
20 訬痧騰麵”
21 Letter 8.5 x 11 in
22 Legal 8.5 x 14 in
23 Executive 7.25 x 10.5 in
24 A4 210 x 297 mm
25 B5 182 x 257 mm
$ 30-33: help volume-specific printing options
30 友悄峭嘻配黝
31 堍如配黝
32 堍如配黝曦裙煲配黝
33 气蜱曦啄趴
34 诈<EFBFBD>你嘻驮却配黝
30 衭トパ柁饜纕
31 隃⺼饜纕
32 隃⺼饜纕縋嬬饜纕
33 げ蠊縋袎鰱
34 晥忟斕柁邴饜纕
$ 40-42: buttons at bottom of dialog
40 悄峭
41 探旨
42 牒煞氅忘
40 トパ
41 抻祤
42 赮伢諰咭
$ These messages are used to describe the kind of content to be printed
$ 50 "Help Volume: "
50 牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>〃
51 牒煞氅忘毓丈〃
52 牒煞氅忘篁争
50 赮伢諰咭晥忟”
51 赮伢諰咭媢桾”
52 赮伢諰咭麔淰
$ 53 "Manual Page: "
53 罾母呶煞喻〃
54 蜚毹毓丈
53 轃譫葰伢郟”
54 蠆諟媢桾
$ Don't translate message 60 unless it is not an empty string
$ This is the default value that goes in the Printer field
$ 60 " "
@ -201,31 +201,31 @@ $ This is the default value that goes in the Copies field
$set 5
$ ***** Module: GlobSearch.c *****
$ Message 1 is the label used to label the dialog
1 牒煞氅忘 - 啄趴洳掾
2 洳掾
3 堍如诈<EFBFBD>
1 赮伢諰咭 - 袎鰱銌硻
2 銌硻
3 隃⺼晥忟
$ DO NOT TRANSLATE MESSAGE 4; it is no longer used
$ " (%s)"
4 (%s)
5 驮却诈<EFBFBD>
6 蛸探嘻诈<EFBFBD>
7 蛸探诈<EFBFBD>...
9 声痨啄趴
10 蛴墨骜砧〃
11 些突
12 怃填洳掾
14 佤畔洳掾
15 <EFBFBD>蒺
16 牒煞氅忘
17 卺呃诈<EFBFBD>... 势摊 %d 远
18 洳掾你... 薹秕诈<E7A795>〃%d 远
19 势拟摊啄趴恸气
20 声痨啄趴
21 蛴墨骜砧 "%s"
22 栖蛸探诈<EFBFBD>
23 诜母派蛸探洳掾蛸恸
5 邴晥忟
6 藞抻柁晥忟
7 藞抻晥忟...
8 䬷ざ
9 汒謽袎鰱
10 藣蘋罶涷”
11 虳芼
12 瞅沓銌硻
13 凭㶴銌硻
14 彘欐銌硻
15 驨椲
16 赮伢諰咭
17 筈萺晥忟... 岊怉 %d 堈
18 銌硻斕... 瑀瀦晥忟”%d 堈
19 岊攜怉袎鰱禋げ
20 汒謽袎鰱
21 藣蘋罶涷 "%s"
22 ゝ藞抻晥忟
23 皕譫巖藞抻銌硻藞禋
$ Do NOT translate messages 25-31
$quote "
$ " "
@ -244,14 +244,14 @@ $quote
$ DO translate messages 32 and above
$ kind of topic messages
32 Help Message
33 牒煞氅忘篁争
34 呶煞氅忘喻
35 拟忘嘻知娶
33 赮伢諰咭麔淰
34 葰伢諰咭郟
35 攜咭柁眭冈
$ specialized title of Search Volume Selection dialog
40 牒煞氅忘 - 洳掾诈<E68EBE>蛸疱
40 赮伢諰咭 - 銌硻晥忟藞謥
$ additional messages (late addition caused this ordering)
50 势拟摊啄趴恸气·铢瑭孳洳掾驮却诈<EFBFBD>·
51 势拟摊啄趴恸气·铢瑭孳损祁抬澎<EFBFBD>躏求·
50 岊攜怉袎鰱禋げ﹞霘閰箹銌硻邴晥忟﹞
51 岊攜怉袎鰱禋げ﹞霘閰箹囷え怬鱗驨耰А﹞
$ additional messages (later addition caused this ordering)
$ These messages are the braces that go around the current volume name
$ in the index search dialog. They are kept in the message catalog
@ -263,12 +263,12 @@ $ in case they need to be localized.
$set 6
$ ***** Module: HelpAccess.c *****
$ These messages are used for the Help on Help dialog in Cde Help widgets.
1 却<EFBFBD>牒煞氅忘嘻牒煞氅忘
2 悄峭 ...
4 菡远筌祁幔娶拟排呶≈却<EFBFBD>牒煞氅忘嘻牒煞氅忘∽劈卒!
5 虐亲洳掾
6 牒煞氅忘 ...
1 驨赮伢諰咭柁赮伢諰咭
2 トパ ...
3 驨椲
4 楙堈鶈え嶂冈攜齬葰>驨赮伢諰咭柁赮伢諰咭=衢逑!
5 酈ホ銌硻
6 赮伢諰咭 ...
$set 7
@ -278,39 +278,39 @@ $ localized for dthelpview, however, they are not directly used by libDtHelp
$ Messages 1 through 7 are command line usage response messages.
$ Do NOT translate the option name (e.g. -helpVolume). DO translate
$ the argument descriptor name (e.g. <Help Volume File>)
1 祁挝〃%s...\n
1 え恄”%s...\n
2 \t-helpVolume <Help Volume File>\n
3 \t-locationId <ID>\n
5 \t-file <ASCII Text File>\n
6 \t-man\n
7 \t-manPage <Unix Man Page>\n\n\n
$ man page dialog
11 罾母呶煞喻
12 罾母呶煞喻〃
13 <EFBFBD>泣罾母呶煞喻
11 轃譫葰伢郟
12 轃譫葰伢郟”
13 䬷ざ轃譫葰伢郟
$ button labels
16 岣手
17 <EFBFBD>蒺
18 虐亲洳掾
19 悄峭 ...
16 廎忒
17 驨椲
18 酈ホ銌硻
19 トパ ...
$ title of helpview window
20 牒煞氅忘柚亦鹇
20 赮伢諰咭髲砫蟟
$set 8
$ ***** Module: HelpUtil.c *****
$ Message 1 is the label used in the definition link dialog box
$ (e.g. Quick help close button)
3 涅蒎蜚毹〃嘁挝饰探潇珩\nDtHelpReturnSelectedWidget 你鏊·\n
4 涅蒎蜚毹〃嘁挝饰探躏眭\nDtHelpReturnSelectedWidget() 你鏊·\n
5 牒煞氅忘蜚毹
2 驨椲
3 蠡楶蠆諟”隓恄庉抻僶趡\nDtHelpReturnSelectedWidget 斕黫﹞\n
4 蠡楶蠆諟”隓恄庉抻耰薏\nDtHelpReturnSelectedWidget() 斕黫﹞\n
5 赮伢諰咭蠆諟
$ Messages 10 and up were added after message catalogs were taken
$ for translation. They are not in any order or chosen location.
10 捏鳟仝如
11 拟友仝如
12 牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>泖仝如摹远淘棚杀秦·\n杀秦 '%s' 栖贴屮·
13 牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>泖仝如摹远淘棚杀秦·\n页魔区抢後泖、溶侬仝如淘棚嘻劈卒莘<E58D92>蒺·\n淘棚页〃 %s
10 羼鰹欹⺼
11 攜衭欹⺼
12 赮伢諰咭晥忟裱欹⺼纂堈杬麟伀ボ﹞\n伀ボ '%s' ゝ泂氂﹞
13 赮伢諰咭晥忟裱欹⺼纂堈杬麟伀ボ﹞\n珜藹Еツ摽裱﹜⺌棬欹⺼杬麟柁衢逑揧驨椲﹞\n杬麟珜” %s
$ End Message set 8
@ -318,33 +318,33 @@ $set 9
$ ***** Module: PathArea.c *****
$ These messages are used in the general Help Dialog Widget.
$ Message 1 is the label used to label Topic Tree Area
1 诈<EFBFBD>〃
1 晥忟”
$ Messages 2 though 5 are used in the Button Box area of our general
$ help dialog.
2 虐亲洳掾
3 卮蜱...
4 啄趴...
5 蕖煲
2 酈ホ銌硻
3 奡蠊...
4 袎鰱...
5 煄嬬
$set 10
$ ***** Module: VolSelect.c *****
$ Message 1 is the default label used to label the volume selection dialog.
1 牒煞氅忘 - 诈<>蛸疱
2 牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>
3 铢蛸疱摹远托情远牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>
5 牒煞氅忘
1 赮伢諰咭 - 晥忟藞謥
2 赮伢諰咭晥忟
3 霘藞謥纂堈迖ロ堈赮伢諰咭晥忟
4 驨椲
5 赮伢諰咭
$set 11
$ ***** Module: HelpQuickD.c *****
$ These messages are used as labels for the quick help dialog.
2 收情 ...
3 虐亲洳掾
4 悄峭 ...
5 牒煞氅忘 ...
1 驨椲
2 彶ロ ...
3 酈ホ銌硻
4 トパ ...
5 赮伢諰咭 ...
$set 99
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
$ $TOG: DtMail.msg /main/4 1998/05/22 17:08:11 rafi $
$ The information in this document is subject to special
$ restrictions in a confidential disclosure agreement between
$ HP, IBM, Sun, USL, SCO and Univel. Do not distribute this
$ document outside HP, IBM, Sun, USL, SCO, or Univel without
$ Sun's specific written approval. This document and all copies
$ and derivative works thereof must be returned or destroyed at
$ Sun's request.
$ Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
$quote "
$ Strings from dtmail/RoamApp.C
$set 1
1 "薚泂"
$ * This is a menu label, please refer to the resource file "Dtmail" for
$ * appropriate mnemonics tranlation
$ */
2 "瑧ス藞禋..."
3 "⺌棬ャ砆"
4 "笱迒彶隞斕..."
$ Strings from dtmail/RoamMenuWindow.C
5 "抻祤"
6 "諔騵瑧ス"
7 "諔騵瑧ス"
8 "諔騵瑧ス"
9 "伝崽"
10 "譯纂堈"
11 "虳纂堈"
12 "ャ鷋溈ス藺"
13 "トパ"
14 "婽ス藺"
15 "饜纕"
16 "戀蛺昑渀睮"
17 "騰麵"
$ * Menu labels in Main Mailer (from RoamMenuWindow.C).
$ * The following menu labels require translation plus parenthesized
$ * mnemonics for all Asian locales. Please refer to the resource file
$ * "Dtmail" for each mnemonics.
$ * Message 18-22,25,28,29 are menu labels for "Mailbox" pull down menu.
$ * Message 30,31,33-40 are menu labels for "Message" pull down menu.
$ * Message 43-45 are menu labels for "Edit" pull down menu.
$ * Message 47--55 are menu labels for "View" pull down menu.
$ * Message 56-63 are menu labels for "Compose" pull down menu.
$ * Message 64,65,221 are menu labels for "Move" pull down menu.
$ * Message 66,68,69 are menu labels for "Attachment" pull down menu.
$ * Message 71-77 are menu labels for "Help" pull down menu.
$ */
18 "瑧謜"
19 "黀栯旂匢隞瑧ス"
20 "瞅絒ス謜"
21 "瞅絒ス謜"
22 "隞瑧ス..."
23 "諔騵瑧ス - 隞瑧ス"
24 "隞瑧ス"
25 "瞅絒..."
26 "諔騵瑧ス - 瞅絒"
27 "瞅絒"
28 "曚骱儸伝崽柁媢桾"
29 "驨椲"
30 "瞅絒"
31 "鬊Б珜齪А麔..."
32 "諔騵瑧ス - 媢桾 - 鬊Б珜齪А麔"
33 "闀蕍怉"
34 "トパ..."
35 "硻岊..."
36 "ツ楶藞抻"
37 "伝崽"
38 "抻祤伝崽虳纂堈媢桾"
39 "皕ト玿斕抻祤伝崽..."
40 "媢桾"
41 "傶棬"
42 "諔騵瑧ス - 媢桾"
43 "闀蕍"
44 "ツ楶藞抻"
45 "蹌藟"
46 "諔騵瑧ス - 齪А"
47 "譯纂堈"
48 "虳纂堈"
49 "玿韝醷嬣"
50 "呣戀蛺/渀睮粡囥"
51 "呣婽ス藺粡囥"
52 "呣饜纕粡囥"
53 "呣騰麵粡囥"
54 "呣昲鳷粡囥"
55 "髲砫"
56 "隞媢桾"
57 "隞媢桾﹜屼挭ツ楶"
58 "鼲婽媢桾"
59 "ャ鷋婽ス藺"
60 "ャ鷋邴藺"
61 "ャ鷋婽ス藺﹜屼挭"
62 "ャ鷋邴藺﹜屼挭"
63 "ャ砆"
64 "傶棬"
65 "怬鱗瑧謜..."
66 "ⅱБ隞麔..."
67 "諔騵瑧ス - 眃㪫稹殦 - ⅱБ隞麔"
68 "ツ楶藞抻"
69 "眃㪫稹殦"
70 "諔騵瑧ス - 眃㪫稹殦"
71 "颮羏"
72 "齡汃"
73 "棤嘵"
74 "驨卼禋げ"
75 "囷え赮伢諰咭"
76 "赮伢諰咭"
77 "驨卼諔騵瑧ス..."
78 "諔騵瑧ス攜覗鞁瑧謜柁昲鳷﹞\n霘藞謥>薚泂=驨椲瑧謜悒﹜テ适隞絒棬諔騵瑧ス﹞"
79 "鼲葎斕... 汒 %d %%"
80 "諔騵瑧ス"
$ Strings from dtmail/AttachArea.C
81 "諔騵瑧ス"
82 "諔騵瑧ス"
83 "諔騵瑧ス"
$ Strings from dtmail/Attachment.C
84 "%s 旂纂堈⑴欹⺼柁眃㪫稹殦﹞ 睎裱欹⺼蓇?"
85 "諔騵瑧ス"
86 "諔騵瑧ス"
87 "諔騵瑧ス"
88 "諔騵瑧ス"
$ Strings from dtmail/RoamCmds.C
89 "諔騵瑧ス - 怬鱗瑧謜"
90 "傶棬"
91 "トパ..."
92 "薚泂"
93 "鬊Б"
94 "鬊Б"
95 "鬊Б"
96 "覗洠"
97 "庍ボ"
98 "諔騵瑧ス - 庍ボ"
99 "諔騵瑧ス"
100 "薚泂"
101 "抻祤"
102 "睎儸ョ⺌棬ャ砆髓⼃柁藞禋斕\n囷え藹鼲婽鞥逑﹞ ⺌棬ャ砆欹⺼渀 \n﹜⺌棬ャ砆鞂眃蠹怉篎藞禋\n柁鼲婽汃鞄斕﹞ 睎薚泂衭絒棬⺌棬ャ砆蓇?\0"
103 "諔騵瑧ス"
104 "睎ョ .forward 麔淰斕儸欹⺼⺌棬ャ砆嶂冈﹞\n霘皕諰咭齪ス斕栯罐ヵ彘欐嶂冈﹜呥渿⼓皕 .forward 麔淰斕伝崽﹞\n棯纕箾扻悒﹜霘テ箹纂挴麟﹞\0"
105 "隓恄瞅絒 .vacation.msg 麔淰 -- 扽嬣蘋暐⑴ḷ﹞"
106 ".vacation.msg 麔淰儸Бョ﹞ 衭髓隞齪А抻鷥蓇?"
107 "隓恄瞅絒 .vacation.msg 麔淰 -- 扽嬣蘋暐⑴ḷ﹞"
108 "宎ョザ徦撋斕"
$ * This is the default value of the subject field in the
$ * message that gets returned to the sender when vacation
$ * is turned on.
$ */
109 "宎ョザ徦撋斕﹞\n嶉宎ャ坭悒﹜鞂櫇幺睎婽坭驨 \"$SUBJECT\" 柁瑧ス﹞\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/MsgScrollingList.C
110 "N"
$ * In a mailer container window's message scrolling list, a "N" appears
$ * to the left of a mail message header indicating that the mail message
$ * is "new" (just arrived and not yet viewed by the user).
$ * There is only space to display 1 character. If "N" needs to be translated,
$ * please make sure the translation is only 1 character.
$ */
111 "N"
$ * In a mailer container window's message scrolling list, a "N" appears
$ * to the left of a mail message header indicating that the mail message
$ * is "new" (just arrived and not yet viewed by the user).
$ * There is only space to display 1 character. If "N" needs to be translated,
$ * please make sure the translation is only 1 character.
$ */
112 "N"
$ * In a mailer container window's message scrolling list, a "N" appears
$ * to the left of a mail message header indicating that the mail message
$ * is "new" (just arrived and not yet viewed by the user).
$ * There is only space to display 1 character. If "N" needs to be translated,
$ * please make sure the translation is only 1 character.
$ */
113 "N"
$ * In a mailer container window's message scrolling list, a "N" appears
$ * to the left of a mail message header indicating that the mail message
$ * is "new" (just arrived and not yet viewed by the user).
$ * There is only space to display 1 character. If "N" needs to be translated,
$ * please make sure the translation is only 1 character.
$ */
114 "N"
$ Strings from dtmail/Undelete.C
115 "抻祤伝崽"
116 "驨椲"
$ Strings from dtmail/SendMsgDialog.C
$ * Menu labels in Compose dialog (from SendMsgDialog.C).
$ * The following menu labels require translation plus parenthesized
$ * mnemonics for all Asian locales. Please refer to the resource file
$ * "Dtmail" for each mnemonics.
$ * Message 117,121,122,125,127-129 are menu labels for "File" pull down menu.
$ * Message 130-134,139,140,155,156 are menu labels for "Edit" pull down menu.
$ * Message 141,142,145,147-150,226 are menu labels for "Attachment" pull down menu.
$ * Message 152-154,157 are menu labels for "Format" pull down menu.
$ * Message 56-63 are menu labels for "Compose" pull down menu.
$ * Message 64,65,221 are menu labels for "Move" pull down menu.
$ * Message 66,68,69 are menu labels for "Attachment" pull down menu.
$ * Message 71-77 are menu labels for "Help" pull down menu.
$ */
117 "婽罐"
118 "驨椲"
119 "隞媢桾"
120 "諔騵瑧ス"
121 "麔淰"
122 "屼挭..."
123 "諔騵瑧ス - 屼挭"
124 "屼挭"
125 "鬊Б珜齪А麔..."
126 "諔騵瑧ス - 鬊Б珜齪А麔"
127 "戀諲媢桾"
128 "汃珜...婽罐"
129 "驨椲"
130 "蹌藟"
131 "籔婘"
132 "椌抻"
133 "闀蕍"
134 "鶼漜"
135 "笱眻鶼漜"
136 "蠹巖挭芧"
137 "醷粡"
138 "覗崽"
139 "伝崽"
140 "ツ楶藞抻"
141 "眃㪫稹殦"
142 "嚌蠹麔淰..."
143 "諔騵瑧ス - 嚌蠹"
144 "嚌蠹"
145 "ⅱБ隞麔..."
146 "諔騵瑧ス - 眃㪫稹殦 - ⅱБ隞麔"
147 "伝崽"
148 "抻祤伝崽"
149 "庍ボ"
150 "ツ楶藞抻"
$ * This is an obsolete message. It is replaced by message 226
$ * in set 1.
$ */
151 "䬷ざ嵺眭"
152 "眭冈"
153 "⺌棬葎⺼"
154 "暋泂圊..."
155 "硻岊/彶庍..."
156 "捋А黀栯..."
157 "篲帣"
158 "諔騵瑧ス - 眃㪫稹殦"
159 "諔騵瑧ス - ャ砆"
160 "隞媢桾"
$ * This is the label for a toggle item in a menu. When the item
$ * is set to "Show List", the Attachment List is mapped in the
$ * Compose Window. This message replaces message 151 in set 1.
$ */
$ Strings from dtmail/ViewMsgDialog.C
161 "闀蕍"
162 "ツ楶藞抻"
163 "蹌藟"
164 "ⅱБ隞麔..."
165 "諔騵瑧ス - 眃㪫稹殦 - ⅱБ隞麔"
166 "ツ楶藞抻"
167 "眃㪫稹殦"
168 "諔騵瑧ス - 眃㪫稹殦"
169 "諔騵瑧ス - 齪А"
170 "颮羏"
171 "齡汃"
172 "棤嘵"
173 "驨卼禋げ"
174 "囷え赮伢諰咭"
175 "赮伢諰咭"
176 "驨卼諔騵瑧ス..."
177 "諔騵瑧ス"
$ Strings from dtmail/DtMailGenDialog.C
$ * 178 and 179 are obsolete messages, replaced by messages
178 "諔騵瑧ス - 驨卼 Dtmail"
179 "Dtmail Version 1.0"
180 "薚泂"
181 "薚泂"
182 "抻祤"
$ Strings from dtmail/FindDialog.C
183 "硻岊"
$ * This is an obsolete message. Replaced by message 220 in set 1
$ */
184 "硻岊呥藞抻ツ楶"
185 "覗崽"
186 "驨椲"
187 "赮伢諰咭"
188 "ス藺”"
189 "溈ス藺”"
190 "饜纕”"
191 "棓ヾ”"
192 "諔騵瑧ス - 硻岊"
193 "芼譯硻岊"
194 "芼ャ硻岊"
$ * This message replaces message 184 in set 1
$ */
$ Strings from dtmail/Editor.C
195 "------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------\n\n"
196 "------------- Begin Included Message -------------\n\n"
197 "------------- End Forwarded Message -------------\n\n"
198 "------------- End Included Message -------------\n\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/XmTextEditor.C
199 "\n------------- Begin Included Message -------------\n"
200 "\n------------- End Included Message -------------\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/DtEditor.C
201 "\n------------- Begin Included Message -------------\n"
202 "\n------------- End Included Message -------------\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/Editor.C
$ 195 "------------- 鼲婽媢桾瞅沓 -------------\n\n"
$ 196 "------------- 屼挭媢桾瞅沓 -------------\n\n"
$ 197 "------------- 鼲婽媢桾廎忒 -------------\n\n"
$ 198 "------------- 屼挭媢桾廎忒 -------------\n\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/XmTextEditor.C
$ 199 "\n------------- 屼挭媢桾瞅沓 -------------\n"
$ 200 "\n------------- 屼挭媢桾廎忒 -------------\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/DtEditor.C
$ 201 "\n------------- 屼挭媢桾瞅沓 -------------\n"
$ 202 "\n------------- 屼挭媢桾廎忒 -------------\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/ComposeCmds.C
203 "諔騵瑧ス"
204 "隓恄唈ゥャ砆槉嵺﹞"
205 "諔騵瑧ス"
206 "隓恄唈ゥャ砆槉嵺﹞"
207 "諔騵瑧ス"
208 "隓恄唈ゥャ砆槉嵺﹞"
209 "諔騵瑧ス"
210 "隓恄唈ゥャ砆槉嵺﹞"
211 "諔騵瑧ス"
212 "篲帣攜Бョ﹞"
213 "諔騵瑧ス"
214 "篲帣ʊ驗儸銧骱﹞"
215 "諔騵瑧ス"
216 "奡襉忟攜冞﹜隓恄蟡蘋篲帣﹞"
217 "諔騵瑧ス"
218 "篲帣ʊ驗儸銧骱﹞"
$ Strings from dtmail/SortCmd.C
219 "粡囥斕..."
220 "ツ楶藞抻"
221 "ス謜"
222 "%a %b %d %k”%M"
$ * The "%a %b %d %k:%M" is the time and date format, please refer to
$ * strftime man page for explanation of each format.
$ */
223 "%a %b %d %H”%M"
$ * The "%a %b %d %H:%M" is the time and date format, please refer to
$ * strftime man page for explanation of each format.
$ */
224 "%a %b %d %k”%M"
$ * The "%a %b %d %k:%M" is the time and date format, please refer to
$ * strftime man page for explanation of each format.
$ */
225 "%a %b %d %H”%M"
$ * The "%a %b %d %H:%M" is the time and date format, please refer to
$ * strftime man page for explanation of each format.
$ */
226 "䬷ざト玿"
$ String from Undelete.C, Deleted Messages window title
227 "諔騵瑧ス - Deleted Messages"
$ Strings from SendMsgDialog.C, Add Bcc, Delete Bcc menu buttons
228 "嚌蠹"
229 "伝崽"
230 "蒡婽"
$ * This string is displayed on the find dialog status line
$ * when searching for a matching message.
$ */
231 "銌硻..."
$ * These strings are displayed on the find dialog status line
$ * when one or more matching messages are found. The first
$ * string is displayed when there is one matching message,
$ * and the second string is displayed when there is more than
$ * one. The %d is the number of messages that matched.
$ */
232 "藞泂 1 媢桾"
233 "藞泂 %d 媢桾"
$ * This string is displayed on the find dialog status line when
$ * no matching messages were found.
$ */
234 "岊攜怉砨嗃媢桾"
$ * These strings replace strings 178 and 179. They are used in
$ * the "About Mailer" dialog box.
$ */
235 "諔騵瑧ス - 驨卼諔騵瑧ス"
236 "諔騵瑧ス 1.0 斿ヾ"
$set 2
1 "諔騵瑧ス"
2 "ToolTalk 泲ゝ瑱⺼媊沓暋泂﹞ 諔騵瑧ス隓恄ョ扽 ToolTalk 柁硠扃譯欹⺼﹞\n霘閰箹絒棬 /usr/dt/bin/dtsession﹜迖鏺彄睎柁侇嗄磣隉婝﹞"
3 "槉嵺隓恄瑱⺼媊沓暋泂﹞ 廎忒斕﹞\n"
4 "諔騵瑧スЕ稹棯纕﹜\n\モ欹⺼漦嗢暋泂蠆諟﹜\n\邴髓隓恄欹⺼"
5 "睎攜怞暐⑴ḷ﹜隓恄髲砫 %s"
$ * The %s is the name of the mailbox the user doesn't have
$ * permission to view.
$ */
6 "瑧謜 %s 旂纂堈げ蠊﹜隓恄瞅絒﹞"
7 "隓恄渿 %s 覗洠﹞ モ珜⼓攜Бョ﹞"
8 "鬊Б棷 %s 儸覗洠﹞"
9 "蠆諟 - 隓恄覗洠 %s"
10 "諔騵瑧ス"
11 "%s"
12 "諔騵瑧ス"
13 "諔騵瑧ス"
14 "眃㪫稹殦⽁禕ッ藞抻﹜懼逑欹⺼>ⅱБ隞麔\=挴麟渿⼓Б怉纂堈\n\麔淰蠡﹞"
15 "蠆諟 - 隓恄抻痤 mailrc﹞"
16 "泲ゝ藞抻媢桾﹞"
$ * No mail message has been selected by the user.
$ */
17 "睎儸蹌藟蝝 \"%s\"﹜羼鰹衭伝崽蓇?"
18 "蠆諟”隓恄屼挭麔淰 %s"
19 "眃㪫稹殦⽁禕ッ藞抻﹜懼逑欹⺼>ⅱБ隞麔=挴麟渿⼓Б怉纂堈\n\麔淰蠡﹞"
20 "眃㪫稹殦⽁禕ッ藞抻﹜懼逑欹⺼>ⅱБ隞麔=挴麟渿⼓Б怉纂堈\n\麔淰蠡﹞"
21 "諔騵瑧ス"
$set 3
1 "⺌棬鬊Б斕..."
2 "媊沓暋泂斕..."
3 "瑧謜 %s 攜Бョ﹞\n\睎裱唈ゥ楙堈ボ磝柁瑧謜蓇?"
4 "諔騵瑧ス"
5 "薚泂"
6 "瑧謜 %s 揧孍泂﹞\n\睎⑴髓え鷗棬柁巖冈箾崽孍泂﹜隑悒テ箹纂“\n\迖旂鏺彄睎柁侇嗄磣隉婝﹞"
7 "諔騵瑧ス"
8 "薚泂"
9 "薚泂"
10 "薚泂"
11 "薚泂"
12 "%s"
13 "媢桾 %d (ヅ %d 衧媢桾)﹜%d 衧隞媢桾﹜%d 衧儸伝崽"
14 "媢桾 %d (ヅ %d 衧媢桾)﹜%d 衧隞媢桾﹜%d 衧儸伝崽"
$ * The user will see the following message display as:
$ * "Message 3 of 10, 2 new, 6 deleted"
$ * This means ??? -- Explain to translator.
$ */
15 "鬊Б斕..."
16 "諔騵瑧ス"
$ * This dialog comes up when the user tries to quit the
$ * mailbox and the user is asked if he wants to destroy
$ * the messages marked for deletion.
$ */
$ * Messages 16 and 17 are no longer being used. They are
$ * being replaced by messages 86 and 87.
$ */
17 "衭皕楙堈瑧謜斕曚骱睎簅ざ衭伝崽\n\柁媢桾蓇?"
18 "薚泂"
19 "抻祤"
20 "瞅絒瑧謜斕..."
21 "%s 儸Бョ﹞\n\衭适嬣蓇?"
22 "諔騵瑧ス"
23 "隓恄适嬣 %s﹞\n霘黀栯麔淰柁暐⑴ḷ﹜隑悒适箹纂﹞"
24 "諔騵瑧ス"
25 "鬊Б棷蟡蘋斕..."
26 "麔淰扢鼏衭罶媢"
27 "蟡蘋斕..."
28 "覗洠鬊Б棷"
29 "薚泂"
30 "薚泂"
31 "薚泂"
32 "ョ曚骱儸伝崽柁媢桾..."
33 "薚泂"
34 "%s 攜Бョ﹞"
35 "隓恄瞅絒 %s﹞"
36 "隓恄崷殦奡襉忟﹞"
37 "眃㪫稹殦鼏衭"
38 "眃㪫稹殦"
39 "眃㪫稹殦"
$ * "attachments" is the plural form of "attachment".
$ */
40 "眃㪫稹殦"
41 "儸伝崽"
42 "%s 儸Бョ﹞ 衭抻鷥蓇?"
43 "隓恄抻鷥 %s﹞"
44 "隓恄唈ゥ %s﹞"
45 "隓恄唈ゥ %s﹞"
46 "覗洠鬊Б棷"
47 "%s 儸Бョ﹞\n衭适嬣蓇?"
48 "諔騵瑧ス"
49 "隓恄适嬣 %s﹞\n\霘黀栯麔淰暐⑴ḷ欄悒适箹﹞"
50 "諔騵瑧ス"
51 "隓恄唈ゥ %s﹞"
52 "諔騵瑧ス"
53 "隓恄嬣蘋 %s﹞"
54 "諔騵瑧ス"
55 "隓恄唈ゥ %s﹞"
56 "諔騵瑧ス"
57 "渿眃㪫稹殦庍ボ珜"
58 "ャ砆槉嵺屼纂咍ョ槉嵺\n\驨椲渀鞂蟺⼇柁齪А迖眃㪫稹殦﹜\n\睎薚泂衭驨椲ャ砆槉嵺蓇?"
59 "扽奡襉忟"
60 "奡襉忟攜冞﹜隓恄蟡蘋隃Б柁 .vacation.msg 麔淰﹞"
61 "諔騵瑧ス"
62 "隃Б柁 .vacation.msg 麔淰ʊ驗儸銧骱﹞"
63 "藞抻纂堈媢桾坭傶棬﹞"
64 "藞抻纂堈媢桾坭闀蕍﹞"
65 "%d 堈媢桾傶怉 %s"
66 "%d 堈媢桾傶怉 %s"
67 "%d 堈媢桾闀蕍怉 %s"
68 "%d 堈媢桾闀蕍怉 %s"
69 "槉棷儸Бョ﹞ 霘渿⼓菙⺍虳磞﹞"
$ * The current mail message selected is already displayed in a separate
$ * window. Therefore this 'separate' window will be raised in front
$ * of existing windows so the user can see it.
$ */
70 "檎嬣隓恄庋踽柁瑧ス..."
71 "諔騵瑧ス"
72 "薚泂"
73 "抻祤"
74 "薚泂"
75 "薚泂"
76 "薚泂"
77 "睎纂堈儸瞅絒柁眃㪫稹殦﹜⑴逑屼泲ゝ鬊Б埏庍柁蠡晥﹞\n蒡婽楙堈媢桾渿鞂蛁灡縋楙堈儸瞅絒柁眃㪫稹殦\n柁椵稌﹞ ズ泲ゝ鬊Б埏庍柁蠡晥渿攜鞂珜楙堈媢桾柁\n纂楶ソ﹞ 睎⑴髓囷え>ⅱБ隞麔=髓鬊Б埏庍柁蠡晥﹜ョ椵稌揧\n蛁灡髓悒﹜攜蝝埏庍柁蠡晥渿攜鞂珜楙堈眃㪫稹殦\n柁纂楶ソ﹞"
78 "暋泂瑧ス藞禋..."
79 "曚骱呥媏罐"
80 "攜衭曚骱﹜媏罐"
81 "楙堈眃㪫稹殦⑴逑屼⑴髓楸╩适銧掑柁\n\杬麟﹞ 唈諞睎瑊ンッ薚泂髓悒﹜テ欹⺼楙堈眃㪫稹殦﹞ ヵ峈睎薚泂﹜霘挹>薚泂=“ 霘挹>抻祤=﹜髓抻祤欹⺼﹞"
82 "伀藺ョ囷え楙堈砆謜﹞\n睎裱衭衭忴孍泂痼魌謦汃蓇〝"
83 "諔騵瑧ス隓恄蘀抻孍泂痼魌謦汃楙堈砆謜﹞\n睎裱衭髓椔幺柁昲鳷瞅絒楙堈砆謜蓇〝"
$ * The following sentence means %d number of mail messages have
$ * been deleted from the mail folder. This is the plural form
$ * of the message that gets printed if more than one message
$ * is moved.
$ */
84 "伝崽 %d 媢桾"
$ * The following sentence means %d number of mail messages have
$ * been deleted from the mail folder. This is the singular
$ * form of the message that gets printed if only one message
$ * is moved.
$ */
85 "伝崽 %d 媢桾"
86 "黀栯隞柁瑧ス..."
$ * This dialog comes up when the user tries to quit the
$ * mailbox. The user is asked if they want to destroy
$ * the deleted messages.
$ */
87 "諔騵瑧ス - 驨椲"
88 "曚骱伝崽柁媢桾呥驨椲楙堈砆謜蓇〝"
89 "曚骱呥驨椲"
90 "砉絅呥驨椲"
$ * Post a dialog explaining that the action was invalid
$ */
91 "隓恄欹⺼隓淩柁棬汃﹞"
$ * Post a dialog explaining that the action failed.
$ */
92 "欹⺼棬汃⼇絫〞"
93 "藞泂柁頝踛 %s 翍逑欿欹⺼﹞\n挹纂譯>薚泂=髓欹⺼﹜迖>抻祤=髓廎忒﹞"
94 "諔騵瑧ス隓恄痼魌孍泂楙堈\n砆謜﹜モ珜侇嗄ゝャ鶈﹞\n\nⅲョ渀﹜睎⑴髓藞謥⑩瞅絒楙堈砆謜\n珜椔幺昲鳷﹜迖瞅絒楙堈砆謜珜幺嬣昲鳷゛攜痼魌\n孍泂﹜(ⅲョ隓藺囷え楙堈砆謜渀﹜懼ヵ囷え)﹞"
95 "椔幺"
96 "幺嬣"
$set 5
1 "諔騵瑧ス"
2 "諔騵瑧ス"
3 "蚍婘穔婽罐媢桾\n\ 衧眃㪫稹殦斕邴汃柁埏庍渿\n\ 鞂蟺⼇﹞"
$ * The user tried to send a messages without saving changes in
$ * some open attachments. This warning makes sure that is what
$ * the user intended.
$ */
4 "霘ⅲ藞抻纂堈眃㪫稹殦\n\ 隑悒藞抻>庍ボ="
$ * Mailer ran out of memory. Ask the user to quit some other
$ * applications so there will be more memory available.
$ */
5 "媢桾斕栲咍⻏彴諟﹜\nモ珜⼓呥ゝ棤嘵怉侇嗄斕ズ儸洁柁囷え炟﹞\n霘薚泂旂匢邴柁⻏彴忔淩﹜隑悒テ箹纂﹞"
$ * Mailer ran out of memory. Ask the user to quit some other
$ * applications so there will be more memory available.
$ */
6 "諔騵瑧ス 柁奡襉忟攜冞﹜隓恄婽罐\n楙堈媢桾﹞\n霘廎忒怬鱗鶈え嶂冈﹜\n隑悒テ蒡纂﹞"
$ * There was an error from the mail transport (sendmail).
$ */
7 "ョ蒡婽睎柁媢桾渀蠆諟僛ぇ﹞\n霘黀栯楙堈媢桾旂匢揧怉﹞ ヵ峈泲ゝ怉﹜\n迖暐睎錛衭适蒡纂﹞"
$ * User trying to send a message that has no addressed recipient.
$ */
8 "霘閰箹>蒡婽=ョ挴泂楙堈媢桾柁稌炟欄悒﹜\n\ョ ス藺:, 棓ヾ:, 迖 Bcc: 唫⻏﹞"
$set 12
1 "眃㪫稹殦"
2 "眃㪫稹殦"
3 "displayCount"
4 "隓恄椵稌 FIFO 麔淰”%s"
5 "隓恄椵稌А蠣笱眻麔淰”%s"
6 "隓恄椵稌げ蠊”%s"
7 "隓恄椵稌棷栠笱眻麔淰”%s"
8 "隓恄椵稌 socket 麔淰”%s"
$set 13
1 "隓恄唈ゥ"
2 "隓恄嬣蘋"
$ Strings from dtmail/AttachCmds.C
$set 14
1 "蠹蘋眃㪫稹殦"
2 "隓恄瞅絒 %s"
3 "隓恄椵稌 FIFO 麔淰”%s"
4 "隓恄椵稌А蠣笱眻麔淰”%s"
5 "隓恄椵稌げ蠊”%s"
6 "隓恄椵稌棷栠笱眻麔淰”%s"
7 "隓恄椵稌 socket 麔淰”%s"
8 "隓恄瞅絒 %s"
9 "諔騵瑧ス - 眃㪫稹殦庍ボ"
10 "諰咭"
11 "渿眃㪫稹殦鬊Б珜"
$set 15
1 "睎儸槴泲ゝ鬊Б柁埏庍蠡晥﹞\n睎⑴髓鬊Б睎柁埏庍蠡晥﹜迖勂蛫睎柁埏庍蠡晥﹜\n迖珃ャ睎譫髱緷柁⻏殦﹞"
2 "鬊Б"
3 "勂蛫"
@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ $ ** **
$ *************************************************************
$ Default value for DtNdialogCloseButtonLabel resource.
$ This string is used for all "Close" buttons in all dialogs.
1 驨椲
$ Default value for DtNdialogHelpButtonLabel resource.
$ This string is used for all "Help" buttons in all dialogs.
2 牒煞氅忘
2 赮伢諰咭
$set 3
$ *************************************************************
@ -83,26 +83,26 @@ $ **********************************************
$ Default value for DtNformatSettingsDialogTitle resource,
$ title of format settings dialog
1 知娶菝贴
1 眭冈暋泂
$ Default values for DtNlMarginFieldLabel and DtNrMarginFieldLabel resources,
$ labels for margin fields in Format Settings dialog
2 骗<EFBFBD>姨〃
3 剖<EFBFBD>姨〃
2 ⑶饡盉”
3 ⼢饡盉”
$ Default values for DtNlAlignToggleLabel, DtNrAlignToggleLabel,
$ DtNjustifyToggleLabel, and DtNcenterToggleLabel resources,
$ labels for justification radio buttons in Format Settings dialog
4 镪剖枳臊
5 镪骗枳臊
6 声抢枳臊
7 廷你
4 氋⼢髱錔
5 氋⑶髱錔
6 汒ツ髱錔
7 祂斕
$ Default values for DtNformatParagraphButtonLabel and
$ DtNformatAllButtonLabel resources,
$ labels for paragraph and all buttons in Format Settings dialog
8 阳姣
9 抢蒎
8 栠瘥
9 ツ楶
$ ******************************************************************
$ ** module Editor.c **
@ -111,30 +111,30 @@ $ ******************************************************************
$ Default value for DtNspellDialogTitle resource,
$ title of the Spell dialog
20 鸦求
20 捋А
$ Default value for DtNfindDialogTitle resource,
$ title of the Find/Change dialog
21 掾势/收恃
21 硻岊/彶庍
$ Default value for DtNmisspelledListLabel resource,
$ label for list of unrecognized and misspelled words
22 鸦求蜚毹〃
22 捋А蠆諟”
$ Default value for DtNfindFieldLabel resource,
$ label of field in which user types string for which to search.
23 掾势〃
23 硻岊”
$ Default value for DtNchangeFieldLabel resource,
$ label of field in which user types the replacement string
24 收恃页〃
24 彶庍珜”
$ Default values for DtNfindButtonLabel, DtNchangeButtonLabel, and
$ DtNchangeAllButtonLabel resources,
$ labels for find, change, and change all buttons in Find/Change dialog
25 掾势
26 收恃
27 抢蒎收恃
25 硻岊
26 彶庍
27 ツ楶彶庍
$ ******************************************************************
$ ** module: SearchDlg. **
@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ $ ** specified string or word. **
$ ******************************************************************
$ Used to display "Unable to find the string FOO in the current document."
$ Note: Do not localize the characters %s.
30 倾堍如牌堑你势拟摊求入 %s·
30 ョ隃⺼齪ス斕岊攜怉А⻌ %s﹞
$ Title for general information dialog (e.g. "Find/Change dialog can't
$ find word in document.").
31 骜毓
31 罶媢
$ ***********************************************************
$ ** module Editor.c **
@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ $ ***********************************************************
$ Default value for DtNcurrentLineLabel resource,
$ label for the display showing the current insert cursor line
40 如胬〃
40 ⺼磍”
$ Default value for DtNtotalLineCountLabel resource,
$ label for the display showing the total number of lines in the document
41 絷如戆〃
41 鐠⺼禨”
$ Default value for DtNoverstrikeLabel resource,
$ label used to indicate Editor is in overstrike (overtype) mode.
42 骰煅
42 鷋嬣
$ Default value for DtNinsertLabel resource,
$ label used to indicate Editor is in insert mode.
@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ $ ** **
$ *************************************************************
$ Warning messsage
$ Note: do not localize the chars XmNmenuPost
1 XmNmenuPost 嘻垣拟琴挝·
1 XmNmenuPost 柁圊攜ポ恄﹞
$ Error messsages
$ Note: do not localize the chars DtMenuButtonWidget in messages 2 and 3
2 DtMenuButtonWidget〃嘁真嘻母煲劈卒闲·
3 DtMenuButtonWidget〃嘁真嘻裙劈卒闲·
2 DtMenuButtonWidget”隓淩柁譫嬬衢逑玿﹞
3 DtMenuButtonWidget”隓淩柁衢逑玿﹞
$set 5
$ *************************************************************
@ -216,38 +216,38 @@ $ *************************************************************
$ Warning messsages
$ Note: do not localize the chars DtComboBoxWidget in messages 1 - 11
$ Note: do not localize the chars alignment and DtALIGNMENT_CENTER
1 DtComboBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 alignment 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 DtALIGNMENT_CENTER)·
1 DtComboBoxWidget”隓淩柁 alignment 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 DtALIGNMENT_CENTER)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars marginHeight
2 DtComboBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 marginHeight 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 2)·
2 DtComboBoxWidget”隓淩柁 marginHeight 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 2)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars marginWidth
3 DtComboBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 marginWidth 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 2)·
3 DtComboBoxWidget”隓淩柁 marginWidth 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 2)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars horizontalSpacing
4 DtComboBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 horizontalSpacing 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 0)·
4 DtComboBoxWidget”隓淩柁 horizontalSpacing 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 0)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars verticalSpacing
5 DtComboBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 verticalSpacing 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 0)·
5 DtComboBoxWidget”隓淩柁 verticalSpacing 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 0)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars orientation and DtRIGHT
6 DtComboBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 orientation 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 DtRIGHT)·
6 DtComboBoxWidget”隓淩柁 orientation 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 DtRIGHT)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars itemCount
7 DtComboBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 itemCount 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 0)·
7 DtComboBoxWidget”隓淩柁 itemCount 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 0)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars selectedPosition
8 DtComboBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 selectedPosition 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 to 0)·
8 DtComboBoxWidget”隓淩柁 selectedPosition 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 to 0)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars textField
9 DtComboBoxWidget〃嘁挝菝贴 textField 骜溷·
9 DtComboBoxWidget”隓恄暋泂 textField 罶鳲﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars DtComboBoxSetItem
10 DtComboBoxWidget〃嘁挝势摊恸气唆菝贴 (DtComboBoxSetItem)·
10 DtComboBoxWidget”隓恄岊怉禋げ坭暋泂 (DtComboBoxSetItem)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars DtComboBoxSelectItem
11 DtComboBoxWidget〃嘁挝势摊恸气唆蛸探 (DtComboBoxSelectItem)·
12 收恃乃难坡邗·偏卒岩薏羡嘻恸气饩绱偏祁煜轩驮鹨映·
11 DtComboBoxWidget”隓恄岊怉禋げ坭藞抻 (DtComboBoxSelectItem)﹞
12 彶庍騰麵⼇絫﹞⑴逑旂瑊畈柁禋げ熅蝝⑴え嬥唄邴襓茬﹞
$ Label value
13 攴琴派怔
13 篞ポ巖涺
$ Error message
$ Note: do not localize the chars String and XmRType
14 cvtStringToType〃俣戆蜚毹、String 摊 XmRType 嘻魉咝拟腈友黛评嘻俣戆
14 cvtStringToType”棤禨蠆諟﹜String 怉 XmRType 柁鼲葎攜錛衭籧⼃柁棤禨
$ Warning message
15 DtComboBoxDeletePos〃俣戆蜚毹、嘁真嘻软弭垣
15 DtComboBoxDeletePos”棤禨蠆諟﹜隓淩柁⻏殦圊
$set 6
$ *************************************************************
@ -258,32 +258,32 @@ $ *************************************************************
$ Warning messsages
$ Note: do not localize the chars DtSpinBoxWidget in messages 1 - 14
$ Note: do not localize the chars arrowSensitivity and DtARROWS_SENSITIVE
1 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 arrowSensitivity 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 DtARROWS_SENSITIVE)·
1 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓淩柁 arrowSensitivity 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 DtARROWS_SENSITIVE)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars alignment and DtALIGNMENT_CENTER
2 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 alignment 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 DtALIGNMENT_CENTER)·
2 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓淩柁 alignment 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 DtALIGNMENT_CENTER)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars intialDelay
3 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 initialDelay 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 250)·
3 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓淩柁 initialDelay 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 250)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars marginHeight
4 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 marginHeight 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 2)·
4 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓淩柁 marginHeight 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 2)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars marginWidth
5 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 marginWidth 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 2)·
5 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓淩柁 marginWidth 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 2)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars arrowLayout and DtARROWS_BEGINNING
6 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 arrowLayout 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 DtARROWS_BEGINNING)·
6 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓淩柁 arrowLayout 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 DtARROWS_BEGINNING)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars repeatDelay
7 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 repeatDelay 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 200)·
7 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓淩柁 repeatDelay 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 200)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars itemCount
8 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 itemCount 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 0)·
8 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓淩柁 itemCount 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 0)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars position in messages 9 and 10
9 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 position 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 0)·
10 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 position 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 minimum)·
9 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓淩柁 position 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 0)﹞
10 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓淩柁 position 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 minimum)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars decimalPoints
11 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 decimalPoints 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 0)·
11 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓淩柁 decimalPoints 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 0)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars minimum
12 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁真嘻 minimum 骜溷 (涅贴垣页 maximum)·
12 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓淩柁 minimum 罶鳲 (蠡泂圊珜 maximum)﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars textField
13 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁挝菝贴 textField 骜溷·
13 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓恄暋泂 textField 罶鳲﹞
$ Note: do not localize the chars DtSpinBoxSetItem
14 DtSpinBoxWidget〃嘁挝势摊恸气唆菝贴 (DtSpinBoxSetItem)·
14 DtSpinBoxWidget”隓恄岊怉禋げ坭暋泂 (DtSpinBoxSetItem)﹞
$ Label value
15 蛸恸派怔
15 藞禋巖涺
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ $quote "
$set 1
1 "诶著嘻友仝如菡远淘棚忝?"
1 "睎翍柁衭欹⺼楙堈杬麟蓇?"
$ -------------------------------------
$ MotifApp/DialogManager.C
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ $
$quote "
2 "睚贴"
3 "探旨"
2 "薚泂"
3 "抻祤"
$ -------------------------------------
$ MotifApp/Help.C
@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ $
$quote "
4 "DtMail 侮欺枳驺"
5 "DtMail 侮欺枳驺"
6 "诶埔恻倾筌祁幔娶你蛸探摹远镊堑·\n"
4 "DtMail 斿ヾ髱緷"
5 "DtMail 斿ヾ髱緷"
6 "睎⽁禕ョ鶈え嶂冈斕藞抻纂堈蠣ス﹞\n"
7 "DtMail Help"
8 "DtMail Help"
@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ $
$quote "
10 "群牙棚嘁挝蹁韵·捏鳟友<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>忝?"
10 "挴麟隓恄籔婘﹞羼鰹衭凭㶴蓇?"
$quote "
$set 2
1 "蛸疱蜚毹、嘁挝<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>\n"
2 "损祁席溶如你鏊蛸疱·\n"
1 "藞謥蠆諟﹜隓恄凭㶴\n"
2 "囷え炟⺌⺼斕黫藞謥﹞\n"
$ -------------------------------------
$ MotifApp/QuitCmd.C
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -66,36 +66,36 @@ $ _DtMessage 5 is a prompt stating that the user must supply information
$ for the action. Execute the "TERM_PROMPT" action for an example.
1 %1$s%2$s%3$s
2 %1$s%2$s
3 侬散〃
4 [蜚毹]
5 铢蛴墨亩悄骜毓〃
6 诶呷蓑嘻俣戆糯情、饩绱蛸探嘻侬散驮腈· \n\n蛸探≈睚贴∽偏土堠黛评嘻俣戆·\n\n蛸探≈探旨∽鞋偏苘畔菡远侬散·
3 棬汃”
4 [蠆諟]
5 霘藣蘋譯ト罶媢”
6 睎菙坯柁棤禨霽ロ﹜熅蝝藞抻柁棬汃邴錛﹞ \n\n藞抻>薚泂=⑴芩靬籧⼃柁棤禨﹞\n\n藞抻>抻祤=衧⑴嗈欐楙堈棬汃﹞
$ NOTE: trailing spaces ARE important in message 7!
7 亩悄配瘼嘁挝囚探〃\n\n
8 \n\n铢篝宴亦肟軎骜砧囚探岩闪\n却锼宓葙谫·\n\n
7 譯ト饜鞥隓恄Б抻”\n\n
8 \n\n霘黀栯砫踸磞罶涷Б抻旂匢\n懱撋椵稌﹞\n\n
$ ** The arguments for message #9 are: <action name>, <file name>, <file type>.
9 偏卒岩侬散 "%1$s" 嘁挝势摊托\n菡远侬散嘁挝筌祁摊篁争〃\n "%2$s"\n抬骜砧<E9AA9C>吞页〃 "%3$s"\n\n
9 ⑴逑旂棬汃 "%1$s" 隓恄岊怉迖\n楙堈棬汃隓恄鶈え怉麔淰”\n "%2$s"\n怬罶涷㪫迒珜” "%3$s"\n\n
$ ** The argument for message #10 is: <action name>
10 侬散 "%s" 嘁挝势摊·\n
10 棬汃 "%s" 隓恄岊怉﹞\n
$ ** Message number 11 is difficult to generate without an internal error.
11 亩悄篁争嘁挝势摊〃\n\n
11 譯ト麔淰隓恄岊怉”\n\n
$ Do NOT localize the word "MAP".
12 菡远侬散嘁挝仝如、寝页破琵芍糯\n\
情煲 MAP、托席枳筌汕 "肽叵" 雾梃·
13 嘁挝铪祁友叔嘻侬散·\n\n亩悄配瘼偏囚探忝?\n\t(%s)\n枳筌嘻幔娶囚倾忝?\n(铢仝如 /usr/dt/bin/dttypes 唆浓刭侬散曦幔娶·)\n\n诶嘻朔苡岩闪呢孱属却熄怄偏盆仝如浠嘻莰堋?
14 咤菡远侬散韦侪嘻友叔坡邗·
15 咤菡远侬散韦侪嘻友叔坡邗·\n嘁挝喧恰 ToolTalk 葙谫·
16 咤菡远侬散韦侪嘻友叔坡邗·
17 咤菡远侬散韦侪嘻友叔坡邗、韵寝邱亩〃\n\n %s·
18 瑭孳枳筌篁争趴戆逆摹针、\n却蜚毹圊祈·
12 楙堈棬汃隓恄欹⺼﹜モ珜⼓讓屼霽\n\
ロ嬬 MAP﹜迖炟髱鶈囟 "踽媝" 昲鳷﹞
13 隓恄鞜え衭忴柁棬汃﹞\n\n譯ト饜鞥⑴Б抻蓇?\n\t(%s)\n髱鶈柁嶂冈Бョ蓇?\n(霘欹⺼ /usr/dt/bin/dttypes 坭襯崷棬汃縋嶂冈﹞)\n\n睎柁侇嗄旂匢儸槴扽洠睮⑴髓欹⺼隞柁搢隉?
14 蜌楙堈棬汃峇棜柁衭忴⼇絫﹞
15 蜌楙堈棬汃峇棜柁衭忴⼇絫﹞\n隓恄唈ゥ ToolTalk 椵稌﹞
16 蜌楙堈棬汃峇棜柁衭忴⼇絫﹞
17 蜌楙堈棬汃峇棜柁衭忴⼇絫﹜婘モヵ譯”\n\n %s﹞
18 閰箹髱鶈麔淰鰱禨欄纂渀﹜\n蠆諟僛ぇ﹞
$ ** The arguments for message #19 are: <action name>, <buffer type>.
19 偏卒岩侬散 "%1$s" 嘁挝势摊、托岩\n菡远侬散嘁挝筌祁摊盆亩<E79B86>杀嘻盥铐俅〃\n\n"%2$s"
19 ⑴逑旂棬汃 "%1$s" 隓恄岊怉﹜迖旂\n楙堈棬汃隓恄鶈え怉髓譯麷伀柁邅鍙棷”\n\n"%2$s"
20 嘁挝页侬散〃"%2$s"\n喧恰聿针篁争〃"%1$s"
21 侬散〃"%s"\n栖排呶盆亩蛴墨戊堑<E6888A>杀〃"%d"·
22 嘁挝喧恰摹远聿囚篁王气蜱: "%s"\n峥秦页: "%s" 逆侬散.
23 嘁挝怃邛摹远聿囚篁: "%s"\n峥秦页: "%s" 逆侬散.
24 嘁挝煅墨摹远聿囚篁: "%s"\n峥秦页: "%s" 逆侬散.
20 隓恄珜棬汃”"%2$s"\n唈ゥ穛渀麔淰”"%1$s"
21 棬汃”"%s"\nゝ齬葰髓譯藣蘋昡ス麷伀”"%d"﹞
22 隓恄唈ゥ纂堈穛Б麔卼げ蠊: "%s"\n彃ボ珜: "%s" 欄棬汃.
23 隓恄瞅絒纂堈穛Б麔: "%s"\n彃ボ珜: "%s" 欄棬汃.
24 隓恄嬣蘋纂堈穛Б麔: "%s"\n彃ボ珜: "%s" 欄棬汃.
$set 3
@ -103,32 +103,32 @@ $ **** Module: CmdMain.c ****
$ These messages are generated by the command invocation library.
$ Note that set 3, messages 1, 3, 4, 12, 13, 16 have been obsoleted.
2 瑭孳诜配瘼 "%2$s" \n\n\
2 閰箹皕饜鞥 "%2$s" \n\n\
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
5 瑭孳仝如亩悄淘棚倾配瘼\n\
"%1$s" 坡邗〃\n\n\
5 閰箹欹⺼譯ト杬麟ョ饜鞥\n\
"%1$s" ⼇絫”\n\n\
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
6 瑭孳仝如亩悄淘棚坡邗〃\n\n\
6 閰箹欹⺼譯ト杬麟⼇絫”\n\n\
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
$ Do NOT localize the word "PATH".
7 嘁挝邛填群侬散、寝页亩悄苘軎瘼砑箝鹇\n\
7 隓恄絒沓棬汃﹜モ珜譯ト嗈磞鞥篲鶅蟟\n\
诶嘻 "PATH" 母·
睎柁 "PATH" 譫﹞
$ Message number 8 is OBSOLETE.
$ 8 This action is missing one or more of the following:\n\n\
@ -136,96 +136,96 @@ $ execution parameters, execution string or execution host.\n\n\
$ Check that the action has an appropriate number of parameters.
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
9 菡远侬散嘻求镊絷戆饩砒 "%d" 远求镊嘻薏乃宇瘫·\n\n\
9 楙堈棬汃柁А蠣鐠禨熅罐 "%d" 堈А蠣柁瑊騰迻戔﹞\n\n\
$ Message number 10 is OBSOLETE.
$ 10 The shell program "%s" cannot be started.\n\n\
$ Check that the program has the correct permissions and\n\
$ is executable.
11 倾配瘼 "%s" 母瑭孳邛侬摹远浠嘻莰堋坡邗·\n\n\
11 ョ饜鞥 "%s" 譫閰箹絒棬纂堈隞柁搢隉⼇絫﹞\n\n\
$ Message number 14 is OBSOLETE.
$ 14 An attempt to log the output from a remote host failed.\n\n\
$ To continue, you may need to stop an existing process.
15 瑭孳狻捧肟軎配瘼嘻蛴砒攀擘坡邗·\n\n\
15 閰箹漶癱踸磞饜鞥柁藣罐戀諲⼇絫﹞\n\n\
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
$ Do NOT localize the words "WINDOW_TYPE".
17 菡远侬散嘻 WINDOW_TYPE "%1$s" 嘁挝蛘<E68C9D>·\n\
WINDOW-TYPE 筌页亩悄逆摹〃\n\n\
17 楙堈棬汃柁 WINDOW_TYPE "%1$s" 隓恄藑籫﹞\n\
WINDOW-TYPE 鶈珜譯ト欄纂”\n\n\
%2$s, %3$s, %4$s,\n\
%5$s, %6$s 托 %7$s
%5$s, %6$s 迖 %7$s
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
18 菡远侬散嘁挝邛侬、寝页 DT 耐莰堋幔娶\n\
18 楙堈棬汃隓恄絒棬﹜モ珜 DT 騵搢隉嶂冈\n\
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
19 瑭孳倾 X 腮韦鹇配瘼 "%s" 母仝如 'xhost' 坡邗·\n\n\
邱为拟狮郜菡远毓丈砒堍、虽探旨溶侬仝如 xhost、铢仝如\n\
"EditResources" 侬散、虽披墨盆亩骜溷〃\n\n\
19 閰箹ョ X ɵ峇蟟饜鞥 "%s" 譫欹⺼ 'xhost' ⼇絫﹞\n\n\
ヵ峈攜囧菗楙堈媢桾罐隃﹜呥抻祤⺌棬欹⺼ xhost﹜霘欹⺼\n\
"EditResources" 棬汃﹜呥蠹蘋髓譯罶鳲”\n\n\
*autoXhosting: False\n
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any lines in the following message.
