"areYouSureToDeleteFile":"Are you sure you want to delete file \"{{name}}\"?",
"dropFiles":"Drop {{count}} file",
"dropFiles_plural":"Drop {{count}} files",
"dropFilesHere":"Drop files here"
"openCalendar":"Open calendar",
"yourUpdatesCannotBeSaved":"Your updates cannot be saved.",
"modificationsInTheMeantime":"Someone else has introduced modification in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew with fresh data. Please note that your changes will be lost.",
"namespaceDeletedInTheMeantime":"It seems that someone else has deleted the target namespace in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew with fresh data. Please note that your changes will be lost.",
"deletionInTheMeantime":"It seems that someone else has deleted the entity in the meantime."
"cannotDeleteDueToDependencies":"Cannote delete \"{{name}}\" due to the following dependencies:",
"andMore":"... and more",
"areYouSureToDelete":"Are you sure you want to delete \"{{name}}\"?",
"confirmDeletion":"Confirm deletion"
"mustBeSelected":"Namespace must be selected"
"loading":"Loading ...",
"customForms":"Custom forms",
"sendConfiguration":"Send configuration",
"sendConfiguration_plural":"Send configurations",
"reportTemplate":"Report template",
"reportTemplate_plural":"Report templates",
"mosaicoTemplate":"Mosaico template",
"mosaicoTemplate_plural":"Mosaico templates",
"globalSetting_plural":"Global Settings",
"logout":"Log out",
"sourceOnGithub":"Source on GitHub",
"emailMustNotBeEmpty":"Email must not be empty.",
"invalidEmailAddress":"Invalid email address.",
"validationInProgress":"Validation is in progress...",
"errorsInForm":"There are errors in the form. Please fix them and submit again.",
"updatesCannotBeSaved":"Your updates cannot be saved.",