# Role "www_back_end" runs earlier, likely in 3-BASE-SERVER.
# Role "www_front_end" runs here, probably in 4-SERVER-OPTIONS.
# (Don't take either name too literally!)
- name:Create dir {{ doc_root }}{{ iiab_home_url }} just in case variable iiab_home_url was customized. (Standard path {{doc_root}}/home was created earlier.)
# Also installed by roles/nextcloud/tasks/install.yml in case './runrole nextcloud' bypasses this role here. (Possibly make php-fpm mandatory in nginx/tasks/install.yml in future?)
- name:Install php-fpm (FastCGI Process Manager) as nec
# For schools that use WordPress/Nextcloud/Moodle intensively.
# WARNING: Enabling this might cause excess use of RAM/disk or other resources!
# COMPARE apache_allow_sudo further below.
- name:Enact high limits in /etc/php/{{ php_version }}/fpm/php.ini if using WordPress/Nextcloud/Moodle intensively, as nec
- name:Run /usr/bin/iiab-refresh-wiki-docs (scraper script) to create http://box/info offline documentation. (This script was installed in Stage 3 = roles/3-base-server/tasks/main.yml, which ran roles/www_back_end/tasks/main.yml)