20 菡远侬散嘁挝倾配瘼 "%1$s" 母仝如、\n\
20 楙堈棬汃隓恄ョ饜鞥 "%1$s" 譫欹⺼﹜\n\
21 侬散 "%1$s" 醛劈氢倾配瘼 "%2$s" 母仝如·
21 棬汃 "%1$s" 衢ユョ饜鞥 "%2$s" 譫欹⺼﹞
22 配瘼 "%2$s" 母嘻气蜱 "%1$s"\n\
22 饜鞥 "%2$s" 譫柁げ蠊 "%1$s"\n\
23 配瘼 "%2$s" 母嘻 stderr 攀擘篁争 "%1$s"\n\
23 饜鞥 "%2$s" 譫柁 stderr 戀諲麔淰 "%1$s"\n\
24 菡远侬散嘁挝仝如、寝页\n\
嘁挝损祁配瘼 "%s"·
24 楙堈棬汃隓恄欹⺼﹜モ珜\n\
隓恄囷え饜鞥 "%s"﹞
25 菡远侬散嘁挝倾配瘼 "%1$s" 母仝如、寝页\n\
菡蒎配瘼母嘻 "%2$s" 韦侪刭弭却俾黝·
25 楙堈棬汃隓恄ョ饜鞥 "%1$s" 譫欹⺼﹜モ珜\n\
楙楶饜鞥譫柁 "%2$s" 峇棜崷殦棯纕﹞
26 菡远侬散嘁挝仝如、寝页配瘼 "%2$s" 母\n\
属却刭弭 "%1$s" 韦侪·
26 楙堈棬汃隓恄欹⺼﹜モ珜饜鞥 "%2$s" 譫\n\
扽崷殦 "%1$s" 峇棜﹞
27 菡远侬散嘁挝倾配瘼 "%1$s" 母仝如、寝页损祁席\n\
"%2$s" 嘻损祁席 id 页 "%3$d" 倾配瘼 "%4$s"、菡曦\n\
铪祁群侬散嘻配瘼 "%5$s" 嘻损祁席秦辎滔损祁席 id\n\
27 楙堈棬汃隓恄ョ饜鞥 "%1$s" 譫欹⺼﹜モ珜囷え炟\n\
"%2$s" 柁囷え炟 id 珜 "%3$d" ョ饜鞥 "%4$s"﹜楙縋\n\
鞜え棬汃柁饜鞥 "%5$s" 柁囷え炟ボ磝昑囷え炟 id\n\
28 菡远侬散嘁挝倾配瘼 "%1$s" 母仝如、寝页\n\
损祁席 "%2$s" 倾菡蒎配瘼母属却怕螭·
28 楙堈棬汃隓恄ョ饜鞥 "%1$s" 譫欹⺼﹜モ珜\n\
囷え炟 "%2$s" ョ楙楶饜鞥譫扽鷓韝﹞
29 菡远侬散嘁挝倾配瘼 "%1$s" 母仝如、寝页\n\
29 楙堈棬汃隓恄ョ饜鞥 "%1$s" 譫欹⺼﹜モ珜\n\
30 菡远侬散嘁挝倾配瘼 "%s" 母仝如、寝页\n\
30 楙堈棬汃隓恄ョ饜鞥 "%s" 譫欹⺼﹜モ珜\n\
31 菡远侬散嘁挝倾配瘼 "%1$s" 母仝如、寝页\n\
艨韬饩绱 "%2$d" 软镊嘻宇瘫·
31 楙堈棬汃隓恄ョ饜鞥 "%1$s" 譫欹⺼﹜モ珜\n\
蘄頨熅蝝 "%2$d" ⻏蠣柁迻戔﹞
32 菡远侬散嘁挝倾配瘼 "%1$s" 母仝如、寝页\n\
配瘼 "%2$s" 属却<E5B19E>陌损祁 "%3$s" 韦侪·\n\n\
友恃七菡远俾黝、铢倾配瘼 "%7$s" 嘻 "%6$s"\n\
篁争嘻 "%5$s" 韦侪你披墨配瘼 "%4$s" 恸气·
32 楙堈棬汃隓恄ョ饜鞥 "%1$s" 譫欹⺼﹜モ珜\n\
饜鞥 "%2$s" 扽ḷ襤囷え "%3$s" 峇棜﹞\n\n\
衭庍楙堈棯纕﹜霘ョ饜鞥 "%7$s" 柁 "%6$s"\n\
麔淰柁 "%5$s" 峇棜斕蠹蘋饜鞥 "%4$s" 禋げ﹞
$set 4
@ -234,49 +234,49 @@ $
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
1 "%s" 贴屮倾篁争〃\n\
1 "%s" 泂氂ョ麔淰”\n\
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
$ Do NOT localize the word "END".
2 贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争\n\
2 泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰\n\
"END" <EFBFBD>软·\n
"END" 唫⻏﹞\n
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
3 情如<EFBFBD>软倾贴屮 "%s"\n\
3 ロ⺼唫⻏ョ泂氂 "%s"\n\
淄欧摹远 "\\" 求镊·\n
谹韁纂堈 "\\" А蠣﹞\n
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
4 贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争\n\
4 泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰\n\
$ Do NOT localize the word "Dt.TypesDirs".
5 瑭孳<EFBFBD>探侬散曦篁争<EFBFBD>形骜砧栈坡邗·\n\
偏卒嘻韵寝岩骜溷 "Dt.TypesDirs" 菝贴蜚毹·\n
5 閰箹幺抻棬汃縋麔淰麷倛罶涷梬⼇絫﹞\n\
⑴逑柁婘モ旂罶鳲 "Dt.TypesDirs" 暋泂蠆諟﹞\n
$ Do NOT localize the strings "'{'" or "'}'".
6 贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争\n "%s"\n 却岣手苁胬 '}'、叁属却啬填苁胬 '{'·\n
6 泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰\n "%s"\n 廎忒嗃磍 '}'﹜ɪ扽媊沓嗃磍 '{'﹞\n
$ Do NOT localize the strings "'{'" or "'}'".
7 贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争\n "%s"\n 却蜚毹嘻啬填苁胬 '{'·\n
7 泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰\n "%s"\n 蠆諟柁媊沓嗃磍 '{'﹞\n
$ Do NOT localize the strings "'{'" or "'}'".
8 贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争\n "%s"\n 拟声痨·贴屮你偏卒淄欧\n"}" <20>软·\n
8 泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰\n "%s"\n 攜汒謽﹞泂氂斕⑴逑谹韁\n"}" 唫⻏﹞\n
$ Do NOT localize the strings "'{'" or "'}'".
9 贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争\n "%s"\n 淄欧摹远啬填苁胬 '{'·\n
9 泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰\n "%s"\n 谹韁纂堈媊沓嗃磍 '{'﹞\n
10 DtDbVersion <EFBFBD>戆品卒倾篁争怃螭\n菝贴·篁争 '%s' 嘻抬秕蒎枪莘土堠·\n
10 DtDbVersion 䨣禨ⅲ逑ョ麔淰瞅韝\n暋泂﹞麔淰 '%s' 柁怬瀦楶ソ揧芩靬﹞\n
11 篁争 '%s'\n芍却嘁真嘻 DtDbVersion <20>杀求·\n
11 麔淰 '%s'\n屼隓淩柁 DtDbVersion 籫伀А﹞\n
$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
@ -292,14 +292,14 @@ $
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
1 侬散贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争〃\n\
1 棬汃泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰”\n\
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
2 侬散贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争〃\n\
2 棬汃泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰”\n\
$ Message number 3 is OBSOLETE.
@ -307,16 +307,16 @@ $ 3 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\
$ "%s"\n\
$ does not have the required field "%s".\n
4 "%s" <EFBFBD>软倾侬散贴屮 "%s"\n\
倾篁争 "%s"\n\
4 "%s" 唫⻏ョ棬汃泂氂 "%s"\n\
ョ麔淰 "%s"\n\
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
$ Do NOT localize the words "TYPE MAP".
5 侬散贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争〃\n\
5 棬汃泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰”\n\
嘁挝七睚氢枳筌·"%s" <20>软\n\
筌页〃TYPE MAP action_mapped_to·\n
隓恄薚ユ髱鶈﹞"%s" 唫⻏\n\
鶈珜”TYPE MAP action_mapped_to﹞\n
$ Message number 6 is OBSOLETE.
$ 6 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\
@ -330,10 +330,10 @@ $ has the unrecognized value "%s".\n
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
$ Do NOT localize the word "COMMAND".
8 侬散贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争〃\n\
8 棬汃泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰”\n\
岩摹远 "COMMAND" 侬散<E4BEAC>形、叁淄欧\n\
埔友<EFBFBD>软 "%s"·\n
旂纂堈 "COMMAND" 棬汃麷倛﹜ɪ谹韁\n\
⽁衭唫⻏ "%s"﹞\n
$ Message number 9 is OBSOLETE.
$ 9 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\
@ -348,30 +348,30 @@ $ is a "MESSAGE" action type but lacks the\n\
$ required field "%s".\n
$ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message.
11 侬散贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争〃\n\
11 棬汃泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰”\n\
却摹远拟琴挝嘻垣 "%s" 倾 "%s" <20>软·\n"
纂堈攜ポ恄柁圊 "%s" ョ "%s" 唫⻏﹞\n"
12 侬散贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争〃\n\
12 棬汃泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰”\n\
琵芍屿铒嘻<EFBFBD>软秦辎〃\n "%s"·
讓屼适闀柁唫⻏ボ磝”\n "%s"﹞
13 侬散贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争〃\n\
13 棬汃泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰”\n\
琵芍 "%s" <20>形侬散嘻嘁真<E59881>软·\n
讓屼 "%s" 麷倛棬汃柁隓淩唫⻏﹞\n
14 侬散贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争〃\n\
14 棬汃泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰”\n\
淄欧埔友<EFBFBD>软、 "%s"\n 枳王 "%s" <20>形嘻侬散·\n
谹韁⽁衭唫⻏﹜ "%s"\n 髱卼 "%s" 麷倛柁棬汃﹞\n
$ Message number 15 is OBSOLETE.
$ 15 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\
$ "%s"\n\
$ contains a NULL field value, for the "%s" field.\n
16 侬散贴屮 "%s" 倾篁争\n\
16 棬汃泂氂 "%s" ョ麔淰\n\
却摹远拟琴挝嘻垣 "%s" 倾 "%s%s%s" <20>软·\n"
纂堈攜ポ恄柁圊 "%s" ョ "%s%s%s" 唫⻏﹞\n"
$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
@ -384,11 +384,11 @@ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$set 28
$ ***** Module: DtUtil.c *****
$ The following are button labels.
1 睚贴
2 探旨
3 牒煞氅忘
4 筌祁
1 薚泂
2 抻祤
3 赮伢諰咭
4 鶈え
5 驨椲
$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
@ -54,40 +54,40 @@ $ file /usr/adm/sulog; it is written to the sulog file anytime the '-user'
$ option is used. The fields are:
$ <appl Name> <month>/<day> <hour>:<min> <success> <tty> <old Name> <new Name>
$ The only fields which need to be customized are the date and time fields.
1 dtaction %1$、2d/%2$、2d %3$、2d〃%4$、2d %5$1、1s %6$s %7$s--%8$s\n
1 dtaction %1$﹜2d/%2$﹜2d %3$﹜2d”%4$﹜2d %5$1﹜1s %6$s %7$s--%8$s\n
$ This is the label for the Ok button in the dialogs which collect
$ the user's password, the invalid password dialog, and the unknown user
$ error dialog.
2 睚贴
2 薚泂
$ This is the label for the error dialog which occurs when the user enters
$ and invalid password into the password dialog.
3 诶躏墨嘻亠睿曦损祁席嘻亠睿拟肄苁·%s.\n\n铢屿浠躏墨亠睿、托蛸疱\n"探旨"躏盆岣手痃散·
3 睎耰蘋柁湅謑縋囷え炟柁湅謑攜砨嗃﹞%s.\n\n霘适隞耰蘋湅謑﹜迖藞謥\n"抻祤"耰髓廎忒謦汃﹞
$ This is the title for the password error dialog
4 侬散铪祁鹇 -- 亠睿蜚毹
4 棬汃鞜え蟟 -- 湅謑蠆諟
$ This is the label displayed in the prompt dialog, used to collect the
$ user's password.
5 铢躏墨损祁席亠睿 %s〃
5 霘耰蘋囷え炟湅謑 %s”
$ This is the title for the prompt dialog collecting the user's password.
6 侬散铪祁鹇 -- 亠睿
6 棬汃鞜え蟟 -- 湅謑
$ This is the label for the Cancel button in the dialog which is used to
$ collect the user's password.
7 探旨
7 抻祤
$ This is the message displayed in the 'unknown user' dialog
8 损祁席 '%s' 页摹远拟忘嘻损祁席秦辎·\n\n莘友叔嘻侬散衮拟淠莘仝如·
8 囷え炟 '%s' 珜纂堈攜咭柁囷え炟ボ磝﹞\n\n揧衭忴柁棬汃渿攜鞂揧欹⺼﹞
$ This is the title for the 'unknown user' dialog
9 侬散铪祁鹇 -- 拟忘嘻损祁席
9 棬汃鞜え蟟 -- 攜咭柁囷え炟
$ This is for when the user has failed to supply an action name
10 栖牙贴侬散秦辎·\n
10 ゝ挴泂棬汃ボ磝﹞\n
$ This is for when we are unable to open the display
11 嘁挝怃邛<EFBFBD>泣鹇·
11 隓恄瞅絒䬷ざ蟟﹞
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -68,31 +68,31 @@ $ Messages 1 - 4 are used by the "numeric base" option button. Bin is
$ short for Binary, Oct is short for Octal, Dec is short for Decimal and
$ Hex is short for Hexidecimal. Keep these to 3 to 4 characters!
1 抹庑软
2 默庑软
3 牟庑软
4 牟您庑软
1 蘑瑱⻏
2 蘇瑱⻏
3 觸瑱⻏
4 觸蠟瑱⻏
$ Messages 5 - 7 are used by the "display mode" option button. Eng is an
$ abbreviation for Engineering, Fix is an abbreviation for Fixed, and
$ Sci is an abbreviation for Scientific. Keep these to 3 characters.
5 闹幔娶
6 讨贴娶
7 绎鹦娶
5 齡嶂冈
6 枒泂冈
7 秠蟨冈
$ NOTE: no message 8
$ Messages 9 - 11 refer to the three modes the Calculator can operate in.
$ They are listed in the "Mode" option button.
9 芈侪砑娶
10 <EFBFBD>蛞砑娶
11 绎鹦砑娶
9 娷棜篲冈
10 敭藟篲冈
11 秠蟨篲冈
$ Message 12 - This is the title to the Calculator.
12 佑戢瘼
12 衶磭鞥
$ Messages 13 - 30 are the labels in the menubar pulldown menus and the
$ mnemonic's (the letter that gets underlined for keyboard access) that
@ -101,73 +101,73 @@ $
$ Message 13 is the mnemonic for Message 14
13 O
14 蛸恸(O)
15 卮鹳聿囚鹇(R)
16 ASCII 魉咝(A)
14 藞禋(O)
15 奡襉穛Б蟟(R)
16 ASCII 鼲葎(A)
$ Message 17 is the mnemonic for Message 18
17 H
18 牒煞氅忘(H)
18 赮伢諰咭(H)
$ Message 19 is the mnemonic for Message 20
19 v
20 渫<EFBFBD>(v)
20 颮羏(v)
$ Message 21 is the mnemonic for Message 22
21 T
22 闹散(T)
22 齡汃(T)
$ Message 23 is the mnemonic for Message 24
23 R
24 俣扔骜砧(R)
24 棤℡罶涷(R)
$ Message 25 is the mnemonic for Message 26
25 O
26 <EFBFBD>王恸气(O)
26 驨卼禋げ(O)
$ Message 27 is the mnemonic for Message 28
27 U
28 损祁牒煞氅忘(U)
28 囷え赮伢諰咭(U)
$ Message 29 is the mnemonic for Message 30
29 A
30 <EFBFBD>王佑戢瘼(A)
30 驨卼衶磭鞥(A)
$ Message 31 is an simple error message.
31 嘁挝怃邛<EFBFBD>泣鹇·\n
31 隓恄瞅絒䬷ざ蟟﹞\n
$ Messages 32 and 33 are button labels for dialog boxes.
32 <EFBFBD>蒺
33 苫太筌祁
32 驨椲
33 伒怮鶈え
$ Message 34 is an simple error message.
34 嘁挝怃邛怅阳散淦篁争
34 隓恄瞅絒瞃栠汃鞄麔淰
$ Message 35 - Gets put in the "Functions" popup when no functions have been
$ defined by the users.
35 栖贴屮酞戆
35 ゝ泂氂怐禨
$ Message 36 and 37 are titles to two types of dialogs.
37 睚毳葑伤
36 凭㶴謦汃楈夼
37 薚諝楈夼
$ Message 38 and 39 are another label for the Help pulldown menu.
$ Message 38 is the mnemonic for Message 39
38 C
39 涅诈闲知(C)
39 蠡晥玿眭(C)
$ 40 - This is the mnemonic for the 'Memory Registers...' option on
$ the Option menu pulldown. (message 15 set 2)
@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ $
$ 46 - This is the title for the popup menu.
46 苫太<EFBFBD>泣佑戢瘼
46 伒怮䬷ざ衶磭鞥
$ Used as the title, In Asian languages labels need to be different
$ from the menu label.
47 牒煞氅忘
47 赮伢諰咭
$set 3
$ ****** Module: text.c ****(developer comment only)********
@ -215,29 +215,29 @@ $ NOTE: there is no Message 1 - 4.
$ Messages 5-47 are what gets displayed on each of the calculator keys.
5 酞戆
6 讦戆
7 押躏
5 怐禨
6 琣禨
7 挹耰
$ Message 8 - Int is short for integer.
8 痨戆
8 謽禨
$ Message 9 - Frac is short for fraction.
9 难戆
9 麵禨
$ Message 10 - Abs is short for absolute value.
10 岷枳垣
10 廕髱圊
$ Message 11 - Exp is short for exponent.
11 牙戆
12 甏睚垣
13 竺囚
14 扌沁
15 迁咝
11 挴禨
12 窵薚圊
13 鬊Б
14 痻ャ
15 ガ葎
16 1/x
17 x^2
18 %
@ -292,19 +292,19 @@ $ key. These are the keyboard keys which provide the given function. These are
$ also known as keyboard accelerators. These keys directly correspond to
$ Messages 5-47. (i.e 5 maps to 52, 6 maps to 53, etc.).
52 F - 酞戆
53 # - 讦戆
54 k - 押躏
55 I - 痨戆
52 F - 怐禨
53 # - 琣禨
54 k - 挹耰
55 I - 謽禨
$ Message 56 is "Control f"
56 ^f - 难戆
56 ^f - 麵禨
$ Message 57 is "Control u"
57 ^u 岷枳垣
58 E - 牙戆
59 A - 甏睚垣
60 S - 竺囚
61 R - 扌沁
62 X - 迁咝
57 ^u 廕髱圊
58 E - 挴禨
59 A - 窵薚圊
60 S - 鬊Б
61 R - 痻ャ
62 X - ガ葎
63 r - 1/x
64 @ - x^2
65 %
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ $
91 0
92 .
93 =
94 q - 岣手
94 q - 廎忒
$ Messages 95-98 are keyboard acclerators for Messages 48-51
95 B
96 D
@ -353,46 +353,46 @@ $ NOTE: Messages 99 - 106 aren't used.
$ Messages 107-118 are dialog/popup titles.
107 甏睚垣
108 戆垣僮戆
109 讦戆
110 迁咝
111 酞戆
113 砑娶
115 探沁
116 骗苊
117 竺囚
118 牡伺酞戆形梃
107 窵薚圊
108 禨圊椕禨
109 琣禨
110 ガ葎
111 怐禨
113 篲冈
114 䬷ざ麷伀
115 抻ャ
116 ⑶傶
117 鬊Б
118 警侜怐禨倛鳷
$ Messages 119-128 are the messages describing the Constants listed when the
$ Constant popup is brought up. NOTE: don't translate <=>
119 狞宿/难针 <=> 恿攒/难针·
120 2 嘻仆派拯·
121 e·
122 pi·
123 狞拧 <=> 恿钦·
124 凸轩·
125 2 ^ 20·
126 狞涩 <=> 嘱瞥·
127 呐嘈戎 <=> 恿瘫卒庳尢软(BTU)·
128 恰派狞拧 <=> 恰派恿钦·
119 襬咑/麵渀 <=> 蚆婗/麵渀﹞
120 2 柁⼳巖淂﹞
121 e﹞
122 pi﹞
123 襬禳 <=> 蚆ベ﹞
124 芧唄﹞
125 2 ^ 20﹞
126 襬优 <=> 翊⑼﹞
127 霰閛⺀ <=> 蚆戔逑畽痼⻏(BTU)﹞
128 ゥ巖襬禳 <=> ゥ巖蚆ベ﹞
$ Messages 132-143 are labels in the dialogs.
132 讦戆罹胬〃
133 酞戆罹胬〃
134 佑戢瘼
135 浠讦戆
136 浠酞戆
137 卮鹳聿囚鹇
138 芈侪聿囚鹇(g)
139 佑戢瘼种吞
140 邙虞〃
141 戆垣〃
142 躏墨讦戆(C)
143 躏墨酞戆(F)
132 琣禨蹌磍”
133 怐禨蹌磍”
134 衶磭鞥
135 隞琣禨
136 隞怐禨
137 奡襉穛Б蟟
138 娷棜穛Б蟟(g)
139 衶磭鞥笱迒
140 絩訒”
141 禨圊”
142 耰蘋琣禨(C)
143 耰蘋怐禨(F)
$ NOTE: Message 144 - 147 aren't used.
@ -406,105 +406,105 @@ $ word "Constant" and %1d is a number 0-9. This message gets put in a
$ dialog when the user defines a new Function or Constant that already
$ exists and the dialog asks the user wheither to overwrite it. (Message 380)
149 %s %1d 呢孱囚倾
149 %s %1d 儸槴Бョ
$ Messages 153-162 are in the accuracy popup menu for the level of accuracy.
153 0 软甏睚戆求
154 1 软甏睚戆求
155 2 软甏睚戆求
156 3 软甏睚戆求
157 4 软甏睚戆求
158 5 软甏睚戆求
159 6 软甏睚戆求
160 7 软甏睚戆求
161 8 软甏睚戆求
162 9 软甏睚戆求
153 0 ⻏窵薚禨А
154 1 ⻏窵薚禨А
155 2 ⻏窵薚禨А
156 3 ⻏窵薚禨А
157 4 ⻏窵薚禨А
158 5 ⻏窵薚禨А
159 6 ⻏窵薚禨А
160 7 ⻏窵薚禨А
161 8 ⻏窵薚禨А
162 9 ⻏窵薚禨А
$ Messages 163-172 are in the Sto, Rcl, Exch popup menu's listing the registers.
163 聿囚鹇 0
164 聿囚鹇 1
165 聿囚鹇 2
166 聿囚鹇 3
167 聿囚鹇 4
168 聿囚鹇 5
169 聿囚鹇 6
170 聿囚鹇 7
171 聿囚鹇 8
172 聿囚鹇 9
163 穛Б蟟 0
164 穛Б蟟 1
165 穛Б蟟 2
166 穛Б蟟 3
167 穛Б蟟 4
168 穛Б蟟 5
169 穛Б蟟 6
170 穛Б蟟 7
171 穛Б蟟 8
172 穛Б蟟 9
$ Messages 188-191 are the numeric base types of operation.
188 抹庑软
189 默庑软
190 牟庑软
191 牟您庑软
188 蘑瑱⻏
189 蘇瑱⻏
190 觸瑱⻏
191 觸蠟瑱⻏
$ Messages 192-194 are the display types.
192 闹幔娶
193 讨贴娶
194 绎鹦娶
192 齡嶂冈
193 枒泂冈
194 秠蟨冈
$ Messages 195-197 are the trig. types.
195 轩
196 伺轩
197 凸轩
195 唄
196 侜唄
197 芧唄
$ Messages 198-201 are the modes of operation of the calculator.
198 僮欺砑娶
199 芈侪砑娶
200 <EFBFBD>蛞砑娶
201 绎鹦砑娶
198 椕ヾ篲冈
199 娷棜篲冈
200 敭藟篲冈
201 秠蟨篲冈
$ Messages 203-207 are the labels in the Financial Registers dialog.
203 哝戆:
204 取沙埯 %:
205 堍垣:
206 哝砰馅黛:
207 苘垣:
203 蛺禨:
204 龰伈跅 %:
205 隃圊:
206 蛺體畇籧:
207 嗈圊:
$ Messages 208-217 are the button labels of the financial portion of the
$ Calculator when it is in Financial mode.
208 哝戆(Term)
209 取沙埯,%(i%Yr)
208 蛺禨(Term)
209 龰伈跅,%(i%Yr)
$ Message 210 - Pv stands for Present Value.
210 堍垣(Pv)
210 隃圊(Pv)
$ Message 211 - Pmt stands for Payment
211 哝砰馅黛(Pmt)
211 蛺體畇籧(Pmt)
$ Message 212 - Fv stands for Future Value.
212 苘垣(Fv)
212 嗈圊(Fv)
$ Message 213 means clear financial registers
213 垡劓芈侪聿囚鹇
213 覗崽娷棜穛Б蟟
$ Message 214 means Compounding term
214 铒沙哝戆(Ctrm)
214 闀伈蛺禨(Ctrm)
$ Message 215 means double-declining depreciation
215 麂寓披葳仕鳟挝(Ddb)
215 灛唲蠹楬帊鰹恄(Ddb)
$ Message 216 means Straight-line depreciation
216 牺罾仕鳟挝(Sln)
216 枺轃帊鰹恄(Sln)
$ Message 217 means Sum-of-the-years-digits depreciation
217 取戆琴佑仕鳟挝(Syd)
217 龰禨ポ衶帊鰹恄(Syd)
$ Messages 218-226 are the button labels of the logical portion of the
$ Calculator when it is in Logical mode.
@ -574,21 +574,21 @@ $ Messages 239-248 are the button labels of the financial portion of the
$ Calculator when it is in Financial mode when in "keys" mode. (i.e. button
$ acclerators).
239 T - 哝戆(Term)
239 T - 蛺禨(Term)
$ Message 240 is 'Control r'
240 ^r - 取沙埯,%(i%Yr)
241 p - 堍垣(Pv)
242 P - 哝砰馅黛(Pmt)
243 v - 苘垣(Fv)
244 L - 垡劓芈侪聿囚鹇
240 ^r - 龰伈跅,%(i%Yr)
241 p - 隃圊(Pv)
242 P - 蛺體畇籧(Pmt)
243 v - 嗈圊(Fv)
244 L - 覗崽娷棜穛Б蟟
$ Message 245 is 'Control t'
245 ^t - 铒沙哝戆(Ctrm)
245 ^t - 闀伈蛺禨(Ctrm)
$ Message 246 is 'Control d'
246 ^d - 麂寓披葳仕鳟挝(Ddb)
246 ^d - 灛唲蠹楬帊鰹恄(Ddb)
$ Message 247 is 'Control s'
247 ^s - 牺罾仕鳟挝(Sln)
247 ^s - 枺轃帊鰹恄(Sln)
$ Message 248 is 'Control y'
248 ^y - 取戆琴佑仕鳟挝(Syd)
248 ^y - 龰禨ポ衶帊鰹恄(Syd)
$ Messages 249-257 are the button labels of the logical portion of the
$ Calculator when it is in Logical mode when in "keys" mode. (i.e. button
@ -626,9 +626,9 @@ $ Message 266 is 'Control t'
$ Messages 270-272 are capitalized versions of the calculator MODES.
270 芈侪砑娶
271 <EFBFBD>蛞砑娶
272 绎鹦砑娶
270 娷棜篲冈
271 敭藟篲冈
272 秠蟨篲冈
$ Messages 273-336 are error messages which will go into $HOME/.errorlog. They
$ are all math errors. Localization of these are optional.
@ -698,61 +698,61 @@ $
$ Messages 337-343 are error messages from the command line options.
$ They also will only show up in the errorlog.
337 佑戢瘼〃 -a 腈友 0-9 逆甏睚垣·\n
337 衶磭鞥” -a 錛衭 0-9 欄窵薚圊﹞\n
$ Message 338 only goes to the errorlog file
338 佑戢瘼〃 甏睚垣筌倾 0-9 逆畀挢涅\n甏睚轩衮菝页涅菝垣〃 2·\n
339 佑戢瘼〃 僮戆筌页抹庑软、默庑软、牟庑软托牟您庑软·\n僮戆衮菝页涅菝垣〃牟庑软·\n
338 衶磭鞥” 窵薚圊鶈ョ 0-9 欄謓睕蠡\n窵薚唄渿暋珜蠡暋圊” 2﹞\n
339 衶磭鞥” 椕禨鶈珜蘑瑱⻏﹜蘇瑱⻏﹜觸瑱⻏迖觸蠟瑱⻏﹞\n椕禨渿暋珜蠡暋圊”觸瑱⻏﹞\n
$ Message 340 - %s is the invalid display mode the user supplied.
$ This goes to $HOME/.dt/errorlog only.
340 佑戢瘼〃<EFBFBD>泣砑娶 [%s] 拟枳\n
340 衶磭鞥”䬷ざ篲冈 [%s] 攜髱\n
$ Message 341 - %s is the invalid mode the user supplied.
$ This goes to $HOME/.dt/errorlog only.
341 佑戢瘼〃砑娶 [%s] 拟枳\n砑娶衮菝贴醛涅贴垣〃绎鹦砑娶\n
341 衶磭鞥”篲冈 [%s] 攜髱\n篲冈渿暋泂蠡泂圊”秠蟨篲冈\n
$ Message 342 - %s is the invalid trig. mode the user supplied.
$ This goes to $HOME/.dt/errorlog only.
342 佑戢瘼〃牡伺酞戆砑娶 [%s] 拟枳·\n
343 佑戢瘼〃怅阳篁争拟枳·\n
342 衶磭鞥”警侜怐禨篲冈 [%s] 攜髱﹞\n
343 衶磭鞥”瞃栠麔淰攜髱﹞\n
$ NOTE: no Messages 344 through 350
$ Message 351 is a label in the ASCII convert dialog.
351 求镊〃
351 А蠣”
$ Message 352 is the title of the ASCII convert dialog.
352 探诘 ASCII 求睿
352 抻痤 ASCII А謑
$ Messages 353-355 are the Trigonometric types (abbreviations).
353 轩
354 伺轩
355 凸轩
353 唄
354 侜唄
355 芧唄
$ Messages 356-358 are the usage messages.
$ Don't translate dtcalc, -a, -m, -b, -no_menu_bar -? -notation -trig or
$ -session.
356 佑戢瘼 (dtcalc) 侮欺あ·%1d\n\n
357 祁挝〃dtcalc [-a accuracy] [-m mode] [-b base] [-no_menu_bar] [-?]\n
356 衶磭鞥 (dtcalc) 斿ヾ丐﹞%1d\n\n
357 え恄”dtcalc [-a accuracy] [-m mode] [-b base] [-no_menu_bar] [-?]\n
358 \t [-notation display_notation] [-trig trignometric_type] [-session session_file]\n
$ Messages 359 and 360 not used
$ Messages 361 - 363 are button labels
361 探旨
362 睚毳
364 蜚毹
361 抻祤
362 薚諝
363 凭㶴
364 蠆諟
$ Message 365 - 369 not used
@ -763,27 +763,27 @@ $
370 CLR
371 HYP
372 INV
373 讦戆垣拟枳·
374 讦戆罹胬拟枳·
375 酞戆罹胬拟枳·
373 琣禨圊攜髱﹞
374 琣禨蹌磍攜髱﹞
375 怐禨蹌磍攜髱﹞
$ Message 376 not used.
377 讦戆栖恃<EFBFBD>·
378 戆垣僭<EFBFBD>蜚毹·
379 绐戢镊僭<EFBFBD>蜚毹·
380 睚贴友屿煅忝?
381 埔恻倾 0-9 嘻畀挢涅·
377 琣禨ゝ庍䨣﹞
378 禨圊椆巗蠆諟﹞
379 蝒磭蠣椆巗蠆諟﹞
380 薚泂衭适嬣蓇?
381 ⽁禕ョ 0-9 柁謓睕蠡﹞
$ Message 382 not used.
383 讦戆
384 酞戆
385 嘁挝竺囚涅贴垣·\n
383 琣禨
384 怐禨
385 隓恄鬊Б蠡泂圊﹞\n
$ NOTE: Messages 386 - 402 are not used.
403 岣手(x)
403 廎忒(x)
$ Messages 452-478 are the actual characters that the keyboard accelerators
$ map to. These are the keyboard keys which provide the given function.
@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ $
$ added now capability to Financial regs: change the payment per year
$ The following messages (514 - 517) refect this new button.
514 砰唷馅黛/取:
514 體遄畇籧/龰:
515 P/YR
516 y - P/YR
517 y
@ -1060,26 +1060,26 @@ $
$ Used as the title, In Asian languages the dialog title needs to be different
$ from the menu label.
518 芈侪聿囚鹇
518 娷棜穛Б蟟
$set 4
$ ****** Module: help.c ****(developer comment only)********
$ Message 1 is the title for the calculator help dialogs.
1 佑戢瘼--牒煞氅忘
2 诶埔恻倾"佑戢瘼"你蛸疱摹远恸气·
3 蜚毹
4 睚贴
1 衶磭鞥--赮伢諰咭
2 睎⽁禕ョ"衶磭鞥"斕藞謥纂堈禋げ﹞
3 蠆諟
4 薚泂
$set 5
$ ****** Module: functions.c ****(developer comment only)********
1 蜚毹〃佑戢坡邗
2 蜚毹〃嘁尕
3 蜚毹〃情屿尕
4 蜚毹〃Term<= 0
5 蜚毹〃尢馕哝垣拟枳
6 蜚毹〃戆气糯乃
7 嘁挝盆湘幺逆沙埯、\n湘幺逆堍垣、\n曦湘幺逆苘垣\n佑戢 "铒沙哝戆"·\n
1 蠆諟”衶磭⼇絫
2 蠆諟”隓箾
3 蠆諟”ロ适箾
4 蠆諟”Term<= 0
5 蠆諟”痼瑢蛺圊攜髱
6 蠆諟”禨げ霽騰
7 隓恄髓盻誻欄伈跅﹜\n盻誻欄隃圊﹜\n縋盻誻欄嗈圊\n衶磭 "闀伈蛺禨"﹞\n
$set 99
$ ****** Version Information ********
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtcm.msg /main/3 1995/12/08 09:49:39 rswiston $
$quote "
$set 1
1 "dtcm”瑧ス猻妘蠊斕柁ス藺唫⻏旂洠柁\n"
2 "猻妘蠊 - %s"
3 "pm"
4 "am"
5 "pm"
6 "am"
7 "\n\n\t** ⺼呦謺諅窇 **\n\n\t戀蛺”\t%s\n\t瞅沓渀睮”\t%s\n\t廎忒渀睮”\t%s\n\t呦か”\t%s"
8 "⺌ %2d:%02d"
9 "am"
10 "pm"
11 "am"
12 "pm"
13 "⺌ %02d%02d ⺍ %02d%02d"
16 "睎攜逑崽⑩蠡泂⺼呦謺"
17 "藞抻袺崽⑩柁ボ磝"
20 "虳芼唫⻏斕柁戀蛺隓淩"
21 "蹌藟ト玿..."
22 "廲ៜ衢逑玿禋げ"
23 "譫瑢"
24 "ヾ瑢"
25 "譯瑢"
26 "譫堈攫"
27 "譯堈攫"
28 "虳芼”"
29 "⺼嶂玿..."
30 "瑧ス..."
31 "䬷ざ柁⺼呦謺"
32 "䬷ざ柁⺼呦謺"
33 "戀"
34 "晊蛺"
35 "攫"
36 "龰"
37 "渀棷..."
38 "諅窇ト玿..."
40 "黀槉"
41 "硻岊..."
42 "虳芼戀蛺..."
65 "麔淰"
68 "トパげ虳槉棷"
69 "トパ..."
72 "藞禋..."
73 "廎忒"
74 "諅窇..."
76 "蹌藟"
77 "赮伢諰咭"
79 "齡汃..."
80 "棤℡罶涷..."
82 "囷え赮伢諰咭..."
84 "䬷ざ怬鱗⺼呦謺..."
85 "籤蝷⺼呦謺..."
86 "衢逑玿蹌藟蟟..."
87 "廲ៜ"
88 "蘗鑑"
89 "ョ quit_handler\n"
90 "蠆諟瞅絒⺼呦謺麔淰"
91 "rpc.cmsd 扽ャ鶈睎柁囷え炟ボ磝﹞\n霘薚泂 inetd 嶂囥ョ欹⺼靨\n inetd.conf 斕 rpc.cmsd 柁瑱蘋唫⻏旂薚柁﹞"
92 "囷え炟ボ磝"
93 "饜鞥"
94 "⺼呦謺蠆諟"
95 "凭㶴"
96 "⺼呦謺麔淰攜Бョ﹜髱"
97 "⺼呦謺麔淰攜Бョ﹜髱"
98 "⺼呦謺蠆諟"
99 "凭㶴"
100 "扽ボ磝"
101 "rpc.cmsd 扽ャ鶈﹜髱"
102 "rpc.cmsd 扽ャ鶈睎柁囷え炟ボ磝﹞\n霘薚泂 inetd 嶂囥ョ欹⺼ 靨\n inetd.conf 斕 rpc.cmsd 柁瑱蘋唫⻏旂薚柁﹞"
103 "囷え炟ボ磝"
104 "饜鞥"
105 "⺼呦謺 : 蠆諟"
106 "凭㶴"
107 "%s: 扽ボ磝"
108 "⺼呦謺⻏殦扽挴泂﹜髱"
109 "⻏殦扽挴泂“ 霘渿饜鞥ボ磝蠹蘋\n[笱迒Q䬷ざ] 暋泂斕柁 [媊沓⺼呦謺槉棷]﹞\n蚍睎髓 -c 藞禋欹⺼⺼呦謺 (dtcm)﹜霘薚泂睎儸挴泂藹饜鞥﹞"
110 "⺼呦謺蠆諟"
111 "凭㶴"
112 "dtcm 轡 rpc.cmsd 斿ヾ攜フ﹞"
113 "⺼呦謺"
114 "纂攫"
115 "蘑攫"
116 "警攫"
117 "ⅹ攫"
118 "瓖攫"
119 "蠟攫"
120 "臚攫"
121 "蘇攫"
122 "藻攫"
123 "觸攫"
124 "觸纂攫"
125 "觸蘑攫"
126 "纂攫"
127 "蘑攫"
128 "警攫"
129 "ⅹ攫"
130 "瓖攫"
131 "蠟攫"
132 "臚攫"
133 "蘇攫"
134 "藻攫"
135 "觸攫"
136 "觸纂攫"
137 "觸蘑攫"
138 "晊蛺戀"
139 "晊蛺纂"
140 "晊蛺蘑"
141 "晊蛺警"
142 "晊蛺ⅹ"
143 "晊蛺瓖"
144 "晊蛺蠟"
145 "晊蛺戀"
146 "晊蛺戀"
147 "晊蛺纂"
148 "晊蛺蘑"
149 "晊蛺警"
150 "晊蛺ⅹ"
151 "晊蛺瓖"
152 "晊蛺蠟"
153 "晊蛺戀"
154 "戀"
155 "纂"
156 "蘑"
157 "警"
158 "ⅹ"
159 "瓖"
160 "蠟"
161 "戀"
162 "戀"
163 "纂"
164 "蘑"
165 "警"
166 "ⅹ"
167 "瓖"
168 "蠟"
169 "戀"
170 "晊蛺戀"
171 "晊蛺纂"
172 "晊蛺蘑"
173 "晊蛺警"
174 "晊蛺ⅹ"
175 "晊蛺瓖"
176 "晊蛺蠟"
177 "晊蛺戀"
178 "睎儸ョ廲ៜ %s"
186 "dtcm 縋 rpc.cmsd 斿ヾ攜フ"
187 "え恄”\n\tdtcm_delete [-c calendar] [-d <mm/dd/yy>] [-v view]\n"
188 "\n隓恄瞅絒⺼呦謺 %s\n"
189 "攜咭"
190 "袺伝崽禋げ (磍謑)? "
191 "え恄”\n\tdtcm_insert [ -c calendar ] [-d <mm/dd/yy>] [ -v view ]\n"
192 " [-w what string] [-s <HH:MMam/pm>] [-e <HH:MMam/pm>]\n"
193 "霘耰蘋睎衭蠹蘋柁諅窇罶媢﹞\n蠡泂圊鞂䬷ざョ挭磍斕﹞\n"
194 "⺼呦謺 (%s): "
195 "戀蛺 (%s): "
196 "瞅沓渀睮 (%s): "
197 "睎耰蘋藹隓淩柁渀睮﹞霘テ箹纂”\n"
198 "廎忒渀睮 (%s): "
199 "廎忒渀睮 (%s): "
200 "纂"
201 "适闀 (%s): "
202 "纂"
203 "隓蠡泂圊"
204 "髱卼 (%s): "
205 "呦か (睎瑊ロ⑴藣蘋瓖⺼﹜霘囷え ^D 廎忒)”\n"
206 "\n隓恄瞅絒⺼呦謺 %s\n"
207 "え恄”\n\tdtcm_lookup [ -c calendar ][ -d <mm/dd/yy> ] [ -v view ]\n"
208 "\n隓恄瞅絒⺼呦謺 \"%s\"\n"
209 "攜咭"
210 "諅窇鞂粡蘋睎ョ廲ៜ柁⺼呦謺斕﹞\n 睎衭渿怬粡蘋蓇?"
211 "粡蘋"
212 "粡蘋諅窇"
214 "袺粡蘋柁諅窇” %s\n"
218 "挴泂隓淩柁戀蛺"
219 "挴泂隓淩柁瞅沓渀睮"
220 "挴泂隓淩柁廎忒渀睮"
221 "戀蛺唫⻏洠く迖曬谹"
222 "瞅沓渀睮唫⻏洠く迖曬谹"
223 "呦か唫⻏洠く迖曬谹"
224 "适闀轡髱卼唫⻏攜嗃ポ"
225 "粡蘋諅窇抻祤”"
226 "粡蘋諅窇渀僛ぇ蠡楶蠆諟"
227 "粡蘋諅窇抻祤"
228 "蟡蘋諅窇"
229 "凭㶴"
230 "侹諅窇"
231 "藞抻諅窇隑悒テ侹"
232 "凭㶴"
234 "侹諅窇"
235 "凭㶴"
236 "CalendarAppointment"
237 "XCreateBitmapFromData() ⻏蠣旃晛⼇絫﹞\n"
238 "XCreateBitmapFromData() 懪氁⼇絫﹞\n"
239 "DragStart 蒡ャ NULL﹞\n"
242 "am"
243 "pm"
244 "%s 3:41am"
245 "am"
246 "pm"
247 "諅窇柁廎忒渀睮籤瞅沓渀睮﹞\n睎衭渿怬粡ョ\n譯纂鑑蓇?"
248 "諅窇蹌粡"
250 "譯纂鑑"
251 "汃炟"
252 "伝崽諅窇"
253 "霘藞抻諅窇隑悒テ伝崽﹞"
254 "凭㶴"
255 "伝崽諅窇"
256 "藞抻諅窇渀僛ぇ蠡楶蠆諟﹞\n諅窇ゝ抻祤﹞"
257 "凭㶴"
258 "彶庍諅窇"
259 "霘藞抻諅窇隑悒テ彶庍﹞"
260 "凭㶴"
261 "彶庍諅窇"
262 "藞抻諅窇渀僛ぇ蠡楶蠆諟﹞\n諅窇ゝ彶庍﹞"
263 "凭㶴"
267 "彶庍諅窇"
268 "楙堈諅窇旂纂侇ト适闀諅窇柁纂楶ソ﹞\n睎衭彶庍蓇...?"
270 "蒟纂堈"
271 "芼譯"
272 "ツ楶"
273 "伝崽諅窇"
274 "楙堈諅窇旂纂侇ト适闀諅窇柁纂楶ソ﹞\n睎衭伝崽蓇...?"
276 "蒟纂堈"
277 "芼譯"
278 "ツ楶"
279 "⺼呦謺諅窇蹌藟蟟"
280 "黀槉諅窇ト玿"
281 "侺暽﹜扽諅窇⑴ト玿!"
282 "凭㶴"
283 "⺼呦謺 -- 硻岊蟟"
284 "硻岊”"
285 "硻岊"
289 "赮伢諰咭"
290 "霘挴泂袺銌硻柁諅窇А⻌"
291 "ゝ僛隃諅窇﹞"
292 "岊怉 %d 堈縋銌硻簅僾砨嗃炟"
293 "戀蛺”"
294 "虳芼"
296 "赮伢諰咭"
297 "霘耰蘋戀蛺"
298 "睎儸ョ黀槉 %s"
299 "隓淩柁戀蛺"
300 "汃炟"
304 "瑧ス..."
305 "葅蘋漦嗢諅窇"
306 "霘藞抻⺼呦謺テ葅蘋﹞"
307 "凭㶴"
308 "伝崽諅窇"
309 "霘藞謥纂堈諅窇﹜隑悒テ伝崽纂﹞"
310 "凭㶴"
311 "伝崽諅窇"
312 "藞抻諅窇渀僛ぇ蠡楶蠆諟﹞\n諅窇ゝ伝崽﹞"
313 "凭㶴"
314 "伝崽漦嗢諅窇"
315 "霘藞謥⺼呦謺テ伝崽﹞"
316 "凭㶴"
317 "伝崽諅窇"
318 "楙堈諅窇旂纂侇ト适闀諅窇柁纂楶ソ﹞\n睎衭伝崽蓇...?"
320 "蒟纂堈"
321 "芼譯"
322 "ツ楶"
323 "彶庍諅窇"
324 "霘藞謥諅窇テ伝崽﹞"
325 "凭㶴"
326 "彶庍諅窇"
327 "藞謥諅窇渀僛ぇ蠡楶蠆諟﹞\n諅窇ゝ彶庍﹞"
328 "凭㶴"
329 "彶庍漦嗢諅窇"
330 "霘藞抻⺼呦謺テ彶庍﹞"
331 "凭㶴"
332 "彶庍諅窇"
333 "楙堈諅窇旂纂侇ト适闀諅窇柁纂楶ソ﹞\n睎衭彶庍蓇...?"
335 "蒟纂堈"
336 "芼譯"
337 "ツ楶"
340 "⺼呦謺"
341 "Б抻"
342 "葅蘋"
343 "彶庍"
348 "葅蘋暐⑴ḷ"
349 "⺼呦謺漦嗢諅窇蹌藟蟟"
350 "藞抻頝踛蠆諟﹜隓恄凭㶴﹞\n"
351 "藞抻揧囷え炟斕黫﹞\n"
352 "睎⽁禕ョ鶈え嶂冈斕藞抻纂堈蠣ス﹞"
353 "扽渀睮"
354 "ツ鑑"
355 "隓恄瞅絒 callog 麔淰﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
356 "鶈囷え炟衭忴﹜汃鞄抻祤﹞\n⺼呦謺"
357 "戀蛺唫⻏斕隓淩圊﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
358 "瞅沓渀睮唫⻏斕隓淩圊﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
359 "廎忒渀睮唫⻏斕隓淩圊﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
360 "睎⽁禕菙坯戀蛺圊﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
361 "睎⽁禕菙坯瞅沓渀睮圊﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
362 "睎⽁禕菙坯[呦か]﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
363 "隓淩迖攜嗃ポ柁适闀迖髱卼圊﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
364 "蹌藟蟟汃鞄⼇絫"
365 "凭㶴"
367 "⺼呦謺儸Бョ﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
368 "⺼呦謺攜Бョ﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
370 "筅ḷ蠆諟﹞ 暐⑴ḷ陃廕﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
378 "奡襉忟崷殦蠆諟 -- 奡襉忟攜冞﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
383 "攜咭柁蠆諟﹞\n汃鞄抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
386 "篎諅窇柁廎忒渀睮籤瞅沓渀睮﹞\n睎衭渿⼓粡怉剼蘑鑑蓇?"
387 "粡蘋諅窇"
389 "剼蘑鑑"
390 "佼湅迒”"
391 "囷え炟⺼呦謺⻏殦”"
392 "戀盉轃”"
393 "瞅沓渀睮”"
394 "廎忒渀睮”"
395 "麵渀䬷ざ巖冈”"
396 "12 麵渀戔"
397 "24 麵渀戔"
398 "蠡泂䬷ざ巖冈”"
399 "龰"
400 "攫"
401 "晊蛺"
402 "戀"
403 "媊沓⺼呦謺黀槉"
404 "囷え炟Б抻"
405 "霘⺍韁藞抻纂堈暐⑴ḷ﹞"
406 "凭㶴"
407 "⺼呦謺漦嗢Б抻暋泂圊 -- 崽⑩"
408 "霘ッ藞抻纂堈ボ磝﹞"
409 "凭㶴"
410 "囷え炟ボ磝”"
411 "嚌蠹ボ磝"
412 "暐⑴ḷ"
413 "暐⑴ḷ"
414 "崽⑩ボ磝"
415 "B = 廲ៜ I = 葅蘋 D = 伝崽"
416 "暐⑴ḷ”"
417 "廲ៜ"
418 "葅蘋"
419 "伝崽"
420 "げ簅”"
421 "パ玿鞥"
422 "麔淰"
423 "パ玿鞥”"
424 "げ蠊”"
425 "藞禋”"
426 "麔淰”"
427 "嬥唄”"
428 "崼唄”"
429 "⻏殦”"
430 "煻⼢饡蹇蚆ベ禨"
431 "煻譯饡蹇蚆ベ禨"
432 "痼⻏”"
433 "ソ禨”"
434 "屼挭”"
435 "䬷ざ渀睮縋齪А諅窇"
436 "蒟䬷ざ渀睮諅窇"
437 "攜䬷ざ諅窇"
438 "戀蛺禖囥”"
439 "MM | DD | YY"
440 "DD | MM | YY"
441 "YY | MM | DD"
442 "戀蛺禳觰蠣”"
443 "洠く"
444 "鬊Б⺼呦謺藞禋"
445 "嬣蘋 ~/.desksetdefaults 渀僛ぇ蠆諟﹞\n霘薚泂睎嬣蘋麔淰柁暐⑴ḷ﹞"
446 "凭㶴"
447 "幺抻⺼呦謺藞禋"
448 "⺌ ~/.desksetdefaults 幺抻渀僛ぇ蠆諟﹞\n霘薚泂睎幺抻麔淰柁暐⑴ḷ﹞"
449 "凭㶴"
450 "⺼呦謺藞禋赮伢諰咭"
451 "睎泲ゝ鬊Б柁彶庍﹞\n睎⑴髓藞謥鬊Б彶庍楶禳﹝勂蛫埏庍﹝\n迖炟珃ャッ虳ョ髱緷斕柁⻏殦﹞"
452 "鬊Б"
453 "廎忒"
454 "鬊Б⺼呦謺藞禋"
456 "凭㶴"
457 "⺼呦謺藞禋"
458 "⺼呦謺 -- 藞禋"
459 "瞗麷”"
460 "伒怮鶈え"
463 "赮伢諰咭"
464 "ps_open_file(): 禕挴泂げ蠊迖麔淰\n"
465 "ps_open_file(): 隓淩柁げ蠊 %s\n"
466 "w+"
467 "ps_open_file(): 隓恄瞅絒麔淰 %s\n"
468 "郟禨"
469 "か⺼呦謺磣隉婝惉戀黀槉"
470 "譫觼"
471 "譯觼"
472 "pm"
473 "⺼呦謺磣隉婝トざ恁藰呦禋"
474 "⺼呦謺磣隉婝トざ諅窇"
475 "郟禨"
476 "欄"
477 "⺼呦謺磣隉婝欄攫ソ黀槉"
478 "欄"
479 "郟禨"
480 "晊蛺戀"
481 "晊蛺纂"
482 "晊蛺蘑"
483 "晊蛺警"
484 "晊蛺ⅹ"
485 "晊蛺瓖"
486 "晊蛺蠟"
487 "ps_init_printer(): 隓恄瞅絒 postscript prolog 麔”%s\n"
488 "欄"
489 " 郟"
490 "⺼呦謺磣隉婝惉纂瑢黀槉"
491 "纂"
492 "蘑"
493 "警"
494 "ⅹ"
495 "瓖"
496 "蠟"
497 "戀"
505 "晊蛺蠟"
506 "晊蛺戀"
507 "⺼呦謺磣隉婝惉龰黀槉"
508 "⺼呦謺磣隉婝惉龰黀槉"
523 "恁藰呦禋”%d 柁龰"
524 "諅窇ト玿”%d 柁龰"
525 "恁藰呦禋”%s"
526 "諅窇ト玿”%s"
527 "恁藰呦禋”剼 %s 瑢"
528 "諅窇ト玿”剼 %s 瑢"
529 "恁藰呦禋”%s"
530 "諅窇ト玿”%s"
531 "怀堈 %d %s"
532 "⺼呦謺 : 适闀瑢蛺"
533 "适闀瑢蛺”"
534 "僛ぇ卼”"
535 "髱卼”"
536 "佼湅迒”"
537 "諅窇⺼嶂玿"
538 "睎衭渿諅窇粡ョ篎攫柁剼ⅹ瑢\n迖瑊悒纂瑢蓇?"
540 "譫晊蛺"
541 "剼ⅹ瑢"
542 "怀 %d %s"
543 "怀 %d %s"
544 "怀 %d %s"
559 "廲ៜ %s..."
560 "⺼呦謺 -- 䬷ざ怬鱗⺼呦謺"
561 "囷え炟ボ磝”"
562 "䬷ざ"
564 "赮伢諰咭"
565 "汃炟"
566 "伝崽恁藰呦禋"
567 "霘藞抻恁藰呦禋テ伝崽﹞"
568 "凭㶴"
569 "伝崽恁藰呦禋"
570 "藞抻恁藰呦禋渀僛ぇ蠡楶蠆諟﹞\n恁藰呦禋ゝ伝崽﹞"
571 "凭㶴"
572 "伝崽恁藰呦禋"
573 "恁藰呦禋旂适闀侇ト柁纂楶ソ﹞\n睎衭伝崽蓇 ...?"
575 "蒟纂堈"
576 "芼譯"
577 "ツ楶"
578 "彶庍恁藰呦禋"
579 "恁藰呦禋旂适闀侇ト柁纂楶ソ﹞\n睎衭彶庍蓇 ...?"
581 "蒟纂堈"
582 "芼譯"
583 "ツ楶"
584 "彶庍恁藰呦禋"
585 "霘藞謥恁藰呦禋テ彶庍﹞"
586 "凭㶴"
587 "彶庍恁藰呦禋"
588 "藞抻恁藰呦禋渀僛ぇ蠡楶蠆諟﹞\n恁藰呦禋ゝ彶庍﹞"
589 "凭㶴"
590 "麃欐戀蛺”"
591 "⺼呦謺恁藰呦禋蹌藟蟟"
595 "%s 瞅沓柁咇纂瑢"
596 "晊蛺纂 %d"
597 "晊蛺蘑 %d"
598 "晊蛺警 %d"
599 "晊蛺ⅹ %d"
600 "晊蛺瓖 %d"
601 "晊蛺蠟 %d"
602 "晊蛺戀 %d"
603 "藞謥袺蠹蘋囷え炟ボ磝唫⻏柁ボ磝"
604 "儸ョト玿斕"
605 "赮伢諰咭"
606 "⺼呦謺蠆諟"
607 "蠡楶蠆諟漶癱⺼呦謺ボ磝"
608 "凭㶴"
609 "⺼呦謺蠆諟"
610 "抻痤⺼呦謺ボ磝渀僛ぇ蠡楶蠆諟"
611 "凭㶴"
612 "颮羏..."
613 "驨卼⺼呦謺..."
617 "蘗鑑"
618 " -session 鰱禨錛衭纂堈棤禨\n"
619 "霘ョ眭冈斕耰蘋⺼呦謺ボ磝” <user>@<hostname>"
620 "攜咭⺼呦謺﹞錛衭⺼呦謺ボ磝” <name>%s"
621 "霘ョ眭冈斕耰蘋⺼呦謺ボ磝” <user>@<hostname>"
622 "攜咭饜鞥ボ﹞錛衭饜鞥ボ %s@<hostname>"
623 "⺼呦謺隓恄䬷ざ1970龰1攫1戀虳柁戀蛺"
624 "⺼呦謺隓恄䬷ざ2037龰12攫31戀悒柁戀蛺"
625 "蝷韁"
626 "蝷ロ"
627 "諅窇"
628 "渀睮 呦か"
629 "泲"
631 "%d 蛨嗃ポА⻌僛隃"
632 "霘⺌ト玿斕藞抻諅窇髓䬷ざ"
633 "藞抻柁⺼呦謺"
634 "藞抻柁⺼呦謺"
635 "蝷韁"
636 "蝷ロ"
637 "テ坭"
641 "ɵ峇蟟隓恄珜挴泂柁⻏殦抻痤\n篚聤⻏彴” 隓淩柁饜鞥ボ磝﹞"
642 "rpc.cmsd daemon ゝ漶癱﹞\n霘薚諝 rpc.cmsd 儸薚Е稹ョ睎柁侇嗄斕﹞"
643 "隓恄Б抻⺼呦謺. ⺼呦謺"
644 "諅窇禨”"
645 "挼㶴渀睮"
646 "禳㺪"
647 "栯櫇 %s..."
648 "SunDex"
649 "⺼呦謺 - 渀棷"
650 "宎柁渀睮"
652 "塤鳹渀睮"
653 "GMT"
654 "麵渀"
655 "薚泂"
656 "伒怮鶈え"
658 "赮伢諰咭"
659 "渀棷”"
660 "渀棷”"
662 "渀棷”"
663 "蝷韁"
664 "蝷ロ"
666 "彶ロ"
667 "⺼呦謺攜鞂䬷ざ 1970 龰 1 攫 1 戀虳柁戀蛺﹞"
668 "⺼呦謺攜鞂䬷ざ 2037 龰 12 攫 31 戀悒柁戀蛺﹞"
670 "Dtcm"
671 "斿ヾ"
672 "埏衲斿ヾ"
674 "斿ḷ (c) 1993, 1994:"
675 "Hewlett-Packard Company"
676 "International Business Machines Corp."
677 "Novell, Inc."
678 "Sun Microsystems, Inc."
679 "彶ロ..."
680 "驨椲"
681 "⺼呦謺蠾伢炟"
682 "楙堈⺼呦謺柁菙坯炟”"
683 "驨椲"
684 "囷え炟ボ磝攜逑讓屼洠眭迖聧眭А蠣"
685 "囷え炟ボ磝”"
686 "嚌蠹ボ磝"
687 "崽⑩ボ磝"
688 "廲ៜ衢逑玿禋げ"
689 "薚泂"
690 "鶈え"
691 "适暋"
693 "赮伢諰咭"
696 "え恄”\n\tdtcm_admin [ -d ] [ -a action ] [ -c calendar ][ -s <mm/dd/yy] [ -e <mm/dd/yy] [-f filename]\n"
697 "You have specified an unsupported administration operation \"%s\".\n"
698 "\n隓恄瞅絒藣罐麔 \"%s\"\n"
699 "\n隓恄瞅絒藣蘋麔 \"%s\"\n"
700 "絖蛫"
702 "赮伢諰咭"
703 "譫譯齪"
704 "%d 龰"
705 "%s"
706 "%s 瑢"
707 "%s"
708 "侇嗄隓恄藑籫楙堈諅窇柁适闀巖冈﹞邴罐隃搢楁鞂揧庍䨣﹞\n睎羼鰹裱䨣彶諅窇蓇〝"
710 "凭㶴"
711 "侇嗄隓恄藑籫楙堈諅窇柁适闀巖冈﹞邴罐隃搢楁鞂揧伝崽﹞\n睎羼鰹裱伝崽諅窇蓇〝"
712 "凭㶴"
713 "睎藞謥柁瞅沓戀蛺籤廎忒戀蛺﹞"
714 "ト玿斕扽諅窇﹞ョ䬷ざ欄虳﹜睎⽁禕ッ岊罐纂堈諅窇﹞"
715 "⺼呦謺 - 怉栲堈戀蛺"
716 "侇嗄隓恄藑籫楙堈諅窇柁适闀巖冈﹞邴罐隃搢楁鞂揧伝崽﹞\n睎羼鰹裱伝崽諅窇蓇〝"
717 "凭㶴"
718 "侇嗄隓恄藑籫楙堈諅窇柁适闀巖冈﹞邴罐隃搢楁鞂揧庍䨣﹞\n睎羼鰹裱䨣彶諅窇蓇〝"
720 "凭㶴"
721 "怬鱗漦嗢柁婝⑴髓栯砫渀睮昑齪А"
722 "怬鱗漦嗢柁婝ⅲ逑栯砫渀睮"
723 "怬鱗漦嗢柁婝隓恄栯砫ズ蠡晥"
724 "渀睮諅窇斕攜逑挴泂纂堈呦禋圊﹞⺼呦謺"
725 "⺼呦謺禋げ攜Бョ﹞\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
727 "睎柁衭忴儸蝺渀\n霘薚諝 rpc.cmsd 旂匢薚Е稹ョ睎柁侇嗄譫﹞"
728 "⺼呦謺 - トパ"
729 "パ玿鞥ボ磝”"
730 "ソ禨”"
731 "皕”"
732 "怉”"
733 " トパ杬麟藞禋”"
734 "トパ⺍麔淰”"
735 "トパ"
737 "赮伢諰咭"
738 "Б抻ト玿”"
739 "Б抻ḷ”"
740 "嚌蠹"
741 "伝崽"
742 "彶庍"
743 "襬え”"
744 "④佼藺”"
745 "佼藺”"
746 "髲砫"
747 "葅蘋"
748 "彶庍"
749 "衭ョБ抻ト玿斕嚌蠹纂堈禋げ欄虳﹜⽁禕ッ暋泂ボ磝縋Б抻ḷ"
750 "⺼呦謺漦嗢Б抻暋泂 -- 嚌蠹"
751 "Б抻ト玿斕儸槴楙堈禋げ藹﹞睎裱彶庍蓇〝"
752 "⺼呦謺漦嗢Б抻暋泂 -- 嚌蠹"
753 "彶庍"
755 "⺼呦謺漦嗢Б抻暋泂 -- 彶庍"
756 "衭ョБ抻ト玿斕篎庍栲堈禋げ欄虳﹜⽁禕ッ暋泂ボ磝縋Б抻ḷ"
757 "⺼呦謺漦嗢Б抻暋泂 -- 彶庍"
758 "觼杺"
759 "圊"
760 "圊"
761 "絖蛫"
762 "蹌藟蟟蠡泂圊"
763 "䬷ざ蟟暋泂"
764 "Б抻ト玿縋暐⑴ḷ"
765 "パ玿鞥暋泂"
766 "戀蛺眭冈"
767 "薚泂"
768 "适暋"
772 "睎隓恄鬊Б洠く柁囷え炟⺼呦謺⻏殦\n迖旂纂堈蠡屼洠く柁⻏殦﹞\n睎柁笱迒暋泂隓恄鬊Б﹞"
773 "睎隓恄鬊Б洠く柁囷え炟⺼呦謺槉棷\n迖旂纂堈蠡屼洠く柁槉棷﹞\n睎柁笱迒暋泂隓恄鬊Б﹞"
774 "ps_open_file()”衭トパ怉麔淰﹜⽁禕挴泂麔ボ\n"
775 "睎⽁禕挴泂纂堈猻妘蠊瑱瞃\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
776 "猻妘蠊瑱瞃攜逑屼洠眭\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
777 "瑱瞃圊⽁禕旂纂堈禨圊蠹譫藞謥迒柁嗃磍\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
778 "⺼呦謺恁藰呦禋赮伢諰咭"
779 "睎泲ゝ鬊Б柁䨣彶﹞\n睎⑴髓藞謥鬊Б䨣彶楶禳﹝絖蛫䨣彶﹜\n迖旂珃ャッ虳ョ髱緷斕柁⻏殦﹞"
780 "絖蛫"
781 "髲砫"
782 "ツ楶"
783 "恁搢隉"
784 "汒"
785 "薚泂"
786 "鶈え"
788 "赮伢諰咭"
789 "恁藰呦禋麷倛”"
790 "譫譯齪"
791 "侇嗄隓恄藑籫楙堈恁藰呦禋柁适闀巖冈﹞邴罐隃搢楁鞂揧庍䨣﹞\n睎羼鰹裱䨣彶恁藰呦禋蓇〝"
793 "凭㶴"
794 "侇嗄隓恄藑籫楙堈諅窇柁适闀巖冈﹞邴罐隃搢楁鞂揧庍䨣﹞\n睎羼鰹裱䨣彶諅窇蓇〝"
796 "凭㶴"
797 "恁藰呦禋"
798 "麃欐渀睮”"
799 "汒"
800 "葅蘋"
801 "彶庍"
802 "伝崽"
803 "覗崽"
805 "赮伢諰咭"
806 "%d 龰"
807 "%s"
808 "%s 瑢"
809 "%s"
810 "霘藣蘋纂堈 1/1/1970 髓悒柁瞅沓戀蛺"
811 "瞅沓戀蛺眭冈諟"
812 "霘藣蘋纂堈 1/1/2038 髓虳柁廎忒戀蛺"
813 "廎忒戀蛺眭冈諟"
814 "睎藣蘋柁戀蛺⽁禕蘭卼⻆蠣 1969 縋 2038 龰欄睮"
815 "睎藣蘋柁戀蛺⽁禕蘭卼⻆蠣 1969 縋 2038 龰欄睮"
816 "戀"
817 "瑢"
818 "攫"
819 "蛺睮圊⽁禕旂纂堈謽禨﹜靨攜讓屼ズ嗃磍﹞\n睎柁笱迒暋泂隓恄鬊Б﹞"
820 "瞅沓圊⽁禕旂纂堈淩柁渀睮﹞\n睎柁笱迒暋泂隓恄鬊Б﹞"
821 "睎挴泂柁トパ嬥唄圊攜ポ恄﹞\n睎柁笱迒暋泂隓恄鬊Б﹞"
822 "睎挴泂柁トパ崼唄圊攜ポ恄﹞\n睎柁笱迒暋泂隓恄鬊Б﹞"
825 "戀"
826 "瑢"
827 "攫"
828 "戀蛺”"
829 "瞅沓”"
830 "AM"
831 "PM"
832 "廎忒”"
833 "AM"
834 "PM"
835 "呦禋”"
836 "鞷跅"
837 "葅蘋/彶庍恁藰呦禋"
839 "⺼呦謺”猻妘蠊"
840 "驨椲"
841 "挹纂譯\>蠹蘋ボ磝\=伒⑴蠹蘋纂堈ボ磝﹜挹纂譯\>鶈え\=⑴髓薚諝彶庍﹞"
842 "蒡婽柁罶媢斕扽\nズ諅窇﹞"
843 "侹轡泂⻏謦汃⼇絫﹞"
844 "隓恄岊罐蒡婽柁罶媢﹞"
845 "侹轡泂⻏謦汃⼇絫\n蠡楶纂茬迒蠆諟﹞"
846 "鬊Б"
847 "适暋"
848 "戀蛺"
849 "渀睮"
850 "呦禋"
851 "䬷ざ諅窇"
852 "纂"
853 "怀戀纂"
854 "怀瑢纂"
855 "怀蘑瑢纂"
856 "怀堈攫柁怀纂鑑"
857 "怀堈攫柁怀堈齡汃鑑"
858 "怀龰纂"
859 "晊蛺纂怉晊蛺瓖"
860 "晊蛺纂﹝晊蛺警﹝晊蛺瓖"
861 "晊蛺蘑﹝晊蛺ⅹ"
862 "适闀鞷跅﹜怀..."
863 "2"
864 "3"
865 "4"
866 "5"
867 "6"
868 "7"
869 "8"
870 "9"
871 "10"
872 "11"
873 "12"
874 "13"
875 "14"
876 "ー踸"
877 "禳㺪"
878 "麵渀"
879 "鑑"
880 "赮伢諰咭"
881 "蠡楶蠆諟 #1”隓淩柁⺼呦謺/禋げ祰鷁﹞\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
882 "蠡楶蠆諟 #2”隓淩柁瞃栠汃鞄祰鷁﹞\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
883 "蠡楶蠆諟 #3”隓淩柁罶涷圊﹞\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
884 "蠡楶蠆諟 #4”挴泂柁圊旂椔幺㪫迒邴え﹞\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
885 "蠡楶蠆諟 #5”㪫迒圊柁罶涷麷倛挴泂蠆諟﹞\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
886 "蠡楶蠆諟 #6”楙纂斿柁⺼呦謺攜齬葰睎挴泂柁㪫迒﹞\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
887 "蠡楶蠆諟 #7”楙纂斿柁⺼呦謺攜齬葰睎挴泂柁衢逑\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
888 "蠡楶蠆諟 #8”挴泂柁蝒磭騵蠆諟﹞\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
890 "⺼呦謺峇棜蠆諟"
891 "トパ"
892 "トパ柁戀蛺⽁禕蘭卼⻆蠣 1969 縋 2038 龰欄睮﹞"
893 "トパ"
894 ">皕=戀蛺眭冈蠆諟"
895 "トパ"
896 ">怉=戀蛺眭冈蠆諟"
897 "トパ"
898 "トパ柁\>怉\=戀蛺⽁禕籤\>皕\=戀蛺菪﹞"
899 "恁藰呦禋ト玿瞅沓戀蛺”%s"
900 "諅窇ト玿瞅沓戀蛺”%s"
901 "适闀鞷跅﹜怀..."
902 "晊蛺纂怉晊蛺瓖"
903 "晊蛺纂﹝晊蛺警﹝晊蛺瓖"
904 "晊蛺蘑﹝晊蛺ⅹ"
905 "适闀鞷跅﹜怀..."
906 "侹恁藰呦禋"
907 "⺼呦謺麔淰扽洠睮⑴え﹞\n謦汃抻祤﹞⺼呦謺"
908 "睎攜逑暋泂洠く柁猻妘蠊圊﹞\n睎柁笱迒暋泂隓恄鬊Б﹞"
909 "睎攜逑暋泂纂堈蠡屼洠く柁猻妘蠊圊﹞\n睎柁笱迒暋泂隓恄鬊Б﹞"
910 "猻妘蠊圊⽁禕旂纂堈禨圊蠹譫藞謥迒柁嗃磍﹞\n睎柁笱迒暋泂隓恄鬊Б﹞"
911 "睎挴泂柁⼢晻傶圊⻏殦隓淩﹞\n睎柁笱迒暋泂隓恄鬊Б﹞"
912 "睎挴泂柁⑶晻傶圊⻏殦隓淩﹞\n睎柁笱迒暋泂隓恄鬊Б﹞"
913 "纂堈>恁藰呦禋=禋げ⽁禕齪А⻏卼>呦禋=禋げ柁剼纂⺼﹞"
914 "⺼呦謺蹌藟蟟謦汃⼇絫"
915 "⺼呦謺蹌藟蟟謦汃⼇絫"
916 "蛺睮圊⽁禕麵卼 24 麵渀﹞\n睎柁笱迒暋泂隓恄鬊Б﹞"
917 "谹韁\n頝夆"
918 "谹韁\n頝夆"
919 "⺼呦謺"
920 "䬷ざ﹞"
921 "隓恄Б抻⺼呦謺”"
922 "驨卼⺼呦謺"
923 "抻祤"
924 "抻祤"
925 "抻祤"
926 "驨椲"
927 "抻祤"
928 "抻祤"
929 "抻祤"
930 "葅蘋"
931 "彶庍"
932 "伝崽"
933 "覗崽"
934 "抻祤"
935 "赮伢諰咭"
936 "抻祤"
937 "抻祤"
938 "抻祤"
939 "抻祤"
940 "驨椲"
941 "驨椲"
942 "抻祤"
943 "抻祤"
944 "抻祤"
945 "抻祤"
946 "抻祤"
947 "抻祤"
948 "驨椲"
949 "抻祤"
950 "抻祤"
951 "抻祤"
952 "驨椲"
953 "抻祤"
954 "驨椲"
955 "抻祤"
956 "抻祤"
957 "抻祤"
958 "抻祤"
959 "抻祤"
960 "抻祤"
961 "抻祤"
962 "抻祤"
963 "⺼呦謺 - 衢逑玿蹌藟蟟"
964 "驨卼禋げ"
965 "恁藰呦禋ト玿..."
966 "恁藰呦禋..."
967 "⺼呦謺磣隉炟斿ヾ"
968 "⺼呦謺罶涷斿ヾ"
969 "怀...适闀纂"
970 ">怀...适闀纂=柁圊⽁禕旂ゝ蠹衿磍柁謽禨﹞"
971 "渀睮⺼呦謺"
972 "蠡晥"
1012 "⺼呦謺 - 恁汒呦禋"
1086 "⺼呦謺 - 諅窇ト玿"
1100 "\n\n\
\t** ⺼呦謺斕柁恁汒禋げ **\n\n\
1101 "葅蘋諅窇"
1102 "葅蘋恁汒禋げ"
1103 "恁藰禋げ旂适闀侇ト柁纂楶禳﹞\n\
旂匢衭葅蘋禋げ ...?"
1104 "麃欐渀睮唫⻏斕柁圊隓淩﹞\n\
汃鞄鞂揧抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺湄セ"
1105 "睎⽁禕菙坯麃欐渀睮﹞\n\
汃鞄鞂揧抻祤﹞ ⺼呦謺"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
$ $XConsortium$
幺抻衶鋡 %s﹞
髱 -p 藞禋曬谹衶鋡ボ磝
%s”攜ポ恄柁藞禋 \%s\"\n"
芩靬 -noproject (-np) モ衶鋡麔淰儸挴泂”%s
麔淰 %s斕ゝ揧蛺恁柁衶鋡﹞斕黫
篲嗢 %s ゝョ麔淰 %s 斕僛隃﹞斕黫
囷え巖恄”%s [藞禋] [衶鋡麔淰] [篲嗢麔挹 [篲眈麔淰] ...]\n
棓麔ボ珜 .bip 柁麔淰旂徦暋珜 BIL 衶鋡麔淰﹜棓麔ボ珜
.bix 旂徦暋珜鯦醷柁 BIL 麔淰﹜゛棓麔ボ
珜 .bil 柁麔淰旂徦暋珜 BIL 篲眈麔淰﹞
藞禋 (* = 蠡泂﹜ + = 隓衶鋡麔淰柁蠡泂)”
-help (-h) パ罐篎赮伢諰咭媢桾
-main 嬣蘋讓屼饜()柁麔淰
-changed ⅲ雰ぇ儸彶庍柁麔淰
* -merge 渿 generated _stubs.c 麔淰縋ッ虳柁斿ヾポ坰
-nomerge 臟渿儸Бョ柁鄐鉥麔淰縋隞柁鄐鉥麔淰ポ坰
-nomerge 臟渿儸Бョ柁鄐鉥麔淰縋隞柁鄐鉥麔淰ポ坰
-noproject (-np) 囷え蠡泂衶鳪暋泂﹜芩靬衶鋡麔淰
+ -showall 鶈え嶂冈ョ絒棬渀䬷ざ邴槉嵺
* -noshowall 鶈え嶂冈蒟䬷ざ珫沓⑴侐柁槉嵺
-silent (-s) 渼譖篲冈﹜隓ズ媢桾嬣蘋
-verbose (-v) 慳蟥篲冈﹜箯嗏柁瑱嶂媢桾\n
隓恄瞅絒 '﹞'
%s”霘挴泂衶鋡麔淰 (e.g.
隓恄崷殦 cgen 罶涷
渿譯ト嶂冈謑⺌剼 %d ⺼蠹蘋”
%s”饜() ⺌鄐鉥麔淰斕橝⼇﹞
霘棤℡麔淰 %s 儸抻痤隞柁饜() 屼禨欄罶媢﹞
饜() ⺌鰹柁鄐鉥麔淰斕橝⼇﹞
譯ト饜() 呥ゝ蠹蘋隞柁鄐鉥麔淰”
=== 廎忒 ===
%s”%s ⺌剼%d⺼悒伒隓恄箾庰
%s”%s 欄婘沓蠡晥砉絅
** モ蠆諟゛斕黫 **
縋禨А﹞ %s 鞂淂謾篲嗢
麔淰ボ磝雰ぇ C 䨣禨﹞ 霘适隞杬ボ %s
%s”渿 %s 欄罶鳲嬣蘋 %s
%s”靬蝝囷え炟泂氂柁 %s
靬蝝囷え炟泂氂柁 %s
椵廎 %s => %s
隓恄傶崽 %s
隓恄唈ゥ⺍ %s柁椵廎
%s”渿 %s 猻ソ⺍ %s
%s %s
靬蝝 (扽庍䨣) %s
靬蝝 (儸彶隞) %s
モ蠆諟゛靬蝝 %s
渿ッ虳柁 %s 鬊Б⺍ %s
隓恄雰ぇ %s﹞ 麔淰モ諴恄蠆諟゛ポ坰⼇絫﹞
芩靬ゝ揧齬葰柁 WHEN - obj”<ゝ杬ボ> when”%s
芩靬ゝ揧齬葰柁 WHEN - obj”%s when”%s
ゝ洁柁棬汃ボ磝﹜ %s
ゝ洁柁棬汃ボ磝﹜ %d
髱坭⺌昡ス柁棬汃柁ゝ洁柁怐禨麷伀﹜ %s
%s#%d”硻岊 '%s', 僛隃藹 '%s'. 玿ざ冈⺌剼 %d⺼瞅沓
%s#%d”'%s' ゛扽 '%s'
%s”'%s' 攜嗃ポ剼 %d ⺼!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtconfig.msg /main/3 1995/11/08 14:05:40 rswiston $
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** File: dtconfig.msg
$ **
$ ** Project: CDE Session Management (dtconfig)
$ **
$ ** Description:
$ ** -----------
$ ** This file is the source for the message catalog for dtconfig
$ **
$ ** Message set 10: IBM
$ ** Message set 20: Sun
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
$ *****************************************************************************
$ ** Message set 10: For IBM platforms
$ *****************************************************************************
$set 10
1 ⅲ逑か崼瞃囷え炟(superuser)欹⺼﹞\n
2 CDE 隃儸暋泂蠡泂囷え炟蘭郖﹞ 蘭郖\n\
3 杬麟⺼隃儸暋泂蠡泂囷え炟蘭郖﹞ 蘭郖\n\
4 CDE 儸槴暋泂蠡泂囷え炟蘭郖﹞
5 杬麟⺼儸槴暋泂蠡泂囷え炟蘭郖﹞\n
6 え恄: %s\n\
-e (絒え dtlogin 柁 auto-start 衢逑)\n\
-d (抻祤 dtlogin 柁 auto-start 衢逑)\n\
-kill (裗筄 dtlogin)\n\
-reset (适暋 dtlogin - 适隞幺抻崷殦麔)\n
7 霽ロ鰱禨 \n
8 錛衭纂堈鰱禨 \n
9 隓恄抻祤 xdm﹜霘棤櫇 xdm 轃譫葰伢郟髓抻祤\n\
xdm 呥テ箹纂﹞ \n
10 Dtlogin 呥ゝ欹⺼ \n
$ *****************************************************************************
$ ** Message set 20: For Sun Platforms
$ *****************************************************************************
$set 20
1 CDE 崷殦襬え嶂冈
2 %s -d (抻祤 auto-start)
3 %s -e (絒え auto-start)
4 %s -kill (裗筄 dtlogin)
5 %s -reset (适暋 dtlogin)
6 %s -p (パ玿鞥棬汃彶隞)
$ In above messages 2 through 6, only translate words between
$ left "(" and right ").
7 %s: 篎 script ⽁禕髓 root 欹⺼
8 え恄: 霽ロ鰱禨
9 え恄: 錛衭纂堈鰱禨
10 藞禋⼇絫
11 隓恄欹⺼ %s
12 抻祤⼇絫
13 隓恄崽⑩ %s
14 汒
15 痐譫磣隉侇嗄 auto-start 儸抻祤﹞
16 絒え⼇絫
17 岊攜怉 %s
18 隓恄唈ゥ %s
19 隓恄唈ゥ %s
20 痐譫磣隉侇嗄 auto-start 儸絒え﹞
21 裗筄 dtlogin 汒﹞
22 dtlogin 崷殦罶鳲儸适隞蟡蘋﹞
23 パ玿鞥棬汃彶隞儸汒
24 え恄:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtcopy.msg /main/3 1996/07/24 19:02:41 drk $
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** File: dtcopy.msg
$ **
$ ** Project: CDE File Manager
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
$set 2
$ ****** Module: main_dtcopy.c ******
3 麔淰
4 麔淰
5 騵麔淰扢
6 騵麔淰扢
7 蠆諟” 隓
8 蠆諟” %d
10 え恄” %s [藞禋 ...] 坭鳲げ簅\n
11 麔淰磣隉婝 -- 麔淰扢傶棬
12 麔淰磣隉婝 -- 麔淰扢闀蕍
13 モ珜蠆諟﹜%s ゝ崽⑩﹞
14 汒﹞
15 抻祤卼
$ ** Message 20 - 32
$ ** LongFileOpNames ... message number = op + 20.
20 搢隉斕
21 瞅絒斕
22 瞅絒斕
23 瞅絒斕
24 幺抻椵廎
25 伝崽斕
26 闀蕍斕
27 唈ゥげ蠊
28 闀蕍椵廎
29 唈ゥ椵廎
30 齡汃斕
31 旂纂堈闀蕍
32 旂纂堈椵廎
33 瑀瀦
$set 3
$ ****** Module: copydialog.c ******
1 凭㶴
2 穛彘
3 傶棬斕”
4 闀蕍斕”
5 ⺍麔淰扢”
7 楙穔渿彘欐闀蕍嶂囥﹞ ズ儸闀蕍柁\n\
10 楙穔渿彘欐傶棬嶂囥﹞ ズ儸傶棬柁\n\
11 麔淰扢闀蕍 -- 滙夼
12 麔淰扢傶棬 -- 滙夼
13 抻祤闀蕍
14 凭㶴闀蕍
15 抻祤傶棬
16 凭㶴傶棬
17 儸傶棬
18 儸闀蕍
$set 4
$ ****** Module: errordialog.c ******
1 蠆諟 %s\n%s
2 モ蠆諟゛穛彘
3 麔淰扢闀蕍 -- 蠆諟
4 麔淰扢傶棬 -- 蠆諟
5 "昡ス傶棬 - 蠆諟"
6 "昡ス闀蕍 - 蠆諟"
7 "昡ス杶扜麔 - 蠆諟"
8 "攜蠢暐睎渿昡ス \n\n\
Use the Change Permissions choice from the object's\n\
popup menu or from the Selected menu to turn on your\n\
Read permission on the object.\n\n\n\
Note: If this object is a folder, you must also have\n\
Read permission for each of the objects inside the\n\
folder before you can put the folder in the trash."
$set 5
$ ****** Module: overwrtdialog.c ******
1 ボ磝珜\n%s\n柁麔淰儸Бョ麔淰扢斕\n%s
2 麔淰扢傶棬 -- 麔淰适嬣
3 抻鷥Бョ柁麔淰
4 渿Бョ柁麔淰适隞杬ボ珜”
5 渿隞昡ス适隞杬ボ珜”
6 靬蝝楙堈麔淰
7 伒怮渿棬汃鶈え卼稌㶴柁ボ磝鍙秜斕﹞
8 袺粞抻柁棬汃”
9 麔淰扢闀蕍 -- 麔淰适嬣
10 %s\n儸Бョ”霘藞謥ⅱ⼃柁ボ磝﹞
11 麔淰适嬣 -- 蠆諟
12 %s\n隓恄适隞杬ボ珜\n%s\n%s
$set 6
$ ****** Module: utils.c ******
$ ** Button labels.
1 薚泂
2 穛彘
3 抻祤
4 赮伢諰咭
5 げ蠊闀蕍赮伢諰咭
6 凭㶴
7 抻祤闀蕍
8 抻祤傶棬
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtcreate.msg /main/3 1995/11/08 14:05:52 rswiston $
$ %Z%%M% %I% %W% %G% %U%
$ COMPONENT_NAME: dtcreate
$ (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993
$ All Rights Reserved
$ Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
$ US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
$ disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
$ ** Description:
$ ** ------------
$ ** This is the source message catalog file for dtcreate.
$set 2
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for menu options on main window
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 麔淰(F)
11 F
15 瞅絒(O)...
16 O
20 覗崽(N)
21 N
25 鬊Б(S)
26 S
30 廎忒(x)
31 x
35 藞禋(O)
36 O
40 䬷ざ瑱瞃衢逑(A)
41 A
42 頝踛黀槉(I)
43 I
44 ⺪痝(C)
46 C
47 痼⺪(M)
48 M
49 䬷ざ痼⺪頝踛(M)
50 M
53 赮伢諰咭(H)
54 H
60 颮羏(v)
61 v
65 げ蠊(C)
66 C
70 齡汃(T)
71 T
75 棤℡罶涷(R)
76 R
80 囷え赮伢諰咭(U)
81 U
85 驨卼唈ゥ棬汃(A)
86 A
$set 3
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for main Create Action window
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 唈ゥ棬汃
12 棬汃ボ磝 (頝踛簅圝)”
13 棬汃頝踛”
20 撋挹怚譯棬汃頝踛渀柁杬麟”
21 挹怚譯渀袺欹⺼柁杬麟”
22 棬汃瞅絒渀柁杬麟 (挹怚譯)”
30 棬汃頝踛欄赮伢諰咭ヾ齪”
32 槉嵺麷伀”
34 頝夆 (X-Window)
36 嗈磞鞥 (⺌棬驨椲)
38 嗈磞鞥 (鷗棬驨椲)
40 隓藣罐
50 崼瞃
52 椕ヾ
$set 4
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for main Create Action window advanced function area
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 藞謥迒
11 撋棬汃瞅絒﹜衭忴囷え炟”
12 囷えヾ棬汃欄罶涷麷伀”
13 嚌蠹...
14 伝崽
15 蹌藟...
16 ⑴泂⻏柁罶涷麷伀”
17 邴罶涷麷伀
18 ⅲト玿譫柁
$set 5
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Error and Information message set for main Create Action window
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 曬谹棬汃ボ磝﹞\n\
15 曬谹欹⺼杬麟﹞\n\
霘ョ"棬汃瞅絒渀柁杬麟 (挹怚譯)"唫⻏斕\n\
20 "囷えヾ棬汃欄罶涷麷伀" ト玿旂洠柁﹞\n\
睎儸ョ "⑴泂⻏柁罶涷麷伀" 唫⻏斕\n\
藞藹 "ⅲト玿譫柁"﹞\n\
霘渿篎藞謥庍珜 "邴罶涷麷伀"\n\
25 纂堈棬汃縋罶涷麷伀泂氂麔淰\n\
30 "棬汃瞅絒渀柁杬麟 (挹怚譯)"唫⻏斕\n\
淩柁䨣禨ボ磝旂 $*, $1, $2, ..., $9.
35 楙咍庍䨣泲ゝ揧鬊Б﹞\n\
40 げ虳柁庍䨣泲ゝ揧鬊Б﹞\n\
45 げ虳柁庍䨣泲ゝ揧鬊Б﹞\n\
50 棬汃ボ磝讓屼纂堈迖\n\
/ \\ " ' ; ( ) ~ ! $ { } < > # @ | &
55 隓恄瞅絒譯ト麔淰”
60 隓恄瞅絒譯ト麔淰”
65 隓恄蟡蘋髓譯麔淰﹜モ珜⼓旂か\n\
66 隓恄蟡蘋篎麔淰﹜モ珜⼓儸\n\
揧怬鱗齡怞彶庍﹞ 婘モ⑴逑旂睎え\n\
67 "唈ゥ棬汃"蒟⑴髓蹌藟か"唈ゥ棬汃"\n\
68 隓恄蟡蘋譯ト麔淰”
$ 譯ト媢桾ツ楁旂砨フ柁媢桾髱緷涺柁楶ソ﹞
70 隞棬汃
71 儸勂ョ睎柁婘沓麔淰扢斕﹞
73 唈ゥ柁棬汃泂氂麔淰ⅰ惉”
80 隓恄岊罐睎藞抻頝踛柁\n\
85 隓恄絒棬頝踛蹌藟蟟﹞
90 隓恄箾庰髓譯柁麔淰”
95 隓恄ョ頝踛銌硻聤梏斕僛隃\n\
98 睎藞抻柁頝踛攜テ頝踛銌硻聤梏斕﹞\n\
ヵ峈睎衭藞抻攜フ柁頝踛﹜霘藞謥 "抻祤"﹞
$ ONLY TRANSLATE "Usage" and "filename"
110 え恄” dtcreate [<filename>] [-?]
120 睎泲ゝ⺌ "囷えヾ棬汃柁罶涷麷伀" ト玿\n\
125 霘藞謥睎衭伝崽柁罶涷麷伀﹞
130 霘藞謥睎衭蹌藟柁罶涷麷伀﹞
150 睎げ虳柁齡汃泲ゝ鬊Б﹞
152 攜鬊Б
154 抻祤驨椲
160 隓恄鬊Б瞃栠汃鞄⺍麔淰”
162 隓恄皕髓譯麔淰ャ艀瞃栠汃鞄”
$ TRANSLATORS: DO NOT TRANSLATE the word "HOME" in the following message
170 ゝ暋泂 HOME 蘄頨䨣禨﹞\n\
睎⽁禕暋泂 HOME 蘄頨䨣禨﹜楙堈棬汃懼逑揧鬊Б﹞
$set 6
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** General message set for dialogs
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 薚泂
11 伒怮鶈え
12 抻祤
13 赮伢諰咭
14 覗崽
18 硻岊暋泂圊
19 硻岊暋泂圊...
20 蹌藟頝踛...
31 唈ゥ棬汃 -- 蠆諟
41 唈ゥ棬汃 -- 崷殦
46 唈ゥ棬汃 -- 罶媢
51 唈ゥ棬汃 -- 棯纕
$set 7
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for Add Datatype and Edit Datatype dialogs
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 嚌蠹罶涷麷伀
11 蹌藟罶涷麷伀
14 罶涷麷伀侇トボ磝
15 籫伀笱迒”
16 蹌藟...
17 ヾ罶涷麷伀頝踛欄赮伢諰咭ヾ齪
18 罶涷麷伀頝踛”
21 杬麟
22 瞅絒ヾ罶涷麷伀欄杬麟”
23 トパヾ罶涷麷伀欄杬麟”
30 瞅絒
31 トパ
$set 8
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Error and Information message set for
$ ** Add Datatype and Edit Datatype dialogs
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 曬谹罶涷麷伀侇トボ磝﹞\n\
霘ョ "罶涷麷伀侇トボ磝" 斕耰蘋ボ磝﹞
15 曬谹籫伀笱迒﹞\n\
霘藞謥 "蹌藟" 挹耰\n\
20 "罶涷麷伀侇トボ磝" 唫⻏讓屼\n\
/ \\ " ' ; ( ) ~ ! $ { } < > # @ | &
25 儸纂罶涷麷伀侇ト髓ボ磝Бョ﹞\n\
霘ョ "罶涷麷伀侇トボ磝" 唫⻏斕\n\
$set 9
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for Identifying Characteristics dialog
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 籫伀笱迒
11 讓挭ツ楶
12 麔淰
13 麔淰扢
14 嗃ポ髓譯ペ禋”
20 ボ磝倛鳷”
21 暐⑴ḷ倛鳷”
22 ⑴幺
24 ⑴嬣
25 ⑴欹⺼
27 昑
28 蠡晥”
29 倛鳷”
30 麷伀”
31 А⻌
32 ⻏蠣嗢 (觸蠟瑱⻏)
33 僰冈 (觸瑱⻏)
34 畈冈 (觸瑱⻏)
35 絒棬⻏蠣嗢”
40 幺抻”
41 嬣蘋”
42 欹⺼”
43 瞅絒
44 驨椲
45 蘑炟欄纂
$set 10
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Error and Information message set for Identifying Characteristics dialog
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 曬谹ボ磝倛鳷﹞\n\
If "ボ磝倛鳷" 儸藞抻﹜⽁禕藣蘋\n\
15 曬谹暐⑴ḷ藞謥﹞\n\
If "暐⑴ḷ倛鳷" 儸藞抻﹜⽁禕藞謥\n\
20 曬谹蠡晥倛鳷﹞\n\
If 蠡晥儸藞抻﹜⽁禕蝫蘋\n\
25 曬谹絒棬⻏蠣嗢圊﹞\n\
If 蠡晥儸藞抻﹜絒棬⻏蠣嗢唫⻏\n\
30 籫伀笱迒ゝ藞抻﹞\n\
45 ボ磝倛鳷讓屼纂堈迖ロ堈\n\
/ \\ " ' ; ( ) ~ ! $ { } < > # @ | &
46 蠡晥倛鳷攜嗃ポ睎藞抻柁\n\
47 絒棬⻏蠣嗢唫⻏讓屼盻恄А蠣﹞\n\
48 囷え蠡晥倛鳷鞂騰騰ユ迶犮\n\
邴麔淰柁蠡晥﹞ 楙玿ざ麔淰扢渿籤蝷\n\
$set 11
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for Icon Selection Dialog
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 げ蠊
11 頝踛麔淰
12 耰蘋頝踛麔淰ボ磝
20 頝踛蟡蘋斕﹜霘寣埸﹞
30 頝踛麔淰扢
50 耰蘋柁頝踛麔淰ボ磝旂隓淩柁﹞\n\
$ ONLY TRANSLATE "Empty". Do not translate the brackets "[" and "]".
60 [洠柁]
$set 12
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for Open File Dialog
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 蝝孋蟟
11 げ蠊
12 麔淰
13 藞抻禋げ
20 瞅絒麔淰
25 唈ゥ棬汃 -- 瞅絒
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -40,39 +40,39 @@ $quote "
$ Message #2 is no longer used. It has been replaced with messag #3
2 暉扼\n\
2 絒棬\n\
$ Default startup message (written before the contents
$ of the default file, /etc/copyright).
3 暉扼\n\
3 絒棬\n\
$set 4
$ This entire set is for error messages
1 %s: 獎領矮暉隆日\n
2 %s: 膣寞寅磅匈鈍\n
3 %1$s: 程歛涓痛齟尸躇匈 %2$d 、 椥膣 %3$s\n
1 %s: 隓恄瞅絒䬷ざ\n
2 %s: 蝝渀⽁禕珜\n
3 %1$s: 蠢暐瑊騰麔淰禨珜 %2$d ﹜ 靬蝝 %3$s\n
$ Messages 4 and 5 are both used when there is a syntax error on
$ the command line invoking dthello
4 南領; %s [-display <隆日>] [-fg <批擲>] [-bg <批擲>]\\\n
5 [-font <箔憤>] [-string <惺嬋>] [-file <背蝣>] [-timeout <咒>]\n
4 え恄” %s [-display <䬷ざ>] [-fg <⺪痝>] [-bg <⺪痝>]\\\n
5 [-font <А夆>] [-string <媢桾>] [-file <ボ磝>] [-timeout <秮>]\n
$ _DtMessage 6 occurs when an font can't be loaded
$ the likely causes: (1) the font was incorrectly specified
$ (2) it is not available on this server
6 %1$s: 隆日 %2$s 亭蓮膃箔憤 %3$s\n
6 %1$s: 䬷ざ %2$s 攜洁蝚А夆 %3$s\n
7 %1$s;獎領矮暉齟尸 %2$s\n
8 %1$s;獎領搨哮烝歟薮匈 %2$s、鱒南 %3$s,\n
9 %1$s;獎領搨乂烝歟薮匈 %2$s」鱒南 %3$s,\n
10 %s;(邸舍煉遁兎泌)\n
7 %1$s”隓恄瞅絒麔淰 %2$s\n
8 %1$s”隓恄渿茯葔暋泂珜 %2$s﹜囷え %3$s﹞\n
9 %1$s”隓恄渿虳葔暋泂珜 %2$s=囷え %3$s﹞\n
10 %s”(禳觰柁ヾ齪⺼)\n
$set 99
$ These messages are used for the version information.
$quote "
1 "@(#)version_goes_here"
2 "\n@(#)_DtMessage 賑鱧又粃 $XConsortium: dthello.msg /main/3 1995/11/08 14:06:18 rswiston $:
2 "\n@(#)_DtMessage げ蠊坭鳲 $XConsortium: dthello.msg /main/3 1995/11/08 14:06:18 rswiston $:
@ -38,30 +38,30 @@ $ will be placed. 'name' mean what base name to give the files placed
$ in 'directory'. 'language' means which localized versions of help files
$ to look for.
1 %s -dir <气蜱> [-generate] [-file <秦辎>] [-lang <耄似>]\n
1 %s -dir <げ蠊> [-generate] [-file <ボ磝>] [-lang <諴侔>]\n
$ Mesages 2-18 are error messages.
2 %s: %s 逆镊酌拟岩气蜱\n
3 %s: 气蜱 %s 逆囚探莘蛙\n友盆仨怅损祁席宋拧锹孳摹裙忝?\n
4 %s: %s 逆镊酌拟囚倾\n
5 %s: 琵芍 %s 逆篁争朔苡呢槿\n
6 %s: 嘁挝囚探 %s ⒈ 蜚毹雾梃胬睿 %d\n
7 %s: 琵芍 %s 逆篁争朔苡品卒<E59381>探\n
8 %s: 腈友拯损祁席盆煅墨 %s\n
9 %s: 煅墨 %s 拟枳\n
10 %s: 洳掾纣绽岩熄嘻\n
11 %s: 盼淄 'title' 骜溷\n
12 %s: 盼淄 'abstract' 骜溷\n
13 %s: 盼淄 'volumes' 骜溷\n
14 %s: 盼淄 'character' 怩骜溷\n
15 %s: 盼淄气砗气蜱\n
16 %s: 栖圊堍朔悄篁争\n
17 %s: 栖圊堍诈<EFBFBD>篁争\n
18 %s: 嘁挝囚探气些闹散气蜱 ⒈ 蜚毹雾梃胬睿 %d\n
19 %s: 嘁挝刭弭卮鹳<EFBFBD>\n
20 %s: 牙贴嘻朔苡耄似 %s 拟枳\n
2 %s: %s 欄蠣袓攜旂げ蠊\n
3 %s: げ蠊 %s 欄Б抻揧陃\n衭髓崼瞃囷え炟冼禳テ箹纂蓇?\n
4 %s: %s 欄蠣袓攜Бョ\n
5 %s: 讓屼 %s 欄麔淰侇嗄儸橛\n
6 %s: 隓恄Б抻 %s 2 蠆諟昲鳷磍謑 %d\n
7 %s: 讓屼 %s 欄麔淰侇嗄ⅲ逑幺抻\n
8 %s: 錛衭淂囷え炟髓嬣蘋 %s\n
9 %s: 嬣蘋 %s 攜髱\n
10 %s: 銌硻聤梏旂洠柁\n
11 %s: 曬谹 'title' 罶鳲\n
12 %s: 曬谹 'abstract' 罶鳲\n
13 %s: 曬谹 'volumes' 罶鳲\n
14 %s: 曬谹 'character' 碬罶鳲\n
15 %s: 曬谹げ簅げ蠊\n
16 %s: ゝ僛隃侇ト麔淰\n
17 %s: ゝ僛隃晥忟麔淰\n
18 %s: 隓恄Б抻げ虳齡汃げ蠊 2 蠆諟昲鳷磍謑 %d\n
19 %s: 隓恄崷殦奡襉忟\n
20 %s: 挴泂柁侇嗄諴侔 %s 攜髱\n
$set 2
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ $
$ Specifies the title for the browser.
$ It is used in the body of text displayed to the user.
2 <EFBFBD>弦损祁牒煞氅忘戋堋赞
2 崐玾囷え赮伢諰咭磣隉婝
$ Specifies the body of text displayed in the browser.
@ -90,24 +90,24 @@ $ When localizing, DO NOT alter any text between the "<" and ">" pairs.
$ That is - DO NOT localize the tags such as <ABBREV> and <PARAGRAPH>.
$ DO localize the text between the tags.
3 <ABBREV><EFBFBD>弦损祁牒煞氅忘戋堋赞</ABBREV> \
<PARAGRAPH>亩悄侵恸砗黝舍蓬闲\n \
<ANGLE italic> 摹辍呢倾罾母牒煞氅忘</>\n \
区嬉虽狻捧嘻塄新朔悄· 输恸砗黝\n \
(曦璺琦) 葭岩悄砒孚朔悄你牒煞氅忘嘻饩葙岣·</> \
3 <ABBREV>崐玾囷え赮伢諰咭磣隉婝</ABBREV> \
<PARAGRAPH>譯トペ禋簅纕忔鷥玿\n \
<ANGLE italic> 纂瞗儸ョ轃譫赮伢諰咭</>\n \
Е稹呥漶癱柁雰陔侇ト﹞ 怀禋簅纕\n \
(縋頝踛) 楁旂ト罐篎侇ト斕赮伢諰咭柁熅椵廎﹞</> \
<PARAGRAPH after 0 first 1 left 3 label "<CHAR C.DT-SYMBOL-1><0xB7></>"> \
蛹友<EFBFBD>泣塄新朔悄你偏祁嘻牒煞氅忘嘻悄闲、铢蛸疱\n \
抬砗黝 (亩砗牌求) 托璺琦·</PARAGRAPH> \
蚍衭䬷ざ雰陔侇ト斕⑴え柁赮伢諰咭柁ト玿﹜霘藞謥\n \
怬簅纕 (譯簅齪А) 迖頝踛﹞</PARAGRAPH> \
<PARAGRAPH after 0 first 1 left 3 label "<CHAR C.DT-SYMBOL-1><0xB7></>"> \
倾摹塄新朔悄你、铢掾势诶友篝狺嘻牒煞氅忘、嘤靴\n \
蛸疱抬砗黝·</PARAGRAPH> \
ョ纂雰陔侇ト斕﹜霘硻岊睎衭黀槉柁赮伢諰咭﹜隑悒\n \
藞謥怬簅纕﹞</PARAGRAPH> \
<PARAGRAPH first 1 left 3 label "<CHAR C.DT-SYMBOL-1><0xB7></>"> \
邱为诶倾损祁牒煞氅忘狺岌针腈友牒煞氅忘、铢押 F1·</PARAGRAPH>
ヵ峈睎ョ囷え赮伢諰咭槉嵺渀錛衭赮伢諰咭﹜霘挹 F1﹞</PARAGRAPH>
$ Specifies the Volume Title
4 牒煞氅忘 ⒈ 蕖煲
4 赮伢諰咭 2 煄嬬
$ Specifies the preamble to the help file if no volumes or family files
@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ $ When localizing, DO NOT alter any text between the "<" and ">" pairs.
$ That is - DO NOT localize the tags such as <ABBREV> and <PARAGRAPH>.
$ DO localize the text between the tags.
5 <ABBREV><EFBFBD>弦损祁牒煞氅忘戋堋赞</ABBREV> \
5 <ABBREV>崐玾囷え赮伢諰咭磣隉婝</ABBREV> \
<LINK 0 "Help4Help How-To-Register-Help"> \
<TYPE serif><WEIGHT bold><SIZE 12><ANGLE italic> \
铢蚊泗〃 属却呢狻捧嘻牒煞氅忘 \
霘恞蜑” 扽儸漶癱柁赮伢諰咭 \
<PARAGRAPH leftindent 3 firstindent 3> \
<WEIGHT bold>属却塄新朔悄咪狻捧抬罾母牒煞氅忘篁争蓑鲞<EFBFBD>.</> \
<WEIGHT bold>扽雰陔侇ト蛷漶癱怬轃譫赮伢諰咭麔淰坯廲ៜ.</> \
$ Specifies the title to use in the dthelpgen dtksh dialog.
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ $ Specifies the message to display in the dthelpgen dtksh dialog.
$ This message indicates that dthelpgen is building (or rebuilding)
$ the browser information.
7 塄祈鲞<EFBFBD>幔娶骜砧你· 铢帷苑·
7 雰ぇ廲ៜ嶂冈罶涷斕﹞ 霘寣埸﹞
$set 3
@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ $set 3
$ ***** Module: PrintTopics.c *****
1 "%s 蜚毹〃牒煞氅忘<EFBFBD>杀岩配黝、叁栖牙贴牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>\n"
2 "%s 蜚毹〃嘁挝贴软牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD> %s\n"
3 "%s 蜚毹〃俾黝莰堋牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD> %s\n"
4 "%s 蜚毹〃卮鹳<EFBFBD>刭弭坡邗\n"
5 "%s 蜚毹〃嘁挝探诘配黝骜毓〃\n诈<6E> %s、Id 软弭 %s\n"
6 "%s 蜚毹〃嘁挝怃邛聿针吞篁争 %s\n"
1 "%s 蠆諟”赮伢諰咭麷伀旂饜纕﹜ɪゝ挴泂赮伢諰咭晥忟\n"
2 "%s 蠆諟”隓恄泂⻏赮伢諰咭晥忟 %s\n"
3 "%s 蠆諟”棯纕搢隉赮伢諰咭晥忟 %s\n"
4 "%s 蠆諟”奡襉忟崷殦⼇絫\n"
5 "%s 蠆諟”隓恄抻痤饜纕罶媢”\n晥忟 %s﹜Id ⻏殦 %s\n"
6 "%s 蠆諟”隓恄瞅絒穛渀迒麔淰 %s\n"
$ String used to replace $SECTNUM when printing the index section
10 "啄趴"
10 "袎鰱"
$ String used to replace $SECTNUM when printing the table of contents section
11 "涅诈闲知"
11 "蠡晥玿眭"
$ index entry, page number
20 "%s, %d\n"
@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ $set 4
$ ***** Module: PrintManStrFile.c *****
1 "%s 蜚毹〃牒煞氅忘<EFBFBD>杀岩求入、叁栖牙贴求入骜砧·\n"
2 "%s 蜚毹〃牒煞氅忘<EFBFBD>杀岩侬梃求入、叁栖牙贴求入骜砧·\n"
3 "%s 蜚毹〃牒煞氅忘<EFBFBD>杀岩罾母呶煞喻、叁栖牙贴罾母呶煞喻·\n"
4 "%s 蜚毹〃牒煞氅忘岩篁争、叁栖牙贴牒煞氅忘篁争·\n"
5 "%s 蜚毹〃卮鹳<EFBFBD>刭弭坡邗·\n"
1 "%s 蠆諟”赮伢諰咭麷伀旂А⻌﹜ɪゝ挴泂А⻌罶涷﹞\n"
2 "%s 蠆諟”赮伢諰咭麷伀旂棬鳷А⻌﹜ɪゝ挴泂А⻌罶涷﹞\n"
3 "%s 蠆諟”赮伢諰咭麷伀旂轃譫葰伢郟﹜ɪゝ挴泂轃譫葰伢郟﹞\n"
4 "%s 蠆諟”赮伢諰咭旂麔淰﹜ɪゝ挴泂赮伢諰咭麔淰﹞\n"
5 "%s 蠆諟”奡襉忟崷殦⼇絫﹞\n"
$set 5
$ ***** Module: Initialize.c *****
@ -87,42 +87,42 @@ $ ** LOCALIZE THESE MESSAGES **
$ Messages 1 to 29: dthelpprint usage message
$ **DO NOT LOCALIZE** the command line option names (e.g. -copies).
$ **DO LOCALIZE** the option argument (e.g. number) and description.
1 "dthelpprint ⒈ 牒煞氅忘悄峭幔娶\n\n"
2 "损祁派挝〃 dthelpprint [options]\n"
3 "谡瘫邱若悄峭嘻蛸恸〃\n"
4 "\t-printer printername 勖损祁逆峭闲瘼\n"
5 "\t-copies number 勖悄峭逆篁争戆气\n"
6 "\t-outputFile filename 衮蛴砒煅墨欺篁争\n"
7 "\t-paperSize size 剀枳拧喻鹇乃难逆知娶涅诈\n"
1 "dthelpprint 2 赮伢諰咭トパ嶂冈\n\n"
2 "囷え巖恄” dthelpprint [options]\n"
3 "祰戔ヵトパ柁藞禋”\n"
4 "\t-printer printername 袺囷え欄パ玿鞥\n"
5 "\t-copies number 袺トパ欄麔淰禨げ\n"
6 "\t-outputFile filename 渿藣罐嬣蘋ヾ麔淰\n"
7 "\t-paperSize size 嵁髱禳郟蟟騰麵欄眭冈蠡晥\n"
8 "\t\tsize = { help_papersize_letter|help_papersize_legal|\n"
9 "\t\t help_papersize_executive|help_papersize_a4|help_papersize_b5}\n"
10 "\t-display displayname <EFBFBD>泣求若莰探诘骜溷\n"
11 "\t-name 探诘骜溷针损祁嘻幔娶秦辎\n"
12 "\t-class 探诘骜溷针损祁嘻岖兹秦辎\n"
13 "\t-xrm resourcestring 黛评嘻骜溷\n"
14 "谡瘫勖悄峭逆戊嘻蛸恸〃\n"
15 "\t-helpType type 牒煞氅忘骜砧嘻<EFBFBD>杀\n"
10 "\t-display displayname 䬷ざА搢抻痤罶鳲\n"
11 "\t-name 抻痤罶鳲渀囷え柁嶂冈ボ磝\n"
12 "\t-class 抻痤罶鳲渀囷え柁嶉觕ボ磝\n"
13 "\t-xrm resourcestring 籧⼃柁罶鳲\n"
14 "祰戔袺トパ欄昡柁藞禋”\n"
15 "\t-helpType type 赮伢諰咭罶涷柁麷伀\n"
16 "\t\ttype = 0 (help volume), 1 (string), 2 (man page), 3 (help file)\n"
17 "\t-helpVolume volume 牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>篁争嘻声痨纣绽\n"
18 "\t-locationId location 诈<EFBFBD>你牒煞氅忘配黝嘻秦辎\n"
19 "\t-all 悄峭牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>你驮却配黝、气蜱、滔啄趴\n"
20 "\t-sub 悄峭配黝 Id 软弭曦抢蒎耐黝\n"
21 "\t-one 悄峭配黝 Id 软弭\n"
22 "\t-toc 悄峭牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>气蜱\n"
23 "\t-index 悄峭牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>啄趴\n"
24 "\t-frontMatter 悄峭牒煞氅忘诈<EFBFBD>些派绥恸\n"
25 "\t-manPage manpagename 罾母排呶喻嘻秦辎\n"
26 "\t-stringData string 勖悄峭嘻牒煞氅忘欺牌\n"
27 "\t-helpFile filename 琵芍牒煞氅忘欺牌嘻篁争\n"
28 "\t-jobTitle title 悄峭闹散逆砗黝求入\n"
29 "\t-topicTitle title 牒煞氅忘欺牌逆砗黝求入\n"
17 "\t-helpVolume volume 赮伢諰咭晥忟麔淰柁汒謽聤梏\n"
18 "\t-locationId location 晥忟斕赮伢諰咭饜纕柁ボ磝\n"
19 "\t-all トパ赮伢諰咭晥忟斕邴饜纕﹜げ蠊﹜昑袎鰱\n"
20 "\t-sub トパ饜纕 Id ⻏殦縋ツ楶騵纕\n"
21 "\t-one トパ饜纕 Id ⻏殦\n"
22 "\t-toc トパ赮伢諰咭晥忟げ蠊\n"
23 "\t-index トパ赮伢諰咭晥忟袎鰱\n"
24 "\t-frontMatter トパ赮伢諰咭晥忟虳巖呦禋\n"
25 "\t-manPage manpagename 轃譫齬葰郟柁ボ磝\n"
26 "\t-stringData string 袺トパ柁赮伢諰咭ヾ齪\n"
27 "\t-helpFile filename 讓屼赮伢諰咭ヾ齪柁麔淰\n"
28 "\t-jobTitle title トパ齡汃欄簅纕А⻌\n"
29 "\t-topicTitle title 赮伢諰咭ヾ齪欄簅纕А⻌\n"
$ Warning and error messages
$ Do NOT localize the default size name help_papersize_letter
40 "%s <EFBFBD>伤〃拟琴挝嘻姿诏乃难 '%s'·损祁 help_papersize_letter·\n"
41 "%s <EFBFBD>伤〃淄欧姿诏乃难。仨轩托煜轩垣·损祁 help_papersize_letter·\n"
42 "%s <EFBFBD>伤〃嘁挝怃邛<EFBFBD>泣 %s\n"
45 "蜚毹〃嘁挝页聿针吞篁争刭弭卮鹳<EFBFBD>·\n"
40 "%s 滙夼”攜ポ恄柁訬痧騰麵 '%s'﹞囷え help_papersize_letter﹞\n"
41 "%s 滙夼”谹韁訬痧騰麵﹝崼唄迖嬥唄圊﹞囷え help_papersize_letter﹞\n"
42 "%s 滙夼”隓恄瞅絒䬷ざ %s\n"
45 "蠆諟”隓恄珜穛渀迒麔淰崷殦奡襉忟﹞\n"
$ arg order: directory prefix processid filecnt suffix
50 "%1$s/%2$s%3$d_%4$d%5$s"
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ $set 6
$ ***** Module: Main.c *****
1 "%s 蜚毹〃牒煞氅忘<EFBFBD>杀 %d 拟枳.\n"
1 "%s 蠆諟”赮伢諰咭麷伀 %d 攜髱.\n"
@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ $ **
$ ** messages 10-16 are for the FileSelectionBox widget (default labels)
$ *****************************************************************************
2 璺琦罹蛞鹇 -- 篁争蛴墨/蛴砒
4 璺琦罹蛞鹇 -- 篁争蛴墨/蛴砒
6 璺琦罹蛞鹇 -- 竺囚页
8 璺琦罹蛞鹇 -- 怃邛篁争
10 收浠
12 篁争设
14 篁争
16 蛴墨篁秦〃
17 蛴墨篁秦〃
18 收浠
20 栖贴砗黝
22 怃邛
24 竺囚
2 頝踛蹌藟蟟 -- 麔淰藣蘋/藣罐
4 頝踛蹌藟蟟 -- 麔淰藣蘋/藣罐
6 頝踛蹌藟蟟 -- 鬊Б珜
8 頝踛蹌藟蟟 -- 瞅絒麔淰
10 彶隞
12 麔淰扢
14 麔淰
16 藣蘋麔ボ”
17 藣蘋麔ボ”
18 彶隞
20 ゝ泂簅纕
22 瞅絒
24 鬊Б
$set 4
$ *****************************************************************************
@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ $ ** _DtMessage set for newIconDialog.c
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
2 浠璺琦枳驺怔
4 璺琦罹蛞鹇 -- 屿浠收恃乃难
6 睚贴
8 探旨
10 牒煞氅忘
12 浠煜轩〃
14 浠仨轩〃
2 隞頝踛髱緷涺
4 頝踛蹌藟蟟 -- 适隞彶庍騰麵
6 薚泂
8 抻祤
10 赮伢諰咭
12 隞嬥唄”
14 隞崼唄”
$set 6
$ *****************************************************************************
@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ $ ** _DtMessage set for queryDialog.c
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
2 璺琦罹蛞鹇 -- <20>伤
6 睚贴
2 頝踛蹌藟蟟 -- 滙夼
6 薚泂
$ ** DO NOT LOCALIZE - the user should never see this message
8 Do ya really wanna?
10 探旨
10 抻祤
$set 8
$ *****************************************************************************
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ $ ** _DtMessage set for stdErrDialog.c
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
2 璺琦罹蛞鹇 -- 蜚毹
2 頝踛蹌藟蟟 -- 蠆諟
4 凭㶴
$set 10
$ *****************************************************************************
@ -111,16 +111,16 @@ $ ** DO NOT LOCALIZE messages 2-48, they appear in the errorlog only
46 No memory(4)
48 No memory(5)
50 嘁挝舷损脓筌祁幔娶璺琦竺囚鹇
52 '-f' 俣戆逆嘁真损祁
54 '-i' 俣戆逆嘁真损祁
56 '-session' 俣戆逆嘁真损祁
58 嘁真嘻乃难萁知
60 颦栎爨琦饰探坡邗
62 散淦坡邗·\n茹诔璺呢槿
64 嘁真嘻畀挢俣戆
50 隓恄珫囷襲鶈え嶂冈頝踛鬊Б蟟
52 '-f' 棤禨欄隓淩囷え
54 '-i' 棤禨欄隓淩囷え
56 '-session' 棤禨欄隓淩囷え
58 隓淩柁騰麵斒眭
60 糬魦憵踛庉抻⼇絫
62 汃鞄⼇絫﹞\n⺪痝頝儸橛
64 隓淩柁謓睕棤禨
66 (栖淘秦)
66 (ゝ杬ボ)
$set 12
@ -129,77 +129,77 @@ $ ** _DtMessage set for dtIconShell.c
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
1 璺琦罹蛞鹇
2 麂茹
3 璺琦罹蛞鹇 -- (栖淘秦)
4 <EFBFBD>弦损祁璺琦罹蛞鹇·
6 阖墨枰<EFBFBD>
8 螓梃茹诔
10 侬梃茹诔
12 螓梃热茹
14 些哌
16 蝇哌
18 蕖軎蒗爨
20 偷軎蒗爨
22 蛸探
24 萼忘
1 頝踛蹌藟蟟
2 灛⺪
3 頝踛蹌藟蟟 -- (ゝ杬ボ)
4 崐玾囷え頝踛蹌藟蟟﹞
6 蝫蘋骳忟
8 譖鳷⺪痝
10 棬鳷⺪痝
12 譖鳷⺪
14 虳葔
16 茯葔
18 煄磞歆憵
20 芚磞歆憵
22 藞抻
24 椴咭
$ ** message 26-198 are menu items with corresponding mnemonics
$ ** (for set grouping information, see the comment at the end-of-file)
26 N
28 垡劓(N)...
28 覗崽(N)...
30 O
32 怃邛(O)...
32 瞅絒(O)...
34 S
36 竺囚(S)
36 鬊Б(S)
38 A
40 竺囚页(A)...
40 鬊Б珜(A)...
42 x
44 岣手(x)
44 廎忒(x)
46 F
48 篁争(F)
48 麔淰(F)
50 U
52 擀韵(U)
52 艀婘(U)
54 t
56 侏探俅傺(t)
56 椌抻棷棦(t)
58 C
60 牒煞俅傺(C)
60 赮伢棷棦(C)
62 P
64 帰袱獠俅傺(P)
64 䔝舅漜棷棦(P)
68 L
70 剖(L)
70 ⼢(L)
72 R
74 骗(R)
74 ⑶(R)
76 R
78 邸魉俅傺(R)
78 菕鼲棷棦(R)
82 V
84 型牺(V)
84 倰枺(V)
86 H
88 耪仆(H)
88 纓⼳(H)
90 F
92 七虐魉俅傺(F)
92 酈鼲棷棦(F)
94 S
96 乓梭殴俅傺(S)
96 籤坲饕棷棦(S)
98 z
100 收恃乃难嘻璺琦(z)...
100 彶庍騰麵柁頝踛(z)...
102 A
104 炝披散祁龅(A)
104 嚌蠹汃え鷁(A)
106 D
108 纱劓散祁龅(D)
108 伝崽汃え鷁(D)
110 G
112 饰探颦栎爨琦(G)
112 庉抻糬魦憵踛(G)
114 e
116 垡劓璺琦(e)
116 覗崽頝踛(e)
118 E
120 罹蛞(E)
120 蹌藟(E)
122 V
124 偏四杲龅(V)
124 ⑴侐篚鷁(V)
128 B
130 XBM(B)
134 P
136 XPM(P)
138 O
140 蛴砒知娶(O)
140 藣罐眭冈(O)
144 2x
146 3x
148 4x
@ -209,38 +209,38 @@ $ ** (for set grouping information, see the comment at the end-of-file)
156 10x
158 12x
160 M
162 腕乃(M)
162 勂騰(M)
164 O
166 蛸恸(O)
166 藞禋(O)
168 v
170 渫<EFBFBD>(v)...
170 颮羏(v)...
172 T
174 闹散(T)...
174 齡汃(T)...
176 R
178 俣扔骜砧(R)...
178 棤℡罶涷(R)...
180 O
182 <EFBFBD>王恸气(O)
182 驨卼禋げ(O)
188 U
190 损祁牒煞氅忘(U)...
190 囷え赮伢諰咭(U)...
192 A
194 <EFBFBD>王璺琦罹蛞鹇(A)...
194 驨卼頝踛蹌藟蟟(A)...
196 H
198 牒煞氅忘(H)
198 赮伢諰咭(H)
$ ** message 200-are used in the "instruction" line for current drawing mode
200 气些罹蛞砑娶
202 (呢阖墨)
204 缗岘
206 阖槿
208 罾劬
210 情屿罾
212 羡派拾
214 情<EFBFBD>拾
216 阊
218 瘥阊
220 旨劓
222 蛸探
224 嘁真
200 げ虳蹌藟篲冈
202 (儸蝫蘋)
204 褋嵾
206 蝫橛
208 轃蛨
210 ロ适轃
212 畈巖夆
214 ロ饡夆
216 蓛
218 蹖蓛
220 祤崽
222 藞抻
224 隓淩
$set 14
$ *****************************************************************************
@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ $ ** _DtMessage set for help.c
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
2 璺琦罹蛞鹇 -- 牒煞氅忘
4 诶埔恻倾璺琦罹蛞鹇涅\n蛸疱摹远恸气·
2 頝踛蹌藟蟟 -- 赮伢諰咭
4 睎⽁禕ョ頝踛蹌藟蟟蠡\n藞謥纂堈禋げ﹞
$set 16
$ *****************************************************************************
@ -257,17 +257,17 @@ $ ** _DtMessage set for process.c
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
2 欺篁争嘁挝囚探\n托琵芍嘁真嘻骜砧
4 嘁挝衮骜砧煅墨篁争
6 菡远种吞烃嘁挝损祁
8 嘁强些嘻\n爨琦偏祁
10 牙贴魔嘁真嘻\n煜轩曦/托仨轩
12 栖蛸探俅傺
14 嘁俅傺倾强些莘\n侏探托铒犒
16 气些嘻璺琦烃栖竺囚·\n\n诶伉嘻收恃淠榕坡·
20 篝宴篁争萋偏<EFBFBD>
22 嘁挝溶篁争你沁擀怅阳篁争
24 嘁挝衮怅阳篁争囚墨篁争你
2 ヾ麔淰隓恄Б抻\n迖讓屼隓淩柁罶涷
4 隓恄渿罶涷嬣蘋麔淰
6 楙堈笱迒泲隓恄囷え
8 隓ッ虳柁\n憵踛⑴え
10 挴泂藹隓淩柁\n嬥唄縋/迖崼唄
12 ゝ藞抻棷棦
14 隓棷棦ョッ虳揧\n椌抻迖闀蕍
16 げ虳柁頝踛泲ゝ鬊Б﹞\n\n睎惉柁彶庍鞂橝⼇﹞
20 黀栯麔淰暐⑴ḷ
22 隓恄⺌麔淰斕ャ艀瞃栠麔淰
24 隓恄渿瞃栠麔淰Б蘋麔淰斕
$ *****************************************************************************
$ ** End of _DtMessage Catalog File
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtksh.msg /main/3 1996/07/24 19:02:59 drk $
$set 1
1 DtkshCvtStringToPixel”⺪痝 '%s' ゝ泂氂
$set 5
1 挴泂藹霽ロ罶鳲棤禨“聧蝝 '%s'
2 罶鳲斒眭諟“眭冈鶈珜 'name:value'”%s
3 罶鳲禳觰蠣珜 ':'﹜ɪ睎囷え '='”%s
4 齡怞嗢儸媊沓暋泂
5 え恄”XtInitialize variable applicationName applicationClass [args ...]
6 え恄”%s variable name class parent [arg:val ...]
7 え恄”XtCreateApplicationShell variable name class [arg:val ...]
8 え恄”XtPopup widget GrabNone|GrabNonexclusive|GrabExclusive
9 隓恄藑籫庉抻麷倛 '%s'“モ囷え 'GrabNone'
10 え恄”XtIsShell widget
11 え恄”XtMapWidget widget
12 え恄”XtUnmapWidget widget
13 え恄”%s variable widget
14 え恄”XtScreen variable widget
15 え恄”XtWindow variable widget
16 え恄”XtCallCallbacks widget callbackName
17 え恄”XtHasCallbacks variable widget callbackName
18 え恄”XtAddCallback widget callbackName ksh-command
19 え恄”XtRemoveCallback widget callbackName ksh-command
20 髓譯旂隓淩柁ャⅰ搢隉蹌磍”%s
21 挴泂柁ャⅰ搢隉ゝ漶癱
22 え恄”XtAddEventHandler widget mask nonMaskable ksh-command
23 え恄”XtRemoveEventHandler widget mask nonMaskable ksh-command
24 挴泂柁呦ス搢隉搢隉蟟ゝ蹌磍
25 え恄”XtGetValues widget resource:variable ...
26 髓譯柁罶鳲棤禨眭冈蠆諟”%s
27 え恄”XtSetValues widget arg:val ...
28 え恄”XtAddWorkProc variable command
29 え恄”XtRemoveWorkProc workProcId
30 workProcId 棤禨⽁禕珜觸蠟瑱⻏禨”%s
31 え恄”XtAddTimeOut variable milliseconds command
32 袹秮棤禨⽁禕騰卼誻
33 え恄”XtRemoveTimeOut intervalId
34 intervalId 棤禨⽁禕珜觸蠟瑱⻏禨”%s
35 え恄”%s widget ...
36 え恄”XBell display volume
37 え恄”%s variable screen
38 糬魦棤禨隓淩”%s
39 え恄”XDefineCursor display window cursorId
40 cursorId 棤禨隓淩”%s
41 え恄”XUndefineCursor display window
42 え恄”XtRemoveAllCallbacks widget callbackName
43 え恄”XTextWidth variable fontName string
44 え恄”%s display drawable [args ...]
45 drawable 棤禨隓淩”%s
46 destination 棤禨隓淩”%s
47 頝夆怐禨ボ磝隓恄藑籫”%s
48 轃蛨穔冈隓恄藑籫”%s
49 鸁頝藞禋隓恄藑籫”%s
50 纂咍瑀瀦柁鷁揧芩靬
51 え恄”XCopyArea display source dest sourceX sourceY width height destX destY [args ...]
52 隓恄渿罶鳲麷倛 '%s' 鼲葎 'String'
53 隓恄渿罶鳲麷倛 'String' 鼲葎 '%s' 麷倛
54 え恄”XtAddInput variable [-r] fileDescriptor kshCommand
56 え恄”XtRemoveInput inputId
57 inputId 棤禨⽁禕珜觸蠟瑱⻏禨”%s
59 え恄”XFlush display
60 え恄”XSync display discard
61 え恄”XRaiseWindow display window
62 え恄”%s widget [True|False]
63 え恄”%s widget translations
64 え恄”XtUninstallTranslations widget
65 え恄”XtParent variable widget
66 え恄”XtLastTimestampProcessed variable display
67 え恄”DtSessionRestorePath widget pathVariable saveFile
68 え恄”DtSessionSavePath widget pathVariable fileVariable
69 え恄”DtShellIsIconified widget
70 え恄”DtSetStartupCommand widget command
71 え恄”DtSetIconifyHint widget boolean
73 rootWindow 棤禨隓淩”%s
74 え恄”DtWsmSetCurrentWorkspace widget atom
75 齡汃洠睮蠣袓隓淩”%s
78 え恄”DtWsmSetWorkspacesOccupied display window workspaceList
79 え恄”DtGetHourGlassCursor variable display
80 え恄”DtWsmAddCurrentWorkspaceCallback variable widget ksh-command
81 え恄”DtWsmRemoveWorkspaceCallback handle
82 え恄”XtNameToWidget variable referenceWidget names
83 え恄”DtDbLoad
84 え恄”DtDbReloadNotify ksh-command
85 え恄”DtActionExists actionName
86 え恄”DtActionLabel variable actionName
87 え恄”DtActionDescription variable actionName
88 え恄”DtActionInvoke widget actionName termParms execHost contextDir useIndicator ksh-command ["FILE" fileName] ...
89 え恄”DtDtsLoadDataTypes
90 え恄”DtDtsFileToDataType variable fileName
91 え恄”DtDtsFileToAttributeValue variable fileName attrName
92 え恄”DtDtsFileToAttributeList variable fileName
93 え恄”DtDtsDataTypeToAttributeValue variable dataType attrName optName
94 え恄”DtDtsDataTypeToAttributeList variable dataType optName
95 え恄”DtDtsFindAttribute variable name value
96 え恄”DtDtsDataTypeNames variable
97 え恄”DtDtsSetDataType variable fileName dataType override
98 え恄”DtDtsDataTypeIsAction dataType
99 え恄”ttdt_open variable status variable2 toolname vendor version sendStarted
100 え恄”tttk_Xt_input_handler procId source id
101 罶鳲棤禨⽁禕珜謽禨”%s
102 id 棤禨⽁禕珜觸蠟瑱⻏禨”%s
103 え恄”ttdt_close status procId newProcId sendStopped
104 え恄”ttdt_session_join variable status sessId shellWidgetHandle join
105 え恄”ttdt_session_quit status sessId sessPatterns quit
106 sessPatterns 棤禨隓淩”%s
107 え恄”ttdt_file_event status op patterns send
108 え恄”ttdt_file_quit status patterns quit
109 え恄”ttdt_Get_Modified pathName scope timeout
110 え恄”%s status pathName scope timeout
112 え恄”tt_error_pointer variable ttStatus
113 え恄”%s status msg
114 え恄”%s status msg msgStatus msgStatusString destroy
115 え恄”ttdt_file_join variable status pathName scope join ksh-command
116 え恄”tt_file_netfile variable status filename
117 え恄”tt_netfile_file variable status netfilename
118 え恄”tt_host_file_netfile variable status host filename
119 え恄”tt_host_netfile_file variable status host netfilename
120 え恄”XtIsSubclass widget class
121 %s 攜旂淩柁 widget 麷伀ボ磝
122 え恄”XtClass variable widget
$set 6
1 DtkshCvtWindowToString”'from' 圊柁騰麵隓淩
2 DtkshCvtHexIntToString”'from' 圊柁騰麵隓淩
3 DtkshCvtIntToString”'from' 圊柁騰麵隓淩
4 DtkshCvtBooleanToString”'from' 圊柁騰麵隓淩
5 DtkshCvtStringToWidget”'from' 圊柁騰麵隓淩
6 DtkshCvtStringToWidget”Unable to find a widget named '%s'
7 DtkshCvtStringToCallback”'from' 圊柁騰麵隓淩
8 DtkshCvtCallbackToString”'from' 圊柁騰麵隓淩
9 DtkshCvtWidgetToString”'from' 圊柁騰麵隓淩
10 DtkshCvtWidgetToString”隓恄岊怉 widget 柁ボ磝
11 DtkshCvtWidgetClassToString”'from' 圊柁騰麵隓淩
12 DtkshCvtWidgetClassToString”ゝ洁柁 widget 麷伀
13 DtkshCvtStringToWidgetClass”ゝ洁柁 widget 麷伀ボ磝
14 DtkshCvtScreenToString”'from' 圊柁騰麵隓淩
$set 11
1 隓恄岊怉唫⻏ボ磝 '%s' ョ '%s' 廎擛斕
2 DtkshCvtCallbackToString”蠡楶鼲葎邅鍙棷鬿⻏
3 罶鳲 '%s' 捋鈺 (Hashing) ⼇絫﹜ョ widget 麷伀 '%s' 斕
4 ゝ菙坯衢逑ボ磝
5 杬麟隓恄欹⺼“齡怞嗢泲ゝ媊沓暋泂
6 widget '%s' 唈ゥ⼇絫
7 䬷ざ棤禨隓淩”%s
8 髓譯笱迒蠣袓隓淩”%s
9 widget '%s' ゝ泂氂髓譯罶鳲”%s
10 挴泂柁⻏殦隓淩”%s
11 挴泂柁А夆隓淩”%s
12 widget 搢隉蹌磍 '%s' ゝ棤嘵怉隃Б柁 widget
13 widget ⽁禕旂纂堈 'command' widget
14 widget ⽁禕旂纂堈 'mainWindow' widget
15 widget ⽁禕旂纂堈 'scale' widget
16 widget ⽁禕旂纂堈 'scrollBar' widget
17 widget ⽁禕旂纂堈 'toggleButton' widget 迖 gadget
18 槉嵺棤禨隓淩”%s
19 隓恄崷殦⽁衭柁奡襉忟﹜廎忒斕
20 隓恄岊怉々 widget
21 隓恄岊怉嗃磍 '%s'
22 隓恄岊怉麷倛 '%s'
23 隓恄箾庰剚夼 '%s'“モ囷え 'unsigned long'
24 ゝ洁柁騵麷倛”%s
25 藞禋憿簅隓恄藑籫”%s
26 え恄”%s widget position
27 え恄”%s widget time
28 え恄”%s widget
29 dtksh 蠆諟
30 dtksh 滙夼
31 え恄”%s display window
32 え恄”%s display window variable
33 え恄”%s display rootWindow variable
34 timeout 棤禨隓淩”%s
35 msg 棤禨隓淩”%s
36 patterns 棤禨隓淩”%s
$set 14
1 widget 媊沓暋泂渀﹜蠡楶捋鈺玿⼇絫“廎忒斕
2 隓恄岊怉ボ珜 '%s' 柁 widget 麷伀
3 籫伀А '%s' 攜旂淩柁 widget 搢隉蹌磍
4 隓恄岊怉 widget 麷伀
5 え恄”DtLoadWidget widgetClassName widgetClassRecordName
6 隓恄岊怉ボ珜 '%s' 柁 widget 麷伀奡蠊
7 widget 麷伀 '%s' 媊沓暋泂渀﹜蠡楶捋鈺玿⼇絫
8 \n%sRESOURCES FOR %s%s%s:\n
10 R
11 M
12 S
13 %-15s %-6s %-6s %-18s %-6s %s\n
15 \nえ恄”\tDtWidgetInfo [widgetHandle]\n\tDtWidgetInfo -r <widgetHandle|className>\n\tDtWidgetInfo -R <widgetHandle|className>\n\tDtWidgetInfo -c [className]\n\tDtWidgetInfo -h [widgetHandle]
$set 15
1 隓恄媊沓暋泂 Toolkit
2 髓譯罶鳲隓恄ョ唈ゥ widget\n渀暋泂﹞霘ョ唈ゥ悒囷え XtSetValues 暋泂”%s
3 え恄”%s variable parent name [argument:value ...]
4 え恄”DtHelpReturnSelectedWidgetId variable widget variable
5 え恄”DtHelpSetCatalogName catalogName
6 え恄”DtHelpQuickDialogGetChild variable quickHelpWidget child
7 widget ⽁禕旂纂堈 'quickHelp' widget
8 widget ⽁禕旂纂堈 'list' widget
9 え恄”%s widget position item
10 え恄”%s widget position itemList
11 え恄”%s widget item
12 え恄”XmListDeleteItemsPos widget count position
13 え恄”XmListDeleteItems widget itemList
14 え恄”XmListDeletePositions widget positionList
15 え恄”XmListGetKbdItemPos variable widget
16 え恄”XmListItemExists widget item
17 え恄”XmListItemPos variable widget item
18 え恄”XmListPosSelected widget position
19 え恄”XmListPosToBounds widget position variable variable variable variable
20 え恄”%s widget position notifyFlag
21 え恄”%s widget item notifyFlag
22 え恄”XmListSetAddMode widget boolean
23 え恄”XmListSetKbdItemPos widget position
24 え恄”XmMainWindowSetAreas mainwindow menu command hscroll vscroll work
25 'mainWindow' 搢隉蹌磍旂 NULL
26 え恄”%s variable mainwindow
27 え恄”XmProcessTraversal widget direction
28 ゝ洁柁傶棬巖ホ”%s
29 え恄”XmInternAtom variable display name onlyIfExists
30 え恄”XmGetAtomName variable display atom
31 挴泂柁蠣袓隓淩”%s
32 え恄”XmGetColors widget background foreground topshadow bottomshadow select
33 茯葔頝踛痼蠣隓淩”%s
34 え恄”XmUpdateDisplay widget
35 え恄”%s widget protocol [protocol ...]
36 挴泂柁蠣袓隓淩”%s
37 え恄”XmAddWMProtocolCallback widget protocol ksh-command
38 え恄”XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback widget protocol ksh-command
39 え恄”XmMenuPosition menu event
40 挴泂柁呦ス隓淩”%s
41 え恄”XmCommandAppendValue commandWidget string
42 え恄”XmCommandError commandWidget errorMessage
43 え恄”XmCommandSetValue commandWidget command
44 え恄”XmCommandGetChild variable commandWidget child
45 え恄”XmMessageBoxGetChild variable commandWidget child
46 widget ⽁禕旂纂堈 'messageBox' widget
47 え恄”XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild variable widget child
48 widget ⽁禕旂纂堈 'file selection box' widget
49 え恄”XmSelectionBoxGetChild variable widget child
50 widget ⽁禕旂纂堈 'selection box' widget
51 え恄”XmScaleGetValue scaleWidget variable
52 え恄”XmScaleSetValue scaleWidget value
53 挴泂柁籤坲饕圊隓淩”%s
54 え恄”XmScrollBarGetValues scrollbar variable variable variable variable
55 え恄”XmScrollBarSetValues scrollbar value sliderSize increment pageIncrement notify
56 挴泂柁圊隓淩”%s
57 挴泂柁僶棬蟟騰麵隓淩”%s
58 挴泂柁嚌蠹畽隓淩”%s
59 挴泂柁郟謑嚌蠹畽隓淩”%s
60 え恄”XmScrollVisible scrolledWin widget leftRightMargin topBottomMargin
61 widget ⽁禕旂纂堈 'scrolledWindow' widget
62 衭䬷ざ柁 widget 攜Бョ﹞
63 挴泂柁⼢/⑶饡盉隓淩”%s
64 挴泂柁譫/譯饡盉隓淩”%s
65 え恄”%s widget state notify
66 え恄”catopen variable catName
67 え恄”catclose catId
68 え恄”catgets variable catId setNum msgNum dftMsg
69 widget ⽁禕旂纂堈 'text' 迖 'textField' widget
70 え恄”%s variable widget
71 え恄”%s widget boolean
72 挴泂柁棤禨隓淩”%s
73 え恄”%s widget lines
74 え恄”%s widget maxLength
75 え恄”%s widget string
76 え恄”%s widget variable variable
77 え恄”%s widget position string
78 え恄”%s widget position variable variable
79 え恄”%s widget fromPosition toPosition string
80 挴泂柁 'from' ⻏殦隓淩”%s
81 挴泂柁 'to' ⻏殦隓淩”%s
82 え恄”%s widget firstPosition lastPosition time
83 挴泂柁剼纂堈⻏殦隓淩”%s
84 挴泂柁瑊悒纂堈⻏殦隓淩”%s
85 挴泂柁渀睮隓淩”%s
86 え恄”%s variable widget x y
87 挴泂柁 x ⻏殦隓淩”%s
88 挴泂柁 y ⻏殦隓淩”%s
89 え恄”%s widget left right mode
90 挴泂柁⼢饡⻏殦隓淩”%s
91 挴泂柁⑶饡⻏殦隓淩”%s
92 え恄”%s widget start string direction variable
93 挴泂柁媊沓⻏殦隓淩”%s
94 え恄”XmListGetSelectedPos variable widget
95 え恄”XmListGetMatchPos variable widget item
96 え恄”XmOptionLabelGadget variable widget
97 え恄”XmOptionButtonGadget variable widget
98 え恄”XmGetVisibility variable widget
99 え恄”XmGetTearOffControl variable widget
100 え恄”XmGetTabGroup variable widget
101 え恄”XmGetPostedFromWidget variable widget
102 え恄”XmGetFocusWidget variable widget
103 え恄”XmFileSelectionDoSearch widget directoryMask
$set 16
1 DtkshCvtNamedValueToString”岊攜怉嗃ポ炟
2 DtkshCvtStringToNamedValue”隓恄鼲葎А⻌ '%s'
$ The following messages are for ksh93 itself. The message numbers must
$ match those specified in the MsgStr array allmsgs in
$ ksh93/src/cmd/ksh93/sh/init.c, as must the set number.
$set 25
1 汒
3 欹⺼斕
4 [-n] [arg...]
5 [arg...]
6 [dir] [list]
7 [job...]
8 [n]
9 [name [pathname] ]
10 [name]
11 [top] [base]
12 expr...
13 format [arg...]
14 旂纂堈怐禨
15 旂纂堈驨耰А
16 旂纂堈蠡唈 shell
17 旂纂堈鼲Б怐禨
18 旂纂堈ゝ泂氂柁怐禨
19 name [arg...]
20 optstring name [args...]
21 秮
23 ${HOME:-.}/.profile
24 %c”ョ玿ざ冈斕隓淩柁А蠣 - %s
25 %c”ゝ洁柁眭冈挴泂蠣
26 %d-%d”隓淩柁謓睕
27 %d”隓淩柁蘑蠣杬麟碬斿ヾ
28 %s 旂纂堈伀ボ﹜㪫卼
29 %s 旂纂堈藣罐柁伀ボ﹜㪫卼
30 谹韁 %s
31 %s ゝ洁柁椕芚
32 %s”'?' 蝒磭騵鶈囷え ':'
33 %s”徆氂
34 %s”鰱禨鶈珜 %job 迖搢隉 ids
35 %s”岊攜怉伀ボ\n
36 %s”磭禨諴恄蠆諟
37 %s”挴泂錛衭 lvalue
38 %s”麔淰痼蠣磍謑蠆諟
39 %s”眭冈蠆諟
40 %s”磍謑蠆諟
41 %s”藞禋蠆諟
42 %s”鷥葎蠆諟
43 %s”暋歂蠆諟
44 %s”隓恄唈ゥ
45 %s”隓恄欹⺼
46 %s”隓恄瞅絒
47 %s”崽禨珜誻
48 %s”錭棦坲⼃
49 %s”隓恄欹⺼汒 %s
50 %s”麔淰儸Бョ
51 %s”攜ポ恄柁怐禨ボ磝
52 %s”隓淩柁伀ボ
53 %s”隓淩柁斒衧 (discipline) 怐禨
54 %s”隓淩柁鼲Бボ磝
55 %s”隓淩柁怐禨ボ磝
56 %s”隓淩柁ボ磝
57 %s”隓淩柁纂郫玿ざ冈
58 %s”隓淩柁⺌宎棤嘵
59 %s”隓淩柁囷え”
60 %s”隓淩柁䨣禨ボ磝
61 %s”攜旂纂堈籫伀А
62 %s”ⅲ逑幺抻
63 %s”簅圝泲ゝ蕍汃
64 %s”熅罐迻戔
65 %s”鶈彶ロ嗃奡
66 %s”扽譫嬬樄鷁
67 %s”扽棤嘵ボ磝
68 %s”隓恄岊怉
69 %s”ゝ蕍汃
70 %s”蝒磭蠣麷倛攜砨晥
71 %s”鬿⻏坲⼃
72 %s”ゝ暋泂棤禨
73 %s”棤禨洠く迖ゝ暋泂
74 %s”踽媝霽豟
75 %s”棤嘵䨣禨攜逑旂嵕ト
76 %s”錛衭聤梏ボ磝鰱禨
77 %s”迻戔
78 %s”痼禨坲⼃
79 %s”漶簅熅罐謓睕
80 %s”挭芧攜髱磝
81 %s”ゝ洁柁怐禨
82 %s”ゝ洁柁諴侔伀
83 %s”ゝ洁柁蝒磭騵
84 %s”ゝ洁柁媢磍ボ磝
85 %s”渿鰱媊媝聤
86 (瀄幰蒺罐)
87 -c 錛衭鰱禨
88 -e - 錛衭痼纂鰱禨
89 /vpix
90 <ゝ洁柁杬麟>
91 ACE#?F#?H:[name]L#?R#?Z#?fi#?[base]lnprtux [name=[value]...]
92 AE#?F#?HL#?R#?Z#?fi#?[base]lnprtux [name=[value]...]
93 斕黫
94 Ad:[delim]prst#[timeout]u#[filenum] [name...]
95 滙夼昋ⅰ
96 淂樄鷁斒眭蠆諟
97 侇嗄昋ⅰ蠆諟
98 磣蝚斕栠
99 蒝殈粡蠆諟
100 隓恄絒棬齡汃祰戔
101 隃⺼藞禋暋泂
102 DIL 媢磍
103 騵樄鷁彘欐蝒汃
104 DircabefhkmnpstuvxCI:[file]o:?[option]A:[name] [arg...]
105 DircabefhkmnpstuvxCo:?[option]A:[name] [arg...]
106 EMT 暋歂
107 熅罐 CPU 渀睮迻戔
108 熅峈麔淰騰麵迻戔
109 秸棬坲⼃
110 HSacdfmnstv [limit]
111 斕欐
112 IO 媢磍
113 攜ポ恄柁挴麟
114 吤黫
115 覗崽
116 LP [dir] [change]
117 奡襉忟蠆諟
118 傶鼲搢隉
119 扽齡汃祰戔
120 諔緷吤黫
121 懘緧滙夼
122 諔鳲斕黫
123 渀睮滙夼晼蠊
124 廎忒
125 罶鳲蟺⼇
126 ャ艀鰹柁 tty 勐棬蟟...
127 S [mask]
129 Еツ簅圝儸庍䨣
130 葅桵吤黫
131 鐖郣汒
132 彘欐 (媢磍)
133 彘欐 (tty 藣蘋)
134 儸彘欐柁搢隉隃ョ凭㶴
135 彘欐
136 彘欐 (tty 藣罐)
137 鼲葎隞柁 tty 勐棬蟟...
138 侇嗄伒渿撋筄
139 嗈欐
140 寍麶/BPT 暋歂
141 隓恄藰籫柁斿ヾ
142 霘囷え 'exit' 坭彘欐楙堈 shell
143 囷え炟媢磍 1
144 囷え炟媢磍 2
145 斿ヾゝ泂氂
146 摫鶅渀睮滙夼
147 槉嵺騰麵庍䨣
148 睎齡汃ョ欹⺼
149 睎斕欐柁齡汃
150 [_[:alpha:]]*([_[:alnum:]])
151 \n@(#)Version 12/28/93\0\n
152 \n@(#)Version M-12/28/93\0\n
153 \n翍骳
154 \r\n\007か卼ゝ汃え﹜shell 渿ョ 60 秮蠡蝺渀
155 a name...
156 a:c [command [args...] ]
157 afpv name...
158 滙夼 %s %.3f\n
159 alarm -r %s +%.3g\n
160 鶈鰱禨
161 げ蠊蠆諟
162 麔淰痼蠣磍謑蠆諟
163 鷥葎蠆諟
164 隓恄Б抻々げ蠊
165 隓恄唈ゥ磣蝚
166 隓恄唈ゥ穛渀麔淰
167 隓恄雰ぇ騵嶂囥
168 隓恄抻痤 %s
169 隓恄暋泂 %s
170 隓恄暋泂滙夼鐖
171 錛衭蛨ス
172 dsf:[library] [name...]
173 e:[editor]lnrsN# [first] [last]
174 麔淰廎忒
175 f:[format]nprsu:[filenum] [arg...]
176 fnv name...
177 hist -e "${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}}"
178 奡蠊麔淰ゝ瞅絒
179 諴恄蠆諟
180 麷倛 %c 柁鰱禨隓淩
181 旂纂堈 shell 蠡唈斿ヾ﹜㪫卼
182 旂纂堈寍麶伀ボ﹜㪫卼
183 覗崽
184 剼 %d ⺼”$ 虳郖攜旂 \\
185 剼 %d ⺼”${} 蠡柁 %c 鶈篎蠹鰱磍
186 剼 %d ⺼”%s 旂ゝ洁柁簅圝
187 剼 %d ⺼”[[...]] 斕柁 %s 隃儸寲蛫攜え﹜庍え ((...))
188 剼 %d ⺼”'=' 隃儸寲蛫攜え﹜庍え '=='
189 剼 %d ⺼”-a 隃儸寲蛫攜え﹜庍え -e
190 剼 %d ⺼”%c 虳郖柁 \\ 砉絅髓猻渿坭囷え
191 剼 %d ⺼”`...` 隃儸寲蛫攜え﹜庍え $(...)
192 剼 %d ⺼”%c 鼲氂髓礱伬雰ぇ徆氂
193 剼 %d ⺼”芩靬簅圝 %s
194 剼 %d ⺼”霘渿 %c 蠹譫鰱磍﹜髓礱伬雰ぇ徆氂
195 剼 %d ⺼”set %s 隃儸寲蛫攜え
196 剼 %d ⺼”禂孲 shell 錛蠹蘋洠眭
197 剼 %d ⺼”囷え騰挭芧挭⻖﹜髓伬 $id[...] 雰ぇ徆氂
198 剼 %d ⺼”囷え洠眭迖聧眭坭禳觰蝒磭騵 %c 縋 %c
199 ln#[signum]s:[signame] sig...
200 槮欐僳蘋 setuid/setgid shell
201 髱鶈
202 隞⺼
203 nlp [job...]
204 扽奡蠊麔
205 扽栯緧搢隉
206 扽楙堈齡汃
207 扽楙堈搢隉
208 ゝ齬葰
209 驨椲
210 瞅絒
211 熅罐瞅絒麔淰迻戔
212 奡襉忟跂潞
213 p [action condition...]
214 p [name[=value]...]
215 棤禨ゝ暋泂
216 攜怞暐⑴ḷ
217 搢隉儸Бョ
218 ptx [name=[value]...]
219 pvV name [arg]...
220 r [varname seconds]
221 剼 %d ⺼諴恄蠆諟”`%s' %s
222 剼 %d ⺼諴恄蠆諟”簅圝 %s 适闀
223 諴恄蠆諟”`%s' %s
224 sys
225 嶉恁藣蘋蝺渀
226 盻蛺恁斕
227 錭棦隓恄Б抻
228 ゝ迻戔
229 攜嗃ポ
230 囷え炟
231 斿ヾ
232 嬣蘋 %d ⼇絫
233 ョ $_ 睎柁瑧ス
234 誻⻏蠣嗢
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
$ "$XConsortium: dtlogin.msg /main/3 1995/11/08 14:07:17 rswiston $"
$ *************************************<+>*************************************
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** File: dtlogin.msg
$ **
$ ** Project: CDE dtlogin
$ **
$ ** Description:
$ ** -----------
$ ** This file is the source for the message catalog for dtlogin
$ **
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** (c) Copyright 1990 Hewlett-Packard Company
$ ** All Rights reserved
$ **
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ **
$ ** ------------------------- MODIFICATION RECORD --------------------------
$ *
$ *
$ ** ----------------------- MODIFICATION RECORD END ------------------------
$ *****************************************************************************
$ *************************************<+>*************************************
$ *************************************<L>*************************************
$ ** -----------------GENERAL LOCALIZATION NOTES SECTION---------------------
$ * Comment lines begin with a $ except $set which indicates the start of a
$ * new set.
$ *
$ * Do not delete any comments; you may add comments for your use.
$ *
$ ** ----------------GENERAL LOCALIZATION NOTES SECTION END------------------
$ *************************************<L>*************************************
$set 1
$ set 1 is labels
$ messages 1 through 6 are button labels on the login screen
1 霘藣蘋睎柁囷え炟ボ磝
2 霘藣蘋睎柁湅謑
3 薚泂
4 适隞瞅沓
5 藞禋
6 赮伢諰咭
$ messages 7 through 11 are options button menu items
7 适暋僳蘋糬魦
8 杬麟⺼僳蘋
9 斿ヾ...
10 痼槉嵺瞃栠汃鞄
11 諴侔
$ messages 12 through 14 are miscellaneous button labels
12 瞅沓 DT
13 抻祤
14 赮伢諰咭
$ message 15, 17 are more option button menu items
$ message 16 is the welcome message
15 DT Lite 瞃栠汃鞄
16 崐玾囷え
17 纂郫痐譫磣隉侇嗄
$ message 18-24
18 * 穛彘痐譫磣隉侇嗄僳蘋...\r\n*\r\n
19 * ヵ錛僳蘋菙ざ﹜霘挹 [Enter]﹞\r\n*\r\n
20 * 僳蘋﹞ョ睎僳罐欄悒攜躁﹜痐譫磣隉侇嗄僳蘋伒渿凭㶴﹞\r\n*\r\n
21 * 痐譫磣隉侇嗄僳蘋凭㶴斕...\r\n*\r\n
22 * ョ䬷ざ蟟 %1$s 譫絒棬痐譫磣隉侇嗄僳蘋...\r\n*\r\n
23 * 霘ッ嶉恁痐譫磣隉侇嗄僳蘋糬魦罐隃欄悒テ⺼僳蘋﹞\r\n*\r\n
24 * %1$s 䬷ざ蟟譫隓恄絒棬 X ɵ峇蟟...\r\n*\r\n
$ messages 25 is a options button menu item
25 瞃栠汃鞄
$ 26 replaces 16 as the greeting after a user name has been
$ entered. The %s is replaced by the user name.
26 崐玾 %s
$ Sun specific message catalog id numbers in MC_LABEL_SET messages.
$ (Starting at a random uneven higher number, 73, to allow some room
$ for some shared sample source message additions.
73 囷え炟譫纂痐譫磣隉侇嗄
$set 2
$ set 2 is error messages
1 僳蘋攜薚﹜霘テ箹纂﹞
2 隓恄䨣葎怉媊沓げ蠊﹞
3 侺暽﹞げ虳僳蘋柁囷え炟藺禨儸蝞頖迻﹞
$ message 4 is a lengthy message that should be localized to correspond to
$ the language.
4 \n\
5 僳蘋蠆諟﹜囷え炟 id 隓淩﹞
6 僳蘋蠆諟﹜漦嗢 id 隓淩﹞
7 僳蘋蠆諟﹜謒淭 id 隓淩﹞
8 僳蘋蠆諟﹜謒淭憿簅隓淩﹞
9 げ虳僳蘋衢逑揧抻祤﹞
10 ⅲ淂囷え炟⑴欹⺼ %1$s\n
11 皕 %1$s 适隞唈擛蠡泂柁諴侔覗痼\n
12 适隞筈萺崷殦麔縋ɵ峇蟟麔\n
13 适隞幺抻崷殦麔 %1$s\n
14 适隞幺抻ɵ峇蟟麔 %1$s\n
15 适隞幺抻Б抻麔 %1$s\n
16 dtlogin”琣冈跂潞奡襉忟\n
$set 3
$ set 3 is help text
$ message 1 is generated when the help button on the login screen is clicked.
1 \n\
1) 耰蘋睎柁囷え炟ボ磝﹜隑悒挹 <Enter> 耰迖挹纂譯 [薚泂]﹞\n\
(ヵ峈睎泲ゝ唈ゥ纂堈囷え炟﹜霘藣蘋 "root" 惉珜\n\
2) 耰蘋睎柁湅謑﹜隑悒挹 <Enter> 耰迖挹纂譯 [薚泂]﹞\n\
渿僶趡挴簅殦卼 [藞禋] 挹瘖欄譫﹜挹⻖ \n\
僶趡挹瘖 1﹞侹挴簅汃藞謥﹞\n\
諴侔 - 庍䨣瞃栠汃鞄囷え柁諴侔\n\
瞃栠汃鞄 - 藞謥纂堈頝夆蘄頨\n\
OpenWindows 痐譫磣隉侇嗄 - 珜 OW 痐譫磣隉侇嗄 \n\
纂郫痐譫磣隉侇嗄 - 珜纂郫痐譫磣隉侇嗄蘄頨 (CDE) \n\
囷え炟譫纂痐譫磣隉侇嗄 - 珜譫纂僳蘋 \n\
捗錏⺌棬砉覈瞃栠汃鞄 - 珜痼纂 X 槉嵺蘄頨\n\
杬麟⺼僳蘋 - 鼲葎杬麟⺼蘄頨\n\
适暋僳蘋糬魦 - 适隞絒棬 X ɵ峇蟟\n\
>赮伢諰咭磣隉炟=頝踛 (淝譫纂堈棯磍炟) 譫挹\n\
$ message 2 is generated when you attempt to start a system whose id is
$ set to unknown or if it is not configured for networking.
2 \n\
$ message 3 is generated when the help button on the chooser screen is clicked.
3 \n\
楶禳﹞剼纂堈楶禳 (ɵ峇蟟ボ磝) 屼怀纂堈⑴えɵ\n\
峇蟟柁篚聤ボ磝﹞剼蘑堈楶禳 (ɵ峇蟟罶媢)\n\
CDE 痐譫磣隉侇嗄﹜楶ソ祼鞂菙坯げ虳\n\
ョ囷え侇嗄柁囷え炟 (迖 tty 稹殦) 柁藺禨﹜\n\
髓轡虳 5﹝10﹝15 禳㺪柁衿蟡⼳忔圊 (CPU ⼳忔囷え畽)\n\
渿僶趡挴簅殦卼 [藞禋] 挹瘖欄譫﹜挹⻖ \n\
僶趡挹瘖 1﹞侹挴簅汃藞謥﹞\n\
諴侔 - 庍䨣瞃栠汃鞄囷え柁諴侔\n\
适暋僳蘋糬魦 - 适隞絒棬 X ɵ峇蟟\n\
$set 4
$ set 4 is log error messages
1 Б抻麔淰 "%1$s"﹜饜鞥 "%2$s" 隓恄岊怉\n
2 ReadHostEntry\n
3 Б抻麔淰 %1$2s﹜䬷ざ蟟 %1$2s 珜攜咭柁䬷ざ蟟\n
4 隓恄瞅絒Б抻祰戔麔 %1$s﹜モ隓恄嵹鶈 XDMCP 衭忴\n
5 篚棦/謦汃侇嗄薚諝蠆諟”%1$s (%2$s/%3$s)
6 隓恄瞅絒ɵ峇蟟薚諝麔 %1$s\n
7 隓恄嬣蘋ɵ峇蟟薚諝麔 %1$s\n
8 saveAddr
9 蘀抻篚聤蘭郖崷殦渀棯纕
10 setAuthNumber
11 隓恄孍泂筅ḷ麔 %1$s 迖猻ソ麔 %2$s\n
12 隓恄渿筅ḷ麔傶怉懱撋⻏殦\n
13 隓恄唈ゥ/孍泂 pid 麔淰 %1$s\n
14 隓恄孍泂 pid 麔淰 %1$s﹜モ珜ⅱ纂堈 Dtlogin ョ欹⺼ (pid %2$d)\n
15 隓恄Б抻ɵ峇蟟麔淰 %1$s\n
16 NewDisplay
17 隓恄瞅絒 errorLogFile %1$s\n
18 TrimErrorLog()”蠆諟戀諲麔柁麔淰騰麵迻戔瑊騰珜 200Kb﹞\n
19 ɵ峇蟟麔淰谹韁䬷ざ蟟ボ磝\n
20 %1$s 谹韁䬷ざ蟟麷倛\n
21 饜鞥ボ磝 %1$s 隓淩﹞DISPLAY 暋泂珜 ':0'\n
22 䬷ざ蟟 %2$s 柁䬷ざ蟟麷倛 %1$s 隓恄揧稌抰\n
23 摫鶅适暋蝺渀﹞\n
24 GetResource
25 扽洠睮⑴坯鰱禨适隞崷殦\n
26 隓恄瞅絒崷殦麔 %1$s\n
27 杬麟⺼ロ瀦柁鰱禨”
28 StartServer()”扽鰱禨\n
29 ɵ峇蟟 %1$s 隓恄欹⺼\n
30 StartServer() 雰ぇ騵嶂囥⼇絫﹜穛彘斕\n
31 ɵ峇蟟蜑⼃斕黫\n
32 XOpenDisplay(%1$s) 閰箹 #%2$d 斕欐﹜ョ斕黫﹞\n
33 瞅絒ɵ峇蟟閰箹 #%1$d ⼇絫﹜モ珜 %2$s﹜勂蛫テ閰箹\n
34 ╩适 IO 蠆諟 %d (%1$s)\n
35 X 蠆諟\n
36 瞃栠汃鞄絒沓蠆諟\n
37 滙夼”䬷ざ蟟 %1$s 隓恄砉錏Еツ\n
38 滙夼”䬷ざ蟟 %1$s 柁耰薏隓恄砉錏Еツ\n
39 BLS - 隓恄蘀痤鷓韝罶媢﹞\n
40 BLS - 隓恄蘀痤抰砉柁鷓韝罶媢﹞\n
41 BLS - 隓恄无糶絔裧嶂唄﹞\n
42 BLS - 隓恄䨣彶珜囷え炟”%1$s﹞\n
43 AFS - 絒棬瞃栠汃鞄渀 setgroups() ⼇絫\n
44 囷え炟 %s Setuid ⼇絫﹜errno = %d\n
45 囷え炟 %2$s 扽絒沓げ蠊 %1$s﹜囷え /\n
46 瞃栠汃鞄欹⺼⼇絫 %1$s\n
47 瞃栠汃鞄扽杬麟/鰱禨\n
48 隓恄絒棬 %s 柁瞃栠汃鞄﹜雰ぇ騵嶂囥⼇絫\n
49 Dtlogin 隓恄覗崽剟鷓鞥\n
50 隓恄欹⺼ %1$s\n
51 隓恄雰ぇ騵嶂囥髓欹⺼ %1$s\n
52 攜懱撋柁薚諝ボ磝 "%1$s"﹞囷え AFS﹝Kerberos 迖蠡泂ボ磝﹞\n
53 %2$s 隓恄欹⺼ Dtgreet %1$s \n
54 隓恄雰ぇ騵嶂囥髓欹⺼ Dtgreet %1$s\n
55 %1$d 棔唈ゥ葅桵⼇絫\n
56 廎ポ葅桵⻏彴 %1$d 蠆諟﹜errno = %2$d\n
57 makeEnv
58 setEnv
59 parseArgs
60 %1$s げ蠊柁筈萺渀睮熅蝝 %2$d 秮﹞廎忒筈萺斕...\n
61 %s 㪫卼 %1$d 堈髓譫柁漦嗢﹜%2$s 鞂揧芩靬\n
62 audwrite() 蠆諟”昋ⅰ炟呥盻崼瞃囷え炟\n
63 audwrite() 蠆諟”謒淭奡蠊斕隓淩柁呦ス磍謑﹞\n
64 audwrite() 蠆諟”errno = %1$d\n
65 AFS 薚諝⼇絫”%1$s\n
66 %1$s 柁鷓韝儸怉蛺﹞霘縋睎柁侇嗄磣隉婝椵彄﹞\n
67 ɵ峇蟟斕欐 %1$s\n
68 隓恄瞅絒簅諲⻏蠣旃晛麔”%1$s\n
69 隓恄幺抻 "%1$s" 媢桾げ蠊﹞囷え蠡泂諴侔﹞
70 䬷ざ蟟 %1$s 隓恄絒沓暋泂﹜ɵ峇蟟⑴逑揧庉抻﹞\n
71 (%1$s)”僳蘋 matte 嬥唄熅蝝䬷ざ蟟嬥唄﹜囷え蠡泂圊﹞matte 柁痼⻏珜頝踛痼蠣﹞\n
72 (%1$s) 僳蘋 matte 崼唄熅蝝䬷ざ蟟崼唄﹜囷え蠡泂圊﹞matte 柁痼⻏珜頝踛痼蠣﹞\n
$set 5
$ set 5 is for other stuff specific to chooser.
1 霘藞謥纂堈ɵ峇蟟僳蘋”
$ 1 is the title/instructions for the chooser dialog
2 ɵ峇蟟ボ磝 ɵ峇蟟罶媢
$ ^
$ | This needs to start in this column
$ 2 is the headings for the list
3 彶隞トざ
$set 99
$ These messages are used for the version information.
$quote "
1 "@(#)version_goes_here"
2 "\n@(#)_DtMessage catalog source $XConsortium: dtlogin.msg /main/3 1995/11/08 14:07:17 rswiston $"
@ -49,45 +49,45 @@ $
$ This is the message that appears in the "Printer:" field when no
$ printer name has been specified.
10 "涅贴峭闲瘼"
10 "蠡泂パ玿鞥"
$ This is the label that appears in the title bar of the print dialog.
20 "悄峭"
20 "トパ"
$ This is the label for the field indicating the file that will be printed.
30 "篁争〃"
30 "麔淰”"
$ This is the label for the field indicating the name of the printer.
40 "峭闲瘼〃"
40 "パ玿鞥”"
$ This is the message that will appear in the "Printer:" field if no printer
$ has been specified.
50 "涅贴峭闲瘼"
50 "蠡泂パ玿鞥"
$ This is the label for the field indicating the number of copies to print.
60 "枪戆〃"
60 "ソ禨”"
$ This is the label for the field indicating the title for the banner page.
70 "闲螭砗黝喻砗黝〃"
70 "玿韝簅纕郟簅纕”"
$ This is the label for the field indicating if page numbers are to be added.
80 "悄峭喻睿"
80 "トパ郟謑"
$ This is thef label for the field indicating additional options for the
$ "lp" command.
90 "悄峭淘棚蛸恸〃"
90 "トパ杬麟藞禋”"
$ This is the label on the left button. Pushing this button causes the
$ dialog to disappear and the print operation to start.
100 "悄峭"
100 "トパ"
$ This is the label on the center button. Pushing this button causes the
$ dialog to disappear and cancels the print operation.
110 "探旨"
110 "抻祤"
$ This is the label on the right button. Pushing this button causes a
$ help dialog to be posted.
120 "牒煞氅忘"
120 "赮伢諰咭"
$ -- The following are error messages. --
@ -97,22 +97,22 @@ $ This message is posted when there is a problem with the file specified.
$ The file name will be appended to the message. One additional message
$ from the list below will also be included in the dialog to provide
$ more details.
130 "挽楣--嘁挝悄峭〃"
130 "侺暽--隓恄トパ”"
$ This message is added to the error dialog when the file is not printable
$ or does not exist.
132 "菡岩摹远嘁挝悄峭嘻篁争、托群篁争拟囚倾·"
132 "楙旂纂堈隓恄トパ柁麔淰﹜迖麔淰攜Бョ﹞"
$ This message is added to the error dialog when the file is not readable
$ by the user invoking dtlp.
134 "诶属却<EFBFBD>探孚篁争嘻萋偏<EFBFBD>·"
134 "睎扽幺抻篎麔淰柁暐⑴ḷ﹞"
$ This message is added to the error dialog when there is a general failure
$ in setting up to print.
136 "铢篝宴菡远篁争岩闪囚倾·"
136 "霘黀栯楙堈麔淰旂匢Бョ﹞"
$ This is the label that appears in the title bar of the error dialog.
160 "悄峭骜毓"
160 "トパ罶媢"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtmailopts.msg /main/3 1995/11/08 14:07:45 rswiston $
$ ==================================================================
$ = Project Message Source File: generated by 'dtcodegen'
$ = Generated message sets have 'DTBMS_<name>' as their comment
$ ==================================================================
$quote "
$set 1 DTBMS_dtmailopts_project
$ ** Generated messages for 'dtmailopts_project'.
$ ** You can edit this comment and add comments below each message.
$set 2 DTBMS_options
$ ** Generated messages for 'options'.
$ ** You can edit this comment and add comments below each message.
1 "Mailer - 瑧ス藞禋"
2 "瞗麷”"
3 "媢桾簅纕ト玿"
4 "媢桾髲砫"
5 "ャ砆槉嵺"
6 "媢桾囆麔"
7 "⺌棬ャ砆"
8 "篲帣"
9 "伀ボ"
10 "瑱瞃"
11 "䬷ざ彃”ス藺﹜撋瑧スか宎溈罐渀"
12 "䬷ざ媢桾磍謑"
13 "黀栯隞瑧ス睮觰”"
14 "秮"
15 "隞瑧ス菙蟶媢磍”"
16 "韏鐖"
17 "嵑棬"
18 "䬷ざ"
19 "玿韝"
20 "曚骱儸伝崽柁媢桾”"
21 "撋宎驨椲瑧謜渀"
22 "䬷ざ薚諝楈夼"
23 "玿韝醷嬣渿屼挭”"
24 "玿韝唫⻏”"
25 "x ⺼"
26 "email 斿ヾ"
27 "淩蛺⺍"
28 "騿鰳唫⻏”"
29 "嚌蠹"
30 "伝崽"
31 "䨣彶"
33 "ト"
34 "А蠣嬥唄"
36 "䬷ざ眃ストざ"
37 ">"
38 "隓恄庋踽柁瑧ス麔淰扢”"
39 "眭冈衢逑玿⺌衲唫⻏"
40 "騿冈棓ヾ"
41 "ャ砆謾"
42 "衢逑玿簅圝”"
50 "玿韝唫⻏”"
51 "蠡泂圊”"
52 "醷粡А⻌"
53 "ャ砆屼挭”"
54 "聤梏/麔ボ”"
55 "瞅沓硻岊⻏殦”"
57 ">傶棬=衢逑玿"
58 "縋>闀蕍怉=衢逑玿”"
59 "瑊ロ䬷ざ”"
60 "瑊珆え蝝柁瑧謜"
61 "婽罐媢桾柁瑧謜”"
62 "僳蠊邴婽罐柁媢桾"
63 "⺌棬ャ砆”"
64 "瞅絒"
65 "驨椲"
66 "⺌棬ャ砆騔ッ禖囥 = junk"
67 "饜纕”"
68 "攜ョ藰襬剞"
69 "媢桾”"
71 "衢逑玿簅圝”"
72 "篲帣”"
73 "伀ボ”"
74 "⻏彴”"
75 "伀ボ”"
76 "彶隞瑧謜昲鳷”"
77 "槴琣"
78 "攜琣"
79 "蠡泂圊”"
80 "䬷ざ薚泂楈夼"
81 "囷え╩眭 MIME А蠣蹌謑"
82 "囷え篚聤恞蜑瑧ス麔淰孍泂"
83 "芩靬⻏彴斕柁饜鞥ボ磝 (allnet)"
84 "撋宎囷え\"ャ鷋邴藺\" 渀屼挭宎(metoo)"
85 "囷えヾ磞ボ磝”ussername ="
86 "薚泂"
87 "适暋"
88 "抻祤"
89 "鶈え"
90 "赮伢諰咭"
91 " "
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $ **********************************************
$ Label used for all "Help" buttons in all DIALOGS.
$ It is not used for the Help menu.
1 牒煞氅忘
1 輔助說明
$set 4
@ -46,21 +46,21 @@ $ ** Motif dialog, and simply change these two labels. **
$ *****************************************************************
$ Title of the Open dialog
1 怃邛篁争
1 開啟檔案
$ label for the File text field in the file selection box
$ ***UNUSED*** This label in no longer used and need not be localized.
2 友怃邛嘻篁争〃
2 要開啟的檔案:
$ Title of the Include dialog
3 芍涯篁争
3 含括檔案
$ Label for the File text field in the file selection box
$ ***UNUSED*** This label is no longer used and need not be localized.
4 友芍涯嘻篁争〃
4 要含括的檔案:
$ Error when printing a file and a temporary copy can not be saved.
5 嘁挝喧恰聿针篁·
5 無法建立暫時檔。
$set 5
@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ $ a different file, drop a file, or start a "New" session with unsaved
$ changes to the current file.
$ This is used to build: "Save changes to FILENAME?"
1 友竺囚 %s 嘻院恃蒎拧忝?
1 要儲存 %s 的修改部分嗎?
$ This is used as-is, whenever the current file is unnamed.
2 堍如篁争属却篁秦·\n诶友竺囚菡远篁争忝?
2 現行檔案沒有檔名。\n您要儲存這個檔案嗎?
$ This is used to build a message like "Do you want to save the current
$ copy of FILENAME before you Edit NEWFILENAME?" when a new file is droped
@ -87,35 +87,35 @@ $ on the edit window.
$ ***UNUSED*** Currently, dropped files are INSERTED in the text rather than
$ opened for editing so this message is no longer used and need
$ not be localized.
3 诶友强竺囚 %s 逆靴、锹罹蛞 %s 忝?
3 您要先儲存 %s 之後,再編輯 %s 嗎?
$ Used when about to write over an existing file.
$ The "%s" is replaced by the file name.
5 篁争 %s 呢囚倾·\n诶泖盆浠罹蛞嘻涅诈\n屿煅孚篁争忝?
5 檔案 %s 已存在。\n您想以新編輯的內容\n重寫該檔案嗎?
$ Title of "file already exists" dialog. Also used for other "Warning" type
$ dialogs.
6 警告
$ Title of "Save As" dialog.
7 贫囚浠篁
7 另存新檔
$ Labels for add/don't-add newlines radio buttons in the Save As dialog
$ ***UNUSED*** These labels are no longer used and need not be localized.
$ They've been replaced by messages 44 and 45
8 倾溶侬咝如嘻如岣盛披母咝如求镊·
9 拟披墨咝如求镊·品像昼盆 [Return] 塄祈嘻\n咝如·
8 在自動換行的行結尾加上換行字元。
9 不加入換行字元。只保留以 [Return] 產生的\n換行。
$ Labels for the Save Warning dialog. Also used in the confirmation, or
$ Editor Return dialog.
14 闪
15 岩
14 否
15 是
$ Title of the dialog - used when user selects "New", "Open", or "Exit" with
$ unsaved changes in the text.
16 友竺囚忝?
16 要儲存嗎?
$ Title of general error dialog
17 蜚毹
17 錯誤
$ Title of the resource-specified "confirmation" dialog
$ This dialog is generally specified by programs such as mailers, which
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ $ DO NOT LOCALIZE - the user should never see this message
$ Title for general information dialog. e.g. Find dialog can't find word in
$ file.
20 骜毓
20 資訊
$ Default file name in Save As dialog box.
@ -138,58 +138,58 @@ $ Default file name in Save As dialog box.
$ Error message when a file can not be saved. The "%1$s" gets replaced by
$ the file name and the "%2$s" gets replaced by the reason why the file could
$ not be saved (messages 31-39).
30 嘁挝竺囚 %1$s·\n%2$s
30 無法儲存 %1$s。\n%2$s
$ Messages 31-39 are reasons why a file could not be saved.
$ Messages 34-39 are substitued in message 30 for "%2$s".
31 嘁挝竺囚篁争·\n栖牙贴篁秦·
31 無法儲存檔案。\n未指定檔名。
34 孚篁争拟镍萋嵌若末煅墨·
34 該檔案不允許任何人寫入。
35 孚篁争岩摹远气蜱·
35 該檔案是一個目錄。
36 孚篁争岩摹远求镊种直嬉弭·
36 該檔案是一個字元特殊裝置。
37 孚篁争岩摹远俅阳砑梃嬉弭·
37 該檔案是一個區段模態裝置。
$ ***UNUSED*** This message should never appear since currently there is
$ only one supported file format - text. And this type is
$ hard coded into dtpad.
38 嘁真嘻篁争知娶·
38 無效的檔案格式。
$ This is a "catch all" when the file can not be saved and none of the above
$ errors apply.
39 堋岂拟忘 - 偏卒岩轹轺熄怄拟送·
39 理由不明 - 可能是磁碟空間不足。
$ This is displayed when a ToolTalk edit request on a buffer is received,
$ a Save operation is done and there are unsaved changes.
40 友竺囚<EFBFBD>收蒎拧忝々
40 要儲存變更部分嗎?
$ This is displayed when a ToolTalk edit request on a file or buffer is
$ received with a document name specified in the request, a Save operation
$ is done and there are unsaved changes. The "%s" in the message is
$ replaced by the document name (instead of the filename).
41 友衮<EFBFBD>收蒎拧竺囚摊 "%s" 忝々
41 要將變更部分儲存到 "%s" 嗎?
$ Title of "Copy As" dialog which is substitued for the "Save As" dialog
$ when file name changes are disallowd. This should match the menu button
$ label specified in message 108 of set 11.
$ ***UNUSED*** This title is no longer used and need not be localized.
42 铒犒页
42 複製為
$ Title of "Copy To File" dialog which is substitued for the "Save As" dialog
$ when file name changes are disallowd. This should match the menu button
$ label specified in message 110 of set 11.
43 铒犒摊篁争
43 複製到檔案
$ Labels for add/don't-add newlines radio buttons in the SaveAs and Save dialogs
44 倾溶侬咝如嘻如岣盛披墨咝如求镊·
45 拟披墨咝如求镊· 品像昼盆 [Return] 塄祈嘻\n咝如·
44 在自動換行的行結尾加入換行字元。
45 不加入換行字元。 只保留以 [Return] 產生的\n換行。
$ New message as of 5/31/95 (i.e. new since Sample Implementation). This
$ new message is in response to bug DTS CISlx19530.
46 偏卒岩篁争嘁挝煅墨\n托摊孚篁争嘻纣绽拟囚倾·
46 可能是檔案無法寫入\n或到該檔案的路徑不存在。
$set 6
@ -199,19 +199,19 @@ $ ** **
$ ** Error messages generated when there are problems reading a file. **
$ ************************************************************************
1 孚篁争品卒<EFBFBD>探·
2 孚篁争拟囚倾·
3 嘁挝罹蛞气蜱·
4 嘁挝罹蛞求镊种蛴嬉弭篁争·
5 嘁挝罹蛞俅阳砑梃嬉弭篁争·
6 岂篁争弯砒逆涅喧熄垣
7 嘁挝绁墨篁争 (卮鹳<E58DAE>拟送)·
8 嘁挝囚探篁争 (嘁挝诘稀抬雾梃)·
9 嘁挝<EFBFBD>探篁争 (偏卒嘁<E58D92>探萋偏<E8908B>)·
1 該檔案只能讀取。
2 該檔案不存在。
3 無法編輯目錄。
4 無法編輯字元特輸裝置檔案。
5 無法編輯區段模態裝置檔案。
6 由檔案抽出之內建空值
7 無法載入檔案 (記憶體不足)。
8 無法存取檔案 (無法得知其狀態)。
9 無法讀取檔案 (可能無讀取許可權)。
$ Message placed in the status line message area based on the -viewOnly
$ resource and whether or not the file being edited is read only
10 品卒柚亦
11 倌<EFBFBD>
10 只能察看
11 唯讀
$set 7
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ $quote
$ The name used in the title bar of every window.
$ Be sure to end this message with a space character.
2 牌求罹蛞鹇 -
2 文字編輯器 -
$ Default file name used in the main window title.
$ ***UNUSED*** This message has been replaced by message 6 of this set and
@ -237,11 +237,11 @@ $ need not be localized.
$ Terminal error message displayed to stdout when the desk top services
$ can not be initialized (via DtInitialize())
4 嘁挝啬填菝贴证母戋堋朔苡韦侪... 岣手牌求罹蛞鹇·
4 無法起始設定桌上管理系統服務... 結束文字編輯器。
$ Terminal error message displayed to stdout when a connection to the
$ display can not be opend (via XtDisplay())
5 嘁挝怃邛<EFBFBD>泣鹇... 岣手牌求罹蛞鹇·
5 無法開啟顯示器... 結束文字編輯器。
$ Default file name used in the main window title.
$ This should correspond to the default file name used in the "Save As"
@ -251,61 +251,61 @@ $
$ New messages (7,8) since CDE/SI - error gets displayed when user tries to run
$ dtpad -server when and dtpad server process is already running on the
7 蜚毹: 摹远 dtpad 腮韦鹇 %s\n\
8 蜚毹: 摹远 dtpad 腮韦鹇\n\
7 錯誤: 一個 dtpad 伺服器 %s\n\
8 錯誤: 一個 dtpad 伺服器\n\
$ Message 9 is also new since CDE/SI - new as of 5/22/95. It is a usage message
$ for dtpad. Don't translate the '-OPTION' just the text explaining the
$ option.
9 '%s' 岩蜚毹嘻蛸恸·\n\
祁挝: %s...\n\
9 '%s' 是錯誤的選項。\n\
用法: %s...\n\
\tDtpad 淠溶侬虽螓帐帐氢竺囚堍如牌求·\n\n\
\tDtpad 會自動並靜悄悄地儲存現行文字。\n\n\
\t拟镍萋倾罹蛞狺岌你罹蛞牌求, 僮欺母岩衮\n\
\t不允許在編輯視窗中編輯文字, 基本上是將\n\
\t倾罹蛞狺岌偷軎<EFBFBD>泣摹如雾梃如· 孚雾梃如\n\
\t在編輯視窗底端顯示一行狀態行。 該狀態行\n\
-workspaceList WorkspaceList\n\
\t罹蛞鹇, 盆<>泣罹蛞狺岌·\n\n\
\t編輯器, 以顯示編輯視窗。\n\n\
-session SessionFile\n
10 \t枳驮却嘻牌求罹蛞狺岌滔些裙 CDE <20>瘼针圊祈真祁\n\
\t嘻菝贴垣沁擀牌求罹蛞鹇· 宓牙贴群蛸恸针, 驮却抬\n\
10 \t對所有的文字編輯視窗和前次 CDE 關機時發生效用\n\
\t的設定值回復文字編輯器。 當指定此選項時, 所有其\n\
\t诎鱼堍如铪祁嘻牌求罹蛞鹇倾抬欺宋嘻狺岌你, \n\
\t庑如溶淖嘻牌求莰堋, 仍窳恰王牌求罹蛞鹇腮\n\
\t強迫現行調用的文字編輯器在其本身的視窗中, \n\
\t進行自己的文字處理, 而獨立於文字編輯器伺\n\
\t诎鱼牌求罹蛞鹇腮韦鹇邛侬 (蛹破烃栖仝如嘻驺)\n\
\t強迫文字編輯器伺服器啟動 (若它尚未執行的話)\n\
\t破品刭琴 -server 蛸恸损祁, 寝页破品锼祁\n\
却<EFBFBD>菡髓蛸恸嘻孥茇骜砧, 铢俣镥 dtpad 罾母呶煞喻·\n\n
\t它只配合 -server 選項使用, 因為它只適用\n\
有關這些選項的詳細資料, 請參閱 dtpad 線上援助頁。\n\n
@ -317,8 +317,8 @@ $ **
$ ************************************************************************
$ Strings used to build error messages issued when the session save
$ file cannot be read or written.
1 篝宴篁争萋偏<EFBFBD>·
2 %s 岩祁唆竺囚诶怅阳散淦嘻篁争·
1 檢查檔案許可權。
2 %s 是用來儲存您階段作業的檔案。
$set 11
@ -337,100 +337,100 @@ $ * Mnemonics and labels for the "Help" pulldown menu and items.
$ *
$ Mnemonic and label for the "Help" pulldown menu
1 H
2 牒煞氅忘(H)
2 輔助說明(H)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Overview" item
3 V
4 渫<EFBFBD>(V)...
4 概觀(V)...
$ mnemonic and label for the "Tasks" item
5 T
6 闹散(T)...
6 工作(T)...
$ nmemonic and label for the "Table of Contents" item are message nos. 71 & 72
$ mnemonic and label for the "Reference" item
7 R
8 俣扔骜砧(R)...
8 參考資料(R)...
$ mnemonic and label for the "On Item" item
9 O
10 <EFBFBD>王恸气(O)
10 關於項目(O)
$ mnemonic and label for "Using Help" item
11 U
12 损祁牒煞氅忘(U)...
12 使用輔助說明(U)...
$ mnemonic and label for "About Text Editor" item
13 A
14 <EFBFBD>王牌求罹蛞鹇(A)...
14 關於文字編輯器(A)...
$ *
$ * Mnemonics and labels for the "File" pulldown menu and items.
$ *
$ mnemonic and label for the "File" pulldown menu
15 F
16 篁争(F)
16 檔案(F)
$ mnemonic and label for the "New" item
17 N
18 浠炝(N)
18 新增(N)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Open" item
19 O
20 怃邛(O)...
20 開啟(O)...
$ mnemonic and label for the "Include" item
21 I
22 芍涯(I)...
22 含括(I)...
$ mnemonic and label for the "Save" item
$ NOTE: The "Save" label can be either Message 24 or message 73
23 S
24 竺囚(S)
24 儲存(S)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Save As" item
25 A
26 贫囚浠篁(A)...
26 另存新檔(A)...
$ mnemonic and label for the "Print" item
27 P
28 悄峭(P)...
28 列印(P)...
$ mnemonic and label for the "Close" item
29 C
30 <EFBFBD>蒺(C)
30 關閉(C)
$ *
$ * Mnemonics and labels for the "Edit" pulldown menu and items.
$ *
$ mnemonic and label for the "Edit" pulldown menu
31 E
32 罹蛞(E)
32 編輯(E)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Undo" menu item
33 U
34 蹁韵(U)
34 還原(U)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Cut" menu item
35 t
36 侏探(t)
36 剪取(t)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Copy" menu item
37 C
38 铒犒(C)
38 複製(C)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Paste" menu item
39 P
40 龃獠(P)
40 黏貼(P)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Clear" menu item
41 e
42 垡劓(e)
42 清除(e)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Delete" menu item
43 D
44 纱劓(D)
44 刪除(D)
$ ***UNUSED*** Messages 45-50 are no longer used and need not be localized.
$ They have been replaced by messages 101-106 of this set.
@ -451,40 +451,40 @@ $ * Mnemonics and labels for the "Format" pulldown menu and items.
$ *
$ mnemonic and label for the "Format" pulldown menu
51 r
52 知娶(r)
52 格式(r)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Settings..." menu item
53 S
54 菝贴(S)...
54 設定(S)...
$ mnemonic and label for the "Paragraph" menu item
55 P
56 阳姣(P)
56 段落(P)
$ mnemonic and label for the "All" menu item
57 l
58 抢蒎(l)
58 全部(l)
$ *
$ * Mnemonics and labels for the "Options" pulldown menu and items.
$ *
$ mnemonic and label for the "Format" pulldown menu
59 O
60 蛸恸(O)
60 選項(O)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Overstrike" toggle button
61 O
62 骰煅砑梃(O)
62 覆寫模態(O)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Word Wrap" toggle button
$ ***UNUSED*** This label and mnemonic are no longer used and need not be
$ localized. They've been replaced by messages 111 and 112.
63 W
64 溶侬咝如(W)
64 自動換行(W)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Status Line" toggle button
65 S
66 雾梃如(S)
66 狀態行(S)
$ *
$ * Late additions.
@ -494,12 +494,12 @@ $ nmemonic and label for the "Table of Contents" item of the "Help" menu
$ ***UNUSED*** This nmemonic and label are no longer used and need not be
$ localized. They've been replaced by messages 87 and 88.
71 C
72 气蜱(C)...
72 目錄(C)...
$ label for the "Save" item in the "File" pulldown menu
$ NOTE: This label is used in place of message 24 when text has been
$ changed but has not been saved
73 埔恻竺囚(S)
73 必須儲存(S)
$ *
@ -507,35 +507,35 @@ $ * Mnemonics and labels for the "Help" pulldown menu and items.
$ *
$ Mnemonic and label for the "Help" pulldown menu
81 H
82 牒煞氅忘(H)
82 輔助說明(H)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Overview" item
83 v
84 渫<EFBFBD>(v)
84 概觀(v)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Tasks" item
85 T
86 闹散(T)
86 工作(T)
$ nmemonic and label for the "Table of Contents" item
87 C
88 气蜱(C)
88 目錄(C)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Reference" item
89 R
90 俣扔骜砧(R)
90 參考資料(R)
$ mnemonic and label for the "On Item" item
91 O
92 <EFBFBD>王恸气(O)
92 關於項目(O)
$ mnemonic and label for "Using Help" item
93 U
94 损祁牒煞氅忘(U)
94 使用輔助說明(U)
$ mnemonic and label for "About Text Editor" item
95 A
96 <EFBFBD>王牌求罹蛞鹇(A)
96 關於文字編輯器(A)
$ *
@ -544,29 +544,29 @@ $ *
$ mnemonic and label for the "Select All" menu item
101 S
102 抢蒎蛸探(S)
102 全部選取(S)
$ mnemonic and label for the "Find/Change" menu item
103 F
104 掾势(F)/收恃...
104 尋找(F)/更改...
$ mnemonic and label for the Check Spelling menu item
105 k
106 鸦求篝宴(k)...
106 拼字檢查(k)...
$ mnemonic and label for the "Copy As" File menu item
$ (should match the dialog title specified in message 42 of set 5)
$ ***UNUSED*** This label is no longer used and need not be localized.
107 A
108 铒犒页(A)...
108 複製為(A)...
$ mnemonic and label for the "Copy To File" File menu item
$ (should match the dialog title specified in message 42 of set 5)
109 F
110 铒犒摊篁争(F)...
110 複製到檔案(F)...
$ mnemonic and label for the "Wrap To Fit" toggle button
111 W
112 溶侬咝如(W)
112 自動換行(W)
$ ***********************************************************
@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ $ ** **
$ ***********************************************************
$set 12
$ Message used for "Help - On Item" if the user clicks outside application
1 诶埔恻倾牌求罹蛞鹇你蛸探摹远恸气·
1 您必須在文字編輯器中選取一個項目。
$ ***********************************************************
@ -587,9 +587,9 @@ $ ** Messages and strings associated with ToolTalk. **
$ ** **
$ ***********************************************************
$set 13
1 篝宴龅竺囚坡邗·
2 篝宴龅沁筌坡邗·
1 檢查點儲存失敗。
2 檢查點回應失敗。
$ NEW message after the SAMPLE IMPLEMENTATION.... more errors/warnings can
$ be detected while reading in a file via ToolTalk.
3 嘁挝菝贴牌求罹蛞鹇嘻涅诈· (韵寝拟忘).
3 無法設定文字編輯器的內容。 (原因不明).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtprintinfo.msg /main/2 1996/07/24 19:03:15 drk $
$quote "
$ ----- These are the titles that appear on dialogs and the main window -----
ApplicationName1L "トパ磣隉炟"
ApplicationName2L "パ玿鞥齡汃"
$ Do not translate ApplicationName3L for this release
ApplicationName3L "痐郖パ玿鞥"
$ ----- Common Dialog Buttons -----
YesL "旂"
NoL "匢"
OKL "薚泂"
ApplyL "伒怮鶈え"
CancelL "抻祤"
HelpL "赮伢諰咭"
$ ----- Find dialog -----
FindTitleL "%s - 硻岊トパ齡汃"
MyJobNameL "宎柁齡汃柁ボ磝"
OnlyRootJobsL "蒟淂齡汃"
IgnoreCaseL "芩靬淰坲"
ExactMatchL "薚柁嗃ポ"
GotoL "虳芼"
CancelPrintJobsL "抻祤トパ齡汃"
PositionL "⻏殦"
CloseL "驨椲"
StartFindL "絒棬硻岊"
StopFindL "彘欐硻岊"
SearchL "\
銌硻 %s...\n\
$ Find Information dialog messages
NoMatchesL "隓トパ齡汃嗃ポ"
NotFoundMessageL "\
$ ----- Modify Show Dialog -----
ModifyShowTitleL "%s - 埏庍䬷ざト玿"
SelectPrintersToBeShowL "藞抻袺䬷ざ柁パ玿鞥"
SelectAllL "ツ楶藞抻"
DeselectAllL "抻祤ツ楶藞抻"
$ ----- Set Options Dialog -----
SetOptionsTitleL "%s - 暋泂藞禋"
RepresentationL "玿隃巖冈"
LargeIconL "騰頝踛"
SmallIconL "麵頝踛"
NameOnlyL "蒟ボ磝"
DetailsL "嗏樄"
ShowLabelsL "䬷ざ簅圝"
JobsToShowL "袺䬷ざ柁齡汃"
OnlyMineL "蒟宎柁"
EveryoneL "怀堈藺柁"
StatusL "昲鳷"
ProblemFlagL "棯纕憿簅"
InformationLineL "媢桾ト"
UpdateIntervalL "彶隞"
IntervalL "渀睮睮觰(秮)"
$ ----- Print Job Properties Dialog -----
PrintJobPropsTitleL "%s - トパ齡汃笱迒"
PrinterL "パ玿鞥"
JobName1L "齡汃ボ磝"
SubmittedL "儸婽罐"
BytesL "⻏蠣嗢"
Position1L "⻏殦”"
JobNameL "齡汃ボ磝”"
JobNumberL "齡汃磍謑”"
OwnerL "謵炟”"
DateL "戀蛺”"
TimeL "渀睮”"
SizeL "騰麵”"
$ ----- Printer Properties Dialog -----
PrinterPropsTitleL "%s - パ玿鞥笱迒"
IconLabelL "頝踛簅圝”"
IconGroupTitleL "頝踛”"
FindSetL "硻岊碬ポ..."
DescriptionL "諰咭”"
PrinterStatusL "昲鳷”"
PrintQueueL "パ玿鞥⻗ト”"
DeviceL "稹殦ボ磝”"
DeviceNL "稹殦 %d”"
UpL "ホ譫 - 峇棜斕"
DownL "ホ譯 - 廎忒峇棜"
PrinterOnServerL "%1$s on %2$s"
DefaultDescriptionL "楙旂 %s パ玿鞥⻗ト﹞"
$ %1 is the printer name and %2 is the server name, ex” "lp0 on warpspeed"
$ This is the value of the device field when the printer is on a remote system
$ ----- Find Set Dialog -----
FindSetTitleL "%s - 硻岊碬ポ"
IconFoldersL "頝踛麔淰扢”"
IconTitleL "頝踛"
LoadingIconsL "蟡蘋%2$d堈斕柁 %1$d堈頝踛..."
$ %1 is a counter and %2 is the total number of icons
$ ----- "Cancel" Print Job Confirmation Dialog -----
CancelTitleL "%s - 抻祤 %s"
CancelQuestionL "睎薚泂衭抻祤%s蓇?"
$ ----- Printer "Status" Dialog -----
PrinterStatusTitleL "%s - パ玿鞥昲鳷"
PrinterDownL "%sパ玿鞥廎忒峇棜﹞"
DeviceDownL "%s稹殦廎忒峇棜﹞"
$ ----- Failed Action Dialog -----
FailedActionTitleL "%s - %s ⼇絫"
FailedMessageL "隓恄伒怮鶈え'%s'棬汃⺍\n\
%s. 霘棤櫇髓譯婘モ﹞\n\n%s"
$ ----- Main Window Information Line Messages -----
GettingHelpL "抻痤轃譫赮伢諰咭..."
SearchingL "銌硻パ玿鞥..."
ShowingMyJobsL "蒟䬷ざ宎柁齡汃"
PrintersHiddenL "%d 楶パ玿鞥斕 %d楶揧騿鰳"
JobsL "%d堈齡汃"
UpdatingActionsL "彶隞棬汃罶涷梬..."
UpdatingL "彶隞%s..."
$ Do not translate EditLangL for this release
EditLangL "蹌藟卼/etc/dt/appconfig/麷伀/%s"
$ %s is the name of the printer
$ ----- Printer Menu Messages -----
PrinterMenuL "パ玿鞥"
PrinterAcceleratorL "P"
FindChoiceL "硻岊..."
FindMnemonicL "F"
FindAcceleratorL "Ctrl+F"
ExitChoiceL "廎忒"
ExitMnemonicL "x"
ExitAcceleratorL "Alt+F4"
$ ----- Selected Menu Messages -----
SelectedMenuL "儸藞抻"
SelectedAcceleratorL "S"
$ For Print Jobs Only - "Cancel" means to remove a print job from the printer.
$ This choice pops up the "Cancel" Print Job Confirmation
$ Dialog.
CancelChoiceL "抻祤"
CancelMnemonicL "C"
CancelAcceleratorL "Del"
$ For Printers Only
OpenChoiceL "瞅絒"
OpenMnemonicL "O"
CloseChoiceL "驨椲"
CloseMnemonicL "C"
HideChoiceL "騿鰳"
HideMnemonicL "e"
$ Do not translate RenameChoiceL for this release
RenameChoiceL "适隞杬ボ"
$ Do not translate RenameMnemonicL for this release
RenameMnemonicL "R"
$ Do not translate StartChoiceL for this release
StartChoiceL "瞅沓粡睾"
$ Do not translate StartMnemonicL for this release
StartMnemonicL "S"
$ Do not translate StopChoiceL for this release
StopChoiceL "廎忒粡睾"
$ Do not translate StopMnemonicL for this release
StopMnemonicL "t"
$ Do not translate EnableChoiceL for this release
EnableChoiceL "絒棬トパ"
$ Do not translate EnableMnemonicL for this release
EnableMnemonicL "E"
$ Do not translate DisableChoiceL for this release
DisableChoiceL "驨椲トパ"
$ Do not translate DisableMnemonicL for this release
DisableMnemonicL "D"
$ For Both Printers and Print Jobs
PropertiesChoiceL "笱迒..."
PropertiesMnemonicL "P"
PropertiesAcceleratorL "Ctrl+Backspace"
HelpChoiceL "赮伢諰咭"
HelpMnemonicL "H"
$ ----- View Menu Messages -----
ViewMenuL "黀槉"
ViewAcceleratorL "V"
SetOptionsChoiceL "暋泂藞禋..."
SetOptionsMnemonicL "O"
ModifyShowChoiceL "埏庍䬷ざト玿..."
ModifyShowMnemonicL "M"
$ ----- Help Menu Messages -----
$ "Help" Menu uses the "HelpChoiceL" message
$ "Help" Accelerator uses the "HelpMnemonicL" message
OverviewChoiceL "颮羏"
OverviewMnemonicL "v"
TaskChoiceL "齡汃"
TaskMnemonicL "T"
ReferenceChoiceL "棤℡罶涷"
ReferenceMnemonicL "R"
OnItemChoiceL "崼卼禋げ"
OnItemMnemonicL "O"
UsingHelpChoiceL "囷え赮伢諰咭"
UsingHelpMnemonicL "U"
AboutChoice1L "驨卼トパ磣隉炟"
AboutChoice2L "驨卼トパ齡汃"
$ Do not translate AboutChoice3L for this release
AboutChoice3L "驨卼痐郖パ玿鞥"
AboutMnemonicL "A"
$ ----- Misc Messages -----
EmptyL "[ 洠柁 ]"
FoundNoPrintersL "扽岊怉パ玿鞥﹞"
NotAvailableL "攜⑴え"
NoDefaultPrinter1L "扽侇嗄蠡暋パ玿鞥﹞"
NoDefaultPrinter2L "\
$ %1 is the name of the program, and %2 is either '-edit' or '-populate'.
RootUserL "%1$s” 睎⽁禕旂淂囷え炟懼逑囷え%2$s藞禋﹞"
$ ----- Command Line Help -----
$ This message is show when the user enters 'dtprintinfo -help'
$ on the command line. The %s is a printer list generated by the program.
CommandLineHelpL "\
dtprintinfo -p <printer>\n\
蚍衭砫笱泂柁パ玿鞥﹜霘囷え -p 藞禋髓轡\n\
dtprintinfo -all\n\
蚍衭砫邴パ玿鞥﹜霘囷え -all 藞禋﹞\n\
dtprintinfo -populate\n\
-populate 藞禋蒟坯淂囷え炟囷え﹞\n\
斕柁邴パ玿鞥唈ゥ蠡暋パ玿鞥棬汃﹞ 蚍LANGゝ泂氂﹜\n\
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtscreen.msg /main/3 1995/12/08 09:50:38 rswiston $
$ @(#)25 com/XTOP/aixclients/xlock/xlock.msg, xclients, r5gos325, 9333325d 5/6/93 20:13:37
$ COMPONENT_NAME: dtscreen
$ FUNCTIONS: dtscreen.msg
$ (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1987, 1993
$ All Rights Reserved
$ Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
$ US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
$ disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
$quote "
$set 2
$ message file created 1993
1 "1386-101 %s”杬麟⺼藞禋蠆諟 \"%s\"\n\n"
2 "1386-102 \n耰蘋 %s -help 伒⑴痤怉汒謽柁諰咭﹞\n\n"
3 "1386-103 え恄”\n %s [-options ...]\n\n\
5 "1386-105 %-28s %s\n\t 篲鳷珜髓譯欄纂”\n\", \"-mode mode\", \"animation mode"
7 "1386-107 ゝ洁柁篲鳷”"
10 "1386-110 隓恄崷殦”%s\n"
11 "1386-111 崷殦 %d 堈頝踛痼蠣\n"
17 "1386-117 %s”隓恄瞅絒䬷ざ蟟 %s﹞\n"
18 "1386-118 %s”GetResource - 隓恄崷殦奡襉忟"
19 "1386-119 %s”-display 鰱禨眭冈蠆諟﹜\"%s\"\n"
20 "1386-120 -batchcount 鰱禨禕珜禨﹞"
21 "1386-121 -saturation 鰱禨⽁禕蘭卼 0.0 縋 1.0 欄睮﹞"
25 "1386-125 %s”ⅲ逑齬葰 %d 堈糬魦﹞\n"
30 "1386-130 -delay 鰱禨禕珜禨﹞"
35 "1386-135 隓恄崷殦”%s﹜髓 %s 抻鷥\n"
40 "%s”隓恄岊怉槉嵺坭鸁頝﹞囷え -create\n\
藞禋⑴⣷ %s 唈ゥ⼓⺌儷柁槉嵺﹞\n"
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ keyboard grabbed.
$ The next message is added to the error log if a required temporary
$ file can not be created by the session manager.
$ The insert is the name of the temporary file.
11 "嘁挝喧恰聿囚篁: %s. 铢睚贴枳群篁争却煅墨<E78585>·溶怅阳散淦戋堋席岣手·"
11 "隓恄唈ゥ穛Б麔: %s. 霘薚泂髱麔淰嬣蘋ḷ﹞⺌瞃栠汃鞄磣隉炟廎忒﹞"
$set 6
@ -266,45 +266,45 @@ $ Deleted Messages: 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
$ 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
$ _DtMessage 1 tells the user who currently has the display locked.
1 <EFBFBD>泣鹇莘损祁席 %s 髡贴·
1 䬷ざ蟟揧囷え炟 %s 孍泂﹞
$ _DtMessage 2 tells the user to enter the password for the above user to unlock
$ the display.
2 铢蛴墨亠睿盆尕劓髡贴·
2 霘藣蘋湅謑髓箾崽孍泂﹞
$ _DtMessage 3 is a prompt for the user to enter a password.
3 亠睿〃
3 湅謑”
$ _DtMessage 4 is the logout message that appears when dtsession is going
$ to save the current session information.
$ Access this message by pressing the logout button.
4 怃填圄砒莰堋...\n\n\
4 瞅沓僳罐搢隉...\n\n\
$ _DtMessage 5,6 is the logout message that appears when dtsession is not going
$ to save the current session information - but return to the home session info
5 怃填圄砒莰堋...\n\n\
5 瞅沓僳罐搢隉...\n\n\
$ _DtMessage 6 is the title of the logout dialog box.
6 圄砒睚毳
6 僳罐薚諝
$ _DtMessage 7,8,9,10 are all part of the logout dialog that appears when
$ the user has requested to have the choice
$ to either save the current session or return to the home session.
7 怃填圄砒莰堋...\n\n\
8 圄砒〃\n竺囚堍如怅阳散淦
9 圄砒〃\n沁擀啬填怅阳散淦
7 瞅沓僳罐搢隉...\n\n\
8 僳罐”\n鬊Б隃⺼瞃栠汃鞄
9 僳罐”\nャ艀媊沓瞃栠汃鞄
$ _DtMessage 10 is the title of the logout dialog box.
10 圄砒睚毳
10 僳罐薚諝
$ _DtMessage 11,12 are part of the error dialog that appears when the DT
$ messaging system dies.
@ -321,58 +321,58 @@ $ Note: The current session will not be saved.\n\n\
$ When you are ready to begin the restart process, click [OK] and\n\
$ proceed to save your files.
12 _DtMessage 坡邗
12 _DtMessage ⼇絫
$ Messages 15, 16, 17 are used for identical purpose as messages 1, 2,3
$ in this set.
15 <EFBFBD>泣鹇莘损祁席 %s 髡贴·
16 铢蛴墨亠睿盆尕劓髡贴·
17 亠睿〃
15 䬷ざ蟟揧囷え炟 %s 孍泂﹞
16 霘藣蘋湅謑髓箾崽孍泂﹞
17 湅謑”
$ _DtMessage 34, 35 are messages that appear when the user started up in
$ compatibility mode, and tries to log out. You can only exit out of
$ compatibility mode by using the reset key sequence.
$ To generate this message, start in x11 (not DT) and then run dtsession.
$ Refer to the dtsession manpage. Then try to log out.
34 菡远怅阳散淦岩盆摹远 X 狺岌朔苡邛侬淘棚怩驮邛侬·\n\n\
35 圄砒 _DtMessage
34 楙堈瞃栠汃鞄旂髓纂堈 X 槉嵺侇嗄絒棬杬麟碬邴絒棬﹞\n\n\
35 僳罐 _DtMessage
$ Messages 36,37 are part of the error dialog that appears when dtsession is
$ unable to start the DT messaging system, and therefore not able to bring
$ up the system at all.
$ To generate this, move the message server from
$ /usr/softbench/bin/softmsgsrv to some other directory, then start Dt.
36 DT 毓丈朔苡嘁挝邛侬·\n\n\
1. 铢蛸疱 [睚贴] 嫌沁圄墨颦栎·\n\n\
2. 诜圄墨颦栎嘻蛸恸劈卒闲你蛸探≈怅阳散淦\n\
3. 篝宴盆亩软弭嘻配瘼秦辎岩闪七睚〃\n\
36 DT 媢桾侇嗄隓恄絒棬﹞\n\n\
1. 霘藞謥 [薚泂] 珃ャ僳蘋糬魦﹞\n\n\
2. 皕僳蘋糬魦柁藞禋衢逑玿斕藞抻>瞃栠汃鞄\n\
3. 黀栯髓譯⻏殦柁饜鞥ボ磝旂匢薚”\n\
邱腈黛评嘻骜毓、铢俣镥≈DT 损祁琶捧∽·
37 埔友嘻侬散
ヵ錛籧⼃柁罶媢﹜霘棤櫇>DT 囷え鷗癱=﹞
37 ⽁衭柁棬汃
$ _DtMessage 38 is part of the error dialog that appears when the DT
$ messaging system dies.
$ This messages are generated when you kill the BMS (broadcast _DtMessage
$ Server), which is /usr/softbench/bin/softmsgsrv.
38 毓丈朔苡嘁挝损祁\n\n\
1) 竺囚驮却呢怃邛嘻骜砧篁·\n\
2) 圄砒·\n\
3) 屿浠圄墨·\n\n\
宓诶漤蕃秋友屿浠邛侬莰堋针、铢押摹亩 [睚贴] 嘤靴\n\
38 媢桾侇嗄隓恄囷え\n\n\
1) 鬊Б邴儸瞅絒柁罶涷麔﹞\n\
2) 僳罐﹞\n\
3) 适隞僳蘋﹞\n\n\
撋睎僾猻ン衭适隞絒棬搢隉渀﹜霘挹纂譯 [薚泂] 隑悒\n\
$ Messages 39 and 40 are displayed on the logout confirmation dialogs
40 探旨圄砒
39 凭㶴僳罐
40 抻祤僳罐
$set 20
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ a palette.\n
$set 29
1 怅阳散淦戋堋席牒煞氅忘
1 瞃栠汃鞄磣隉炟赮伢諰咭
$set 99
@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ $set 2
$ Message 1 from set 2 was deleted from the message catalog
$ _DtMessage 2 is the title of all Information dialog boxes
2 葑伤
2 楈夼
$ _DtMessage 3 is the title of all Error dialog boxes
3 蜚毹
3 蠆諟
4 Cannot communicate with the session\n\
manager... Exiting.
@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ second attempt aborted.
$ _DtMessage 7 is the title of all Help dialog boxes
7 评形娶淼戋堋席 - 牒煞氅忘
7 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟 - 赮伢諰咭
$ _DtMessage 8 is an error message that appears when you are using Itemh Help
$ and select on something outside of the Style Manager
8 诶埔恻倾评形娶淼戋堋席\n\
8 睎⽁禕ョ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟\n\
9 Could not obtain screen saver information\n\
@ -95,37 +95,37 @@ $ _DtMessage set 4 is for the Style Manager main window
$ Messages 6,8-26,34,39 from set 4 were deleted from the message catalog
$ _DtMessage 1 is the title of the main dtstyle window
1 评形娶淼戋堋席
1 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟
$ mnemonic and label for the File menubar item.
2 F
3 篁争(F)
3 麔淰(F)
$ mnemonic and label for the Help menubar item.
4 H
5 牒煞氅忘(H)
5 赮伢諰咭(H)
$ _DtMessage 7 is the label for the Exit button in the File pulldown
$ the mnenomic for the Exit button is set 4 _DtMessage 40
7 岣手
7 廎忒
$ Messages 27-33,35 are the labels on the buttons in the dtstyle main window.
27 黜茹
28 求拾
29 蝇哌贴软
30 躏眭
31 潇珩
32 璧豇
33 颦栎
35 邛侬
27 籦⺪
28 А夆
29 茯葔泂⻏
30 耰薏
31 僶趡
32 韏鐖
33 糬魦
35 絒棬
36 No Dtstyle restore information available for current session
$ _DtMessage 37 is the label on the dtstyle icon
37 评形娶淼
37 ⼃倛冈穔
$ Message 38 is the label on the Window button in the dtstyle main window.
38 狺岌
38 槉嵺
$ _DtMessage 40 is replaced with message 53
$ 40 E
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ $ 46 Reference...
$ On Item menu item
$ Keybaord menu item
47 O
48 <EFBFBD>王恸气(O)
48 驨卼禋げ(O)
$ Using Help... menu item
49 U
@ -169,40 +169,40 @@ $ Message 53 is replaced with message 40
$ Messages 54-55 are replacements for messages 41-42
54 v
55 渫<EFBFBD>(v)
55 颮羏(v)
$ Message 56 is a replacement for messages 44
56 闹散(T)
56 齡汃(T)
$ Message 57 is a replacement for messages 46
57 俣扔(R)
57 棤℡(R)
$ Message 58 is a replacement for messages 50
58 损祁牒煞氅忘(U)
58 囷え赮伢諰咭(U)
$ Messages 59-60 are replacements for messages 51-52
59 A
60 <EFBFBD>王评形娶淼戋堋席(A)
60 驨卼⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟(A)
$set 5
$ _DtMessage set 5 is for the Font dialog
$ Messages 1-6, 7-16 from set 5 were deleted from the message catalog
$ _DtMessage 17 is the label of the titlebox of the preview font area
17 邕<EFBFBD>
17 諅ៜ
$ _DtMessage 18 appears in a Notice dialog after the user selects a new font
$ and presses Ok - when the resource *WriteXrdbImmediate is True
18 求拾嘻恃<EFBFBD>倾亩裙邛侬衍髓筌祁幔\n\
18 А夆柁庍䨣ョ譯絒棬栲咍鶈え嶂\n\
$ _DtMessage 19 appears in a Notice dialog after the user selects a new font
$ and presses Ok - when the resource *WriteXrdbImmediate is False
19 屿浠邛侬菡远怅阳散淦逆靴、\n\
19 适隞絒棬楙堈瞃栠汃鞄欄悒﹜\n\
$ _DtMessage 20 and 21 is the text that initially appears in the Font Preview
$ area displaying sample user and system fonts.
@ -210,30 +210,30 @@ $ area displaying sample user and system fonts.
21 AaBbCcDdEeFfGg0123456789
$ _DtMessage 22 is the label of the titlebox containing the list of font sizes
22 乃难
22 騰麵
$ _DtMessage 23 is the title of the Fonts dialog
23 评形娶淼戋堋席 - 求拾
23 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟 - А夆
$ _DtMessage 24 is an informative message used by the Fonts dialog
24 乃难悄闲你属却诶气些证域母损祁\n\
嘻求形. 邱为蛸探虽筌祁浠求形,\n\
苫损祁评形娶淼戋堋席 - 求形枳驺,\n\
24 騰麵ト玿斕扽睎げ虳痐郖譫囷え\n\
柁А倛. ヵ峈藞抻呥鶈え隞А倛,\n\
伒囷え⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟 - А倛髱緷,\n\
$set 6
$ _DtMessage set 6 is for the Beep dialog
$ _DtMessage 1,6 from set 6 have been deleted from the message catalog
$ Messages 2 through 5 are the default buttons and labels of the scales.
2 涅贴垣
3 遇庳
4 遇铪
5 哝怄
2 蠡泂圊
3 郣畽
4 郣鞜
5 蛺睮
$ _DtMessage 7 is the title of the Beep dialog box
7 评形娶淼戋堋席 - 璧豇
7 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟 - 韏鐖
$set 7
@ -242,36 +242,36 @@ $ Messages 1-2 from set 7 have been deleted from the message catalog
$ Messages 3 through 9 are labels of the buttons and text visible in the
$ Session Startup dialog box.
3 倾圄墨针〃
4 <EFBFBD><EFBFBD>堍如怅阳散淦
5 嫌沁啬填怅阳散淦
6 圄砒针骀俾
7 圄砒睚毳枳驺〃
8 怃邛
10 菝贴啬填怅阳散淦...
3 ョ僳蘋渀”
4 凭㶴隃⺼瞃栠汃鞄
5 珃ャ媊沓瞃栠汃鞄
6 僳罐渀緧棯
7 僳罐薚諝髱緷”
8 瞅絒
9 驨椲
10 暋泂媊沓瞃栠汃鞄...
$ _DtMessage 11 is a warning message when the user pushes Set Home Session...
$ Notice the spaces before Continue .. the spaces make it centered.
11 邱群诶嘻啬填怅阳散淦衮淠盆\n\
11 ヵ睎柁媊沓瞃栠汃鞄渿鞂髓\n\
$ _DtMessage 12 is the title of the warning dialog box when Set Home Session is
$ pushed.
12 <EFBFBD>伤
12 滙夼
$ _DtMessage 13 is an error message
13 菡远怅阳散淦岩岂摹远 X 狺岌朔苡\n\
13 楙堈瞃栠汃鞄旂か纂堈 X 槉嵺侇嗄\n\
$ _DtMessage 14 is the title of the Session Startup dialog box.
14 评形娶淼戋堋席 - 邛侬
14 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟 - 絒棬
$ _DtMessage 15 is an error message
15 怅阳散淦戋堋席属却倾仝如·\n\
15 瞃栠汃鞄磣隉炟扽ョ欹⺼﹞\n\
$set 8
@ -283,59 +283,59 @@ $ _DtMessage set 9 is for the Mouse dialog
$ Message 7 from set 9 have been deleted from the message catalog
$ Messages 1-4 are labels of toggle buttons in the Mouse Dialog.
1 剖
2 骗
3 祁琶茕桦〃
4 押廒 2〃
1 ⼢
2 ⑶
3 え鷗塤鳹”
4 挹瘖 2”
$ _DtMessage 5 is the label of default button.
5 涅贴垣
5 蠡泂圊
$ Messages 6,8,9 are labels of the scales.
6 葙押胎亩
8 披葳
9 酾姨垣
6 椵挹怚譯
8 蠹楬
9 鶚盉圊
10 蜚毹〃菝贴牙砗枳筌\n
10 蠆諟”暋泂挴簅髱鶈\n
11 惝厥
12 铪痨
11 蒡婽
12 鞜謽
$ _DtMessage 13 appears in a Notice dialog after the user selects the
$ left-handed or right-handed toggle
13 诶押摹亩≈睚贴∽逆靴、骗<EFBFBD>曦剖<EFBFBD>\n\
≈嗔孳葙押胎亩∽璺拾嘻押廒 1 曦押廒 3\n\
13 睎挹纂譯>薚泂=欄悒﹜⑶饡縋⼢饡\n\
>鉡箹椵挹怚譯=頝夆柁挹瘖 1 縋挹瘖 3\n\
$ _DtMessage 14 appears in a Notice dialog after the user selects the
$ transfer toggle to change the function of the middle mouse button.
14 邱为诶押摹亩≈睚贴∽、倾亩摹远怅阳散淦你、\n\
潇珩押廒 2 摅淠莘菝贴醛≈魉咝∽(皖瘸)·
14 ヵ峈睎挹纂譯>薚泂=﹜ョ譯纂堈瞃栠汃鞄斕﹜\n\
僶趡挹瘖 2 祼鞂揧暋泂>鼲葎=(侹)﹞
$ double-click time and presses Ok (and the resource
$ *WriteXrdbImmediate is True)
15 筌祁幔娶屿浠邛侬逆靴、浠嘻葙押\n\
15 鶈え嶂冈适隞絒棬欄悒﹜隞柁椵挹\n\
$ _DtMessage 16 appears in a Notice dialog after the user selects a new
$ double-click time and presses Ok (and the resource
$ *WriteXrdbImmediate is False)
16 倾亩摹远怅阳散淦你、浠嘻葙押胎亩葳轩\n\
16 ョ譯纂堈瞃栠汃鞄斕﹜隞柁椵挹怚譯楬唄\n\
$ _DtMessage 17 is the text below the mouse icon. Notice the two lines.
17 嗔孳\n葙押胎亩
17 鉡箹\n椵挹怚譯
$ _DtMessage 18 is the Mouse Dialog title
18 评形娶淼戋堋席 - 潇珩
18 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟 - 僶趡
$ _DtMessage 19 appears in a Notice dialog after the user selects the
$ adjust toggle to change the function of the middle mouse button.
19 邱为诶押摹亩≈睚贴∽、倾亩摹远怅阳散\n\
淦你、潇珩押廒 2 摅淠莘菝贴醛≈铪痨∽·\n\
押廒 2 偏盆祁唆铪痨牌求曦悄泣蛸疱·牌求\n\
曦悄泣嘻嘻惝厥侬散 (皖瘸) 鞋恻损祁押廒 1·\n\
19 ヵ峈睎挹纂譯>薚泂=﹜ョ譯纂堈瞃栠汃\n\
鞄斕﹜僶趡挹瘖 2 祼鞂揧暋泂>鞜謽=﹞\n\
挹瘖 2 ⑴髓え坭鞜謽齪А縋トざ藞謥﹞齪А\n\
縋トざ柁柁蒡婽棬汃 (侹) 衧禕囷え挹瘖 1﹞\n\
$set 10
$ _DtMessage set 10 is for the SaveRestore functionality
@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ $ Messages 2,4 from set 10 have been deleted from the message catalog
$ Messages 1,3 make up one error message. Put together, they say
$ "<filename> <_DtMessage 2> <_DtMessage 1>
1 篝宴篁争萋偏<EFBFBD>·
3 %s 岩祁唆竺囚诶嘻怅阳散淦嘻篁争\n
1 黀栯麔淰暐⑴ḷ﹞
3 %s 旂え坭鬊Б睎柁瞃栠汃鞄柁麔淰\n
$set 11
@ -354,15 +354,15 @@ $ _DtMessage set 11 is for the Backdrop dialog
$ _DtMessage 1 - could not open a backdrop directory
1 嘁挝怃邛气蜱 %s·
1 隓恄瞅絒げ蠊 %s﹞
$ _DtMessage 2 - error opening the backdrop files
2 评形娶淼戋堋席嘻蝇哌贴软蒎拧\n\
祁·铢篝宴 $HOME/.dt/errorlog·
2 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟柁茯葔泂⻏楶禳\n\
え﹞霘黀栯 $HOME/.dt/errorlog﹞
$ _DtMessage 12 is the title of the Backdrop dialog box
12 评形娶淼戋堋席 - 蝇哌贴软
12 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟 - 茯葔泂⻏
$set 12
@ -370,31 +370,31 @@ $ _DtMessage set 12 is for the Screen dialog
$ Message 2 from set 12 has been deleted from the message catalog
$ _DtMessage 1 is the title of the Screen dialog box.
1 评形娶淼戋堋席 - 颦栎
1 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟 - 糬魦
$ Messages 3-14 are the labels and buttons for the Screen dialog
3 涅贴垣
4 颦栎臆缳嬉弭
5 邛侬臆缳嬉弭
6 侵杀臆缳嬉弭针怄菝贴
8 颦栎髡贴
3 蠡泂圊
4 糬魦砵諔稹殦
5 絒棬砵諔稹殦
6 ペ伀砵諔稹殦渀睮暋泂
7 禳㺪
8 糬魦孍泂
$ Message 9 has been removed
10 怃邛
11 <EFBFBD>蒺
12 颦栎臆缳嬉弭〃
13 颦栎髡贴〃
14 邛侬髡贴
15 颦扃溶侬佤湄
16 颦扃溶侬佤湄幔娶
17 邛侬颦扃佤湄幔娶
18 些派域尾髡贴
10 瞅絒
11 驨椲
12 糬魦砵諔稹殦”
13 糬魦孍泂”
14 絒棬孍泂
15 糬懞⺌棬彘馽
16 糬懞⺌棬彘馽嶂冈
17 絒棬糬懞彘馽嶂冈
18 虳巖郖帣孍泂
$ Message 19 has been replaced by message 21
19 损祁髡贴蝇哌
20 侵杀蝇哌针怄菝贴
19 囷え孍泂茯葔
20 ペ伀茯葔渀睮暋泂
$ Message 21 is a replacement for message 19
21 损祁蝇哌髡贴
22 萼忘髡贴
21 囷え茯葔孍泂
22 椴咭孍泂
$set 13
$ _DtMessage set 13 is for the Keyboard dialog
@ -402,12 +402,12 @@ $ _DtMessage 1,5 from set 13 have been deleted from the message catalog
$ _DtMessage 2 through 4 are labels of scales, buttons, and text visible in the
$ Keyboard dialog box.
2 涅贴垣
3 溶侬屿铒
4 押躏遇庳
2 蠡泂圊
3 ⺌棬适闀
4 挹耰郣畽
$ _DtMessage 6 is the title of the Keyboard dialog box
6 评形娶淼戋堋席 - 躏眭
6 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟 - 耰薏
$set 14
@ -415,71 +415,71 @@ $ _DtMessage set 14 is for the Color dialog
$ _DtMessage 1-4,9,14-15,17,19,20,22,24 from set 14 have been deleted from the message catalog
$ Messages 5 through 8 are labels and buttons visible in the Color dialog
5 铪茹眭
6 炝披...
7 纱劓...
8 院恃...
5 鞜⺪薏
6 嚌蠹...
7 伝崽...
8 埏庍...
$ _DtMessage 10 is the title above the text area in the Add Palette dialog box
10 浠嘻铪茹眭秦辎〃
10 隞柁鞜⺪薏ボ磝”
$ _DtMessage 11 is the title of the Add Palette dialog box.
11 炝披铪茹眭
11 嚌蠹鞜⺪薏
$ Messages 12 through 14 are error messages.
12 铪茹眭秦辎拟卒琵芍\n\
12 鞜⺪薏ボ磝攜逑讓屼\n\
<space> * : ( ) [ ] { } < > ! | " / \\
13 铪茹眭秦辎埔恻倾 10 远求镊盆涅·\n
13 鞜⺪薏ボ磝⽁禕ョ 10 堈А蠣髓蠡﹞\n
$ _DtMessage 16 is the title of the Delete Palette dialog box. See screen 4a (2).
16 纱劓铪茹眭
16 伝崽鞜⺪薏
$ _DtMessage 18 appears in an information dialog.
18 嘁挝纱劓薏靴摹远铪茹眭·\n
18 隓恄伝崽瑊悒纂堈鞜⺪薏﹞\n
$ _DtMessage 21 is an error message
21 <EFBFBD>伤
21 滙夼
$ _DtMessage 23 appears in an information dialog
23 友纱劓铪茹眭 '%s' 忝?\n
23 衭伝崽鞜⺪薏 '%s' 蓇?\n
$ _DtMessage 25 is an error message that appears when you press the color
$ button and the color server is not running for some reason.
25 评形娶淼戋堋席嘻黜茹蒎拧嘁挝\n\
铢篝宴 $HOME/.dt/errorlog·
25 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟柁籦⺪楶禳隓恄\n\
霘黀栯 $HOME/.dt/errorlog﹞
$ _DtMessage 26 can be caused by setting the resource *useColorObj to False
$ and then running dtstyle and trying to post the Color Dialog.
26 评形娶淼戋堋席嘻黜茹蒎拧嘁挝\n\
绐散、寝页骜溷 'useColorObj' 菝贴页\n\
26 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟柁籦⺪楶禳隓恄\n\
蝒汃﹜モ珜罶鳲 'useColorObj' 暋泂珜\n\
$ _DtMessage 27 is for the new ColorUse dialog when you press ok.
27 浠嘻≈黜茹损祁∽垣倾诶亩摹远怅阳\n\
27 隞柁>籦⺪囷え=圊ョ睎譯纂堈瞃栠\n\
$ _DtMessage 28 is a warning message that appears on Black and White systems
28 蛸探嘻铪茹尾倾诶亩摹远怅阳\n\
28 藞抻柁鞜⺪帣ョ睎譯纂堈瞃栠\n\
$ _DtMessage 29 appears in a warning dialog
29 秦页 '%s' 嘻铪茹眭呢孱囚倾·\n\
29 ボ珜 '%s' 柁鞜⺪薏儸槴Бョ﹞\n\
$ _DtMessage 30 is the title of the Color dialog box.
30 评形娶淼戋堋席 - 黜茹
30 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟 - 籦⺪
$ _DtMessage 31-33 are the ColorUse options
$ 31 High Color
$ 32 Medium Color
$ 33 Low Color
34 悌契
35 涅贴垣
34 膌く
35 蠡泂圊
$ Dt Message 36 has been replaced by message 39
$ _DtMessage 36 is the title of the Color Use dialog
@ -491,23 +491,23 @@ $ 37 DT Color Use...
$ _DtMessage 38 is an error message that appears when you press the color
$ button and there are no palette files to be found
38 评形娶淼戋堋席嘻黜茹蒎拧嘁挝\n\
铢篝宴 $HOME/.dt/errorlog·
38 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟柁籦⺪楶禳隓恄\n\
霘黀栯 $HOME/.dt/errorlog﹞
$ DtMessage 39 is a replacement for DtMessage 36
$ DtMessage 39 is the title of the Color Use dialog
39 友损祁嘻黜茹戆气〃
39 衭囷え柁籦⺪禨げ”
$ DtMessage 40 is a replacement for DtMessage 37
$ DtMessage 40 is the title of the Color Use dialog
40 黜茹戆气...
40 籦⺪禨げ...
$ _DtMessages 41-43 are replacements for Dtmessages 31-33
$ _DtMessage 41-43 are the ColorUse options
41 收情嘻证母戋堋朔苡黜茹
42 收情嘻筌祁幔娶黜茹
43 收情嘻筌祁幔娶黜茹
41 彶ロ柁痐譫磣隉侇嗄籦⺪
42 彶ロ柁鶈え嶂冈籦⺪
43 彶ロ柁鶈え嶂冈籦⺪
$set 15
$ All of the messages from set 15 have been deleted from the message catalog
@ -518,8 +518,8 @@ $ _DtMessage set 16 is for the Color dialog
$ _DtMessage 1-10,13-17 from set 16 have been deleted from the message catalog
$ _DtMessage 11-12 form one error message that appears in an error dialog
11 嘁挝纱劓 '%s'·\n
12 铢篝宴 $HOME/.dt/errorlog、诶偏诜你诘摊呷泣·
11 隓恄伝崽 '%s'﹞\n
12 霘黀栯 $HOME/.dt/errorlog﹜睎⑴皕斕痤怉菙ざ﹞
18 Warning, Too many directories listed in the resource paletteDirectories,\n\
@ -538,52 +538,52 @@ $ Messages 1-3,13,16 from set 17 have been deleted from the message catalog
$ Messages 4 through 12 are labels, buttons, and text visible in the
$ Modify Color dialog box
4 黜茹畀梭
5 鳟
6 浠
7 饰探黜茹
8 黜茹罹蛞鹇
9 茹轩
4 籦⺪謓坲
5 鰹
6 隞
7 庉抻籦⺪
8 籦⺪蹌藟蟟
9 ⺪唄
$ We recommend that you don't translate R,G,B which stands for Red, Green,
$ Blue unless there are standard single letter acronyms in your language.
10 银
11 旰
12 鞅
10 窅
11 篝
12 鰼
14 Warning, couldn't grab pointer.\n
15 Warning, couldn't grab Keyboard.\n
$ _DtMessage 16 is the title of the Modify Color dialog box.
16 评形娶淼戋堋席 - 院恃黜茹
16 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟 - 埏庍籦⺪
$set 18
$ _DtMessage set 18 is for the Window dialog
$ _DtMessage 1 is the title of the Window dialog box
1 评形娶淼戋堋席 - 狺岌
1 ⼃倛冈穔磣隉炟 - 槉嵺
$ Messages 2 through 5 are labels on the Window dialog.
2 涅贴垣
3 狺岌如页
4 狺岌璺琦
2 蠡泂圊
3 槉嵺⺼珜
4 槉嵺頝踛
$ Messages 5-8 have been replaced by messages 13-16
$ 5 Focus Follows Mouse
$ 6 Click In Window For Focus
$ 7 Raise Window With Focus
$ 8 Opaque Move
9 损祁璺琦派怔
10 弭王闹散熄怄你
11 镍萋配友狺岌弭王蕖煲
12 闹散熄怄戋堋席埔恻屿浠邛侬、诶\n\
9 囷え頝踛巖涺
10 殦卼齡汃洠睮斕
11 蠢暐饜衭槉嵺殦卼煄嬬
12 齡汃洠睮磣隉炟⽁禕适隞絒棬﹜睎\n\
$ Messages 13-16 are replacements for messages 5-8
13 铢牙摊狺岌你损抬醛页堍如狺岌
14 铢押摹亩狺岌损抬醛页堍如狺岌
15 醛页堍如狺岌靴呷容些軎
16 苊侬针<EFBFBD>泣涅诈
13 霘挴怉槉嵺斕囷怬珜隃⺼槉嵺
14 霘挹纂譯槉嵺囷怬珜隃⺼槉嵺
15 珜隃⺼槉嵺悒菙⺍虳磞
16 傶棬渀䬷ざ蠡晥
$set 99
@ -75,88 +75,88 @@ $ Message 2 is an error message
1 \
Sep f.separator\n\
泞咝\\劈卒\\馍 f.send_msg %d\
籠葎\\衢逑\\犓 f.send_msg %d\
2 %s〃-S 蛸恸拟卒滔 -server 托 -serverid 蛸恸刭琴损祁\n
3 苘軎瘼
2 %s”-S 藞禋攜逑昑 -server 迖 -serverid 藞禋崷ポ囷え\n
3 嗈磞鞥
$set 2
$ ****** Module: DtTermSyntax.c
$ These are the usage messages.
$ DO NOT TRANSLATE Messages 37 or 41 ("End-of-list")
1 -/+132 邛侬/探旨 80<->132 如魉咝
2 -/+aw 邛侬/探旨溶侬咝如
3 -bg color 蝇哌黜茹
4 -/+bs <EFBFBD>蒺/怃邛苘軎瘼蝇哌醛蛸探嘻黜茹
5 -display displayname 友葙谫嘻 X 腮韦鹇
6 -e command args 友仝如嘻淘棚
7 -fb fontset 芟<EFBFBD>求拾
8 -fg color 些哌黜茹
9 -fn fontset 七讦求拾
10 -geometry geom 狺岌嘻乃难 (盆求镊页尢软) 曦软弭
11 -help <EFBFBD>泣欺鞋毓丈
12 -/+iconic 邛侬/拟邛侬璺琦
13 -/+j 邛侬/探旨纥咝谥侬嚯域
14 -/+kshMode 邛侬/探旨 ksh 砑梃
15 -/+l 邛侬/探旨攀擘
16 -lf filename 攀擘篁秦
17 -/+ls 邛侬/探旨圄墨 shell
18 -/+map 邛侬/探旨 pty 蛴砒嘻枳筌狺岌
19 -/+mb 邛侬/探旨<E68EA2>姨缟
20 -ms color 牙砗黜茹
21 -n string 牙贴璺琦秦辎
22 -name string 嘘怕瘼枰梭。璺琦曦砗黝求入
23 -nb distance 牙贴骗<EFBFBD>姨缟嘻饬麾
24 -/+rw 邛侬/探旨虐亲咝如
25 -/+sb 邛侬/探旨谥侬馍
26 -/+sf 邛侬/探旨 SUN 劈卒躏
27 -sl number[s] 友竺囚嘻谥侬如戆[颦栎戆]
28 -ti name 散页幔娶<EFBFBD>杀祁嘻求入
29 -title string 狺岌嘻砗黝求入
30 -tm string 苘軎瘼砑梃<EFBFBD>躏求曦求镊
31 -tn name TERM 艨韬<EFBFBD>戆秦辎
32 -/+vb 邛侬/探旨狺<E697A8>缟
33 -xrm resourcestring 抬澎嘻骜溷萁知
34 -C 配谡坪砑梃
35 -Sxxd 倾诜<EFBFBD>砑梃 "ttyxx" 嘻篁争呃虞镊 "d"
36 -Sxxx.d 倾诜<EFBFBD>砑梃 "ttyxxx" 嘻篁争呃虞镊 "d"
1 -/+132 絒棬/抻祤 80<->132 ⺼鼲葎
2 -/+aw 絒棬/抻祤⺌棬葎⺼
3 -bg color 茯葔籦⺪
4 -/+bs 驨椲/瞅絒嗈磞鞥茯葔藞抻柁籦⺪
5 -display displayname 衭椵稌柁 X ɵ峇蟟
6 -e command args 衭欹⺼柁杬麟
7 -fb fontset 嗊忟А夆
8 -fg color 虳葔籦⺪
9 -fn fontset 琣А夆
10 -geometry geom 槉嵺柁騰麵 (髓А蠣珜痼⻏) 縋⻏殦
11 -help 䬷ざヾ衧媢桾
12 -/+iconic 絒棬/攜絒棬頝踛
13 -/+j 絒棬/抻祤聧葎稂棬鳪郖
14 -/+kshMode 絒棬/抻祤 ksh 篲鳷
15 -/+l 絒棬/抻祤戀諲
16 -lf filename 戀諲麔ボ
17 -/+ls 絒棬/抻祤僳蘋 shell
18 -/+map 絒棬/抻祤 pty 藣罐柁髱鶈槉嵺
19 -/+mb 絒棬/抻祤饡盉褆
20 -ms color 挴簅籦⺪
21 -n string 挴泂頝踛ボ磝
22 -name string 剟鷓鞥骳坲﹝頝踛縋簅纕А⻌
23 -nb distance 挴泂⑶饡盉褆柁煻欏
24 -/+rw 絒棬/抻祤酈ホ葎⺼
25 -/+sb 絒棬/抻祤稂棬犓
26 -/+sf 絒棬/抻祤 SUN 衢逑耰
27 -sl number[s] 衭鬊Б柁稂棬⺼禨[糬魦禨]
28 -ti name 汃珜嶂冈籫伀え柁А⻌
29 -title string 槉嵺柁簅纕А⻌
30 -tm string 嗈磞鞥篲鳷驨耰А縋А蠣
31 -tn name TERM 蘄頨䨣禨ボ磝
32 -/+vb 絒棬/抻祤槉欓褆
33 -xrm resourcestring 怬鱗柁罶鳲斒眭
34 -C 饜祰ⅵ篲鳷
35 -Sxxd ョ皕㪫篲鳷 "ttyxx" 柁麔淰萺訒蠣 "d"
36 -Sxxx.d ョ皕㪫篲鳷 "ttyxxx" 柁麔淰萺訒蠣 "d"
37 End-Of-List
38 邱为友牙贴 -e 蛸恸、破埔恻砒堍倾淘棚如岣盛、
39 闪鞋损祁席涅贴嘻 shell 淠邛侬·些域披却披胬 (+)
40 嘻蛸恸、偏盆沁擀涅贴垣·
38 ヵ峈衭挴泂 -e 藞禋﹜⼓⽁禕罐隃ョ杬麟⺼廎呏﹜
39 匢衧囷え炟蠡泂柁 shell 鞂絒棬﹞虳郖蠹蠹磍 (+)
40 柁藞禋﹜⑴髓ャ艀蠡泂圊﹞
41 End-Of-List
47 %s〃淘棚如蛸恸蜚毹 "%s"\r\n\n
48 祁挝〃%s
47 %s”杬麟⺼藞禋蠆諟 "%s"\r\n\n
48 え恄”%s
49 \r\n
50 [%s]
51 \r\n\n躏墨 "%s -help" 苫偏诘摊声痨嘻氅忘·\r\n\n
52 祁挝〃\n
51 \r\n\n耰蘋 "%s -help" 伒⑴痤怉汒謽柁諰咭﹞\r\n\n
52 え恄”\n
53 \t%s [-options ...] [-e command args]\n\n
54 蛸恸琵涯〃\n
54 藞禋讓挭”\n
$set 3
$ ****** Module: TermFunction.c
$ This is a warning message dialog box
1 卮鹳<EFBFBD>呢槿\n押≈睚贴∽苫偏垡劓
1 奡襉忟儸橛\n挹>薚泂=伒⑴覗崽
$set 4
$ ****** Module: TermPrim.c
$ This is the title of a dialog box
2 苘軎瘼 - <20>伤
2 嗈磞鞥 - 滙夼
$set 5
$ ****** Module: TermFunction.c
$ This is a warning message dialog box
1 卮鹳<EFBFBD>呢槿\n押≈睚贴∽苫偏垡劓
1 奡襉忟儸橛\n挹>薚泂=伒⑴覗崽
$set 6
$ ****** Module: TermView.c
$ Messages 2 and 3 are titles for dialog boxes.
1 80x24 132x24
4 苘軎瘼 - Man Page
5 苘軎瘼 - 牒煞氅忘
4 嗈磞鞥 - Man Page
5 嗈磞鞥 - 赮伢諰咭
$set 7
$ ****** Module: TermViewGlobalDialog.c
@ -167,39 +167,39 @@ $ documentation for full specs.
2 睚贴
3 探旨
4 牒煞氅忘
6 喱砗谡瘫
7 派阚
8 偷罾
9 喱砗淼娶
10 邛侬
11 探旨
12 剜<EFBFBD>喱砗
13 剜<EFBFBD>埯 (叟茵)
14 觥鳢
2 薚泂
3 抻祤
4 赮伢諰咭
5 謽忟
6 酮簅祰戔
7 巖蜞
8 芚轃
9 酮簅穔冈
10 絒棬
11 抻祤
12 嵑醽酮簅
13 嵑醽跅 (袹秮)
14 騿鰳
15 blinkRate
16 黜茹谡瘫
17 虐契
18 七讦
19 狺岌蝇哌
20 谥侬派娶
21 探旨
22 邛侬
23 仆潇谥侬
24 缟豇谡瘫
25 豇遇
26 狺<EFBFBD>
27 缟豇<EFBFBD>形
28 邛侬
29 探旨
31 <EFBFBD>姨饬麾
32 苫太筌祁
33 屿菝
34 苘軎瘼 - 痨<>嘻蛸恸
16 籦⺪祰戔
17 酈く
18 琣
19 槉嵺茯葔
20 稂棬巖冈
21 抻祤
22 絒棬
23 ⼳僶稂棬
24 褆鐖祰戔
25 鐖郣
26 槉欓
27 褆鐖麷倛
28 絒棬
29 抻祤
30 饡盉滙夼
31 饡盉煻欏
32 伒怮鶈え
33 适暋
34 嗈磞鞥 - 謽忟柁藞禋
$set 8
$ ****** Module: TermViewMenu.c
$ These are the menu bar entries and menu pane choices.
@ -210,75 +210,75 @@ $ The items with a "+" in them are the accellerators for an item.
$ The single-character items are the mnemonics for a menu item, where the
$ text of the menu item is specified in the previous message
$ Do not translate messages 24 and 28.
1 涅贴垣
2 狺岌乃难(W)
1 蠡泂圊
2 槉嵺騰麵(W)
3 W
4 -iso8859-1
5 %d 龅
6 %.1f 龅
7 %.1f 龅
8 %.2f 龅
9 涅贴垣
10 求拾乃难(F)
5 %d 鷁
6 %.1f 鷁
7 %.1f 鷁
8 %.2f 鷁
9 蠡泂圊
10 А夆騰麵(F)
11 F
$ Window menu
12 怃浠狺岌(N)
12 瞅隞槉嵺(N)
13 N
14 悄峭(P)
14 トパ(P)
15 P
16 悄峭(r)...
16 トパ(r)...
17 r
18 <EFBFBD>蒺(C)
18 驨椲(C)
19 C
20 狺岌(W)
20 槉嵺(W)
21 W
$ Edit menu
22 铒犒(C)
22 闀蕍(C)
23 C
24 Ctrl osfInsert
25 Ctrl+Insert
26 龃獠(P)
26 鶼漜(P)
27 P
28 Shift osfInsert
29 Shift+Insert
30 罹蛞(E)
30 蹌藟(E)
31 E
$ Option menu
32 劈卒馍(M)
32 衢逑犓(M)
33 M
34 谥侬馍(S)
34 稂棬犓(S)
35 S
36 痨<EFBFBD>(G)...
36 謽忟(G)...
37 G
38 苘軎瘼(T)...
38 嗈磞鞥(T)...
39 T
40 菰娶屿菝(S)
40 楗冈适暋(S)
41 S
42 帻娶屿菝(H)
42 僣冈适暋(H)
43 H
44 屿菝(R)
44 适暋(R)
45 R
46 蛸恸(O)
46 藞禋(O)
47 O
$ Old Help menu (no longer used for CDE)
48 渫<EFBFBD>(O)
48 颮羏(O)
49 O
50 闹散(T)
50 齡汃(T)
51 T
52 俣扔骜砧(R)
52 棤℡罶涷(R)
53 R
54 <EFBFBD>王恸气(O)
54 驨卼禋げ(O)
55 O
56 损祁牒煞氅忘(U)
56 囷え赮伢諰咭(U)
57 U
59 A
60 牒煞氅忘(H)
60 赮伢諰咭(H)
61 H
62 Alt+F4
@ -287,51 +287,51 @@ $ Old Help menu (no longer used for CDE)
$ Current CDE Help menu
64 渫<EFBFBD>(v)
64 颮羏(v)
65 v
66 啄趴(I)
66 袎鰱(I)
67 I
68 气蜱(C)
68 げ蠊(C)
69 C
70 闹散(T)
70 齡汃(T)
71 T
72 俣扔骜砧(R)
72 棤℡罶涷(R)
73 R
74 躏眭(K)
74 耰薏(K)
75 K
76 损祁牒煞氅忘(U)
76 囷え赮伢諰咭(U)
77 U
79 A
80 牒煞氅忘(H)
80 赮伢諰咭(H)
81 H
82 <EFBFBD>王苘軎瘼
83 <EFBFBD>王苘軎瘼
82 驨卼嗈磞鞥
83 驨卼嗈磞鞥
$set 9
$ ****** Module: TermTerminalDialog.c
$ These are the messages for the terminal options dialog
2 睚贴
3 探旨
4 牒煞氅忘
5 躏眭谡瘫
6 七讦
7 筌祁幔娶
8 喱砗躏砑梃
9 戆垣
10 筌祁幔娶
11 牒煞躏苴砑梃
12 鲎软
13 鲎软/咝如
14 咝如恹施
15 髡贴
16 尕劓髡贴
17 损祁席劈卒躏
18 颦栎谡瘫
19 邛侬
20 探旨
21 魉咝醛 132 如
22 如岣盛咝如
23 虐亲如岣盛咝如
24 苫太筌祁
25 屿菝
26 苘軎瘼 - 苘軎瘼蛸恸
2 薚泂
3 抻祤
4 赮伢諰咭
5 耰薏祰戔
6 琣
7 鶈え嶂冈
8 酮簅耰篲鳷
9 禨圊
10 鶈え嶂冈
11 赮伢耰嗢篲鳷
12 囆⻏
13 囆⻏/葎⺼
14 葎⺼禖囥
15 孍泂
16 箾崽孍泂
17 囷え炟衢逑耰
18 糬魦祰戔
19 絒棬
20 抻祤
21 鼲葎 132 ⺼
22 ⺼廎呏葎⺼
23 酈ホ⺼廎呏葎⺼
24 伒怮鶈え
25 适暋
26 嗈磞鞥 - 嗈磞鞥藞禋
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ $set 1
$ Do not Translate
2 "Dttype"
$ Do not Translate
3 "獎領搨廼飛隷乃慊野歟薮\n"
4 "賂箔秘"
3 "隓恄渿ズ昡ス媊沓暋泂\n"
4 "洠А⻌"
$ this should mean a "Empty string".
5 "=============== %s ===============\n"
$ Do not Translate
@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ $ Do not Translate
$ Do not Translate
8 ""
$ Do not Translate
9 "卑 %s腑朝\n"
10 "亭梨煉"
9 "⺌ %s蟡蘋\n"
10 "攜咭柁"
11 "\t%s"
$ Do not Translate
12 "\0"
$ Do not Translate
13 " ;\t%s"
13 " ”\t%s"
$ Do not Translate
14 "\0"
$ Do not Translate
@ -47,25 +47,25 @@ $ Do not Translate
$ Do not Translate
23 "all"
$ Do not Translate
24 "鱆襾 = %o, %s\n"
24 "蠆諟 = %o, %s\n"
$ Translate "error" only
25 "南領: dttypes [-help]\n\tdttypes [-type filename]\n\tdttypes [-db database] [-w [rec_name regexp] [fld_name regexp]\n\t\t\t[fld_value regexp]]\n\t\t[-l [rec_name] [rec_info] [fld_name regexp] [fld_value]]\n"
$ Translate only the following; "filename" "database" "regexp"
25 "え恄: dttypes [-help]\n\tdttypes [-type filename]\n\tdttypes [-db database] [-w [rec_name regexp] [fld_name regexp]\n\t\t\t[fld_value regexp]]\n\t\t[-l [rec_name] [rec_info] [fld_name regexp] [fld_value]]\n"
$ Translate only the following” "filename" "database" "regexp"
26 "-type"
$ Do not Translate
27 "%s 煉勀姫冫 %s\n"
27 "%s 柁麷伀旂 %s\n"
28 "$"
$ Do not Translate
29 "--------------------- %s ----------------\n"
$ Do not Translate
30 "獎寔煉胥寤媚\n"
31 "亭冫抜寔煉顛躇\n"
32 "獎寔煉 rec_info 瀅罷買 -w 鰊碾低\n"
30 "隓淩柁罶涷梬\n"
31 "攜旂淩柁鰱禨\n"
32 "隓淩柁 rec_info 唫⻏ョ -w 藞禋斕\n"
$ do not translate "rec_info" or "-w"
33 "亭買 -w 熔 -l 鰊碾低\n"
33 "攜ョ -w 迖 -l 藞禋斕\n"
$ do not translate "-w" or "-l"
34 "亭梨煉鰊碾\n"
34 "攜咭柁藞禋\n"
35 "-help"
$ Do not Translate
36 "帖恟椀日箱 %s 低抜鱆襾\n"
36 "纂郫玿ざ冈 %s 斕蠆諟\n"
$ This is the message in the confirm dialog for restarting mwm
$ Do not localize "Mwm"
3 友屿浠邛侬 Mwm 忝?
3 衭适隞絒棬 Mwm 蓇?
$ This message goes to an error file.
$ This is the message in the confirm dialog for quitting mwm
$ Do not localize "Mwm"
6 友岣手 Mwm 忝?
6 衭廎忒 Mwm 蓇?
$ This message goes to an error file.
$ This is the message in the confirm dialog for logging out of DT Lite
$ You'll see it when pressing the Exit button from DT lite
9 友圄砒忝?
9 衭僳罐蓇?
$ This is the message in the confirm dialog for restarting dtwm
10 友屿浠邛侬闹散熄怄戋堋席忝?
10 衭适隞絒棬齡汃洠睮磣隉炟蓇?
$ This is the message in the confirm dialog for quitting dtwm
11 友岣手闹散熄怄戋堋席忝?
11 衭廎忒齡汃洠睮磣隉炟蓇?
$ This is the message in the confirm dialog for toggling to standard
$ PM (Presentation Manager) behavior from custom behavior
12 友魉咝醛涅贴嘻狺岌如页忝?
12 衭鼲葎蠡泂柁槉嵺⺼珜蓇?
$ This is the message in the confirm dialog for toggling back from
$ PM (Presentation Manager) behavior to custom behavior
13 友魉咝醛溶釉嘻狺岌如页忝?
13 衭鼲葎⺌衲柁槉嵺⺼珜蓇?
$set 26
@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ $ YOU DON'T NEED TO LOCALIZE MESSAGES 1-2
$ Message 3 is an error message that appears when you are using Item Help
$ and select on something outside of the Workspace Manager
3 诶埔恻蛸探摹远闹散熄怄戋堋席枳驺。\n\
3 睎⽁禕藞抻纂堈齡汃洠睮磣隉炟髱緷﹝\n\
$ Message 4 is the title of the Help On Item Error dialog
4 闹散熄怄戋堋席 - <20>王恸气牒煞氅忘蜚毹
4 齡汃洠睮磣隉炟 - 驨卼禋げ赮伢諰咭蠆諟
$set 30
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ $
$ The mnemonic should also be chosen such such that it does not
$ conflict with another mnemonic in the menu.
3 "屿陉璺琦(P)" _P Alt Shift<Key>F7 f.pack_icons\n
3 "适粡頝踛(P)" _P Alt Shift<Key>F7 f.pack_icons\n
$ This message goes to an error file.
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ $ DO NOT LOCALIZE MESSAGES 1 THROUGH 13.
13 Insufficient memory for screen names
$ This is the default title for the icon box
14 璺琦
14 頝踛
$ Message 15 goes to an error file.
21 %1$s: %2$s on line %3$d of specification string\n
$ This is the default title for the version dialog
22 <EFBFBD>王闹散熄怄戋堋席
22 驨卼齡汃洠睮磣隉炟
$ This is the default title for the Dtwm help dialog
23 闹散熄怄戋堋席 - 牒煞氅忘
23 齡汃洠睮磣隉炟 - 赮伢諰咭
$ This is the default title for the Generic help dialog
24 闹散熄怄戋堋席 - 牒煞氅忘
24 齡汃洠睮磣隉炟 - 赮伢諰咭
$set 44
1 Unable to create Occupy Workspace dialog.
$ This tells what window the occupy workspace dialog is operating on.
2 狺岌〃
2 槉嵺”
$ This is the label for the workspace list in the occupy workspace dialog
3 闹散熄怄〃
3 齡汃洠睮”
$ This is the label for the button to put a window in all workspaces
$ from the occupy workspace dialog
4 驮却嘻闹散熄怄
4 邴柁齡汃洠睮
$ This message goes to an error file.
5 Insufficient memory to create occupy workspace dialog.
$ This tells what window the occupy workspace dialog is operating on.
6 璺琦〃
6 頝踛”
31 Insufficient memory for local message string
$ This is the default title of the "Rename Workspace" dialog
32 闹散熄怄恃秦
32 齡汃洠睮庍ボ
$ Messages 33 to 38 go to an error file.
@ -548,55 +548,55 @@ $ The name of the function (e.g. f.normalize) should not change
$ This item will "close" the window. This usually results in the
$ window being withdrawn.
48 <EFBFBD>蒺(C) _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
48 驨椲(C) _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
$ This item normalizes a window
49 沁擀(R) _R f.restore
49 ャ艀(R) _R f.restore
$ This item moves a window
50 苊侬(M) _M f.move
50 傶棬(M) _M f.move
$ This item resizes a window
51 乃难(S) _S f.resize
51 騰麵(S) _S f.resize
$ This item changes a window into an icon
52 翥容薏难(n) _n f.minimize
52 醷⺍瑊麵(n) _n f.minimize
$ This item makes a window as large as allowed (determined by a number
$ of factors)
53 腕容薏乃(x) _x f.maximize
53 勂⺍瑊騰(x) _x f.maximize
$ This item lowers a window below other windows
54 苊容偷煲(L) _L f.lower
54 傶⺍芚嬬(L) _L f.lower
$ This item brings up the occupy workspace dialog. The character
$ sequence "\\.\\.\\." will appear as "..." in the menu . DO NOT CHANGE
$ THE "\\.\\.\\." CHARACTERS
55 赛疸\\闹散熄怄(O)\\.\\.\\. _O f.workspace_presence
55 ŋ謾\\齡汃洠睮(O)\\.\\.\\. _O f.workspace_presence
$ This item puts a window into all workspaces. The character sequence
$ "\\" provides a space between "Occupy" and "all" Use this sequence
$ to provide spaces in item titles.
56 赛疸\\驮却\\闹散熄怄(A) _A f.occupy_all
56 ŋ謾\\邴\\齡汃洠睮(A) _A f.occupy_all
$ This item removes a window from a workspace. This item will appear in
$ in the menu as "Unoccupy Workspace" with the first e in the title underlined
$ to indicate this is a mnemonic for this item.
57 探旨赛疸\\闹散熄怄(U) _U f.remove
57 抻祤ŋ謾\\齡汃洠睮(U) _U f.remove
$ This is the default title of the "occupy workspace" dialog
59 赛疸闹散熄怄
59 ŋ謾齡汃洠睮
$ The following 6 items are Sun-specific. The only difference being
$ that these items have accelerators. They should be localized
$ similarly to their corresponding item above.
60 沁擀(R) _R Alt<Key>F5 f.restore
61 苊侬(M) _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move
62 乃难(S) _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize
63 薏难脓(n) _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize
64 薏乃脓(x) _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize
65 苊容偷煲(L)_L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower
60 ャ艀(R) _R Alt<Key>F5 f.restore
61 傶棬(M) _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move
62 騰麵(S) _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize
63 瑊麵襲(n) _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize
64 瑊騰襲(x) _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize
65 傶⺍芚嬬(L)_L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower
$ Messages 66 to 68 go to an error file.
@ -643,33 +643,33 @@ $ THIS COMMENT FOR DTWM TEAM ONLY -- PopupMenu.c --
$ This entire set should be localized.
$ Message 1 is the title of the Delete Locked Control Error dialog
1 闹散熄怄戋堋席 - 纱劓髡贴谡瘫蜚毹
1 齡汃洠睮磣隉炟 - 伝崽孍泂祰戔蠆諟
$ Message 2 is the title of the Delete Control dialog
2 闹散熄怄戋堋席 - 纱劓谡瘫
2 齡汃洠睮磣隉炟 - 伝崽祰戔
$ Message 3 is the title of the Delete Locked Subpanel Error dialog
3 闹散熄怄戋堋席 - 纱劓髡贴裙域尾蜚毹
3 齡汃洠睮磣隉炟 - 伝崽孍泂郖帣蠆諟
$ Message 4 is the title of the Delete Subpanel dialog
4 闹散熄怄戋堋席 - 纱劓裙域尾
4 齡汃洠睮磣隉炟 - 伝崽郖帣
$ Message 5 is the message in the Delete Locked Control Error dialog
5 嘁挝纱劓菡远谡瘫、寝页破呢莘髡贴·
5 隓恄伝崽楙堈祰戔﹜モ珜⼓儸揧孍泂﹞
$ Message 6 is the message in the Delete Control dialog
6 诶睚贴友纱劓菡远谡瘫忝?
6 睎薚泂衭伝崽楙堈祰戔蓇?
$ Message 7 is the message in the Delete Locked Subpanel Error dialog
7 嘁挝纱劓菡远裙域尾、寝页破呢莘髡贴·
7 隓恄伝崽楙堈郖帣﹜モ珜⼓儸揧孍泂﹞
$ Message 8 is the message in the Delete Control dialog when more than
$ exits in the subpanel to be deleted.
8 菡远裙域尾琵芍摹远盆母嘻谡瘫·\n诶睚贴友纱劓菡远裙域尾忝?
8 楙堈郖帣讓屼纂堈髓譫柁祰戔﹞\n睎薚泂衭伝崽楙堈郖帣蓇?
$ Message 9 is the message in the Delete Control dialog when only the
$ copy of the main panel control exists in the subpanel.
9 诶睚贴友纱劓菡远裙域尾忝?
9 睎薚泂衭伝崽楙堈郖帣蓇?
$ Message 10 - 19 are the menu title, menu items, and mnemonics in the
$ Main/Subpanel Menu.
@ -681,22 +681,22 @@ $
$ The mnemonic must be a character in the label. Each mnemonic must be
$ unique within this particular menu.
10 炝披裙域尾(A)
10 嚌蠹郖帣(A)
11 A
12 纱劓裙域尾(D)
12 伝崽郖帣(D)
13 D
14 铒犒摊配域尾(C)
14 闀蕍怉饜郖帣(C)
15 C
16 纱劓(D)
16 伝崽(D)
17 D
18 牒煞氅忘(H)
18 赮伢諰咭(H)
19 H
$ Message 20 - 21 are used in the menu title for the workspace button
$ menus. 20 is used for the format "Workspace <Name>". 21 is the first
$ arg in the format.
20 %1$s %2$s
21 闹散熄怄
21 齡汃洠睮
$ Message 22 - 30 are the menu title, menu items, and mnemonics in the
$ Switch Menu.
@ -708,27 +708,27 @@ $
$ The mnemonic must be a character in the label. Each mnemonic must be
$ unique within this particular menu.
22 泞咝俅傺
23 炝披闹散熄怄(A)
22 籠葎棷棦
23 嚌蠹齡汃洠睮(A)
24 A
25 纱劓(D)
25 伝崽(D)
26 D
27 恃秦(R)
27 庍ボ(R)
28 R
29 牒煞氅忘(H)
29 赮伢諰咭(H)
30 H
$ Message 31 - 40 are the pieces for the deletion dialogs
31 纱劓谡瘫〃
32 邱为诶纱劓魔菡远谡瘫、摅嘁挝盆\≈区嬉璺琦\∽\n贴软俅沁擀·\n\n诶帷靴偏盆损祁筌祁幔娶戋堋席嘻\≈沁擀域尾\∽\n唆沁擀谡瘫·\n\n诶睚贴友纱劓菡远谡瘫忝?
33 纱劓裙域尾〃
34 邱为诶纱劓魔菡远裙域尾、摅嘁挝损祁\n\≈区嬉璺琦\∽贴软俅沁擀菡远裙域尾驮琵芍嘻\n驮却谡瘫·\n\n诶帷靴偏盆损祁筌祁幔娶戋堋席嘻\≈沁擀域尾\∽\n唆沁擀菡远裙域尾滔抬谡瘫·\n\n诶睚贴友纱劓菡远裙域尾忝?
31 伝崽祰戔”
32 ヵ峈睎伝崽藹楙堈祰戔﹜祼隓恄髓\>Е稹頝踛\=\n泂⻏棷ャ艀﹞\n\n睎寣悒⑴髓囷え鶈え嶂冈磣隉炟柁\>ャ艀郖帣\=\n坭ャ艀祰戔﹞\n\n睎薚泂衭伝崽楙堈祰戔蓇?
33 伝崽郖帣”
34 ヵ峈睎伝崽藹楙堈郖帣﹜祼隓恄囷え\n\>Е稹頝踛\=泂⻏棷ャ艀楙堈郖帣邴讓屼柁\n邴祰戔﹞\n\n睎寣悒⑴髓囷え鶈え嶂冈磣隉炟柁\>ャ艀郖帣\=\n坭ャ艀楙堈郖帣昑怬祰戔﹞\n\n睎薚泂衭伝崽楙堈郖帣蓇?
$ Used for the name of a newly created workspace.
35 浠闹散熄怄
35 隞齡汃洠睮
$ Used for Install Icon title in Install Icon popup menu.
36 区嬉璺琦
36 Е稹頝踛
$set 84
@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ $ THIS COMMENT FOR DTWM TEAM ONLY -- UI.c --
$ This entire set should be localized.
$ Message used for the label of the dynamic install area.
1 区嬉璺琦
1 Е稹頝踛
$set 86
@ -744,20 +744,20 @@ $ THIS COMMENT FOR DTWM TEAM ONLY -- Callback.c --
$ This entire set should be localized.
$ The next two messages are used for workspace naming errors
1 闹散熄怄戋堋席 - 恃秦蜚毹
2 闹散熄怄秦辎嘁真托屿铒
1 齡汃洠睮磣隉炟 - 庍ボ蠆諟
2 齡汃洠睮ボ磝隓淩迖适闀
$ The next three messages are used for the dynamical install error dialog.
3 闹散熄怄戋堋席 - 区嬉璺琦蜚毹
4 区嬉璺琦〃
3 齡汃洠睮磣隉炟 - Е稹頝踛蠆諟
4 Е稹頝踛”
$ Messages 5 and 6 are old. They are replaced by messaged 8 and 9.
5 There is already a icon of this name.
6 Control Action Error
7 嘁挝势摊孚篁争
8 呢却璺琦损祁孚秦辎·
9 闹散熄怄戋堋席 - 璺琦侬散蜚毹
7 隓恄岊怉篎麔淰
8 儸頝踛囷え篎ボ磝﹞
9 齡汃洠睮磣隉炟 - 頝踛棬汃蠆諟
$set 99
@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ $
$ message #1 indicates the list of 2byte punctuation, special characters
$ and double consonants that cannot start a line.
1 衮悄闲弭王群莰>
1 ﹛渿ト玿殦卼搢>
$ message #2 indicates the list of 2byte punctuation, special characters
$ and double consonants that cannot end a line.
2 衮悄闲弭王群莰>
2 ﹛渿ト玿殦卼搢>
$ message #3 indicates whether the language wants all end-of-lines in
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
$ $XConsortium$
$ ========================================================================
$ = Message source text file for App Builder's libABil BIL I/O library.
$ = @(#)libABil.msg 1.2 13 Sep 1994 dtappbuilder/src/libABil
$ ========================================================================
$quote "
$ The set number set below must be syncronized with the #define in bilP.h
$set 204
1 "隓恄岊怉泂羻鷁昡ス\n"
2 "ヾ昡ス扽楙穔柁㪫迒\n"
3 "攜旂淩柁 C 籫伀А\n"
4 "ゝ揧蛺恁柁麔淰廎忒\n"
5 "ゝ洁柁麔淰斒眭\n"
6 "げ虳ゝ揧骳汃\n"
7 "げ虳ゝ揧骳汃 - 芩靬昡ス轡怬㪫迒\n"
8 "儸隓奡襉忟\n"
9 "ゝ洁柁禨圊\n"
10 "ゝ洁柁㪫迒\n"
11 "ゝ洁柁衢逑玿麷伀 - 蠡暋珜杬麟衢逑玿\n"
12 "隓恄岊怉昡ス\n"
13 "ゝ洁柁昡ス\n"
14 "灡柁禨圊 - 芩靬楙堈 '椵稌'\n"
15 "隓恄岊怉怐冈柁鰱訒\n"
16 "隓恄岊怉⼮⺀鷥禨\n"
17 "攜薚柁ボ磝諴恄\n"
18 "隓恄岊怉謽禨\n"
19 "隓恄岊怉驨耰А\n"
20 "隓恄岊怉ト玿柁瞅磞\n"
21 "隓恄岊怉衢逑玿迖挹耰\n"
22 "隓恄岊怉ボ磝柁瞅磞\n"
23 "隓恄岊怉昡ス柁瞅磞\n"
24 "隓恄岊怉А⻌\n"
25 "滙夼” 攜旂 C 籫伀А﹜芩靬\n"
26 "滙夼” 洠柁漦嗢 靬蝝...\n"
27 "麔淰” %s"
28 "﹜⺼” %d"
29 "﹜昡ス” %s"
30 "﹜㪫迒” %s"
31 "棬汃㪫迒” %s"
32 "﹜ "
33 "諴恄蠆諟"
34 "\n"
35 "ゝ洁柁驨耰А - %s"
36 "适闀柁ボ磝﹞彶庍珜 %s.\n\t(楙⑴逑縋蘭郖迖衶鋡ボ磝砨鍙秜)\n"
37 "﹜氋珆 '%s'"
38 "%s.\n隓恄蟡蘋衶鋡﹞\n"
39 "隓恄蟡蘋衶鋡\n."
40 "譯ト篲嗢旂椔幺柁﹞\n蚍睎蹌藟藹楙咍篲嗢﹜\n睎渿隓恄鬊Б睎柁蹌藟﹞"
41 "适粡棬汃ゝ泂氂\n"
42 "衢逑玿麷伀ゝ泂氂\n"
43 "棤℡鷁ゝ泂氂\n"
44 "ゝ挴泂麔淰ボ磝"
45 "隓恄鬊Б衶鋡“⑴逑旂扽峏⻆⑴鬊Б迖麔淰ボ磝旂洠А⻌"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
$ $XConsortium$
$ ========================================================================
$ = Message source text file for App Builder's libABobjXm utility library.
$ = @(#)libABobjXm.msg 1.2 13 Sep 1994 dtappbuilder/src/libABobjXm
$ ========================================================================
$quote "
$ The set number set below must be syncronized with the #define in objxmP.h
$set 203
1 "滙夼”%s ”隓恄渿麔淰ボ磝[%s]鼲葎頝踛旃\n"
2 "滙夼”%s ”ゝ挴泂麔淰ボ磝\n"
3 "蠆諟”%s”扽昡ス眃摽昡\n"
4 "怞忟襲蠆諟”%s”々嶂囥欄widget-ID 旂洠く柁\n"
5 "怞忟襲蠆諟”%s”隓恄渿衢逑玿怞忟襲\n"
6 "怞忟襲蠆諟”昡ス⽁禕淩柁ボ磝\n"
7 "怞忟襲蠆諟”%s”昡ス⽁禕 widget 嶉觕\n"
8 "蠡楶蠆諟”衶禨攜嗃ポ\n"
9 "蠆諟”objxm_comp_get_subobj - 昡スゝ xmconfigured”%s\n"
10 "麔淰扢"
11 "蝝孋蟟"
12 "耰蘋麔ボ"
13 "彶隞"
@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ $quote "
$ The set number set below must be syncronized with the #define in utilP.h
$set 202
1 "ISTR。ィリル襁フッ<EFBFBD>擎リ簓トユ<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>炅肭ィ\n"
2 "ISTR。ィメウヌ<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>ル襁マィ粫ユ<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>炅肭ィ\n"
4 "ト<EFBFBD>褪肭ィ"
5 "<EFBFBD>リマネ「フェネ「フヒニオ"
6 "ト籖キンツニォ"
7 "默ホホ粭レ<EFBFBD>"
1 "ISTR”崷殦怉謽禨嵕ト渀僛ぇ蠆諟\n"
2 "ISTR”珜А⻌崷殦洠睮渀僛ぇ蠆諟\n"
3 "ISTR”崷殦奡襉忟渀僛ぇ蠆諟"
4 "蠡楶蠆諟"
5 "踽媝冈怐冈昋ⅰ"
6 "攜揧暐⑴"
7 "隓恄瞅絒"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
$ $TOG: libDtMail.msg /main/4 1997/10/31 15:40:33 rafi $
$ The information in this document is subject to special
$ restrictions in a confidential disclosure agreement bertween
$ HP, IBM, Sun, USL, SCO and Univel. Do not distribute this
$ document outside HP, IBM, Sun, USL, SCO, or Univel wihtout
$ Sun's specific written approval. This documment and all copies
$ and derivative works thereof must be returned or destroyed at
$ Sun's request.
$ Copyright 1993 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
$ @(#)libDtMail.msg 1.8 03 Nov 1994
$set 1 libDtMail API set
1 ゝ僛ぇズ蠆諟﹞
2 栲堈攜怞淩 Bento 昡ス柁媢桾揧Б抻﹞
3 栲堈唈ゥ渀棯纕柁昡ス揧Б抻﹞
4 昡ス隓恄唈ゥ﹞
5 昡ス岊攜怉圊﹞
6 侇嗄奡襉忟攜冞﹜隓恄欹⺼謦汃﹞
7 禋謦汃稌怉纂堈蠆諟柁鰱禨﹞
8 睎閰箹媊沓暋泂纂堈儸媊沓暋泂蝝柁昡ス﹞
9 衭忴柁麔淰攜Бョ﹞
10 衭忴柁麔淰呥盻怞斿⑴藑籫眭冈柁瑧謜﹞
11 DtMail 攜Бョ媢桾げ蠊﹞
12 蠆諟廎擛隓淩﹞
13 楙堈圊旂纂堈蠡屼柁鬊Б﹜⽁禕ッ瞅絒懼逑幺抻﹞
14 ⅱ纂堈瑧ス嶂冈怞麔淰扢柁嬣蘋暐⑴﹞
15 栲堈 ToolTalk 媢桾隓恄搢隉﹞
16 睎柁衭忴揧謦汃ɵ峇蟟陃廕﹞
17 囷え炟斕黫禋謦汃﹞
18 栲堈昡ス隓恄Б抻﹞
19 衭忴柁麔淰隓恄唈ゥ﹞
20 欹⺼禋謦汃渀僛ぇ蠡楶蠆諟﹞
21 隃⺼昡ス呥攜齬葰睎邴衭忴柁謦汃﹞s
22 扽罶涷麷倛縋蝒婽麷倛砨嗃﹞
23 囷え炟吤黫鼲葎﹞
24 瑧ス嶂冈梬扽儸蕍汃汒炟﹞
25 挴泂柁嶂冈蕍汃攜Бョ﹞
26 挴泂柁嶂冈蕍汃隓恄欹⺼衭忴柁謦汃﹞
27 隃⺼柁嶂冈蕍汃ゝ齬葰禋謦汃﹞
28 嶂冈梬攜諝痤罶涷麷倛﹞
29 挴泂柁瑧踽⻏彴隓恄搢隉﹞
30 瑧ス蒡踽⼇絫﹞
31 MD5 麷伀奡磍縋媢桾蠡晥攜砨嗃﹞
32 淩柁欹⺼漦嗢呥盻 "mail"
$ Strings from libDtMail/Common/DtMailValuesBuiltin.C
$set 2
1 "%C"
$ * The %C is the time and date format, please refer to strftime man page for
$ * explanation of each format.
$ */
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -31,17 +31,17 @@ $ Messages 1 - 11 are 1 continuous comment, make sure you put the "#" at the
$ start of each new line. Use all 1 - 11 to translate if needed. Leave
$ any line empty with a '#' if the message is not needed.
1 # 菡远篁争蓬闲摹远≈摹罪证母戋堋朔苡艨韬∽(CDE;
2 # Common Desktop Environment) 嘻侬散·菡远篁争嘻涅诈嘁<EFBFBD>昊友¨
3 # 苫损菡远篁争岩熄嘻、幔娶葭偏盆仝如·邱为菡远篁争岩摹远偏
4 # 仝如篁、赔篁秦滔侬散骜砧栈你嵌摹恸气 (*.dt 篁争) 嘻秦辎肄苁、
5 # CDE 篁争戋堋席摅淠衮菡远篁争狺页摹远侬散·
1 # 楙堈麔淰鷥玿纂堈>纂郫痐譫磣隉侇嗄蘄頨=(CDE;
2 # Common Desktop Environment) 柁棬汃﹞楙堈麔淰柁蠡晥隓驨篕衭“
3 # 伒囷楙堈麔淰旂洠柁﹜嶂冈楁⑴髓欹⺼﹞ヵ峈楙堈麔淰旂纂堈⑴
4 # 欹⺼麔﹜靨麔ボ昑棬汃罶涷梬斕ズ纂禋げ (*.dt 麔淰) 柁ボ磝砨嗃﹜
5 # CDE 麔淰磣隉炟祼鞂渿楙堈麔淰槉珜纂堈棬汃﹞
6 #
7 # 邱腈却<EFBFBD>侬散嘻孥茇骜毓、铢俣镥 CDE 琶捧·
7 # ヵ錛驨棬汃柁箯嗏罶媢﹜霘棤櫇 CDE 鷗癱﹞
8 #
9 #
10 #
11 #
12 摹罪证母戋堋朔苡艨韬 (CDE) 侬散·铢损祁篁争戋堋席铪祁·
12 纂郫痐譫磣隉侇嗄蘄頨 (CDE) 棬汃﹞霘囷え麔淰磣隉炟鞜え﹞
@ -1,734 +0,0 @@
$ $TOG: DtMail.msg /main/4 1998/05/22 17:08:11 rafi $
$ The information in this document is subject to special
$ restrictions in a confidential disclosure agreement between
$ HP, IBM, Sun, USL, SCO and Univel. Do not distribute this
$ document outside HP, IBM, Sun, USL, SCO, or Univel without
$ Sun's specific written approval. This document and all copies
$ and derivative works thereof must be returned or destroyed at
$ Sun's request.
$ Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
$quote "
$ Strings from dtmail/RoamApp.C
$set 1
1 "睚贴"
$ * This is a menu label, please refer to the resource file "Dtmail" for
$ * appropriate mnemonics tranlation
$ */
2 "庥堑蛸恸..."
3 "溶侬沁详"
4 "种吞收浠你..."
$ Strings from dtmail/RoamMenuWindow.C
5 "探旨"
6 "缳耐庥堑"
7 "缳耐庥堑"
8 "缳耐庥堑"
9 "纱劓"
10 "亩摹远"
11 "些摹远"
12 "沁骰凫堑末"
13 "悄峭"
14 "厥堑末"
15 "配黝"
16 "攀哝滔针怄"
17 "乃难"
$ * Menu labels in Main Mailer (from RoamMenuWindow.C).
$ * The following menu labels require translation plus parenthesized
$ * mnemonics for all Asian locales. Please refer to the resource file
$ * "Dtmail" for each mnemonics.
$ * Message 18-22,25,28,29 are menu labels for "Mailbox" pull down menu.
$ * Message 30,31,33-40 are menu labels for "Message" pull down menu.
$ * Message 43-45 are menu labels for "Edit" pull down menu.
$ * Message 47--55 are menu labels for "View" pull down menu.
$ * Message 56-63 are menu labels for "Compose" pull down menu.
$ * Message 64,65,221 are menu labels for "Move" pull down menu.
$ * Message 66,68,69 are menu labels for "Attachment" pull down menu.
$ * Message 71-77 are menu labels for "Help" pull down menu.
$ */
18 "庥町"
19 "篝宴岩闪却浠庥堑"
20 "怃邛拳堑町"
21 "怃邛拳堑町"
22 "浠庥堑..."
23 "缳耐庥堑 - 浠庥堑"
24 "浠庥堑"
25 "怃邛..."
26 "缳耐庥堑 - 怃邛"
27 "怃邛"
28 "镖溱呢纱劓嘻毓丈"
29 "<22>蒺"
30 "怃邛"
31 "竺囚页牌求篁..."
32 "缳耐庥堑 - 毓丈 - 竺囚页牌求篁"
33 "铒犒摊"
34 "悄峭..."
35 "掾势..."
36 "抢蒎蛸探"
37 "纱劓"
38 "探旨纱劓些摹远毓丈"
39 "诜悄闲你探旨纱劓..."
40 "毓丈"
41 "苊侬"
42 "缳耐庥堑 - 毓丈"
43 "铒犒"
44 "抢蒎蛸探"
45 "罹蛞"
46 "缳耐庥堑 - 牌求"
47 "亩摹远"
48 "些摹远"
49 "闲螭翥煅"
50 "隧攀哝/针怄陉施"
51 "隧厥堑末陉施"
52 "隧配黝陉施"
53 "隧乃难陉施"
54 "隧雾梃陉施"
55 "柚亦"
56 "浠毓丈"
57 "浠毓丈、芍涯抢蒎"
58 "魉厥毓丈"
59 "沁骰厥堑末"
60 "沁骰驮却末"
61 "沁骰厥堑末、芍涯"
62 "沁骰驮却末、芍涯"
63 "沁详"
64 "苊侬"
65 "抬澎庥町..."
66 "贫囚浠篁..."
67 "缳耐庥堑 - 厢<>嬉弭 - 贫囚浠篁"
68 "抢蒎蛸探"
69 "厢<>嬉弭"
70 "缳耐庥堑 - 厢<>嬉弭"
71 "渫<>"
72 "闹散"
73 "俣澌"
74 "<22>王恸气"
75 "损祁牒煞氅忘"
76 "牒煞氅忘"
77 "<22>王缳耐庥堑..."
78 "缳耐庥堑拟垡淝群庥町嘻雾梃·\n铢蛸疱≈睚贴∽<E8B4B4>蒺庥町靴、锹屿浠邛侬缳耐庥堑·"
79 "魉咝你... 声醛 %d %%"
80 "缳耐庥堑"
$ Strings from dtmail/AttachArea.C
81 "缳耐庥堑"
82 "缳耐庥堑"
83 "缳耐庥堑"
$ Strings from dtmail/Attachment.C
84 "%s 岩摹远偏仝如嘻厢<E598BB>嬉弭· 诶泖仝如忝?"
85 "缳耐庥堑"
86 "缳耐庥堑"
87 "缳耐庥堑"
88 "缳耐庥堑"
$ Strings from dtmail/RoamCmds.C
89 "缳耐庥堑 - 抬澎庥町"
90 "苊侬"
91 "悄峭..."
92 "睚贴"
93 "竺囚"
94 "竺囚"
95 "竺囚"
96 "垡熄"
97 "恃秦"
98 "缳耐庥堑 - 恃秦"
99 "缳耐庥堑"
100 "睚贴"
101 "探旨"
102 "诶呢倾溶侬沁详盆评嘻蛸恸你\n损祁魔魉厥瘼卒· 溶侬沁详仝如针 \n、溶侬沁详淠厢披摊孚蛸恸\n嘻魉厥散淦你· 诶睚贴友邛侬溶侬沁详忝?\0"
103 "缳耐庥堑"
104 "诶倾 .forward 篁争你呢仝如溶侬沁详幔娶·\n铢诜氅忘牌堑你宴砒邱若佤畔群幔娶、虽衮破诜 .forward 篁争你纱劓·\n俾黝尕暑靴、铢锹孳摹裙群牙棚·\0"
105 "嘁挝怃邛 .vacation.msg 篁争 -- 属却煅墨萋偏<E8908B>·"
106 ".vacation.msg 篁争呢囚倾· 友盆浠牌求探蓬忝?"
107 "嘁挝怃邛 .vacation.msg 篁争 -- 属却煅墨萋偏<E8908B>·"
108 "始七倾遣仵宓你"
$ * This is the default value of the subject field in the
$ * message that gets returned to the sender when vacation
$ * is turned on.
$ */
109 "始七倾遣仵宓你·\n岖始沁唆靴、淠镥<E6B7A0>诶厥唆却<E59486> \"$SUBJECT\" 嘻庥堑·\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/MsgScrollingList.C
110 "N"
$ * In a mailer container window's message scrolling list, a "N" appears
$ * to the left of a mail message header indicating that the mail message
$ * is "new" (just arrived and not yet viewed by the user).
$ * There is only space to display 1 character. If "N" needs to be translated,
$ * please make sure the translation is only 1 character.
$ */
111 "N"
$ * In a mailer container window's message scrolling list, a "N" appears
$ * to the left of a mail message header indicating that the mail message
$ * is "new" (just arrived and not yet viewed by the user).
$ * There is only space to display 1 character. If "N" needs to be translated,
$ * please make sure the translation is only 1 character.
$ */
112 "N"
$ * In a mailer container window's message scrolling list, a "N" appears
$ * to the left of a mail message header indicating that the mail message
$ * is "new" (just arrived and not yet viewed by the user).
$ * There is only space to display 1 character. If "N" needs to be translated,
$ * please make sure the translation is only 1 character.
$ */
113 "N"
$ * In a mailer container window's message scrolling list, a "N" appears
$ * to the left of a mail message header indicating that the mail message
$ * is "new" (just arrived and not yet viewed by the user).
$ * There is only space to display 1 character. If "N" needs to be translated,
$ * please make sure the translation is only 1 character.
$ */
114 "N"
$ Strings from dtmail/Undelete.C
115 "探旨纱劓"
116 "<22>蒺"
$ Strings from dtmail/SendMsgDialog.C
$ * Menu labels in Compose dialog (from SendMsgDialog.C).
$ * The following menu labels require translation plus parenthesized
$ * mnemonics for all Asian locales. Please refer to the resource file
$ * "Dtmail" for each mnemonics.
$ * Message 117,121,122,125,127-129 are menu labels for "File" pull down menu.
$ * Message 130-134,139,140,155,156 are menu labels for "Edit" pull down menu.
$ * Message 141,142,145,147-150,226 are menu labels for "Attachment" pull down menu.
$ * Message 152-154,157 are menu labels for "Format" pull down menu.
$ * Message 56-63 are menu labels for "Compose" pull down menu.
$ * Message 64,65,221 are menu labels for "Move" pull down menu.
$ * Message 66,68,69 are menu labels for "Attachment" pull down menu.
$ * Message 71-77 are menu labels for "Help" pull down menu.
$ */
117 "厥砒"
118 "<22>蒺"
119 "浠毓丈"
120 "缳耐庥堑"
121 "篁争"
122 "芍涯..."
123 "缳耐庥堑 - 芍涯"
124 "芍涯"
125 "竺囚页牌求篁..."
126 "缳耐庥堑 - 竺囚页牌求篁"
127 "攀擘毓丈"
128 "散页...厥砒"
129 "<22>蒺"
130 "罹蛞"
131 "蹁韵"
132 "侏探"
133 "铒犒"
134 "龃獠"
135 "种直龃獠"
136 "披派涯凸"
137 "翥陉"
138 "垡劓"
139 "纱劓"
140 "抢蒎蛸探"
141 "厢<>嬉弭"
142 "炝披篁争..."
143 "缳耐庥堑 - 炝披"
144 "炝披"
145 "贫囚浠篁..."
146 "缳耐庥堑 - 厢<>嬉弭 - 贫囚浠篁"
147 "纱劓"
148 "探旨纱劓"
149 "恃秦"
150 "抢蒎蛸探"
$ * This is an obsolete message. It is replaced by message 226
$ * in set 1.
$ */
151 "<22>泣岌知"
152 "知娶"
153 "溶侬咝如"
154 "菝贴垣..."
155 "掾势/收恃..."
156 "鸦求篝宴..."
157 "砑尾"
158 "缳耐庥堑 - 厢<>嬉弭"
159 "缳耐庥堑 - 沁详"
160 "浠毓丈"
$ * This is the label for a toggle item in a menu. When the item
$ * is set to "Show List", the Attachment List is mapped in the
$ * Compose Window. This message replaces message 151 in set 1.
$ */
$ Strings from dtmail/ViewMsgDialog.C
161 "铒犒"
162 "抢蒎蛸探"
163 "罹蛞"
164 "贫囚浠篁..."
165 "缳耐庥堑 - 厢<>嬉弭 - 贫囚浠篁"
166 "抢蒎蛸探"
167 "厢<>嬉弭"
168 "缳耐庥堑 - 厢<>嬉弭"
169 "缳耐庥堑 - 牌求"
170 "渫<>"
171 "闹散"
172 "俣澌"
173 "<22>王恸气"
174 "损祁牒煞氅忘"
175 "牒煞氅忘"
176 "<22>王缳耐庥堑..."
177 "缳耐庥堑"
$ Strings from dtmail/DtMailGenDialog.C
$ * 178 and 179 are obsolete messages, replaced by messages
178 "缳耐庥堑 - <20>王 Dtmail"
179 "Dtmail Version 1.0"
180 "睚贴"
181 "睚贴"
182 "探旨"
$ Strings from dtmail/FindDialog.C
183 "掾势"
$ * This is an obsolete message. Replaced by message 220 in set 1
$ */
184 "掾势虽蛸探抢蒎"
185 "垡劓"
186 "<22>蒺"
187 "牒煞氅忘"
188 "拳堑末〃"
189 "凫堑末〃"
190 "配黝〃"
191 "佾欺〃"
192 "缳耐庥堑 - 掾势"
193 "突亩掾势"
194 "突沁掾势"
$ * This message replaces message 184 in set 1
$ */
$ Strings from dtmail/Editor.C
195 "------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------\n\n"
196 "------------- Begin Included Message -------------\n\n"
197 "------------- End Forwarded Message -------------\n\n"
198 "------------- End Included Message -------------\n\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/XmTextEditor.C
199 "\n------------- Begin Included Message -------------\n"
200 "\n------------- End Included Message -------------\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/DtEditor.C
201 "\n------------- Begin Included Message -------------\n"
202 "\n------------- End Included Message -------------\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/Editor.C
$ 195 "------------- 魉厥毓丈怃填 -------------\n\n"
$ 196 "------------- 芍涯毓丈怃填 -------------\n\n"
$ 197 "------------- 魉厥毓丈岣手 -------------\n\n"
$ 198 "------------- 芍涯毓丈岣手 -------------\n\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/XmTextEditor.C
$ 199 "\n------------- 芍涯毓丈怃填 -------------\n"
$ 200 "\n------------- 芍涯毓丈岣手 -------------\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/DtEditor.C
$ 201 "\n------------- 芍涯毓丈怃填 -------------\n"
$ 202 "\n------------- 芍涯毓丈岣手 -------------\n"
$ Strings from dtmail/ComposeCmds.C
203 "缳耐庥堑"
204 "嘁挝喧恰沁详狺岌·"
205 "缳耐庥堑"
206 "嘁挝喧恰沁详狺岌·"
207 "缳耐庥堑"
208 "嘁挝喧恰沁详狺岌·"
209 "缳耐庥堑"
210 "嘁挝喧恰沁详狺岌·"
211 "缳耐庥堑"
212 "砑尾拟囚倾·"
213 "缳耐庥堑"
214 "砑尾三喷呢浯溱·"
215 "缳耐庥堑"
216 "卮鹳<E58DAE>拟送、嘁挝绁墨砑尾·"
217 "缳耐庥堑"
218 "砑尾三喷呢浯溱·"
$ Strings from dtmail/SortCmd.C
219 "陉施你..."
220 "抢蒎蛸探"
221 "拳堑町"
222 "%a %b %d %k〃%M"
$ * The "%a %b %d %k:%M" is the time and date format, please refer to
$ * strftime man page for explanation of each format.
$ */
223 "%a %b %d %H〃%M"
$ * The "%a %b %d %H:%M" is the time and date format, please refer to
$ * strftime man page for explanation of each format.
$ */
224 "%a %b %d %k〃%M"
$ * The "%a %b %d %k:%M" is the time and date format, please refer to
$ * strftime man page for explanation of each format.
$ */
225 "%a %b %d %H〃%M"
$ * The "%a %b %d %H:%M" is the time and date format, please refer to
$ * strftime man page for explanation of each format.
$ */
226 "<22>泣悄闲"
$ String from Undelete.C, Deleted Messages window title
227 "缳耐庥堑 - Deleted Messages"
$ Strings from SendMsgDialog.C, Add Bcc, Delete Bcc menu buttons
228 "炝披"
229 "纱劓"
230 "惝厥"
$ * This string is displayed on the find dialog status line
$ * when searching for a matching message.
$ */
231 "洳掾..."
$ * These strings are displayed on the find dialog status line
$ * when one or more matching messages are found. The first
$ * string is displayed when there is one matching message,
$ * and the second string is displayed when there is more than
$ * one. The %d is the number of messages that matched.
$ */
232 "蛸贴 1 毓丈"
233 "蛸贴 %d 毓丈"
$ * This string is displayed on the find dialog status line when
$ * no matching messages were found.
$ */
234 "势拟摊肄苁毓丈"
$ * These strings replace strings 178 and 179. They are used in
$ * the "About Mailer" dialog box.
$ */
235 "缳耐庥堑 - <20>王缳耐庥堑"
236 "缳耐庥堑 1.0 侮欺"
$set 2
1 "缳耐庥堑"
2 "ToolTalk 烃栖庑如啬填菝贴· 缳耐庥堑嘁挝倾属却 ToolTalk 嘻谂斡亩仝如·\n铢瑭孳邛侬 /usr/dt/bin/dtsession、托酊峋诶嘻朔苡戋堋赞·"
3 "狺岌嘁挝庑如啬填菝贴· 岣手你·\n"
4 "缳耐庥堑区嬉却俾黝、\n\寝仝如妃苴菝贴蜚毹、\n\驮盆嘁挝仝如"
5 "诶拟苔萋偏<E8908B>、嘁挝柚亦 %s"
$ * The %s is the name of the mailbox the user doesn't have
$ * permission to view.
$ */
6 "庥町 %s 岩摹远气蜱、嘁挝怃邛·"
7 "嘁挝衮 %s 垡熄· 寝页破拟囚倾·"
8 "竺囚俅 %s 呢垡熄·"
9 "蜚毹 - 嘁挝垡熄 %s"
10 "缳耐庥堑"
11 "%s"
12 "缳耐庥堑"
13 "缳耐庥堑"
14 "厢<>嬉弭埔恻强蛸探、倪卒仝如≈贫囚浠篁\∽牙棚衮破囚摊摹远\n\篁争涅·"
15 "蜚毹 - 嘁挝探诘 mailrc·"
16 "烃栖蛸探毓丈·"
$ * No mail message has been selected by the user.
$ */
17 "诶呢罹蛞绱 \"%s\"、捏鳟友纱劓忝?"
18 "蜚毹〃嘁挝芍涯篁争 %s"
19 "厢<>嬉弭埔恻强蛸探、倪卒仝如≈贫囚浠篁∽牙棚衮破囚摊摹远\n\篁争涅·"
20 "厢<>嬉弭埔恻强蛸探、倪卒仝如≈贫囚浠篁∽牙棚衮破囚摊摹远\n\篁争涅·"
21 "缳耐庥堑"
$set 3
1 "溶侬竺囚你..."
2 "啬填菝贴你..."
3 "庥町 %s 拟囚倾·\n\诶泖喧恰菡远秦辎嘻庥町忝?"
4 "缳耐庥堑"
5 "睚贴"
6 "庥町 %s 莘髡贴·\n\诶偏盆祁琶侬嘻派娶尕劓髡贴、嘤靴锹孳摹裙¨\n\托岩酊峋诶嘻朔苡戋堋赞·"
7 "缳耐庥堑"
8 "睚贴"
9 "睚贴"
10 "睚贴"
11 "睚贴"
12 "%s"
13 "毓丈 %d (橇却 %d 鞋毓丈)、%d 鞋浠毓丈、%d 鞋呢纱劓"
14 "毓丈 %d (橇却 %d 鞋毓丈)、%d 鞋浠毓丈、%d 鞋呢纱劓"
$ * The user will see the following message display as:
$ * "Message 3 of 10, 2 new, 6 deleted"
$ * This means ??? -- Explain to translator.
$ */
15 "竺囚你..."
16 "缳耐庥堑"
$ * This dialog comes up when the user tries to quit the
$ * mailbox and the user is asked if he wants to destroy
$ * the messages marked for deletion.
$ */
$ * Messages 16 and 17 are no longer being used. They are
$ * being replaced by messages 86 and 87.
$ */
17 "友诜菡远庥町你镖溱诶砗泣友纱劓\n\嘻毓丈忝?"
18 "睚贴"
19 "探旨"
20 "怃邛庥町你..."
21 "%s 呢囚倾·\n\友屿煅忝?"
22 "缳耐庥堑"
23 "嘁挝屿煅 %s·\n铢篝宴篁争嘻萋偏<E8908B>、嘤靴屿孳摹裙·"
24 "缳耐庥堑"
25 "竺囚俅绁墨你..."
26 "篁争设栩友骜毓"
27 "绁墨你..."
28 "垡熄竺囚俅"
29 "睚贴"
30 "睚贴"
31 "睚贴"
32 "七倾镖溱呢纱劓嘻毓丈..."
33 "睚贴"
34 "%s 拟囚倾·"
35 "嘁挝怃邛 %s·"
36 "嘁挝刭弭卮鹳<E58DAE>·"
37 "厢<>嬉弭栩友"
38 "厢<>嬉弭"
39 "厢<>嬉弭"
$ * "attachments" is the plural form of "attachment".
$ */
40 "厢<>嬉弭"
41 "呢纱劓"
42 "%s 呢囚倾· 友探蓬忝?"
43 "嘁挝探蓬 %s·"
44 "嘁挝喧恰 %s·"
45 "嘁挝喧恰 %s·"
46 "垡熄竺囚俅"
47 "%s 呢囚倾·\n友屿煅忝?"
48 "缳耐庥堑"
49 "嘁挝屿煅 %s·\n\铢篝宴篁争萋偏<E8908B>逆靴屿孳·"
50 "缳耐庥堑"
51 "嘁挝喧恰 %s·"
52 "缳耐庥堑"
53 "嘁挝煅墨 %s·"
54 "缳耐庥堑"
55 "嘁挝喧恰 %s·"
56 "缳耐庥堑"
57 "衮厢<E8A1AE>嬉弭恃秦页"
58 "沁详狺岌芍却摹髓倾狺岌\n\<5C>蒺针淠蜍坡嘻牌求托厢<E68998>嬉弭、\n\诶睚贴友<E8B4B4>蒺沁详狺岌忝?"
59 "属却卮鹳<E58DAE>"
60 "卮鹳<E58DAE>拟送、嘁挝绁墨堍囚嘻 .vacation.msg 篁争·"
61 "缳耐庥堑"
62 "堍囚嘻 .vacation.msg 篁争三喷呢浯溱·"
63 "蛸探摹远毓丈唆苊侬·"
64 "蛸探摹远毓丈唆铒犒·"
65 "%d 远毓丈苊摊 %s"
66 "%d 远毓丈苊摊 %s"
67 "%d 远毓丈铒犒摊 %s"
68 "%d 远毓丈铒犒摊 %s"
69 "狺俅呢囚倾· 铢衮破呷容些軎·"
$ * The current mail message selected is already displayed in a separate
$ * window. Therefore this 'separate' window will be raised in front
$ * of existing windows so the user can see it.
$ */
70 "忐煅嘁挝释肽嘻庥堑..."
71 "缳耐庥堑"
72 "睚贴"
73 "探旨"
74 "睚贴"
75 "睚贴"
76 "睚贴"
77 "诶却摹远呢怃邛嘻厢<E598BB>嬉弭、偏卒芍却烃栖竺囚院恃嘻涅诈·\n惝厥菡远毓丈衮淠注<E6B7A0>曦菡远呢怃邛嘻厢<E598BB>嬉弭\n嘻葙谫· 嵌若烃栖竺囚院恃嘻涅诈衮拟淠醛页菡远毓丈嘻\n摹蒎枪· 诶偏盆损祁≈贫囚浠篁∽盆竺囚院恃嘻涅诈、倾葙谫莘\n注<6E>盆靴、拟绱院恃嘻涅诈衮拟淠醛页菡远厢<E8BF9C>嬉弭\n嘻摹蒎枪·"
78 "菝贴庥堑蛸恸..."
79 "镖溱虽赝砒"
80 "拟友镖溱、赝砒"
81 "菡远厢<E8BF9C>嬉弭偏卒芍却偏盆葸醛<E891B8>屿浯栅嘻\n\淘棚· 喧<>诶薏秋强睚贴盆靴、锹仝如菡远厢<E8BF9C>嬉弭· 邱为诶睚贴、铢押≈睚贴∽¨ 铢押≈探旨∽、盆探旨仝如·"
82 "却杀末七倾损祁菡远详町·\n诶泖友友叔髡贴尢窳痃散忝々"
83 "缳耐庥堑嘁挝艚探髡贴尢窳痃散菡远详町·\n诶泖友盆倌<E79B86>嘻雾梃怃邛菡远详町忝々"
$ * The following sentence means %d number of mail messages have
$ * been deleted from the mail folder. This is the plural form
$ * of the message that gets printed if more than one message
$ * is moved.
$ */
84 "纱劓 %d 毓丈"
$ * The following sentence means %d number of mail messages have
$ * been deleted from the mail folder. This is the singular
$ * form of the message that gets printed if only one message
$ * is moved.
$ */
85 "纱劓 %d 毓丈"
86 "篝宴浠嘻庥堑..."
$ * This dialog comes up when the user tries to quit the
$ * mailbox. The user is asked if they want to destroy
$ * the deleted messages.
$ */
87 "缳耐庥堑 - <20>蒺"
88 "镖溱纱劓嘻毓丈虽<E4B888>蒺菡远详町忝々"
89 "镖溱虽<E6BAB1>蒺"
90 "像昼虽<E698BC>蒺"
$ * Post a dialog explaining that the action was invalid
$ */
91 "嘁挝仝如嘁真嘻侬散·"
$ * Post a dialog explaining that the action failed.
$ */
92 "仝如侬散坡邗—"
93 "蛸贴嘻璺琦 %s 著七卒佘仝如·\n押摹亩≈睚贴∽盆仝如、托≈探旨∽盆岣手·"
94 "缳耐庥堑嘁挝尢窳髡贴菡远\n详町、寝页朔苡栖沁筌·\n\n品却倾群针、诶偏盆蛸疱篇怃邛菡远详町\n页倌<E9A1B5>雾梃、托怃邛菡远详町页<E794BA>煅雾梃仍拟尢窳\n髡贴、(品却倾嘁末损祁菡远详町针、倪邱群损祁)·"
95 "倌<>"
96 "<22>煅"
$set 5
1 "缳耐庥堑"
2 "缳耐庥堑"
3 "蛹韵淼厥砒群毓丈\n\ 鞋厢<E99E8B>嬉弭你驮散嘻院恃衮\n\ 淠蜍坡·"
$ * The user tried to send a messages without saving changes in
$ * some open attachments. This warning makes sure that is what
$ * the user intended.
$ */
4 "铢品蛸探摹远厢<E8BF9C>嬉弭\n\ 嘤靴蛸探≈恃秦∽"
$ * Mailer ran out of memory. Ask the user to quit some other
$ * applications so there will be more memory available.
$ */
5 "毓丈你衍髓软蛇却毹、\n寝页破虽栖俣澌摊朔苡你嵌若呢稀嘻损祁席·\n铢睚贴岩闪驮却嘻软蛇舍却真、嘤靴锹孳摹裙·"
$ * Mailer ran out of memory. Ask the user to quit some other
$ * applications so there will be more memory available.
$ */
6 "缳耐庥堑 嘻卮鹳<E58DAE>拟送、嘁挝厥砒\n菡远毓丈·\n铢岣手抬澎筌祁幔娶、\n嘤靴锹惝摹裙·"
$ * There was an error from the mail transport (sendmail).
$ */
7 "倾惝厥诶嘻毓丈针却蜚毹圊祈·\n铢篝宴菡远毓丈岩闪莘拳摊· 邱为烃栖拳摊、\n托萋诶腈友屿惝摹裙·"
$ * User trying to send a message that has no addressed recipient.
$ */
8 "铢瑭孳≈惝厥∽倾牙贴菡远毓丈嘻谫拳席逆靴、\n\倾 拳堑末:, 佾欺:, 托 Bcc: <20>软·"
$set 12
1 "厢<>嬉弭"
2 "厢<>嬉弭"
3 "displayCount"
4 "嘁挝葙谫 FIFO 篁争〃%s"
5 "嘁挝葙谫求镊种直篁争〃%s"
6 "嘁挝葙谫气蜱〃%s"
7 "嘁挝葙谫俅阳种直篁争〃%s"
8 "嘁挝葙谫 socket 篁争〃%s"
$set 13
1 "嘁挝喧恰"
2 "嘁挝煅墨"
$ Strings from dtmail/AttachCmds.C
$set 14
1 "披墨厢<E5A2A8>嬉弭"
2 "嘁挝怃邛 %s"
3 "嘁挝葙谫 FIFO 篁争〃%s"
4 "嘁挝葙谫求镊种直篁争〃%s"
5 "嘁挝葙谫气蜱〃%s"
6 "嘁挝葙谫俅阳种直篁争〃%s"
7 "嘁挝葙谫 socket 篁争〃%s"
8 "嘁挝怃邛 %s"
9 "缳耐庥堑 - 厢<>嬉弭恃秦"
10 "氅忘"
11 "衮厢<E8A1AE>嬉弭竺囚页"
$set 15
1 "诶呢孱却烃栖竺囚嘻院恃涅诈·\n诶偏盆竺囚诶嘻院恃涅诈、托腕酃诶嘻院恃涅诈、\n托嫌沁诶母裙枳驺嘻软弭·"
2 "竺囚"
3 "腕酃"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,828 +0,0 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtcm.msg /main/3 1995/12/08 09:49:39 rswiston $
$quote "
$set 1
1 "dtcm〃庥堑蕃食蜱你嘻拳堑末<E5A091>软岩熄嘻\n"
2 "蕃食蜱 - %s"
3 "pm"
4 "am"
5 "pm"
6 "am"
7 "\n\n\t** 如绥痦邕尹 **\n\n\t攀哝〃\t%s\n\t怃填针怄〃\t%s\n\t岣手针怄〃\t%s\n\t绥岂〃\t%s"
8 "溶 %2d:%02d"
9 "am"
10 "pm"
11 "am"
12 "pm"
13 "溶 %02d%02d 容 %02d%02d"
16 "诶拟卒劓篇涅贴如绥痦"
17 "蛸探勖劓篇嘻秦辎"
20 "些突<E4BA9B>软你嘻攀哝嘁真"
21 "罹蛞悄闲..."
22 "鲞<>劈卒闲恸气"
23 "母馕"
24 "欺馕"
25 "亩馕"
26 "母远盘"
27 "亩远盘"
28 "些突〃"
29 "如幔闲..."
30 "庥堑..."
31 "<22>泣嘻如绥痦"
32 "<22>泣嘻如绥痦"
33 "攀"
34 "延哝"
35 "盘"
36 "取"
37 "针俅..."
38 "邕尹悄闲..."
40 "篝狺"
41 "掾势..."
42 "些突攀哝..."
65 "篁争"
68 "悄峭气些狺俅"
69 "悄峭..."
72 "蛸恸..."
73 "岣手"
74 "邕尹..."
76 "罹蛞"
77 "牒煞氅忘"
79 "闹散..."
80 "俣扔骜砧..."
82 "损祁牒煞氅忘..."
84 "<22>泣抬澎如绥痦..."
85 "乓绀如绥痦..."
86 "劈卒闲罹蛞鹇..."
87 "鲞<>"
88 "聂挪"
89 "倾 quit_handler\n"
90 "蜚毹怃邛如绥痦篁争"
91 "rpc.cmsd 属却沁筌诶嘻损祁席秦辎·\n铢睚贴 inetd 幔施七倾仝如赔\n inetd.conf 你 rpc.cmsd 嘻庑墨<E5BA91>软岩七睚嘻·"
92 "损祁席秦辎"
93 "配瘼"
94 "如绥痦蜚毹"
95 "<22><>"
96 "如绥痦篁争拟囚倾、枳"
97 "如绥痦篁争拟囚倾、枳"
98 "如绥痦蜚毹"
99 "<22><>"
100 "属却秦辎"
101 "rpc.cmsd 属却沁筌、枳"
102 "rpc.cmsd 属却沁筌诶嘻损祁席秦辎·\n铢睚贴 inetd 幔施七倾仝如 赔\n inetd.conf 你 rpc.cmsd 嘻庑墨<E5BA91>软岩七睚嘻·"
103 "损祁席秦辎"
104 "配瘼"
105 "如绥痦 : 蜚毹"
106 "<22><>"
107 "%s: 属却秦辎"
108 "如绥痦软弭属却牙贴、枳"
109 "软弭属却牙贴¨ 铢衮配瘼秦辎披墨\n[种吞⑦<E5909E>泣] 菝贴你嘻 [啬填如绥痦狺俅]·\n蛹诶盆 -c 蛸恸仝如如绥痦 (dtcm)、铢睚贴诶呢牙贴魔配瘼·"
110 "如绥痦蜚毹"
111 "<22><>"
112 "dtcm 暖 rpc.cmsd 侮欺拟茄·"
113 "如绥痦"
114 "摹盘"
115 "抹盘"
116 "牡盘"
117 "凭盘"
118 "撵盘"
119 "您盘"
120 "膜盘"
121 "默盘"
122 "摩盘"
123 "牟盘"
124 "牟摹盘"
125 "牟抹盘"
126 "摹盘"
127 "抹盘"
128 "牡盘"
129 "凭盘"
130 "撵盘"
131 "您盘"
132 "膜盘"
133 "默盘"
134 "摩盘"
135 "牟盘"
136 "牟摹盘"
137 "牟抹盘"
138 "延哝攀"
139 "延哝摹"
140 "延哝抹"
141 "延哝牡"
142 "延哝凭"
143 "延哝撵"
144 "延哝您"
145 "延哝攀"
146 "延哝攀"
147 "延哝摹"
148 "延哝抹"
149 "延哝牡"
150 "延哝凭"
151 "延哝撵"
152 "延哝您"
153 "延哝攀"
154 "攀"
155 "摹"
156 "抹"
157 "牡"
158 "凭"
159 "撵"
160 "您"
161 "攀"
162 "攀"
163 "摹"
164 "抹"
165 "牡"
166 "凭"
167 "撵"
168 "您"
169 "攀"
170 "延哝攀"
171 "延哝摹"
172 "延哝抹"
173 "延哝牡"
174 "延哝凭"
175 "延哝撵"
176 "延哝您"
177 "延哝攀"
178 "诶呢倾鲞<E580BE> %s"
186 "dtcm 曦 rpc.cmsd 侮欺拟茄"
187 "祁挝〃\n\tdtcm_delete [-c calendar] [-d <mm/dd/yy>] [-v view]\n"
188 "\n嘁挝怃邛如绥痦 %s\n"
189 "拟忘"
190 "勖纱劓恸气 (胬睿)? "
191 "祁挝〃\n\tdtcm_insert [ -c calendar ] [-d <mm/dd/yy>] [ -v view ]\n"
192 " [-w what string] [-s <HH:MMam/pm>] [-e <HH:MMam/pm>]\n"
193 "铢躏墨诶友披墨嘻邕尹骜毓·\n涅贴垣淠<E59EA3>泣倾涯胬你·\n"
194 "如绥痦 (%s): "
195 "攀哝 (%s): "
196 "怃填针怄 (%s): "
197 "诶躏墨魔嘁真嘻针怄·铢锹孳摹裙〃\n"
198 "岣手针怄 (%s): "
199 "岣手针怄 (%s): "
200 "摹裙"
201 "屿铒 (%s): "
202 "摹裙"
203 "嘁涅贴垣"
204 "枳王 (%s): "
205 "绥岂 (诶薏情偏蛴墨撵如、铢损祁 ^D 岣手)〃\n"
206 "\n嘁挝怃邛如绥痦 %s\n"
207 "祁挝〃\n\tdtcm_lookup [ -c calendar ][ -d <mm/dd/yy> ] [ -v view ]\n"
208 "\n嘁挝怃邛如绥痦 \"%s\"\n"
209 "拟忘"
210 "邕尹淠陉墨诶七倾鲞<E580BE>嘻如绥痦你·\n 诶友衮抬陉墨忝?"
211 "陉墨"
212 "陉墨邕尹"
214 "勖陉墨嘻邕尹〃 %s\n"
218 "牙贴嘁真嘻攀哝"
219 "牙贴嘁真嘻怃填针怄"
220 "牙贴嘁真嘻岣手针怄"
221 "攀哝<E69480>软熄契托盼淄"
222 "怃填针怄<E99288>软熄契托盼淄"
223 "绥岂<E7BBA5>软熄契托盼淄"
224 "屿铒暖枳王<E69EB3>软拟苁琴"
225 "陉墨邕尹探旨〃"
226 "陉墨邕尹针圊祈涅蒎蜚毹"
227 "陉墨邕尹探旨"
228 "绁墨邕尹"
229 "<22><>"
230 "皖瘸邕尹"
231 "蛸探邕尹嘤靴锹皖瘸"
232 "<22><>"
234 "皖瘸邕尹"
235 "<22><>"
236 "CalendarAppointment"
237 "XCreateBitmapFromData() 软镊研斋坡邗·\n"
238 "XCreateBitmapFromData() 锾艴坡邗·\n"
239 "DragStart 惝沁 NULL·\n"
242 "am"
243 "pm"
244 "%s 3:41am"
245 "am"
246 "pm"
247 "邕尹嘻岣手针怄乓怃填针怄犬·\n诶友衮抬陉倾\n亩摹挪忝?"
248 "邕尹罹陉"
250 "亩摹挪"
251 "散席"
252 "纱劓邕尹"
253 "铢蛸探邕尹嘤靴锹纱劓·"
254 "<22><>"
255 "纱劓邕尹"
256 "蛸探邕尹针圊祈涅蒎蜚毹·\n邕尹栖探旨·"
257 "<22><>"
258 "收恃邕尹"
259 "铢蛸探邕尹嘤靴锹收恃·"
260 "<22><>"
261 "收恃邕尹"
262 "蛸探邕尹针圊祈涅蒎蜚毹·\n邕尹栖收恃·"
263 "<22><>"
267 "收恃邕尹"
268 "菡远邕尹岩摹朔悄屿铒邕尹嘻摹蒎枪·\n诶友收恃忝...?"
270 "惘群摹远"
271 "突亩"
272 "抢蒎"
273 "纱劓邕尹"
274 "菡远邕尹岩摹朔悄屿铒邕尹嘻摹蒎枪·\n诶友纱劓忝...?"
276 "惘群摹远"
277 "突亩"
278 "抢蒎"
279 "如绥痦邕尹罹蛞鹇"
280 "篝狺邕尹悄闲"
281 "挽楣、属却邕尹偏悄闲!"
282 "<22><>"
283 "如绥痦 -- 掾势鹇"
284 "掾势〃"
285 "掾势"
289 "牒煞氅忘"
290 "铢牙贴勖洳掾嘻邕尹求入"
291 "栖圊堍邕尹·"
292 "势摊 %d 远曦洳掾砗漤肄苁席"
293 "攀哝〃"
294 "些突"
296 "牒煞氅忘"
297 "铢躏墨攀哝"
298 "诶呢倾篝狺 %s"
299 "嘁真嘻攀哝"
300 "散席"
304 "庥堑..."
305 "咂墨妃苴邕尹"
306 "铢蛸探如绥痦锹咂墨·"
307 "<22><>"
308 "纱劓邕尹"
309 "铢蛸疱摹远邕尹、嘤靴锹纱劓摹裙·"
310 "<22><>"
311 "纱劓邕尹"
312 "蛸探邕尹针圊祈涅蒎蜚毹·\n邕尹栖纱劓·"
313 "<22><>"
314 "纱劓妃苴邕尹"
315 "铢蛸疱如绥痦锹纱劓·"
316 "<22><>"
317 "纱劓邕尹"
318 "菡远邕尹岩摹朔悄屿铒邕尹嘻摹蒎枪·\n诶友纱劓忝...?"
320 "惘群摹远"
321 "突亩"
322 "抢蒎"
323 "收恃邕尹"
324 "铢蛸疱邕尹锹纱劓·"
325 "<22><>"
326 "收恃邕尹"
327 "蛸疱邕尹针圊祈涅蒎蜚毹·\n邕尹栖收恃·"
328 "<22><>"
329 "收恃妃苴邕尹"
330 "铢蛸探如绥痦锹收恃·"
331 "<22><>"
332 "收恃邕尹"
333 "菡远邕尹岩摹朔悄屿铒邕尹嘻摹蒎枪·\n诶友收恃忝...?"
335 "惘群摹远"
336 "突亩"
337 "抢蒎"
340 "如绥痦"
341 "囚探"
342 "咂墨"
343 "收恃"
348 "咂墨萋偏<E8908B>"
349 "如绥痦妃苴邕尹罹蛞鹇"
350 "蛸探璺琦蜚毹、嘁挝<E59881><E68C9D>·\n"
351 "蛸探莘损祁席你鏊·\n"
352 "诶埔恻倾筌祁幔娶你蛸探摹远镊堑·"
353 "属却针怄"
354 "抢挪"
355 "嘁挝怃邛 callog 篁争·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
356 "筌损祁席友叔、散淦探旨·\n如绥痦"
357 "攀哝<E69480>软你却嘁真垣·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
358 "怃填针怄<E99288>软你却嘁真垣·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
359 "岣手针怄<E99288>软你却嘁真垣·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
360 "诶埔恻呷蓑攀哝垣·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
361 "诶埔恻呷蓑怃填针怄垣·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
362 "诶埔恻呷蓑[绥岂]·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
363 "嘁真托拟苁琴嘻屿铒托枳王垣·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
364 "罹蛞鹇散淦坡邗"
365 "<22><>"
367 "如绥痦呢囚倾·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
368 "如绥痦拟囚倾·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
370 "阪<>蜚毹· 萋偏<E8908B>蛙岷·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
378 "卮鹳<E58DAE>刭弭蜚毹 -- 卮鹳<E58DAE>拟送·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
383 "拟忘嘻蜚毹·\n散淦探旨· 如绥痦"
386 "孚邕尹嘻岣手针怄乓怃填针怄犬·\n诶友衮破陉摊苌抹挪忝?"
387 "陉墨邕尹"
389 "苌抹挪"
390 "顺亠吞〃"
391 "损祁席如绥痦软弭〃"
392 "攀姨罾〃"
393 "怃填针怄〃"
394 "岣手针怄〃"
395 "难针<E99ABE>泣派娶〃"
396 "12 难针瘫"
397 "24 难针瘫"
398 "涅贴<E6B685>泣派娶〃"
399 "取"
400 "盘"
401 "延哝"
402 "攀"
403 "啬填如绥痦篝狺"
404 "损祁席囚探"
405 "铢容欧蛸探摹远萋偏<E8908B>·"
406 "<22><>"
407 "如绥痦妃苴囚探菝贴垣 -- 劓篇"
408 "铢强蛸探摹远秦辎·"
409 "<22><>"
410 "损祁席秦辎〃"
411 "炝披秦辎"
412 "萋偏<E8908B>"
413 "萋偏<E8908B>"
414 "劓篇秦辎"
415 "B = 鲞<> I = 咂墨 D = 纱劓"
416 "萋偏<E8908B>〃"
417 "鲞<>"
418 "咂墨"
419 "纱劓"
420 "气砗〃"
421 "峭闲瘼"
422 "篁争"
423 "峭闲瘼〃"
424 "气蜱〃"
425 "蛸恸〃"
426 "篁争〃"
427 "煜轩〃"
428 "仨轩〃"
429 "软弭〃"
430 "饬剖<E9A5AC>羁恿钦戆"
431 "饬亩<E9A5AC>羁恿钦戆"
432 "尢软〃"
433 "枪戆〃"
434 "芍涯〃"
435 "<22>泣针怄曦牌求邕尹"
436 "惘<>泣针怄邕尹"
437 "拟<>泣邕尹"
438 "攀哝恹施〃"
439 "MM | DD | YY"
440 "DD | MM | YY"
441 "YY | MM | DD"
442 "攀哝拧缫镊〃"
443 "熄契"
444 "竺囚如绥痦蛸恸"
445 "煅墨 ~/.desksetdefaults 针圊祈蜚毹·\n铢睚贴诶却煅墨群篁争嘻萋偏<E8908B>·"
446 "<22><>"
447 "<22>探如绥痦蛸恸"
448 "溶 ~/.desksetdefaults <20>探针圊祈蜚毹·\n铢睚贴诶却<E8AFB6>探群篁争嘻萋偏<E8908B>·"
449 "<22><>"
450 "如绥痦蛸恸牒煞氅忘"
451 "诶却烃栖竺囚嘻收恃·\n诶偏盆蛸疱竺囚收恃蒎拧。腕酃院恃。\n托席嫌沁强些倾枳驺你嘻软弭·"
452 "竺囚"
453 "岣手"
454 "竺囚如绥痦蛸恸"
456 "<22><>"
457 "如绥痦蛸恸"
458 "如绥痦 -- 蛸恸"
459 "辍<>〃"
460 "苫太筌祁"
463 "牒煞氅忘"
464 "ps_open_file(): 恻牙贴气蜱托篁争\n"
465 "ps_open_file(): 嘁真嘻气蜱 %s\n"
466 "w+"
467 "ps_open_file(): 嘁挝怃邛篁争 %s\n"
468 "喻戆"
469 "岂如绥痦戋堋赞伉攀篝狺"
470 "母农"
471 "亩农"
472 "pm"
473 "如绥痦戋堋赞悄泣选蛑绥恸"
474 "如绥痦戋堋赞悄泣邕尹"
475 "喻戆"
476 "逆"
477 "如绥痦戋堋赞逆盘枪篝狺"
478 "逆"
479 "喻戆"
480 "延哝攀"
481 "延哝摹"
482 "延哝抹"
483 "延哝牡"
484 "延哝凭"
485 "延哝撵"
486 "延哝您"
487 "ps_init_printer(): 嘁挝怃邛 postscript prolog 篁〃%s\n"
488 "逆"
489 " 喻"
490 "如绥痦戋堋赞伉摹馕篝狺"
491 "摹"
492 "抹"
493 "牡"
494 "凭"
495 "撵"
496 "您"
497 "攀"
505 "延哝您"
506 "延哝攀"
507 "如绥痦戋堋赞伉取篝狺"
508 "如绥痦戋堋赞伉取篝狺"
523 "选蛑绥恸〃%d 嘻取"
524 "邕尹悄闲〃%d 嘻取"
525 "选蛑绥恸〃%s"
526 "邕尹悄闲〃%s"
527 "选蛑绥恸〃苌 %s 馕"
528 "邕尹悄闲〃苌 %s 馕"
529 "选蛑绥恸〃%s"
530 "邕尹悄闲〃%s"
531 "输远 %d %s"
532 "如绥痦 : 屿铒馕哝"
533 "屿铒馕哝〃"
534 "圊祈王〃"
535 "枳王〃"
536 "顺亠吞〃"
537 "邕尹如幔闲"
538 "诶友衮群邕尹陉倾孚盘嘻苌凭馕\n托薏靴摹馕忝?"
540 "母延哝"
541 "苌凭馕"
542 "输 %d %s"
543 "输 %d %s"
544 "输 %d %s"
559 "鲞<> %s..."
560 "如绥痦 -- <20>泣抬澎如绥痦"
561 "损祁席秦辎〃"
562 "<22>泣"
564 "牒煞氅忘"
565 "散席"
566 "纱劓选蛑绥恸"
567 "铢蛸探选蛑绥恸锹纱劓·"
568 "<22><>"
569 "纱劓选蛑绥恸"
570 "蛸探选蛑绥恸针圊祈涅蒎蜚毹·\n选蛑绥恸栖纱劓·"
571 "<22><>"
572 "纱劓选蛑绥恸"
573 "群选蛑绥恸岩屿铒朔悄嘻摹蒎枪·\n诶友纱劓忝 ...?"
575 "惘群摹远"
576 "突亩"
577 "抢蒎"
578 "收恃选蛑绥恸"
579 "群选蛑绥恸岩屿铒朔悄嘻摹蒎枪·\n诶友收恃忝 ...?"
581 "惘群摹远"
582 "突亩"
583 "抢蒎"
584 "收恃选蛑绥恸"
585 "铢蛸疱选蛑绥恸锹收恃·"
586 "<22><>"
587 "收恃选蛑绥恸"
588 "蛸探选蛑绥恸针圊祈涅蒎蜚毹·\n选蛑绥恸栖收恃·"
589 "<22><>"
590 "桊畔攀哝〃"
591 "如绥痦选蛑绥恸罹蛞鹇"
595 "%s 怃填嘻僳摹馕"
596 "延哝摹 %d"
597 "延哝抹 %d"
598 "延哝牡 %d"
599 "延哝凭 %d"
600 "延哝撵 %d"
601 "延哝您 %d"
602 "延哝攀 %d"
603 "蛸疱勖披墨损祁席秦辎<E7A7A6>软嘻秦辎"
604 "呢倾悄闲你"
605 "牒煞氅忘"
606 "如绥痦蜚毹"
607 "涅蒎蜚毹狻捧如绥痦秦辎"
608 "<22><>"
609 "如绥痦蜚毹"
610 "探诘如绥痦秦辎针圊祈涅蒎蜚毹"
611 "<22><>"
612 "渫<>..."
613 "<22>王如绥痦..."
617 "聂挪"
618 " -session 趴戆腈友摹远俣戆\n"
619 "铢倾知娶你躏墨如绥痦秦辎〃 <user>@<hostname>"
620 "拟忘如绥痦·腈友如绥痦秦辎〃 <name>%s"
621 "铢倾知娶你躏墨如绥痦秦辎〃 <user>@<hostname>"
622 "拟忘配瘼秦·腈友配瘼秦 %s@<hostname>"
623 "如绥痦嘁挝<E59881>泣1970取1盘1攀些嘻攀哝"
624 "如绥痦嘁挝<E59881>泣2037取12盘31攀靴嘻攀哝"
625 "绀欧"
626 "绀情"
627 "邕尹"
628 "针怄 绥岂"
629 "烃却"
631 "%d 劬苁琴求入圊堍"
632 "铢溶悄闲你蛸探邕尹盆<E5B0B9>泣"
633 "蛸探嘻如绥痦"
634 "蛸探嘻如绥痦"
635 "绀欧"
636 "绀情"
637 "锹唆"
641 "腮韦鹇嘁挝页牙贴嘻软弭探诘\n杲纣软蛇〃 嘁真嘻配瘼秦辎·"
642 "rpc.cmsd daemon 栖狻捧·\n铢睚毳 rpc.cmsd 呢七睚区嬉倾诶嘻朔苡你·"
643 "嘁挝囚探如绥痦. 如绥痦"
644 "邕尹裙戆〃"
645 "呀<>针怄"
646 "拧<>"
647 "宴镥 %s..."
648 "SunDex"
649 "如绥痦 - 针俅"
650 "始嘻针怄"
652 "茕桦针怄"
653 "GMT"
654 "难针"
655 "睚贴"
656 "苫太筌祁"
658 "牒煞氅忘"
659 "针俅〃"
660 "针俅〃"
662 "针俅〃"
663 "绀欧"
664 "绀情"
666 "收情"
667 "如绥痦拟淠<E68B9F>泣 1970 取 1 盘 1 攀些嘻攀哝·"
668 "如绥痦拟淠<E68B9F>泣 2037 取 12 盘 31 攀靴嘻攀哝·"
670 "Dtcm"
671 "侮欺"
672 "院釉侮欺"
674 "侮<> (c) 1993, 1994:"
675 "Hewlett-Packard Company"
676 "International Business Machines Corp."
677 "Novell, Inc."
678 "Sun Microsystems, Inc."
679 "收情..."
680 "<22>蒺"
681 "如绥痦<E7BBA5>煞席"
682 "菡远如绥痦嘻呷蓑席〃"
683 "<22>蒺"
684 "损祁席秦辎拟卒琵芍熄知托纥知求镊"
685 "损祁席秦辎〃"
686 "炝披秦辎"
687 "劓篇秦辎"
688 "鲞<>劈卒闲恸气"
689 "睚贴"
690 "筌祁"
691 "屿菝"
693 "牒煞氅忘"
696 "祁挝〃\n\tdtcm_admin [ -d ] [ -a action ] [ -c calendar ][ -s <mm/dd/yy] [ -e <mm/dd/yy] [-f filename]\n"
697 "You have specified an unsupported administration operation \"%s\".\n"
698 "\n嘁挝怃邛蛴砒篁 \"%s\"\n"
699 "\n嘁挝怃邛蛴墨篁 \"%s\"\n"
700 "陲酃"
702 "牒煞氅忘"
703 "母亩牌"
704 "%d 取"
705 "%s"
706 "%s 馕"
707 "%s"
708 "朔苡嘁挝蛘<E68C9D>菡远邕尹嘻屿铒派娶·驮却砒堍莰葭淠莘恃<E88E98>·\n诶捏鳟泖<E9B39F>收群邕尹忝々"
710 "<22><>"
711 "朔苡嘁挝蛘<E68C9D>菡远邕尹嘻屿铒派娶·驮却砒堍莰葭淠莘纱劓·\n诶捏鳟泖纱劓群邕尹忝々"
712 "<22><>"
713 "诶蛸疱嘻怃填攀哝乓岣手攀哝犬·"
714 "悄闲你属却邕尹·倾<C2B7>泣逆些、诶埔恻强势砒摹远邕尹·"
715 "如绥痦 - 摊衍远攀哝"
716 "朔苡嘁挝蛘<E68C9D>菡远邕尹嘻屿铒派娶·驮却砒堍莰葭淠莘纱劓·\n诶捏鳟泖纱劓群邕尹忝々"
717 "<22><>"
718 "朔苡嘁挝蛘<E68C9D>菡远邕尹嘻屿铒派娶·驮却砒堍莰葭淠莘恃<E88E98>·\n诶捏鳟泖<E9B39F>收群邕尹忝々"
720 "<22><>"
721 "抬澎妃苴嘻醛赞偏盆宴亦针怄滔牌求"
722 "抬澎妃苴嘻醛赞品卒宴亦针怄"
723 "抬澎妃苴嘻醛赞嘁挝宴亦嵌若涅诈"
724 "针怄邕尹你拟卒牙贴摹远绥恸垣·如绥痦"
725 "如绥痦恸气拟囚倾·\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
727 "诶嘻友叔呢绶针\n铢睚毳 rpc.cmsd 岩闪七睚区嬉倾诶嘻朔苡母·"
728 "如绥痦 - 悄峭"
729 "峭闲瘼秦辎〃"
730 "枪戆〃"
731 "诜〃"
732 "摊〃"
733 " 悄峭淘棚蛸恸〃"
734 "悄峭容篁争〃"
735 "悄峭"
737 "牒煞氅忘"
738 "囚探悄闲〃"
739 "囚探<E59B9A>〃"
740 "炝披"
741 "纱劓"
742 "收恃"
743 "狞祁〃"
744 "皮顺末〃"
745 "顺末〃"
746 "柚亦"
747 "咂墨"
748 "收恃"
749 "友倾囚探悄闲你炝披摹远恸气逆些、埔恻强菝贴秦辎曦囚探<E59B9A>"
750 "如绥痦妃苴囚探菝贴 -- 炝披"
751 "囚探悄闲你呢孱却菡远恸气魔·诶泖收恃忝々"
752 "如绥痦妃苴囚探菝贴 -- 炝披"
753 "收恃"
755 "如绥痦妃苴囚探菝贴 -- 收恃"
756 "友倾囚探悄闲你孚恃衍远恸气逆些、埔恻强菝贴秦辎曦囚探<E59B9A>"
757 "如绥痦妃苴囚探菝贴 -- 收恃"
758 "农踢"
759 "垣"
760 "垣"
761 "陲酃"
762 "罹蛞鹇涅贴垣"
763 "<22>泣鹇菝贴"
764 "囚探悄闲曦萋偏<E8908B>"
765 "峭闲瘼菝贴"
766 "攀哝知娶"
767 "睚贴"
768 "屿菝"
772 "诶嘁挝竺囚熄契嘻损祁席如绥痦软弭\n托岩摹远涅芍熄契嘻软弭·\n诶嘻种吞菝贴嘁挝竺囚·"
773 "诶嘁挝竺囚熄契嘻损祁席如绥痦狺俅\n托岩摹远涅芍熄契嘻狺俅·\n诶嘻种吞菝贴嘁挝竺囚·"
774 "ps_open_file()〃友悄峭摊篁争、埔恻牙贴篁秦\n"
775 "诶埔恻牙贴摹远蕃食蜱庑怅\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
776 "蕃食蜱庑怅拟卒芍却熄知\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
777 "庑怅垣埔恻岩摹远戆垣披母蛸疱吞嘻苁胬\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
778 "如绥痦选蛑绥恸牒煞氅忘"
779 "诶却烃栖竺囚嘻<E59B9A>收·\n诶偏盆蛸疱竺囚<E7ABBA>收蒎拧。陲酃<E999B2>收、\n托岩嫌沁强些倾枳驺你嘻软弭·"
780 "陲酃"
781 "柚亦"
782 "抢蒎"
783 "选莰堋"
784 "声醛"
785 "睚贴"
786 "筌祁"
788 "牒煞氅忘"
789 "选蛑绥恸<E7BBA5>形〃"
790 "母亩牌"
791 "朔苡嘁挝蛘<E68C9D>菡远选蛑绥恸嘻屿铒派娶·驮却砒堍莰葭淠莘恃<E88E98>·\n诶捏鳟泖<E9B39F>收群选蛑绥恸忝々"
793 "<22><>"
794 "朔苡嘁挝蛘<E68C9D>菡远邕尹嘻屿铒派娶·驮却砒堍莰葭淠莘恃<E88E98>·\n诶捏鳟泖<E9B39F>收群邕尹忝々"
796 "<22><>"
797 "选蛑绥恸"
798 "桊畔针怄〃"
799 "声醛"
800 "咂墨"
801 "收恃"
802 "纱劓"
803 "垡劓"
805 "牒煞氅忘"
806 "%d 取"
807 "%s"
808 "%s 馕"
809 "%s"
810 "铢蛴墨摹远 1/1/1970 盆靴嘻怃填攀哝"
811 "怃填攀哝知娶却毹"
812 "铢蛴墨摹远 1/1/2038 盆些嘻岣手攀哝"
813 "岣手攀哝知娶却毹"
814 "诶蛴墨嘻攀哝埔恻孽王乳镊 1969 曦 2038 取逆怄"
815 "诶蛴墨嘻攀哝埔恻孽王乳镊 1969 曦 2038 取逆怄"
816 "攀"
817 "馕"
818 "盘"
819 "哝怄垣埔恻岩摹远痨戆、赔拟琵芍嵌若苁胬·\n诶嘻种吞菝贴嘁挝竺囚·"
820 "怃填垣埔恻岩摹远却真嘻针怄·\n诶嘻种吞菝贴嘁挝竺囚·"
821 "诶牙贴嘻悄峭煜轩垣拟琴挝·\n诶嘻种吞菝贴嘁挝竺囚·"
822 "诶牙贴嘻悄峭仨轩垣拟琴挝·\n诶嘻种吞菝贴嘁挝竺囚·"
825 "攀"
826 "馕"
827 "盘"
828 "攀哝〃"
829 "怃填〃"
830 "AM"
831 "PM"
832 "岣手〃"
833 "AM"
834 "PM"
835 "绥恸〃"
836 "螈埯"
837 "咂墨/收恃选蛑绥恸"
839 "如绥痦〃蕃食蜱"
840 "<22>蒺"
841 "押摹亩\≈披墨秦辎\∽苫偏披墨摹远秦辎、押摹亩\≈筌祁\∽偏盆睚毳收恃·"
842 "惝厥嘻骜毓你属却\n嵌若邕尹·"
843 "皖瘸暖贴软痃散坡邗·"
844 "嘁挝势砒惝厥嘻骜毓·"
845 "皖瘸暖贴软痃散坡邗\n涅蒎摹映吞蜚毹·"
846 "竺囚"
847 "屿菝"
848 "攀哝"
849 "针怄"
850 "绥恸"
851 "<22>泣邕尹"
852 "摹裙"
853 "输攀摹裙"
854 "输馕摹裙"
855 "输抹馕摹裙"
856 "输远盘嘻输摹挪"
857 "输远盘嘻输远闹散挪"
858 "输取摹裙"
859 "延哝摹摊延哝撵"
860 "延哝摹。延哝牡。延哝撵"
861 "延哝抹。延哝凭"
862 "屿铒螈埯、输..."
863 "2"
864 "3"
865 "4"
866 "5"
867 "6"
868 "7"
869 "8"
870 "9"
871 "10"
872 "11"
873 "12"
874 "13"
875 "14"
876 "沏肟"
877 "拧<>"
878 "难针"
879 "挪"
880 "牒煞氅忘"
881 "涅蒎蜚毹 #1〃嘁真嘻如绥痦/恸气谡龅·\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
882 "涅蒎蜚毹 #2〃嘁真嘻怅阳散淦谡龅·\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
883 "涅蒎蜚毹 #3〃嘁真嘻骜砧垣·\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
884 "涅蒎蜚毹 #4〃牙贴嘻垣岩倌<E5B2A9><E5808C>吞驮祁·\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
885 "涅蒎蜚毹 #5〃<35>吞垣嘻骜砧<E9AA9C>形牙贴蜚毹·\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
886 "涅蒎蜚毹 #6〃菡摹侮嘻如绥痦拟排呶诶牙贴嘻<E8B4B4>吞·\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
887 "涅蒎蜚毹 #7〃菡摹侮嘻如绥痦拟排呶诶牙贴嘻劈卒\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
888 "涅蒎蜚毹 #8〃牙贴嘻绐戢耐蜚毹·\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
890 "如绥痦韦侪蜚毹"
891 "悄峭"
892 "悄峭嘻攀哝埔恻孽王乳镊 1969 曦 2038 取逆怄·"
893 "悄峭"
894 "≈诜∽攀哝知娶蜚毹"
895 "悄峭"
896 "≈摊∽攀哝知娶蜚毹"
897 "悄峭"
898 "悄峭嘻\≈摊\∽攀哝埔恻乓\≈诜\∽攀哝邾·"
899 "选蛑绥恸悄闲怃填攀哝〃%s"
900 "邕尹悄闲怃填攀哝〃%s"
901 "屿铒螈埯、输..."
902 "延哝摹摊延哝撵"
903 "延哝摹。延哝牡。延哝撵"
904 "延哝抹。延哝凭"
905 "屿铒螈埯、输..."
906 "皖瘸选蛑绥恸"
907 "如绥痦篁争属却熄怄偏祁·\n痃散探旨·如绥痦"
908 "诶拟卒菝贴熄契嘻蕃食蜱垣·\n诶嘻种吞菝贴嘁挝竺囚·"
909 "诶拟卒菝贴摹远涅芍熄契嘻蕃食蜱垣·\n诶嘻种吞菝贴嘁挝竺囚·"
910 "蕃食蜱垣埔恻岩摹远戆垣披母蛸疱吞嘻苁胬·\n诶嘻种吞菝贴嘁挝竺囚·"
911 "诶牙贴嘻剖伲苊垣软弭嘁真·\n诶嘻种吞菝贴嘁挝竺囚·"
912 "诶牙贴嘻骗伲苊垣软弭嘁真·\n诶嘻种吞菝贴嘁挝竺囚·"
913 "摹远≈选蛑绥恸∽恸气埔恻却牌求软王≈绥恸∽恸气嘻苌摹如·"
914 "如绥痦罹蛞鹇痃散坡邗"
915 "如绥痦罹蛞鹇痃散坡邗"
916 "哝怄垣埔恻难王 24 难针·\n诶嘻种吞菝贴嘁挝竺囚·"
917 "淄欧\n璺拾"
918 "淄欧\n璺拾"
919 "如绥痦"
920 "<22>泣·"
921 "嘁挝囚探如绥痦〃"
922 "<22>王如绥痦"
923 "探旨"
924 "探旨"
925 "探旨"
926 "<22>蒺"
927 "探旨"
928 "探旨"
929 "探旨"
930 "咂墨"
931 "收恃"
932 "纱劓"
933 "垡劓"
934 "探旨"
935 "牒煞氅忘"
936 "探旨"
937 "探旨"
938 "探旨"
939 "探旨"
940 "<22>蒺"
941 "<22>蒺"
942 "探旨"
943 "探旨"
944 "探旨"
945 "探旨"
946 "探旨"
947 "探旨"
948 "<22>蒺"
949 "探旨"
950 "探旨"
951 "探旨"
952 "<22>蒺"
953 "探旨"
954 "<22>蒺"
955 "探旨"
956 "探旨"
957 "探旨"
958 "探旨"
959 "探旨"
960 "探旨"
961 "探旨"
962 "探旨"
963 "如绥痦 - 劈卒闲罹蛞鹇"
964 "<22>王恸气"
965 "选蛑绥恸悄闲..."
966 "选蛑绥恸..."
967 "如绥痦戋堋席侮欺"
968 "如绥痦骜砧侮欺"
969 "输...屿铒摹裙"
970 "≈输...屿铒摹裙∽嘻垣埔恻岩栖披却七幼胬嘻痨戆·"
971 "针怄如绥痦"
972 "涅诈"
1012 "如绥痦 - 选声醛绥恸"
1086 "如绥痦 - 邕尹悄闲"
1100 "\n\n\
\t** 如绥痦你嘻选声醛恸气 **\n\n\
1101 "咂墨邕尹"
1102 "咂墨选声醛恸气"
1103 "群选蛑恸气岩屿铒朔悄嘻摹蒎拧·\n\
岩闪友咂墨群恸气 ...?"
1104 "桊畔针怄<E99288>软你嘻垣嘁真·\n\
散淦淠莘探旨· 如绥痦帲欠"
1105 "诶埔恻呷蓑桊畔针怄·\n\
散淦淠莘探旨· 如绥痦"
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
$ $XConsortium$
<EFBFBD>探佑琚 %s·
枳 -p 蛸恸盼淄佑琚秦辎
%s〃拟琴挝嘻蛸恸 \%s\"\n"
土堠 -noproject (-np) 寝佑琚篁争呢牙贴〃%s
篁争 %s你却栖莘哝选嘻佑琚·你鏊
砑苴 %s 栖倾篁争 %s 你圊堍·你鏊
损祁派挝〃%s [蛸恸] [佑琚篁争] [砑苴篁押 [砑相篁争] ...]\n
佾篁秦页 .bip 嘻篁争岩仵菝页 BIL 佑琚篁争、佾篁秦页
.bix 岩仵菝页筇翥嘻 BIL 篁争、仍佾篁秦
页 .bil 嘻篁争岩仵菝页 BIL 砑相篁争·
蛸恸 (* = 涅贴、 + = 嘁佑琚篁争嘻涅贴)〃
-help (-h) 峭砒孚牒煞氅忘毓丈
-main 煅墨琵芍配()嘻篁争
-changed 品塄祈呢收恃嘻篁争
* -merge 衮 generated _stubs.c 篁争曦强些嘻侮欺琴索
-nomerge 纽衮呢囚倾嘻啶啻篁争曦浠嘻啶啻篁争琴索
-nomerge 纽衮呢囚倾嘻啶啻篁争曦浠嘻啶啻篁争琴索
-noproject (-np) 损祁涅贴佑嚯菝贴、土堠佑琚篁争
+ -showall 筌祁幔娶倾邛侬针<E4BEAC>泣驮却狺岌
* -noshowall 筌祁幔娶惘<E5A8B6>泣舷填偏四嘻狺岌
-silent (-s) 夙螓砑娶、嘁嵌若毓丈煅墨
-verbose (-v) 崆鹆砑娶、孥茇嘻庑幔毓丈\n
嘁挝怃邛 '·'
%s〃铢牙贴佑琚篁争 (e.g.
嘁挝刭弭 cgen 骜砧
衮亩悄幔娶睿溶苌 %d 如披墨〃
%s〃配() 溶啶啻篁争你榕坡·
铢俣扔篁争 %s 呢探诘浠嘻配() 芍戆逆骜毓·
配() 溶鳟嘻啶啻篁争你榕坡·
亩悄配() 虽栖披墨浠嘻啶啻篁争〃
=== 岣手 ===
%s〃%s 溶苌%d如靴苫嘁挝尕蔚
%s〃%s 逆韵填涅诈像昼
** 寝蜚毹仍你鏊 **
曦戆求· %s 淠拯疸砑苴
篁争秦辎塄祈 C <20>戆· 铢屿浠淘秦 %s
%s〃衮 %s 逆骜溷煅墨 %s
%s〃堠绱损祁席贴屮嘻 %s
堠绱损祁席贴屮嘻 %s
葙岣 %s => %s
嘁挝苊劓 %s
嘁挝喧恰容 %s嘻葙岣
%s〃衮 %s 蕃枪容 %s
%s %s
堠绱 (属却恃<E58DB4>) %s
堠绱 (呢收浠) %s
寝蜚毹仍堠绱 %s
衮强些嘻 %s 竺囚容 %s
嘁挝塄祈 %s· 篁争寝耄挝蜚毹仍琴索坡邗·
土堠栖莘排呶嘻 WHEN - obj〃<栖淘秦> when〃%s
土堠栖莘排呶嘻 WHEN - obj〃%s when〃%s
栖稀嘻侬散秦辎、 %s
栖稀嘻侬散秦辎、 %d
枳唆溶戊堑嘻侬散嘻栖稀嘻酞戆<EFBFBD>杀、 %s
%s#%d〃掾势 '%s', 圊堍魔 '%s'. 闲泣娶溶苌 %d如怃填
%s#%d〃'%s' 仍属却 '%s'
%s〃'%s' 拟苁琴苌 %d 如!
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtconfig.msg /main/3 1995/11/08 14:05:40 rswiston $
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** File: dtconfig.msg
$ **
$ ** Project: CDE Session Management (dtconfig)
$ **
$ ** Description:
$ ** -----------
$ ** This file is the source for the message catalog for dtconfig
$ **
$ ** Message set 10: IBM
$ ** Message set 20: Sun
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
$ *****************************************************************************
$ ** Message set 10: For IBM platforms
$ *****************************************************************************
$set 10
1 品卒岂仨怅损祁席(superuser)仝如·\n
2 CDE 堍呢菝贴醛涅贴损祁席孽域· 群孽域\n\
3 淘棚如堍呢菝贴醛涅贴损祁席孽域· 群孽域\n\
4 CDE 呢孱菝贴醛涅贴损祁席孽域·
5 淘棚如呢孱菝贴醛涅贴损祁席孽域·\n
6 祁挝: %s\n\
-e (邛祁 dtlogin 嘻 auto-start 劈卒)\n\
-d (探旨 dtlogin 嘻 auto-start 劈卒)\n\
-kill (勰卩 dtlogin)\n\
-reset (屿菝 dtlogin - 屿浠<E5B1BF>探刭弭篁)\n
7 糯情趴戆 \n
8 腈友摹远趴戆 \n
9 嘁挝探旨 xdm、铢俣镥 xdm 罾母呶煞喻盆探旨\n\
xdm 虽锹孳摹裙· \n
10 Dtlogin 虽栖仝如 \n
$ *****************************************************************************
$ ** Message set 20: For Sun Platforms
$ *****************************************************************************
$set 20
1 CDE 刭弭狞祁幔娶
2 %s -d (探旨 auto-start)
3 %s -e (邛祁 auto-start)
4 %s -kill (勰卩 dtlogin)
5 %s -reset (屿菝 dtlogin)
6 %s -p (峭闲瘼侬散收浠)
$ In above messages 2 through 6, only translate words between
$ left "(" and right ").
7 %s: 孚 script 埔恻盆 root 仝如
8 祁挝: 糯情趴戆
9 祁挝: 腈友摹远趴戆
10 蛸恸坡邗
11 嘁挝仝如 %s
12 探旨坡邗
13 嘁挝劓篇 %s
14 声醛
15 证母戋堋朔苡 auto-start 呢探旨·
16 邛祁坡邗
17 势拟摊 %s
18 嘁挝喧恰 %s
19 嘁挝喧恰 %s
20 证母戋堋朔苡 auto-start 呢邛祁·
21 勰卩 dtlogin 声醛·
22 dtlogin 刭弭骜溷呢屿浠绁墨·
23 峭闲瘼侬散收浠呢声醛
24 祁挝:
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtcopy.msg /main/3 1996/07/24 19:02:41 drk $
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** File: dtcopy.msg
$ **
$ ** Project: CDE File Manager
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
$set 2
$ ****** Module: main_dtcopy.c ******
3 篁争
4 篁争
5 耐篁争设
6 耐篁争设
7 蜚毹〃 嘁
8 蜚毹〃 %d
10 祁挝〃 %s [蛸恸 ...] 唆溷气砗\n
11 篁争戋堋赞 -- 篁争设苊侬
12 篁争戋堋赞 -- 篁争设铒犒
13 寝页蜚毹、%s 栖劓篇·
14 声醛·
15 探旨王
$ ** Message 20 - 32
$ ** LongFileOpNames ... message number = op + 20.
20 莰堋你
21 怃邛你
22 怃邛你
23 怃邛你
24 <20>探葙岣
25 纱劓你
26 铒犒你
27 喧恰气蜱
28 铒犒葙岣
29 喧恰葙岣
30 闹散你
31 岩摹远铒犒
32 岩摹远葙岣
33 薹秕
$set 3
$ ****** Module: copydialog.c ******
1 <20><>
2 聿佤
3 苊侬你〃
4 铒犒你〃
5 容篁争设〃
7 菡淼衮佤畔铒犒幔施· 嵌若呢铒犒嘻\n\
10 菡淼衮佤畔苊侬幔施· 嵌若呢苊侬嘻\n\
11 篁争设铒犒 -- <20>伤
12 篁争设苊侬 -- <20>伤
13 探旨铒犒
14 <20><>铒犒
15 探旨苊侬
16 <20><>苊侬
17 呢苊侬
18 呢铒犒
$set 4
$ ****** Module: errordialog.c ******
1 蜚毹 %s\n%s
2 寝蜚毹仍聿佤
3 篁争设铒犒 -- 蜚毹
4 篁争设苊侬 -- 蜚毹
5 "戊堑苊侬 - 蜚毹"
6 "戊堑铒犒 - 蜚毹"
7 "戊堑套摄篁 - 蜚毹"
8 "拟镍萋诶衮戊堑 \n\n\
Use the Change Permissions choice from the object's\n\
popup menu or from the Selected menu to turn on your\n\
Read permission on the object.\n\n\n\
Note: If this object is a folder, you must also have\n\
Read permission for each of the objects inside the\n\
folder before you can put the folder in the trash."
$set 5
$ ****** Module: overwrtdialog.c ******
1 秦辎页\n%s\n嘻篁争呢囚倾篁争设你\n%s
2 篁争设苊侬 -- 篁争屿煅
3 探蓬囚倾嘻篁争
4 衮囚倾嘻篁争屿浠淘秦页〃
5 衮浠戊堑屿浠淘秦页〃
6 堠绱菡远篁争
7 苫太衮群侬散筌祁王谫<E78E8B>嘻秦辎铐殷你·
8 勖阼探嘻侬散〃
9 篁争设铒犒 -- 篁争屿煅
10 %s\n呢囚倾〃铢蛸疱贫评嘻秦辎·
11 篁争屿煅 -- 蜚毹
12 %s\n嘁挝屿浠淘秦页\n%s\n%s
$set 6
$ ****** Module: utils.c ******
$ ** Button labels.
1 睚贴
2 聿佤
3 探旨
4 牒煞氅忘
5 气蜱铒犒牒煞氅忘
6 <20><>
7 探旨铒犒
8 探旨苊侬
@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtcreate.msg /main/3 1995/11/08 14:05:52 rswiston $
$ %Z%%M% %I% %W% %G% %U%
$ COMPONENT_NAME: dtcreate
$ (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993
$ All Rights Reserved
$ Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
$ US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
$ disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
$ ** Description:
$ ** ------------
$ ** This is the source message catalog file for dtcreate.
$set 2
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for menu options on main window
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 篁争(F)
11 F
15 怃邛(O)...
16 O
20 垡劓(N)
21 N
25 竺囚(S)
26 S
30 岣手(x)
31 x
35 蛸恸(O)
36 O
40 <20>泣庑怅劈卒(A)
41 A
42 璺琦篝狺(I)
43 I
44 茹诔(C)
46 C
47 尢茹(M)
48 M
49 <20>泣尢茹璺琦(M)
50 M
53 牒煞氅忘(H)
54 H
60 渫<>(v)
61 v
65 气蜱(C)
66 C
70 闹散(T)
71 T
75 俣扔骜砧(R)
76 R
80 损祁牒煞氅忘(U)
81 U
85 <20>王喧恰侬散(A)
86 A
$set 3
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for main Create Action window
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 喧恰侬散
12 侬散秦辎 (璺琦砗<E790A6>)〃
13 侬散璺琦〃
20 宓押胎亩侬散璺琦针嘻淘棚〃
21 押胎亩针勖仝如嘻淘棚〃
22 侬散怃邛针嘻淘棚 (押胎亩)〃
30 侬散璺琦逆牒煞氅忘欺牌〃
32 狺岌<E78BBA>杀〃
34 璺拾 (X-Window)
36 苘軎瘼 (溶侬<E6BAB6>蒺)
38 苘軎瘼 (琶侬<E790B6>蒺)
40 嘁蛴砒
50 仨怅
52 僮欺
$set 4
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for main Create Action window advanced function area
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 蛸疱吞
11 宓侬散怃邛、友叔损祁席〃
12 损祁欺侬散逆骜砧<E9AA9C>杀〃
13 炝披...
14 纱劓
15 罹蛞...
16 偏贴软嘻骜砧<E9AA9C>杀〃
17 驮却骜砧<E9AA9C>杀
18 品却悄闲母嘻
$set 5
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Error and Information message set for main Create Action window
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 盼淄侬散秦辎·\n\
15 盼淄仝如淘棚·\n\
铢倾"侬散怃邛针嘻淘棚 (押胎亩)"<22>软你\n\
20 "损祁欺侬散逆骜砧<E9AA9C>杀" 悄闲岩熄嘻·\n\
诶呢倾 "偏贴软嘻骜砧<E9AA9C>杀" <20>软你\n\
蛸魔 "品却悄闲母嘻"·\n\
铢衮孚蛸疱恃页 "驮却骜砧<E9AA9C>杀"\n\
25 摹远侬散曦骜砧<E9AA9C>杀贴屮篁争\n\
30 "侬散怃邛针嘻淘棚 (押胎亩)"<22>软你\n\
却真嘻<EFBFBD>戆秦辎岩 $*, $1, $2, ..., $9.
35 菡髓恃<E9AB93>烃栖莘竺囚·\n\
40 气些嘻恃<E598BB>烃栖莘竺囚·\n\
45 气些嘻恃<E598BB>烃栖莘竺囚·\n\
50 侬散秦辎琵芍摹远托\n\
/ \\ " ' ; ( ) ~ ! $ { } < > # @ | &
55 嘁挝怃邛亩悄篁争〃
60 嘁挝怃邛亩悄篁争〃
65 嘁挝绁墨盆亩篁争、寝页破岩岂\n\
66 嘁挝绁墨孚篁争、寝页破呢\n\
莘抬澎闹苔收恃· 韵寝偏卒岩诶祁\n\
67 "喧恰侬散"惘偏盆罹蛞岂"喧恰侬散"\n\
68 嘁挝绁墨亩悄篁争〃
$ 亩悄毓丈抢葭岩肄茄嘻毓丈枳驺怔嘻蒎枪·
70 浠侬散
71 呢腕倾诶嘻韵填篁争设你·
73 喧恰嘻侬散贴屮篁争频伉〃
80 嘁挝势砒诶蛸探璺琦嘻\n\
85 嘁挝邛侬璺琦罹蛞鹇·
90 嘁挝尕蔚盆亩嘻篁争〃
95 嘁挝倾璺琦洳掾纣绽你圊堍\n\
98 诶蛸探嘻璺琦拟锹璺琦洳掾纣绽你·\n\
邱为诶友蛸探拟茄嘻璺琦、铢蛸疱 "探旨"·
$ ONLY TRANSLATE "Usage" and "filename"
110 祁挝〃 dtcreate [<filename>] [-?]
120 诶烃栖溶 "损祁欺侬散嘻骜砧<E9AA9C>杀" 悄闲\n\
125 铢蛸疱诶友纱劓嘻骜砧<E9AA9C>杀·
130 铢蛸疱诶友罹蛞嘻骜砧<E9AA9C>杀·
150 诶气些嘻闹散烃栖竺囚·
152 拟竺囚
154 探旨<E68EA2>蒺
160 嘁挝竺囚怅阳散淦容篁争〃
162 嘁挝诜盆亩篁争沁擀怅阳散淦〃
$ TRANSLATORS: DO NOT TRANSLATE the word "HOME" in the following message
170 栖菝贴 HOME 艨韬<E889A8>戆·\n\
诶埔恻菝贴 HOME 艨韬<E889A8>戆、菡远侬散倪卒莘竺囚·
$set 6
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** General message set for dialogs
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 睚贴
11 苫太筌祁
12 探旨
13 牒煞氅忘
14 垡劓
18 掾势菝贴垣
19 掾势菝贴垣...
20 罹蛞璺琦...
31 喧恰侬散 -- 蜚毹
41 喧恰侬散 -- 刭弭
46 喧恰侬散 -- 骜毓
51 喧恰侬散 -- 俾黝
$set 7
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for Add Datatype and Edit Datatype dialogs
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 炝披骜砧<E9AA9C>杀
11 罹蛞骜砧<E9AA9C>杀
14 骜砧<E9AA9C>杀朔悄秦辎
15 <20>杀种吞〃
16 罹蛞...
17 欺骜砧<E9AA9C>杀璺琦逆牒煞氅忘欺牌
18 骜砧<E9AA9C>杀璺琦〃
21 淘棚
22 怃邛欺骜砧<E9AA9C>杀逆淘棚〃
23 悄峭欺骜砧<E9AA9C>杀逆淘棚〃
30 怃邛
31 悄峭
$set 8
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Error and Information message set for
$ ** Add Datatype and Edit Datatype dialogs
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 盼淄骜砧<E9AA9C>杀朔悄秦辎·\n\
铢倾 "骜砧<E9AA9C>杀朔悄秦辎" 你躏墨秦辎·
15 盼淄<E79BBC>杀种吞·\n\
铢蛸疱 "罹蛞" 押躏\n\
20 "骜砧<E9AA9C>杀朔悄秦辎" <20>软琵芍\n\
/ \\ " ' ; ( ) ~ ! $ { } < > # @ | &
25 呢却摹骜砧<E9AA9C>杀朔悄盆群秦辎囚倾·\n\
铢倾 "骜砧<E9AA9C>杀朔悄秦辎" <20>软你\n\
$set 9
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for Identifying Characteristics dialog
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 <20>杀种吞
11 琵涯抢蒎
12 篁争
13 篁争设
14 苁琴盆亩侵恸〃
20 秦辎形梃〃
21 萋偏<E8908B>形梃〃
22 偏<>
24 偏煅
25 偏仝如
27 滔
28 涅诈〃
29 形梃〃
30 <20>杀〃
31 求入
32 软镊苴 (牟您庑软)
33 帑娶 (牟庑软)
34 羡娶 (牟庑软)
35 邛侬软镊苴〃
40 <20>探〃
41 煅墨〃
42 仝如〃
43 怃邛
44 <20>蒺
45 抹席逆摹
$set 10
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Error and Information message set for Identifying Characteristics dialog
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 盼淄秦辎形梃·\n\
If "秦辎形梃" 呢蛸探、埔恻蛴墨\n\
15 盼淄萋偏<E8908B>蛸疱·\n\
If "萋偏<E8908B>形梃" 呢蛸探、埔恻蛸疱\n\
20 盼淄涅诈形梃·\n\
If 涅诈呢蛸探、埔恻阖墨\n\
25 盼淄邛侬软镊苴垣·\n\
If 涅诈呢蛸探、邛侬软镊苴<E9958A>软\n\
30 <20>杀种吞栖蛸探·\n\
45 秦辎形梃琵芍摹远托情远\n\
/ \\ " ' ; ( ) ~ ! $ { } < > # @ | &
46 涅诈形梃拟苁琴诶蛸探嘻\n\
47 邛侬软镊苴<E9958A>软琵芍湘挝求镊·\n\
48 损祁涅诈形梃淠乃乃氢玉丧\n\
驮却篁争嘻涅诈· 菡闲泣篁争设衮乓绀\n\
$set 11
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for Icon Selection Dialog
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 气蜱
11 璺琦篁争
12 躏墨璺琦篁争秦辎
20 璺琦绁墨你、铢帷苑·
30 璺琦篁争设
50 躏墨嘻璺琦篁争秦辎岩嘁真嘻·\n\
$ ONLY TRANSLATE "Empty". Do not translate the brackets "[" and "]".
60 [熄嘻]
$set 12
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** Message set for Open File Dialog
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
10 绱鲔鹇
11 气蜱
12 篁争
13 蛸探恸气
20 怃邛篁争
25 喧恰侬散 -- 怃邛
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtksh.msg /main/3 1996/07/24 19:02:59 drk $
$set 1
1 DtkshCvtStringToPixel〃茹诔 '%s' 栖贴屮
$set 5
1 牙贴魔糯情骜溷俣戆¨纥绱 '%s'
2 骜溷萁知却毹¨知娶筌页 'name:value'〃%s
3 骜溷拧缫镊页 ':'、叁诶损祁 '='〃%s
4 闹苔苴呢啬填菝贴
5 祁挝〃XtInitialize variable applicationName applicationClass [args ...]
6 祁挝〃%s variable name class parent [arg:val ...]
7 祁挝〃XtCreateApplicationShell variable name class [arg:val ...]
8 祁挝〃XtPopup widget GrabNone|GrabNonexclusive|GrabExclusive
9 嘁挝蛘<E68C9D>饰探<E9A5B0>形 '%s'¨寝群损祁 'GrabNone'
10 祁挝〃XtIsShell widget
11 祁挝〃XtMapWidget widget
12 祁挝〃XtUnmapWidget widget
13 祁挝〃%s variable widget
14 祁挝〃XtScreen variable widget
15 祁挝〃XtWindow variable widget
16 祁挝〃XtCallCallbacks widget callbackName
17 祁挝〃XtHasCallbacks variable widget callbackName
18 祁挝〃XtAddCallback widget callbackName ksh-command
19 祁挝〃XtRemoveCallback widget callbackName ksh-command
20 盆亩岩嘁真嘻沁频莰堋罹胬〃%s
21 牙贴嘻沁频莰堋栖狻捧
22 祁挝〃XtAddEventHandler widget mask nonMaskable ksh-command
23 祁挝〃XtRemoveEventHandler widget mask nonMaskable ksh-command
24 牙贴嘻绥堑莰堋莰堋鹇栖罹胬
25 祁挝〃XtGetValues widget resource:variable ...
26 盆亩嘻骜溷俣戆知娶蜚毹〃%s
27 祁挝〃XtSetValues widget arg:val ...
28 祁挝〃XtAddWorkProc variable command
29 祁挝〃XtRemoveWorkProc workProcId
30 workProcId 俣戆埔恻页牟您庑软戆〃%s
31 祁挝〃XtAddTimeOut variable milliseconds command
32 叟茵俣戆埔恻乃王幺
33 祁挝〃XtRemoveTimeOut intervalId
34 intervalId 俣戆埔恻页牟您庑软戆〃%s
35 祁挝〃%s widget ...
36 祁挝〃XBell display volume
37 祁挝〃%s variable screen
38 颦栎俣戆嘁真〃%s
39 祁挝〃XDefineCursor display window cursorId
40 cursorId 俣戆嘁真〃%s
41 祁挝〃XUndefineCursor display window
42 祁挝〃XtRemoveAllCallbacks widget callbackName
43 祁挝〃XTextWidth variable fontName string
44 祁挝〃%s display drawable [args ...]
45 drawable 俣戆嘁真〃%s
46 destination 俣戆嘁真〃%s
47 璺拾酞戆秦辎嘁挝蛘<E68C9D>〃%s
48 罾劬淼娶嘁挝蛘<E68C9D>〃%s
49 <20>璺蛸恸嘁挝蛘<E68C9D>〃%s
50 却摹髓薹秕嘻龅莘土堠
51 祁挝〃XCopyArea display source dest sourceX sourceY width height destX destY [args ...]
52 嘁挝衮骜溷<E9AA9C>形 '%s' 魉咝醛 'String'
53 嘁挝衮骜溷<E9AA9C>形 'String' 魉咝醛 '%s' <20>形
54 祁挝〃XtAddInput variable [-r] fileDescriptor kshCommand
56 祁挝〃XtRemoveInput inputId
57 inputId 俣戆埔恻页牟您庑软戆〃%s
59 祁挝〃XFlush display
60 祁挝〃XSync display discard
61 祁挝〃XRaiseWindow display window
62 祁挝〃%s widget [True|False]
63 祁挝〃%s widget translations
64 祁挝〃XtUninstallTranslations widget
65 祁挝〃XtParent variable widget
66 祁挝〃XtLastTimestampProcessed variable display
67 祁挝〃DtSessionRestorePath widget pathVariable saveFile
68 祁挝〃DtSessionSavePath widget pathVariable fileVariable
69 祁挝〃DtShellIsIconified widget
70 祁挝〃DtSetStartupCommand widget command
71 祁挝〃DtSetIconifyHint widget boolean
73 rootWindow 俣戆嘁真〃%s
74 祁挝〃DtWsmSetCurrentWorkspace widget atom
75 闹散熄怄镊酌嘁真〃%s
78 祁挝〃DtWsmSetWorkspacesOccupied display window workspaceList
79 祁挝〃DtGetHourGlassCursor variable display
80 祁挝〃DtWsmAddCurrentWorkspaceCallback variable widget ksh-command
81 祁挝〃DtWsmRemoveWorkspaceCallback handle
82 祁挝〃XtNameToWidget variable referenceWidget names
83 祁挝〃DtDbLoad
84 祁挝〃DtDbReloadNotify ksh-command
85 祁挝〃DtActionExists actionName
86 祁挝〃DtActionLabel variable actionName
87 祁挝〃DtActionDescription variable actionName
88 祁挝〃DtActionInvoke widget actionName termParms execHost contextDir useIndicator ksh-command ["FILE" fileName] ...
89 祁挝〃DtDtsLoadDataTypes
90 祁挝〃DtDtsFileToDataType variable fileName
91 祁挝〃DtDtsFileToAttributeValue variable fileName attrName
92 祁挝〃DtDtsFileToAttributeList variable fileName
93 祁挝〃DtDtsDataTypeToAttributeValue variable dataType attrName optName
94 祁挝〃DtDtsDataTypeToAttributeList variable dataType optName
95 祁挝〃DtDtsFindAttribute variable name value
96 祁挝〃DtDtsDataTypeNames variable
97 祁挝〃DtDtsSetDataType variable fileName dataType override
98 祁挝〃DtDtsDataTypeIsAction dataType
99 祁挝〃ttdt_open variable status variable2 toolname vendor version sendStarted
100 祁挝〃tttk_Xt_input_handler procId source id
101 骜溷俣戆埔恻页痨戆〃%s
102 id 俣戆埔恻页牟您庑软戆〃%s
103 祁挝〃ttdt_close status procId newProcId sendStopped
104 祁挝〃ttdt_session_join variable status sessId shellWidgetHandle join
105 祁挝〃ttdt_session_quit status sessId sessPatterns quit
106 sessPatterns 俣戆嘁真〃%s
107 祁挝〃ttdt_file_event status op patterns send
108 祁挝〃ttdt_file_quit status patterns quit
109 祁挝〃ttdt_Get_Modified pathName scope timeout
110 祁挝〃%s status pathName scope timeout
112 祁挝〃tt_error_pointer variable ttStatus
113 祁挝〃%s status msg
114 祁挝〃%s status msg msgStatus msgStatusString destroy
115 祁挝〃ttdt_file_join variable status pathName scope join ksh-command
116 祁挝〃tt_file_netfile variable status filename
117 祁挝〃tt_netfile_file variable status netfilename
118 祁挝〃tt_host_file_netfile variable status host filename
119 祁挝〃tt_host_netfile_file variable status host netfilename
120 祁挝〃XtIsSubclass widget class
121 %s 拟岩却真嘻 widget <20>杀秦辎
122 祁挝〃XtClass variable widget
$set 6
1 DtkshCvtWindowToString〃'from' 垣嘻乃难嘁真
2 DtkshCvtHexIntToString〃'from' 垣嘻乃难嘁真
3 DtkshCvtIntToString〃'from' 垣嘻乃难嘁真
4 DtkshCvtBooleanToString〃'from' 垣嘻乃难嘁真
5 DtkshCvtStringToWidget〃'from' 垣嘻乃难嘁真
6 DtkshCvtStringToWidget〃Unable to find a widget named '%s'
7 DtkshCvtStringToCallback〃'from' 垣嘻乃难嘁真
8 DtkshCvtCallbackToString〃'from' 垣嘻乃难嘁真
9 DtkshCvtWidgetToString〃'from' 垣嘻乃难嘁真
10 DtkshCvtWidgetToString〃嘁挝势摊 widget 嘻秦辎
11 DtkshCvtWidgetClassToString〃'from' 垣嘻乃难嘁真
12 DtkshCvtWidgetClassToString〃栖稀嘻 widget <20>杀
13 DtkshCvtStringToWidgetClass〃栖稀嘻 widget <20>杀秦辎
14 DtkshCvtScreenToString〃'from' 垣嘻乃难嘁真
$set 11
1 嘁挝势摊<E58ABF>软秦辎 '%s' 倾 '%s' 岣楝你
2 DtkshCvtCallbackToString〃涅蒎魉咝盥铐俅滢软
3 骜溷 '%s' 鸦啾 (Hashing) 坡邗、倾 widget <20>杀 '%s' 你
4 栖呷蓑劈卒秦辎
5 淘棚嘁挝仝如¨闹苔苴烃栖啬填菝贴
6 widget '%s' 喧恰坡邗
7 <20>泣俣戆嘁真〃%s
8 盆亩种吞镊酌嘁真〃%s
9 widget '%s' 栖贴屮盆亩骜溷〃%s
10 牙贴嘻软弭嘁真〃%s
11 牙贴嘻求拾嘁真〃%s
12 widget 莰堋罹胬 '%s' 栖俣澌摊堍囚嘻 widget
13 widget 埔恻岩摹远 'command' widget
14 widget 埔恻岩摹远 'mainWindow' widget
15 widget 埔恻岩摹远 'scale' widget
16 widget 埔恻岩摹远 'scrollBar' widget
17 widget 埔恻岩摹远 'toggleButton' widget 托 gadget
18 狺岌俣戆嘁真〃%s
19 嘁挝刭弭埔友嘻卮鹳<E58DAE>、岣手你
20 嘁挝势摊凄 widget
21 嘁挝势摊苁胬 '%s'
22 嘁挝势摊<E58ABF>形 '%s'
23 嘁挝尕蔚戌伤 '%s'¨寝群损祁 'unsigned long'
24 栖稀嘻耐<E598BB>形〃%s
25 蛸恸椤砗嘁挝蛘<E68C9D>〃%s
26 祁挝〃%s widget position
27 祁挝〃%s widget time
28 祁挝〃%s widget
29 dtksh 蜚毹
30 dtksh <20>伤
31 祁挝〃%s display window
32 祁挝〃%s display window variable
33 祁挝〃%s display rootWindow variable
34 timeout 俣戆嘁真〃%s
35 msg 俣戆嘁真〃%s
36 patterns 俣戆嘁真〃%s
$set 14
1 widget 啬填菝贴针、涅蒎鸦啾闲坡邗¨岣手你
2 嘁挝势摊秦页 '%s' 嘻 widget <20>杀
3 <20>杀求 '%s' 拟岩却真嘻 widget 莰堋罹胬
4 嘁挝势摊 widget <20>杀
5 祁挝〃DtLoadWidget widgetClassName widgetClassRecordName
6 嘁挝势摊秦页 '%s' 嘻 widget <20>杀卮蜱
7 widget <20>杀 '%s' 啬填菝贴针、涅蒎鸦啾闲坡邗
8 \n%sRESOURCES FOR %s%s%s:\n
10 R
11 M
12 S
13 %-15s %-6s %-6s %-18s %-6s %s\n
15 \n祁挝〃\tDtWidgetInfo [widgetHandle]\n\tDtWidgetInfo -r <widgetHandle|className>\n\tDtWidgetInfo -R <widgetHandle|className>\n\tDtWidgetInfo -c [className]\n\tDtWidgetInfo -h [widgetHandle]
$set 15
1 嘁挝啬填菝贴 Toolkit
2 盆亩骜溷嘁挝倾喧恰 widget\n针菝贴·铢倾喧恰靴损祁 XtSetValues 菝贴〃%s
3 祁挝〃%s variable parent name [argument:value ...]
4 祁挝〃DtHelpReturnSelectedWidgetId variable widget variable
5 祁挝〃DtHelpSetCatalogName catalogName
6 祁挝〃DtHelpQuickDialogGetChild variable quickHelpWidget child
7 widget 埔恻岩摹远 'quickHelp' widget
8 widget 埔恻岩摹远 'list' widget
9 祁挝〃%s widget position item
10 祁挝〃%s widget position itemList
11 祁挝〃%s widget item
12 祁挝〃XmListDeleteItemsPos widget count position
13 祁挝〃XmListDeleteItems widget itemList
14 祁挝〃XmListDeletePositions widget positionList
15 祁挝〃XmListGetKbdItemPos variable widget
16 祁挝〃XmListItemExists widget item
17 祁挝〃XmListItemPos variable widget item
18 祁挝〃XmListPosSelected widget position
19 祁挝〃XmListPosToBounds widget position variable variable variable variable
20 祁挝〃%s widget position notifyFlag
21 祁挝〃%s widget item notifyFlag
22 祁挝〃XmListSetAddMode widget boolean
23 祁挝〃XmListSetKbdItemPos widget position
24 祁挝〃XmMainWindowSetAreas mainwindow menu command hscroll vscroll work
25 'mainWindow' 莰堋罹胬岩 NULL
26 祁挝〃%s variable mainwindow
27 祁挝〃XmProcessTraversal widget direction
28 栖稀嘻苊侬派亲〃%s
29 祁挝〃XmInternAtom variable display name onlyIfExists
30 祁挝〃XmGetAtomName variable display atom
31 牙贴嘻镊酌嘁真〃%s
32 祁挝〃XmGetColors widget background foreground topshadow bottomshadow select
33 蝇哌璺琦尢镊嘁真〃%s
34 祁挝〃XmUpdateDisplay widget
35 祁挝〃%s widget protocol [protocol ...]
36 牙贴嘻镊酌嘁真〃%s
37 祁挝〃XmAddWMProtocolCallback widget protocol ksh-command
38 祁挝〃XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback widget protocol ksh-command
39 祁挝〃XmMenuPosition menu event
40 牙贴嘻绥堑嘁真〃%s
41 祁挝〃XmCommandAppendValue commandWidget string
42 祁挝〃XmCommandError commandWidget errorMessage
43 祁挝〃XmCommandSetValue commandWidget command
44 祁挝〃XmCommandGetChild variable commandWidget child
45 祁挝〃XmMessageBoxGetChild variable commandWidget child
46 widget 埔恻岩摹远 'messageBox' widget
47 祁挝〃XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild variable widget child
48 widget 埔恻岩摹远 'file selection box' widget
49 祁挝〃XmSelectionBoxGetChild variable widget child
50 widget 埔恻岩摹远 'selection box' widget
51 祁挝〃XmScaleGetValue scaleWidget variable
52 祁挝〃XmScaleSetValue scaleWidget value
53 牙贴嘻乓梭殴垣嘁真〃%s
54 祁挝〃XmScrollBarGetValues scrollbar variable variable variable variable
55 祁挝〃XmScrollBarSetValues scrollbar value sliderSize increment pageIncrement notify
56 牙贴嘻垣嘁真〃%s
57 牙贴嘻潇侬鹇乃难嘁真〃%s
58 牙贴嘻炝披庳嘁真〃%s
59 牙贴嘻喻睿炝披庳嘁真〃%s
60 祁挝〃XmScrollVisible scrolledWin widget leftRightMargin topBottomMargin
61 widget 埔恻岩摹远 'scrolledWindow' widget
62 友<>泣嘻 widget 拟囚倾·
63 牙贴嘻剖/骗<>姨嘁真〃%s
64 牙贴嘻母/亩<>姨嘁真〃%s
65 祁挝〃%s widget state notify
66 祁挝〃catopen variable catName
67 祁挝〃catclose catId
68 祁挝〃catgets variable catId setNum msgNum dftMsg
69 widget 埔恻岩摹远 'text' 托 'textField' widget
70 祁挝〃%s variable widget
71 祁挝〃%s widget boolean
72 牙贴嘻俣戆嘁真〃%s
73 祁挝〃%s widget lines
74 祁挝〃%s widget maxLength
75 祁挝〃%s widget string
76 祁挝〃%s widget variable variable
77 祁挝〃%s widget position string
78 祁挝〃%s widget position variable variable
79 祁挝〃%s widget fromPosition toPosition string
80 牙贴嘻 'from' 软弭嘁真〃%s
81 牙贴嘻 'to' 软弭嘁真〃%s
82 祁挝〃%s widget firstPosition lastPosition time
83 牙贴嘻苌摹远软弭嘁真〃%s
84 牙贴嘻薏靴摹远软弭嘁真〃%s
85 牙贴嘻针怄嘁真〃%s
86 祁挝〃%s variable widget x y
87 牙贴嘻 x 软弭嘁真〃%s
88 牙贴嘻 y 软弭嘁真〃%s
89 祁挝〃%s widget left right mode
90 牙贴嘻剖<E598BB>软弭嘁真〃%s
91 牙贴嘻骗<E598BB>软弭嘁真〃%s
92 祁挝〃%s widget start string direction variable
93 牙贴嘻啬填软弭嘁真〃%s
94 祁挝〃XmListGetSelectedPos variable widget
95 祁挝〃XmListGetMatchPos variable widget item
96 祁挝〃XmOptionLabelGadget variable widget
97 祁挝〃XmOptionButtonGadget variable widget
98 祁挝〃XmGetVisibility variable widget
99 祁挝〃XmGetTearOffControl variable widget
100 祁挝〃XmGetTabGroup variable widget
101 祁挝〃XmGetPostedFromWidget variable widget
102 祁挝〃XmGetFocusWidget variable widget
103 祁挝〃XmFileSelectionDoSearch widget directoryMask
$set 16
1 DtkshCvtNamedValueToString〃势拟摊苁琴席
2 DtkshCvtStringToNamedValue〃嘁挝魉咝求入 '%s'
$ The following messages are for ksh93 itself. The message numbers must
$ match those specified in the MsgStr array allmsgs in
$ ksh93/src/cmd/ksh93/sh/init.c, as must the set number.
$set 25
1 声醛
3 仝如你
4 [-n] [arg...]
5 [arg...]
6 [dir] [list]
7 [job...]
8 [n]
9 [name [pathname] ]
10 [name]
11 [top] [base]
12 expr...
13 format [arg...]
14 岩摹远酞戆
15 岩摹远<E691B9>躏求
16 岩摹远涅喧 shell
17 岩摹远魉囚酞戆
18 岩摹远栖贴屮嘻酞戆
19 name [arg...]
20 optstring name [args...]
21 茵
23 ${HOME:-.}/.profile
24 %c〃倾闲泣娶你却嘁真嘻求镊 - %s
25 %c〃栖稀嘻知娶牙贴镊
26 %d-%d〃嘁真嘻畀挢
27 %d〃嘁真嘻抹镊淘棚怩侮欺
28 %s 岩摹远杀秦、<E7A7A6>王
29 %s 岩摹远蛴砒嘻杀秦、<E7A7A6>王
30 淄欧 %s
31 %s 栖稀嘻僮偷
32 %s〃'?' 绐戢耐筌损祁 ':'
33 %s〃却尉屮
34 %s〃趴戆筌页 %job 托莰堋 ids
35 %s〃势拟摊杀秦\n
36 %s〃戢戆耄挝蜚毹
37 %s〃牙贴腈友 lvalue
38 %s〃篁争尢镊胬睿蜚毹
39 %s〃知娶蜚毹
40 %s〃胬睿蜚毹
41 %s〃蛸恸蜚毹
42 %s〃蓬咝蜚毹
43 %s〃菝蔌蜚毹
44 %s〃嘁挝喧恰
45 %s〃嘁挝仝如
46 %s〃嘁挝怃邛
47 %s〃劓戆页幺
48 %s〃腚傺梭评
49 %s〃嘁挝仝如声醛 %s
50 %s〃篁争呢囚倾
51 %s〃拟琴挝嘻酞戆秦辎
52 %s〃嘁真嘻杀秦
53 %s〃嘁真嘻萁鞋 (discipline) 酞戆
54 %s〃嘁真嘻魉囚秦辎
55 %s〃嘁真嘻酞戆秦辎
56 %s〃嘁真嘻秦辎
57 %s〃嘁真嘻摹罪闲泣娶
58 %s〃嘁真嘻溶始俣澌
59 %s〃嘁真嘻损祁〃
60 %s〃嘁真嘻<E79C9F>戆秦辎
61 %s〃拟岩摹远<E691B9>杀求
62 %s〃品卒<E59381>探
63 %s〃砗<E38083>烃栖犒散
64 %s〃饩砒宇瘫
65 %s〃筌却收情苁卮
66 %s〃属却母煲彗龅
67 %s〃属却俣澌秦辎
68 %s〃嘁挝势摊
69 %s〃栖犒散
70 %s〃绐戢镊<E688A2>形拟肄诈
71 %s〃滢软梭评
72 %s〃栖菝贴俣戆
73 %s〃俣戆熄契托栖菝贴
74 %s〃肽叵糯坼
75 %s〃俣澌<E4BFA3>戆拟卒岩剽悄
76 %s〃腈友纣绽秦辎趴戆
77 %s〃却宇瘫
78 %s〃尢戆梭评
79 %s〃狻砗饩砒畀挢
80 %s〃涯凸拟枳辎
81 %s〃栖稀嘻酞戆
82 %s〃栖稀嘻耄似杀
83 %s〃栖稀嘻绐戢耐
84 %s〃栖稀嘻毓胬秦辎
85 %s〃衮趴啬叵纣
86 (轹颃惆砒)
87 -c 腈友趴戆
88 -e - 腈友尢摹趴戆
89 /vpix
90 <栖稀嘻淘棚>
91 ACE#?F#?H:[name]L#?R#?Z#?fi#?[base]lnprtux [name=[value]...]
92 AE#?F#?HL#?R#?Z#?fi#?[base]lnprtux [name=[value]...]
93 你鏊
94 Ad:[delim]prst#[timeout]u#[filenum] [name...]
95 <20>伤趟频
96 拯彗龅萁知蜚毹
97 朔苡趟频蜚毹
98 戋绗你阳
99 憔腰陉蜚毹
100 嘁挝邛侬闹散谡瘫
101 堍如蛸恸菝贴
102 DIL 毓胬
103 耐彗龅佤畔绐散
104 DircabefhkmnpstuvxCI:[file]o:?[option]A:[name] [arg...]
105 DircabefhkmnpstuvxCo:?[option]A:[name] [arg...]
106 EMT 菝蔌
107 饩砒 CPU 针怄宇瘫
108 饩为篁争乃难宇瘫
109 峙侬梭评
110 HSacdfmnstv [limit]
111 你畔
112 IO 毓胬
113 拟琴挝嘻牙棚
114 圣鏊
115 垡劓
116 LP [dir] [change]
117 卮鹳<E58DAE>蜚毹
118 苊魉莰堋
119 属却闹散谡瘫
120 缳驺圣鏊
121 锴骀<E994B4>伤
122 缳溷你鏊
123 针怄<E99288>伤佟蜱
124 岣手
125 骜溷蜍坡
126 沁擀醛鳟嘻 tty <20>侬鹇...
127 S [mask]
129 区抢砗<E68AA2>呢恃<E591A2>
130 咂战圣鏊
131 豇遇声醛
132 佤畔 (毓胬)
133 佤畔 (tty 蛴墨)
134 呢佤畔嘻莰堋堍倾<E5A08D><E580BE>
135 佤畔
136 佤畔 (tty 蛴砒)
137 魉咝醛浠嘻 tty <20>侬鹇...
138 朔苡苫衮宓卩
139 苘畔
140 匮髑/BPT 菝蔌
141 嘁挝蛑<E68C9D>嘻侮欺
142 铢损祁 'exit' 唆佤畔菡远 shell
143 损祁席毓胬 1
144 损祁席毓胬 2
145 侮欺栖贴屮
146 狃箝针怄<E99288>伤
147 狺岌乃难恃<E99ABE>
148 诶却闹散七倾仝如
149 诶却你畔嘻闹散
150 [_[:alpha:]]*([_[:alnum:]])
151 \n@(#)Version 12/28/93\0\n
152 \n@(#)Version M-12/28/93\0\n
153 \n著枰
154 \r\n\007岂王栖散祁、shell 衮倾 60 茵涅绶针
155 a name...
156 a:c [command [args...] ]
157 afpv name...
158 <20>伤 %s %.3f\n
159 alarm -r %s +%.3g\n
160 筌却趴戆
161 气蜱蜚毹
162 篁争尢镊胬睿蜚毹
163 蓬咝蜚毹
164 嘁挝囚探凄气蜱
165 嘁挝喧恰戋绗
166 嘁挝喧恰聿针篁争
167 嘁挝塄祈耐幔施
168 嘁挝探诘 %s
169 嘁挝菝贴 %s
170 嘁挝菝贴<E88F9D>伤豇
171 腈友劬堑
172 dsf:[library] [name...]
173 e:[editor]lnrsN# [first] [last]
174 篁争岣手
175 f:[format]nprsu:[filenum] [arg...]
176 fnv name...
177 hist -e "${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}}"
178 卮蜱篁争栖怃邛
179 耄挝蜚毹
180 <20>形 %c 嘻趴戆嘁真
181 岩摹远 shell 涅喧侮欺、<E6ACBA>王
182 岩摹远匮髑杀秦、<E7A7A6>王
183 垡劓
184 苌 %d 如〃$ 些域拟岩 \\
185 苌 %d 如〃${} 涅嘻 %c 筌孚披趴胬
186 苌 %d 如〃%s 岩栖稀嘻砗<E598BB>
187 苌 %d 如〃[[...]] 你嘻 %s 堍呢熨酃拟祁、恃祁 ((...))
188 苌 %d 如〃'=' 堍呢熨酃拟祁、恃祁 '=='
189 苌 %d 如〃-a 堍呢熨酃拟祁、恃祁 -e
190 苌 %d 如〃%c 些域嘻 \\ 像昼盆蕃衮唆损祁
191 苌 %d 如〃`...` 堍呢熨酃拟祁、恃祁 $(...)
192 苌 %d 如〃%c 魉屮盆踱森塄祈尉屮
193 苌 %d 如〃土堠砗<E5A0A0> %s
194 苌 %d 如〃铢衮 %c 披母趴胬、盆踱森塄祈尉屮
195 苌 %d 如〃set %s 堍呢熨酃拟祁
196 苌 %d 如〃摁燥裙 shell 腈披墨熄知
197 苌 %d 如〃损祁乃涯凸涯阮、盆森 $id[...] 塄祈尉屮
198 苌 %d 如〃损祁熄知托纥知唆拧缫绐戢耐 %c 曦 %c
199 ln#[signum]s:[signame] sig...
200 遨畔圄墨 setuid/setgid shell
201 枳筌
202 浠如
203 nlp [job...]
204 属却卮蜱篁
205 属却宴骀莰堋
206 属却菡远闹散
207 属却菡远莰堋
208 栖排呶
209 <20>蒺
210 怃邛
211 饩砒怃邛篁争宇瘫
212 卮鹳<E58DAE>鬃轲
213 p [action condition...]
214 p [name[=value]...]
215 俣戆栖菝贴
216 拟苔萋偏<E8908B>
217 群莰堋呢囚倾
218 ptx [name=[value]...]
219 pvV name [arg]...
220 r [varname seconds]
221 苌 %d 如耄挝蜚毹〃`%s' %s
222 苌 %d 如耄挝蜚毹〃砗<E38083> %s 屿铒
223 耄挝蜚毹〃`%s' %s
224 sys
225 岖选蛴墨绶针
226 湘哝选你
227 腚傺嘁挝囚探
228 栖宇瘫
229 拟苁琴
230 损祁席
231 侮欺
232 煅墨 %d 坡邗
233 倾 $_ 却诶嘻庥堑
234 幺软镊苴
@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
$ "$XConsortium: dtlogin.msg /main/3 1995/11/08 14:07:17 rswiston $"
$ *************************************<+>*************************************
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** File: dtlogin.msg
$ **
$ ** Project: CDE dtlogin
$ **
$ ** Description:
$ ** -----------
$ ** This file is the source for the message catalog for dtlogin
$ **
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ ** (c) Copyright 1990 Hewlett-Packard Company
$ ** All Rights reserved
$ **
$ **
$ *****************************************************************************
$ **
$ **
$ ** ------------------------- MODIFICATION RECORD --------------------------
$ *
$ *
$ ** ----------------------- MODIFICATION RECORD END ------------------------
$ *****************************************************************************
$ *************************************<+>*************************************
$ *************************************<L>*************************************
$ ** -----------------GENERAL LOCALIZATION NOTES SECTION---------------------
$ * Comment lines begin with a $ except $set which indicates the start of a
$ * new set.
$ *
$ * Do not delete any comments; you may add comments for your use.
$ *
$ ** ----------------GENERAL LOCALIZATION NOTES SECTION END------------------
$ *************************************<L>*************************************
$set 1
$ set 1 is labels
$ messages 1 through 6 are button labels on the login screen
1 铢蛴墨诶嘻损祁席秦辎
2 铢蛴墨诶嘻亠睿
3 睚贴
4 屿浠怃填
5 蛸恸
6 牒煞氅忘
$ messages 7 through 11 are options button menu items
7 屿菝圄墨颦栎
8 淘棚如圄墨
9 侮欺...
10 尢狺岌怅阳散淦
11 耄似
$ messages 12 through 14 are miscellaneous button labels
12 怃填 DT
13 探旨
14 牒煞氅忘
$ message 15, 17 are more option button menu items
$ message 16 is the welcome message
15 DT Lite 怅阳散淦
16 <20>弦损祁
17 摹罪证母戋堋朔苡
$ message 18-24
18 * 聿佤证母戋堋朔苡圄墨...\r\n*\r\n
19 * 邱腈圄墨呷泣、铢押 [Enter]·\r\n*\r\n
20 * 圄墨·倾诶圄砒逆靴拟募、证母戋堋朔苡圄墨苫衮<E88BAB><E8A1AE>·\r\n*\r\n
21 * 证母戋堋朔苡圄墨<E59C84><E5A2A8>你...\r\n*\r\n
22 * 倾<>泣鹇 %1$s 母邛侬证母戋堋朔苡圄墨...\r\n*\r\n
23 * 铢强岖选证母戋堋朔苡圄墨颦栎砒堍逆靴锹如圄墨·\r\n*\r\n
24 * %1$s <20>泣鹇母嘁挝邛侬 X 腮韦鹇...\r\n*\r\n
$ messages 25 is a options button menu item
25 怅阳散淦
$ 26 replaces 16 as the greeting after a user name has been
$ entered. The %s is replaced by the user name.
26 <20>弦 %s
$ Sun specific message catalog id numbers in MC_LABEL_SET messages.
$ (Starting at a random uneven higher number, 73, to allow some room
$ for some shared sample source message additions.
73 损祁席母摹裙证母戋堋朔苡
$set 2
$ set 2 is error messages
1 圄墨拟七睚、铢锹孳摹裙·
2 嘁挝<E59881>咝摊啬填气蜱·
3 挽楣·气些圄墨嘻损祁席末戆呢绠渌宇·
$ message 4 is a lengthy message that should be localized to correspond to
$ the language.
4 \n\
5 圄墨蜚毹、损祁席 id 嘁真·
6 圄墨蜚毹、妃苴 id 嘁真·
7 圄墨蜚毹、瞑狰 id 嘁真·
8 圄墨蜚毹、瞑狰椤砗嘁真·
9 气些圄墨劈卒莘探旨·
10 品却拯损祁席偏仝如 %1$s\n
11 诜 %1$s 屿浠喧楝涅贴嘻耄似垡尢\n
12 屿浠卺呃刭弭篁曦腮韦鹇篁\n
13 屿浠<E5B1BF>探刭弭篁 %1$s\n
14 屿浠<E5B1BF>探腮韦鹇篁 %1$s\n
15 屿浠<E5B1BF>探囚探篁 %1$s\n
16 dtlogin〃讦娶鬃轲卮鹳<E58DAE>\n
$set 3
$ set 3 is help text
$ message 1 is generated when the help button on the login screen is clicked.
1 \n\
1) 躏墨诶嘻损祁席秦辎、嘤靴押 <Enter> 躏托押摹亩 [睚贴]·\n\
(邱为诶烃栖喧恰摹远损祁席、铢蛴墨 "root" 伉页\n\
2) 躏墨诶嘻亠睿、嘤靴押 <Enter> 躏托押摹亩 [睚贴]·\n\
衮潇珩牙砗弭王 [蛸恸] 押廒逆母、押阮 \n\
潇珩押廒 1·皖瘸牙砗散蛸疱·\n\
耄似 - 恃<>怅阳散淦损祁嘻耄似\n\
怅阳散淦 - 蛸疱摹远璺拾艨韬\n\
OpenWindows 证母戋堋朔苡 - 页 OW 证母戋堋朔苡 \n\
摹罪证母戋堋朔苡 - 页摹罪证母戋堋朔苡艨韬 (CDE) \n\
损祁席母摹裙证母戋堋朔苡 - 页母摹裙圄墨 \n\
咽脞溶侬像蝌怅阳散淦 - 页尢摹 X 狺岌艨韬\n\
淘棚如圄墨 - 魉咝醛淘棚如艨韬\n\
屿菝圄墨颦栎 - 屿浠邛侬 X 腮韦鹇\n\
≈牒煞氅忘戋堋席∽璺琦 (阵母却摹远俾胬席) 母押\n\
$ message 2 is generated when you attempt to start a system whose id is
$ set to unknown or if it is not configured for networking.
2 \n\
$ message 3 is generated when the help button on the chooser screen is clicked.
3 \n\
蒎拧·苌摹远蒎拧 (腮韦鹇秦辎) 芍却输摹远偏祁腮\n\
韦鹇嘻杲纣秦辎·苌抹远蒎拧 (腮韦鹇骜毓)\n\
CDE 证母戋堋朔苡、群蒎枪摅淠呷蓑气些\n\
七倾损祁群朔苡嘻损祁席 (托 tty 嬉弭) 嘻末戆、\n\
盆暖些 5。10。15 拧<>嘻幼绁仆舍垣 (CPU 仆舍损祁庳)\n\
衮潇珩牙砗弭王 [蛸恸] 押廒逆母、押阮 \n\
潇珩押廒 1·皖瘸牙砗散蛸疱·\n\
耄似 - 恃<>怅阳散淦损祁嘻耄似\n\
屿菝圄墨颦栎 - 屿浠邛侬 X 腮韦鹇\n\
$set 4
$ set 4 is log error messages
1 囚探篁争 "%1$s"、配瘼 "%2$s" 嘁挝势摊\n
2 ReadHostEntry\n
3 囚探篁争 %1$2s、<73>泣鹇 %1$2s 页拟忘嘻<E5BF98>泣鹇\n
4 嘁挝怃邛囚探谡瘫篁 %1$s、寝群嘁挝岚筌 XDMCP 友叔\n
5 杲傺/痃散朔苡睚毳蜚毹〃%1$s (%2$s/%3$s)
6 嘁挝怃邛腮韦鹇睚毳篁 %1$s\n
7 嘁挝煅墨腮韦鹇睚毳篁 %1$s\n
8 saveAddr
9 艚探杲纣孽域刭弭针却俾黝
10 setAuthNumber
11 嘁挝髡贴阪<E8B4B4>篁 %1$s 托蕃枪篁 %2$s\n
12 嘁挝衮阪<E8A1AE>篁苊摊锼宓软弭\n
13 嘁挝喧恰/髡贴 pid 篁争 %1$s\n
14 嘁挝髡贴 pid 篁争 %1$s、寝页贫摹远 Dtlogin 七倾仝如 (pid %2$d)\n
15 嘁挝囚探腮韦鹇篁争 %1$s\n
16 NewDisplay
17 嘁挝怃邛 errorLogFile %1$s\n
18 TrimErrorLog()〃蜚毹攀擘篁嘻篁争乃难宇瘫薏乃页 200Kb·\n
19 腮韦鹇篁争淄欧<E6B784>泣鹇秦辎\n
20 %1$s 淄欧<E6B784>泣鹇<E6B3A3>形\n
21 配瘼秦辎 %1$s 嘁真·DISPLAY 菝贴页 ':0'\n
22 <20>泣鹇 %2$s 嘻<>泣鹇<E6B3A3>形 %1$s 嘁挝莘谫炭\n
23 狃箝屿菝绶针·\n
24 GetResource
25 属却熄怄偏蓑趴戆屿浠刭弭\n
26 嘁挝怃邛刭弭篁 %1$s\n
27 淘棚如却情秕嘻趴戆〃
28 StartServer()〃属却趴戆\n
29 腮韦鹇 %1$s 嘁挝仝如\n
30 StartServer() 塄祈耐幔施坡邗、聿佤你\n
31 腮韦鹇泗评你鏊\n
32 XOpenDisplay(%1$s) 瑭孳 #%2$d 你畔、七倾你鏊·\n
33 怃邛腮韦鹇瑭孳 #%1$d 坡邗、寝页 %2$s、腕酃锹瑭孳\n
34 <20>屿 IO 蜚毹 %d (%1$s)\n
35 X 蜚毹\n
36 怅阳散淦邛填蜚毹\n
37 <20>伤〃<E4BCA4>泣鹇 %1$s 嘁挝像脞区抢\n
38 <20>伤〃<E4BCA4>泣鹇 %1$s 嘻躏眭嘁挝像脞区抢\n
39 BLS - 嘁挝艚诘怕螭骜毓·\n
40 BLS - 嘁挝艚诘炭像<E782AD>嘻怕螭骜毓·\n
41 BLS - 嘁挝<E59881><E68C9D>邝泠幔轩·\n
42 BLS - 嘁挝<E59881>收页损祁席〃%1$s·\n
43 AFS - 邛侬怅阳散淦针 setgroups() 坡邗\n
44 损祁席 %s Setuid 坡邗、errno = %d\n
45 损祁席 %2$s 属却邛填气蜱 %1$s、损祁 /\n
46 怅阳散淦仝如坡邗 %1$s\n
47 怅阳散淦属却淘棚/趴戆\n
48 嘁挝邛侬 %s 嘻怅阳散淦、塄祈耐幔施坡邗\n
49 Dtlogin 嘁挝垡劓嘘怕瘼\n
50 嘁挝仝如 %1$s\n
51 嘁挝塄祈耐幔施盆仝如 %1$s\n
52 拟锼宓嘻睚毳秦辎 "%1$s"·损祁 AFS。Kerberos 托涅贴秦辎·\n
53 %2$s 嘁挝仝如 Dtgreet %1$s \n
54 嘁挝塄祈耐幔施盆仝如 Dtgreet %1$s\n
55 %1$d 僬喧恰咂战坡邗\n
56 岣琴咂战软蛇 %1$d 蜚毹、errno = %2$d\n
57 makeEnv
58 setEnv
59 parseArgs
60 %1$s 气蜱嘻卺呃针怄饩绱 %2$d 茵·岣手卺呃你...\n
61 %s <20>王 %1$d 远盆母嘻妃苴、%2$s 淠莘土堠\n
62 audwrite() 蜚毹〃趟频席虽湘仨怅损祁席\n
63 audwrite() 蜚毹〃瞑狰卮蜱你却嘁真嘻绥堑胬睿·\n
64 audwrite() 蜚毹〃errno = %1$d\n
65 AFS 睚毳坡邗〃%1$s\n
66 %1$s 嘻怕螭呢摊哝·铢曦诶嘻朔苡戋堋赞葙峋·\n
67 腮韦鹇你畔 %1$s\n
68 嘁挝怃邛砗擘软镊研斋篁〃%1$s\n
69 嘁挝<E59881>探 "%1$s" 毓丈气蜱·损祁涅贴耄似·
70 <20>泣鹇 %1$s 嘁挝邛填菝贴、腮韦鹇偏卒莘饰探·\n
71 (%1$s)〃圄墨 matte 煜轩饩绱<E9A5A9>泣鹇煜轩、损祁涅贴垣·matte 嘻尢软页璺琦尢镊·\n
72 (%1$s) 圄墨 matte 仨轩饩绱<E9A5A9>泣鹇仨轩、损祁涅贴垣·matte 嘻尢软页璺琦尢镊·\n
$set 5
$ set 5 is for other stuff specific to chooser.
1 铢蛸疱摹远腮韦鹇圄墨〃
$ 1 is the title/instructions for the chooser dialog
2 腮韦鹇秦辎 腮韦鹇骜毓
$ ^
$ | This needs to start in this column
$ 2 is the headings for the list
3 收浠悄泣
$set 99
$ These messages are used for the version information.
$quote "
1 "@(#)version_goes_here"
2 "\n@(#)_DtMessage catalog source $XConsortium: dtlogin.msg /main/3 1995/11/08 14:07:17 rswiston $"
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtmailopts.msg /main/3 1995/11/08 14:07:45 rswiston $
$ ==================================================================
$ = Project Message Source File: generated by 'dtcodegen'
$ = Generated message sets have 'DTBMS_<name>' as their comment
$ ==================================================================
$quote "
$set 1 DTBMS_dtmailopts_project
$ ** Generated messages for 'dtmailopts_project'.
$ ** You can edit this comment and add comments below each message.
$set 2 DTBMS_options
$ ** Generated messages for 'options'.
$ ** You can edit this comment and add comments below each message.
1 "Mailer - 瞋乃鰊碾"
2 "蝓勀;"
3 "惺嬋躡<E5AC8B>把椀"
4 "惺嬋蕚呀"
5 "梅<>癰瓰"
6 "惺嬋<E683BA>齟"
7 "卑扼梅<E689BC>"
8 "躰硫"
9 "姫背"
10 "睾礪"
11 "隆日畤;鉢乃挑、綉瞋乃難兵搆祷寞"
12 "隆日惺嬋羸遑"
13 "齡刧篁瞋乃砌舍;"
14 "咒"
15 "篁瞋乃瀏鰤惺羸;"
16 "莎<>"
17 "憊扼"
18 "隆日"
19 "椀鵑"
20 "閇籀椿百應煉惺嬋;"
21 "綉兵兊汾瞋隨寞"
22 "隆日逹襯殼彬"
23 "椀鵑<E6A480>賺搨埠冂;"
24 "椀鵑瀅罷;"
25 "x 泌"
26 "email 苓遁"
27 "抜寔煕否"
28 "<22><>瀅罷;"
29 "豼筒"
30 "百應"
31 "鏆辺"
33 "把"
34 "箔禎賚偸"
36 "隆日<EFA79C>乃把日"
37 ">"
38 "獎領瞥訥煉瞋乃齟尸譜;"
39 "岑箱糖怱椀卑嘖瀅罷"
40 "<22>箱扣遁"
41 "梅<>鉢鞦"
42 "糖怱椀躡錡;"
50 "椀鵑瀅罷;"
51 "締薮圸;"
52 "<22>晁箔秘"
53 "梅<>埠冂;"
54 "脩媽/齟背;"
55 "矮野溟米罷續;"
57 "「榁扼」糖怱椀"
58 "袒「鈿襌妙」糖怱椀;"
59 "涓秤隆日;"
60 "涓<>南膣煉瞋隨"
61 "慂祷惺嬋煉瞋隨;"
62 "瑣鱧耀抜慂祷煉惺嬋"
63 "卑扼梅<E689BC>;"
64 "矮暉"
65 "兊汾"
66 "卑扼梅<E689BC>鸚膿碼仏 = junk"
67 "塘<>;"
68 "亭買鰆諦倡"
69 "惺嬋;"
71 "糖怱椀躡錡;"
72 "躰硫;"
73 "姫背;"
74 "罷敷;"
75 "姫背;"
76 "辺篁瞋隨零蓙;"
77 "緕擘"
78 "亭擘"
79 "締薮圸;"
80 "隆日逹薮殼彬"
81 "鱒南奓岑 MIME 箔禎郛遑"
82 "鱒南蟒脩涼笏瞋乃齟尸<E9BD9F>薮"
83 "輿椥罷敷低煉塘顴背蝣 (allnet)"
84 "綉兵鱒南\"梅<>耀抜挑\" 寞埠冂兵(metoo)"
85 "鱒南遁螟背蝣;ussername ="
86 "逹薮"
87 "嚮歟"
88 "冥崋"
89 "黠南"
90 "觝彪覃梨"
91 " "
@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtprintinfo.msg /main/2 1996/07/24 19:03:15 drk $
$quote "
$ ----- These are the titles that appear on dialogs and the main window -----
ApplicationName1L "悄峭戋堋席"
ApplicationName2L "峭闲瘼闹散"
$ Do not translate ApplicationName3L for this release
ApplicationName3L "证域峭闲瘼"
$ ----- Common Dialog Buttons -----
YesL "岩"
NoL "闪"
OKL "睚贴"
ApplyL "苫太筌祁"
CancelL "探旨"
HelpL "牒煞氅忘"
$ ----- Find dialog -----
FindTitleL "%s - 掾势悄峭闹散"
MyJobNameL "始嘻闹散嘻秦辎"
OnlyRootJobsL "惘却拯闹散"
IgnoreCaseL "土堠争梭"
ExactMatchL "七睚嘻苁琴"
GotoL "些突"
CancelPrintJobsL "探旨悄峭闹散"
PositionL "软弭"
CloseL "<22>蒺"
StartFindL "邛侬掾势"
StopFindL "佤畔掾势"
SearchL "\
洳掾 %s...\n\
$ Find Information dialog messages
NoMatchesL "嘁悄峭闹散苁琴"
NotFoundMessageL "\
$ ----- Modify Show Dialog -----
ModifyShowTitleL "%s - 院恃<E999A2>泣悄闲"
SelectPrintersToBeShowL "蛸探勖<E68EA2>泣嘻峭闲瘼"
SelectAllL "抢蒎蛸探"
DeselectAllL "探旨抢蒎蛸探"
$ ----- Set Options Dialog -----
SetOptionsTitleL "%s - 菝贴蛸恸"
RepresentationL "闲堍派娶"
LargeIconL "乃璺琦"
SmallIconL "难璺琦"
NameOnlyL "惘却秦辎"
DetailsL "茇彗"
ShowLabelsL "<22>泣砗<E6B3A3>"
JobsToShowL "勖<>泣嘻闹散"
OnlyMineL "惘却始嘻"
EveryoneL "输远末嘻"
StatusL "雾梃"
ProblemFlagL "俾黝椤砗"
InformationLineL "毓丈悄"
UpdateIntervalL "收浠"
IntervalL "针怄怄缫(茵)"
$ ----- Print Job Properties Dialog -----
PrintJobPropsTitleL "%s - 悄峭闹散种吞"
PrinterL "峭闲瘼"
JobName1L "闹散秦辎"
SubmittedL "呢厥砒"
BytesL "软镊苴"
Position1L "软弭〃"
JobNameL "闹散秦辎〃"
JobNumberL "闹散胬睿〃"
OwnerL "疬却席〃"
DateL "攀哝〃"
TimeL "针怄〃"
SizeL "乃难〃"
$ ----- Printer Properties Dialog -----
PrinterPropsTitleL "%s - 峭闲瘼种吞"
IconLabelL "璺琦砗<E790A6>〃"
IconGroupTitleL "璺琦〃"
FindSetL "掾势怩琴..."
DescriptionL "氅忘〃"
PrinterStatusL "雾梃〃"
PrintQueueL "峭闲瘼蕊悄〃"
DeviceL "嬉弭秦辎〃"
DeviceNL "嬉弭 %d〃"
UpL "亲母 - 韦侪你"
DownL "亲亩 - 岣手韦侪"
PrinterOnServerL "%1$s on %2$s"
DefaultDescriptionL "菡岩 %s 峭闲瘼蕊悄·"
$ %1 is the printer name and %2 is the server name, ex〃 "lp0 on warpspeed"
$ This is the value of the device field when the printer is on a remote system
$ ----- Find Set Dialog -----
FindSetTitleL "%s - 掾势怩琴"
IconFoldersL "璺琦篁争设〃"
IconTitleL "璺琦"
LoadingIconsL "绁墨%2$d远你嘻 %1$d远璺琦..."
$ %1 is a counter and %2 is the total number of icons
$ ----- "Cancel" Print Job Confirmation Dialog -----
CancelTitleL "%s - 探旨 %s"
CancelQuestionL "诶睚贴友探旨%s忝?"
$ ----- Printer "Status" Dialog -----
PrinterStatusTitleL "%s - 峭闲瘼雾梃"
PrinterDownL "%s峭闲瘼岣手韦侪·"
DeviceDownL "%s嬉弭岣手韦侪·"
$ ----- Failed Action Dialog -----
FailedActionTitleL "%s - %s 坡邗"
FailedMessageL "嘁挝苫太筌祁'%s'侬散容\n\
%s. 铢俣镥盆亩韵寝·\n\n%s"
$ ----- Main Window Information Line Messages -----
GettingHelpL "探诘罾母牒煞氅忘..."
SearchingL "洳掾峭闲瘼..."
ShowingMyJobsL "惘<>泣始嘻闹散"
PrintersHiddenL "%d 蒎峭闲瘼你却 %d蒎莘觥鳢"
JobsL "%d远闹散"
UpdatingActionsL "收浠侬散骜砧栈..."
UpdatingL "收浠%s..."
$ Do not translate EditLangL for this release
EditLangL "罹蛞王/etc/dt/appconfig/<2F>杀/%s"
$ %s is the name of the printer
$ ----- Printer Menu Messages -----
PrinterMenuL "峭闲瘼"
PrinterAcceleratorL "P"
FindChoiceL "掾势..."
FindMnemonicL "F"
FindAcceleratorL "Ctrl+F"
ExitChoiceL "岣手"
ExitMnemonicL "x"
ExitAcceleratorL "Alt+F4"
$ ----- Selected Menu Messages -----
SelectedMenuL "呢蛸探"
SelectedAcceleratorL "S"
$ For Print Jobs Only - "Cancel" means to remove a print job from the printer.
$ This choice pops up the "Cancel" Print Job Confirmation
$ Dialog.
CancelChoiceL "探旨"
CancelMnemonicL "C"
CancelAcceleratorL "Del"
$ For Printers Only
OpenChoiceL "怃邛"
OpenMnemonicL "O"
CloseChoiceL "<22>蒺"
CloseMnemonicL "C"
HideChoiceL "觥鳢"
HideMnemonicL "e"
$ Do not translate RenameChoiceL for this release
RenameChoiceL "屿浠淘秦"
$ Do not translate RenameMnemonicL for this release
RenameMnemonicL "R"
$ Do not translate StartChoiceL for this release
StartChoiceL "怃填陉忾"
$ Do not translate StartMnemonicL for this release
StartMnemonicL "S"
$ Do not translate StopChoiceL for this release
StopChoiceL "岣手陉忾"
$ Do not translate StopMnemonicL for this release
StopMnemonicL "t"
$ Do not translate EnableChoiceL for this release
EnableChoiceL "邛侬悄峭"
$ Do not translate EnableMnemonicL for this release
EnableMnemonicL "E"
$ Do not translate DisableChoiceL for this release
DisableChoiceL "<22>蒺悄峭"
$ Do not translate DisableMnemonicL for this release
DisableMnemonicL "D"
$ For Both Printers and Print Jobs
PropertiesChoiceL "种吞..."
PropertiesMnemonicL "P"
PropertiesAcceleratorL "Ctrl+Backspace"
HelpChoiceL "牒煞氅忘"
HelpMnemonicL "H"
$ ----- View Menu Messages -----
ViewMenuL "篝狺"
ViewAcceleratorL "V"
SetOptionsChoiceL "菝贴蛸恸..."
SetOptionsMnemonicL "O"
ModifyShowChoiceL "院恃<E999A2>泣悄闲..."
ModifyShowMnemonicL "M"
$ ----- Help Menu Messages -----
$ "Help" Menu uses the "HelpChoiceL" message
$ "Help" Accelerator uses the "HelpMnemonicL" message
OverviewChoiceL "渫<>"
OverviewMnemonicL "v"
TaskChoiceL "闹散"
TaskMnemonicL "T"
ReferenceChoiceL "俣扔骜砧"
ReferenceMnemonicL "R"
OnItemChoiceL "仨王恸气"
OnItemMnemonicL "O"
UsingHelpChoiceL "损祁牒煞氅忘"
UsingHelpMnemonicL "U"
AboutChoice1L "<22>王悄峭戋堋席"
AboutChoice2L "<22>王悄峭闹散"
$ Do not translate AboutChoice3L for this release
AboutChoice3L "<22>王证域峭闲瘼"
AboutMnemonicL "A"
$ ----- Misc Messages -----
EmptyL "[ 熄嘻 ]"
FoundNoPrintersL "属却势摊峭闲瘼·"
NotAvailableL "拟偏祁"
NoDefaultPrinter1L "属却朔苡涅菝峭闲瘼·"
NoDefaultPrinter2L "\
$ %1 is the name of the program, and %2 is either '-edit' or '-populate'.
RootUserL "%1$s〃 诶埔恻岩拯损祁席倪卒损祁%2$s蛸恸·"
$ ----- Command Line Help -----
$ This message is show when the user enters 'dtprintinfo -help'
$ on the command line. The %s is a printer list generated by the program.
CommandLineHelpL "\
dtprintinfo -p <printer>\n\
蛹友亦种贴嘻峭闲瘼、铢损祁 -p 蛸恸盆暖\n\
dtprintinfo -all\n\
蛹友亦驮却峭闲瘼、铢损祁 -all 蛸恸·\n\
dtprintinfo -populate\n\
-populate 蛸恸惘蓑拯损祁席损祁·\n\
你嘻驮却峭闲瘼喧恰涅菝峭闲瘼侬散· 蛹LANG栖贴屮、\n\
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
$ $XConsortium: dtscreen.msg /main/3 1995/12/08 09:50:38 rswiston $
$ @(#)25 com/XTOP/aixclients/xlock/xlock.msg, xclients, r5gos325, 9333325d 5/6/93 20:13:37
$ COMPONENT_NAME: dtscreen
$ FUNCTIONS: dtscreen.msg
$ (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1987, 1993
$ All Rights Reserved
$ Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
$ US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
$ disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
$quote "
$set 2
$ message file created 1993
1 "1386-101 %s〃淘棚如蛸恸蜚毹 \"%s\"\n\n"
2 "1386-102 \n躏墨 %s -help 苫偏诘摊声痨嘻氅忘·\n\n"
3 "1386-103 祁挝〃\n %s [-options ...]\n\n\
5 "1386-105 %-28s %s\n\t 砑梃页盆亩逆摹〃\n\", \"-mode mode\", \"animation mode"
7 "1386-107 栖稀嘻砑梃〃"
10 "1386-110 嘁挝刭弭〃%s\n"
11 "1386-111 刭弭 %d 远璺琦尢镊\n"
17 "1386-117 %s〃嘁挝怃邛<E68083>泣鹇 %s·\n"
18 "1386-118 %s〃GetResource - 嘁挝刭弭卮鹳<E58DAE>"
19 "1386-119 %s〃-display 趴戆知娶蜚毹、\"%s\"\n"
20 "1386-120 -batchcount 趴戆恻页七戆·"
21 "1386-121 -saturation 趴戆埔恻孽王 0.0 曦 1.0 逆怄·"
25 "1386-125 %s〃品卒排呶 %d 远颦栎·\n"
30 "1386-130 -delay 趴戆恻页七戆·"
35 "1386-135 嘁挝刭弭〃%s、盆 %s 探蓬\n"
40 "%s〃嘁挝势摊狺岌唆<E5B28C>璺·损祁 -create\n\
蛸恸偏<E681B8> %s 喧恰破溶淖嘻狺岌·\n"
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
$ $XConsortium$
$ ========================================================================
$ = Message source text file for App Builder's libABil BIL I/O library.
$ = @(#)libABil.msg 1.2 13 Sep 1994 dtappbuilder/src/libABil
$ ========================================================================
$quote "
$ The set number set below must be syncronized with the #define in bilP.h
$set 204
1 "嘁挝势摊贴躅龅戊堑\n"
2 "欺戊堑属却菡淼嘻<E6B7BC>吞\n"
3 "拟岩却真嘻 C <20>杀求\n"
4 "栖莘哝选嘻篁争岣手\n"
5 "栖稀嘻篁争萁知\n"
6 "气些栖莘枰散\n"
7 "气些栖莘枰散 - 土堠戊堑暖抬<E69A96>吞\n"
8 "呢嘁卮鹳<E58DAE>\n"
9 "栖稀嘻戆垣\n"
10 "栖稀嘻<E7A880>吞\n"
11 "栖稀嘻劈卒闲<E58D92>杀 - 涅菝页淘棚劈卒闲\n"
12 "嘁挝势摊戊堑\n"
13 "栖稀嘻戊堑\n"
14 "<22>嘻戆垣 - 土堠菡远 '葙谫'\n"
15 "嘁挝势摊酞娶嘻趴虞\n"
16 "嘁挝势摊铺戎蓬戆\n"
17 "拟七睚嘻秦辎耄挝\n"
18 "嘁挝势摊痨戆\n"
19 "嘁挝势摊<E58ABF>躏求\n"
20 "嘁挝势摊悄闲嘻怃軎\n"
21 "嘁挝势摊劈卒闲托押躏\n"
22 "嘁挝势摊秦辎嘻怃軎\n"
23 "嘁挝势摊戊堑嘻怃軎\n"
24 "嘁挝势摊求入\n"
25 "<22>伤〃 拟岩 C <20>杀求、土堠\n"
26 "<22>伤〃 熄嘻妃苴 堠绱...\n"
27 "篁争〃 %s"
28 "、如〃 %d"
29 "、戊堑〃 %s"
30 "、<>吞〃 %s"
31 "侬散<E4BEAC>吞〃 %s"
32 "、 "
33 "耄挝蜚毹"
34 "\n"
35 "栖稀嘻<E7A880>躏求 - %s"
36 "屿铒嘻秦辎·收恃页 %s.\n\t(菡偏卒曦孽域托佑琚秦辎肄铐殷)\n"
37 "、镪显 '%s'"
38 "%s.\n嘁挝绁墨佑琚·\n"
39 "嘁挝绁墨佑琚\n."
40 "亩悄砑苴岩倌<E5B2A9>嘻·\n蛹诶罹蛞魔菡髓砑苴、\n诶衮嘁挝竺囚诶嘻罹蛞·"
41 "屿陉侬散栖贴屮\n"
42 "劈卒闲<E58D92>杀栖贴屮\n"
43 "俣扔龅栖贴屮\n"
44 "栖牙贴篁争秦辎"
45 "嘁挝竺囚佑琚¨偏卒岩属却惟乳偏竺囚托篁争秦辎岩熄求入"
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
$ $XConsortium$
$ ========================================================================
$ = Message source text file for App Builder's libABobjXm utility library.
$ = @(#)libABobjXm.msg 1.2 13 Sep 1994 dtappbuilder/src/libABobjXm
$ ========================================================================
$quote "
$ The set number set below must be syncronized with the #define in objxmP.h
$set 203
1 "珦<>〃%s 〃詵鑛茂寀轢해隕[%s]撑爽홉瓮敖桔\n"
2 "珦<>〃%s 〃퍽記季寀轢해隕\n"
3 "辰癒〃%s〃橄홱矯풩弓遜矯\n"
4 "迲皇큘辰癒〃%s〃펍腥嘉쾀widget-ID 喫寇폡仇\n"
5 "迲皇큘辰癒〃%s〃詵鑛茂퉁異國迲皇큘\n"
6 "迲皇큘辰癒〃矯풩팬鉥홱홱廬仇해隕\n"
7 "迲皇큘辰癒〃%s〃矯풩팬鉥홱 widget 笹律\n"
8 "퀘妃辰癒〃幢恣콰珤핵\n"
9 "辰癒〃objxm_comp_get_subobj - 矯풩퍽 xmconfigured〃%s\n"
10 "寀轢<E5AF80>"
11 "榮砧措"
12 "逐카寀해"
13 "澗餓"
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
$ $TOG: libDtMail.msg /main/4 1997/10/31 15:40:33 rafi $
$ The information in this document is subject to special
$ restrictions in a confidential disclosure agreement bertween
$ HP, IBM, Sun, USL, SCO and Univel. Do not distribute this
$ document outside HP, IBM, Sun, USL, SCO, or Univel wihtout
$ Sun's specific written approval. This documment and all copies
$ and derivative works thereof must be returned or destroyed at
$ Sun's request.
$ Copyright 1993 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
$ @(#)libDtMail.msg 1.8 03 Nov 1994
$set 1 libDtMail API set
1 栖圊祈嵌若蜚毹·
2 衍远拟苔却真 Bento 戊堑嘻毓丈莘囚探·
3 衍远喧恰针却俾黝嘻戊堑莘囚探·
4 却戊堑嘁挝喧恰·
5 戊堑势拟摊垣·
6 朔苡卮鹳<E58DAE>拟送、嘁挝仝如群痃散·
7 群恸痃散谫拳摊摹远蜚毹嘻趴戆·
8 诶瑭孳啬填菝贴摹远呢啬填菝贴绱嘻戊堑·
9 友叔嘻篁争拟囚倾·
10 友叔嘻篁争虽湘苔群侮偏蛘<E5818F>知娶嘻庥町·
11 DtMail 拟囚倾毓丈气蜱·
12 蜚毹岣楝嘁真·
13 菡远垣岩摹远涅芍嘻竺囚、埔恻强怃邛倪卒<E580AA>探·
14 贫摹远庥堑幔娶苔却群篁争设嘻煅墨萋偏·
15 衍远 ToolTalk 毓丈嘁挝莰堋·
16 诶嘻友叔莘痃散腮韦鹇蛙岷·
17 损祁席你鏊群恸痃散·
18 衍远戊堑嘁挝囚探·
19 友叔嘻篁争嘁挝喧恰·
20 仝如群恸痃散针圊祈涅蒎蜚毹·
21 堍如戊堑虽拟排呶诶驮友叔嘻痃散·s
22 属却骜砧<E9AA9C>形曦绐厥<E7BB90>形肄苁·
23 损祁席圣鏊魉咝·
24 庥堑幔娶栈属却呢犒散声醛席·
25 牙贴嘻幔娶犒散拟囚倾·
26 牙贴嘻幔娶犒散嘁挝仝如友叔嘻痃散·
27 堍如嘻幔娶犒散栖排呶群恸痃散·
28 幔娶栈拟毳诘群骜砧<E9AA9C>形·
29 牙贴嘻庥肽软蛇嘁挝莰堋·
30 庥堑惝肽坡邗·
31 MD5 <20>杀卮胬曦毓丈涅诈拟肄苁·
32 却真嘻仝如妃苴虽湘 "mail"
$ Strings from libDtMail/Common/DtMailValuesBuiltin.C
$set 2
1 "%C"
$ * The %C is the time and date format, please refer to strftime man page for
$ * explanation of each format.
$ */
Reference in a new issue